To push the button and end it all is an endeavour which is both destructive and callous in nature. And the fact it even is considered as a tool shows a gross lack of creativity on the part of administration and the membership of this site.
I was not here for the 2015 reset, I must confess, but surely there are more diplomatic solutions to this. Surely as a collective, we must be able to come up with before we decidedly throw the towel in and decide to pack it in.
People constantly whine and drone about how things need to be better. How they want things to change, and so they propose the nuclear option. That all must be purged in order to satisfy their wanton wants and needs for free real estate for some half baked faction or muse. This option as it sits, is no option at all. Instead, it erases the history and culture of the board. Crushes factions which have worked hard to cultivate their domain, only to have it cruelly snatched away from them.
So, while this rant is perhaps not constructive, and does not aid anything, does put forth at least my reservations in regards to this even being tabled.