Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Veles is stepping down from his position as a Voice of the Dark Lord, possibly as a Sith Master as well. The longer I play him, the more I feel he does not really deserve his position. I feel he cannot keep up with other characters of that rank, plus he's been on a failing streak after the promotion and suffered little to no character development. A more powerful and successful character should replace him, as is the way of the Sith.

Arturious Engel

This can be a common feeling with extended rp over time. That being said I do think that a resignation is not really the way to go. The could thing is you could always just train the new Acolytes and as they grow stronger you grow stronger. Perhaps pursuing some form of Governorship over some of the new Dominions being claimed by the One Sith would open up more opportunities to develop Veles.

That is my two cents though :)


This disappoints me slightly, power is not everything and i usually like the way that Veles operates.

I hope you stay with us even if you do wish to take a lesser roll as i enjoy the threads i do with you greatly and i enjoy reading the stories you create within our faction threads.
Of course he will stay... one does not simply leave the One Sith :p

I completely agree that power is not everything, but he does not pose much of a threat to most Master level characters. Plus his beliefs are very different from those of the Sith majority and having someone like him as a Voice... IDK.

Darth Odium

[member="Darth Veles"]

Doubt leads to the dark....oh. Good job.

On a serious note a lot of the masters you have fought are overly powerful, as is very common here abouts. Just continue doing what you're doing and remember that everythread can count toward character growth. If you feel the character is stagnating change it up and challenge your self with something new.

Also we need to do an underwater mission together some time.
Darth Mierin said:
Remember that time that Mierin made a Star Explode?

(i don't)
Wasn't that the time when Balaya had a flat chest?

And as to this, I know I am semi vocal about it but sith of a different ideal then the pursuit of power is important. Not all have to be black cloaked, mustache twirling villains. Some can be subtle, some can be crafty. The difference is finding a balance. I can use my siths as an example.

Balaya revels in being sith, not because she has power which she does but because she finds a cause and dedicates to it. Kaine wanted to be emperor she thus made every waking moment of her apprenticeship and knighthood to that cause. She did as the sith do and tried to kill her master and it failed, she was punishe but it only reinforced her desire to further the cause.

Seras is vastly different in that she doesn't care about the Dark Lords ideals... she actually doesn't. She only cares about the ones who reject it, who fight back and are sent to her because they can be used for her games and to expand her knowledge of medical procedures. She doesn't carry a saber but is called a sith because she can use the force. She isn't really darkside she just likes violating her oath of doing no harm.

In short it is good your staying but your one of five voices you could easily be the one who doesn't agree and tries to point out flaws in plans. Tries to protect the public image of the One sith while everythign goes towards us taking over.
Veles was never going to leave :eek: Aside from the fact the One Sith would hunt him down for treason, the Jedi Order would execute him for imaginary crimes and he'd rather kill himself than join the Silver Jedi, Veles likes it here.

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