Corvus Raaf
Corvus paced the Praxeum. Holocrons could teach you so much but it was nothing like a real teacher. So far Corvus had received a lot of training from a lot of different Jedi – from Knights to Masters – but since becoming a Knight herself, she’d dedicated herself to teaching others. As a result, she was not developing as a Jedi and that felt…wrong.
So she’d taken the opportunity to visit one of the Jedi ships to see what the holocrons could show her about Force Valor. Sure, they’d shown her the theory and she could recite the Jedi and Sith most famed for using it but other than knowing what the ability did, the information didn’t seem to get her any closer to how she should accomplish the task.
So she did what she usually did in these circumstances.
She sat, cross-legged, on the floor and meditated. Perhaps she’d overlooked something? Perhaps she was rushing it? So she allowed the Force to flow through her. If she had one virtue, it was patience. If there was an answer, she trusted in the Force to show her the way. All she had to do was give it time.
[member="Adele Adonai"]