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Resolve, accuracy and speed


Corvus paced the Praxeum. Holocrons could teach you so much but it was nothing like a real teacher. So far Corvus had received a lot of training from a lot of different Jedi – from Knights to Masters – but since becoming a Knight herself, she’d dedicated herself to teaching others. As a result, she was not developing as a Jedi and that felt…wrong.

So she’d taken the opportunity to visit one of the Jedi ships to see what the holocrons could show her about Force Valor. Sure, they’d shown her the theory and she could recite the Jedi and Sith most famed for using it but other than knowing what the ability did, the information didn’t seem to get her any closer to how she should accomplish the task.

So she did what she usually did in these circumstances.

She sat, cross-legged, on the floor and meditated. Perhaps she’d overlooked something? Perhaps she was rushing it? So she allowed the Force to flow through her. If she had one virtue, it was patience. If there was an answer, she trusted in the Force to show her the way. All she had to do was give it time.

[member="Adele Adonai"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Time meant nothing, all that mattered, all that was is the Force.

In life Jedi Knight A'dele Adonnai spent her time in deep meditation in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. Sitting in seiza, the young Iridonian female constantly concentrated in deep meditation and focus to harmonize her center. It would not only open her to the Force, but allow her a greater grasp of mental control over herself, her mind, and concentration.

For those few who held the same sentiments, A'dele had been a resource in this manner, as well as a starting point for any who so desired to research the archives.

In death, some would say that perhaps the Jedi Knight's presence still would linger. Perhaps [member="Corvus Raaf"] would be one to recount this tale personally.
Corvus continued to meditate. She was quite used to starting when it was daylight and finishing when the moon was at its fullest, yet in her own mind, only a few minutes seemed to have passed.

As she centred herself images flashed through her mind. Once upon a time she would have allowed them to pass her by but more recently she had held on to them - examining them for relevance. The Force didn't provide a moving picture show for entertainment. It always meant something - the question was a simple one. What?

Corvus saw a Jedi temple. It was not familiar to her - but it was definitely a temple. Trawling through the images of countless holocrons she happened on a likeness that was uncanny. Coruscant. As if passing some conceptual test, Corvus could next see a tall building made of glass. In comparison to the temple it was a very tall building - maybe seven stories high.

Wooden doors opened in her mind and she walked through winding paths hemmed by plants of all descriptions. She walked over bridges that traversed gentle streams and from time to time there were benches with people clearly meditating on them. Perhaps this was the meaning? She was to continue meditating.

But the images continued. There was a sound of running water. A stream? No, not a stream. A fountain? Yes. No. It was a waterfall. She could see it now. And in this vision she sat and meditated. It was as if she was on Coruscant, not the Jedi Praxeum. Her virtual self was connecting to the Force in much the same way as her real self was.

[member="Adele Adonai"]
Corvus felt so connected to the Force. This meditation within meditation was so pure. So fulfilling. She was aware of people coming and going in the garden near the fountain but at the same time never left her meditative state.

Every now and then she felt a Force presence she recognised but without being able to put a face or a name to the Jedi.

And despite her desire to learn, she exercised patience - she could stay in this meditative state until the Force saw fit to show her the way. She trusted it - implicitly.

[member="Adele Adonai"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"] would feel a stirring in the Force. A mere whisper like leaves being sieved through a distant wind.

Jedi Knight Raaf, tell me. What is it that you seek?

A'dele's soft cordial voice would murmur along the shell of the young brunette's ears, softly fanning in steady voice before culminating in a single area before the woman.

There, a soft glow and swirl of energy would give way a presence. Sitting in seiza, the late Jedi Knight A'dele Adonnai would meditate as deeply as the woman in front of her. Lips would not move to relay her words, but instead were imprinted thoughts woven by the Force.
Corvus was aware of the question. It was subtle and feint yet at the same time crystal clear. Was it her own thought or that of another's? Was someone questioning her or was the Force prompting her to reveal the answer herself.

And the question was both simple and complex - and the answer similarly complex and yet straightforward. She sought learning and knowledge. But that was not the real reason she sought them. She sought to teach, to share knowledge - but first she had to learn herself.

But how to articulate that but also be specific. She came here to learn one Force ability in particular. 'I seek knowledge of Force Valor. I wish to learn how to help both myself and other Jedi - through both my own actions but to be able to share this knowledge with others. To ensure the Jedi of generations to come are able to continue to learn and grow.'

[member="Adele Adonai"]
Slowly, pale ice blue eyes would reveal themselves as Jedi Knight A’dele Adonnai would open them. She would observe the young human female, watching her closely.

Whatever she sought within [member="Corvus Raaf"] must have passed her inspection, for she gave a cordial smile.

Force Valor is a method by which a Jedi is able to increase their resolve, accuracy and speed by tapping into the Force.

Adele began to explain, her voice flowing in an echo within the fabric of the Force.

One must first understand ones own abilities and limitations so that they are able to achieve the enhancement of their physical capabilities -- not only for themselves, but for others as well.

The Iridonian female would peer at Corvus.

What are your limitations, Jedi Knight Raaf?
In her meditative state, Corvus took the appearance of Knight Adonnai in her stride. As she explained the merits of the Force Ability in question it became clear to Corvus that this fellow Knight was familiar with it – perhaps even able to teach it.

Adele spoke with the voice of the Force. It wasn’t that Corvus knew what the Force sounded like per se – but if she was asked now to describe it, she would have to say the voice she’d just heard. Did this mean the Light side of the Force was feminine and the Dark side masculine? Pushing this conjecture aside, Corvus continued to listen.

But how to describe her limitations. There was no vanity in Corvus – none whatsoever, but she was the sort that always sought out her weaknesses and looked to overcome them. She had seen plenty of Jedi turn a blind eye to their shortcomings but she was not one of them. So she spoke frankly.

“I am not a natural with the Force. What I achieve I do so through hard work and plenty of hours. I am also not physically strong. I am fit – I exercise my body every day and can run for miles – but without the Force I could not lift heavy weights. Some saber Forms defy me for that reason. And I lack the killer instinct to finish a bout. When a moment presents itself, I am too hesitant to take a life. When I have no time to think it comes naturally and I repent later – but given even a split-second to choose my decision and I falter. It is as if I cannot consciously take a life unless ordered to do so.”

She wrinkled her nose subconsciously. Talking like this was a little uncomfortable for her.

[member="Adele Adonai"]
Anything is possible with the aid of the Force, Jedi Knight Raaf.

A'dele began, a tinge of approval in Corvus's address of her own limitations.

With the knowledge of your limitations, one is able to use the Force to aid in overcoming them with patience, practice, and above all else, serenity and a peace of mind. The power to enhance ones physical capabilities through Force Valor touches the Lightside of the Force -- that which deals with clarity of mind.
All bear certain gifts. Affinities. Not all are cut from the same cloth, but each matures into their own.
Your hesitation to take a life is a valid concern, but find counsel in the tenets of the Order.

Adele would then recite that which had held her true throughout her own walk and struggle.

Jedi respect each other, and all other life forms.
A Jedi will not kill an unarmed opponent.
A Jedi does not believe in killing their prisoners.
A Jedi must protect the weak and defenseless from evil.
A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for aggression or personal gain
If a Jedi ignites his lightsaber, he must be ready to take a life

A'dele would pause, letting those words percolate within [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s mind.

If you find that you are walking the path alongside these tenets, you have no need to fear. For in this you are a candle in the dark, illuminating the way for others.

And in being that candle in the dark, you will find the strength, regardless of natural afinity of the Force, to imbue yourself as well as others in the strength of the Force with the valor personified by you.

It is why the ability is named so.
Corvus was still in her meditative state but the conversation going on was entirely clear as if she were sitting with Knight Adonai and discussing the matter in hand.

She listened as the Code and its pillars were repeated to her. She grew up with these values and they have already resonated with her. It reassured her that she was living the life of a Jedi and despite some others questioning her ethical stance, another Knight saw that what she was doing was in accord with the Code.

She was embarrassed by the comments about her being a candle in the dark. All Corvus wanted to be was a Jedi. Not the best Jedi or a beacon for others, just a good Jedi. It wasn't that she was scared about being held to account if she fell short of true Jedi values - but that she simply wished to serve, rather than lead. She reflected that there was nothing wrong with leading by example - but was that enough?

It was a decision point for Corvus - and she would never neglect her duty as a Jedi. "I am willing to be that candle. And I will both find the strength and share that strength with others. I will stand tall and step up as a leader. The time is right."

[member="Adele Adonai"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

A'dele would give a slight incline of her head.

Then let us begin, Knight Raaf.

Her lids would fall shut, flowing easily into that state of meditation she had before. Or had she ever really left it?

You must first find your center. That inner peace. Feel the Force flow throughout your body. The currents of it touch muscle, sinew, and bone. To know oneself and their limitations means you can build from that foundation.
Corvus had believed she was already in a deep meditative state but Knight Adonai's comments reminded her of a time on Corellia - when she'd discovered the truth about her former Master's death.

In her mind's eye she imagined she was back on her home planet. Sitting in front of that vast lake, with mountains in the distance and lush green grass under her cross-legged form. It was if she was meditating within a meditation within a meditation. She was physically on the Praxeum but mentally in front of a waterfall and imagining she was on Corellia.

At this moment, Corvus was never as close to the Force as she was now. She felt it flow though every fibre of her body. Every part of her felt alive with the Force in a way she'd never felt before. So pure. So Light.

'I am ready.'

[member="Adele Adonai"]
A'dele would nod approvingly at Jedi [member="Corvus Raaf"], and in turn her lids would fall shut. Her voice would continue to resonate all around her, encouraging her and guiding her through the first steps of Force Valor.

Now focus on your body Jedi Raaf, within. Push the Force and map it and its frailties within your mind. Let it consume you so as you can feel it down to the tip of your fingers.

From there you have your foundation.

Here you can enhance muscles to endure more, to push faster and with more accuracy. Focusing on how ones body works and how to manipulate the Force from within is the key aspect of Force Valor. The power of the Force is limitless, but it is the wielder that will guide it.

Explore your body and attempt to enhance it with the Force.
Initially the instruction felt foreign to her. Odd even. But in this state, so close to the Force she simply trusted in its guidance. She focused on what she wanted to achieve and allowed it to shape her thoughts, to instruct her how to achieve what she needed to do.

She felt her blood pumping through her veins, around her body it travelled. And as it did it provided iron and oxygen to the muscles. And she felt the midi-chlorians too and just as her own body provided what it needed she focused on allowing the Force to enhance the flow of energy - to give her muscles greater power, longer stamina. It wasn't the one-time enhancement that Force Jump or Speed afforded. It was as if - for as long as she focused on what she was doing, all muscles were enhanced. She felt, even in this meditative state that she could move more quickly, strike more powerfully and fight with improved accuracy.

'I can feel is so special, I feel so alive with the Force.'

[member="Adele Adonai"]
Corvus stood. There were no outward changes to her body but she felt more powerful, more quick. It was an innate feeling.

Tentatively she jumped and almost banged her head off the ceiling. She also landed heavily - clearly the Force was not going to help with this aspect of her practice. But Corvus was determined to the point of obsessional and she practiced over and over. Simple jumps until she could land naturally. Then she practiced whilst holding a training saber. One or to nasty burns helped her understand her limitations - but once more she kept going. Now she performed backflips. Again, first without a saber and then with.

Confident she'd gained the hang of the basics, she resolved to try some more complicated manoeuvres. Grabbing a drink of water, she relaxed but keep the Force Valor active. Now for somersaults...
Slow but sure. Her progress was ever the same with Force abilities. Once she'd mastered basic forward and back flips, she started to add manoeuvres to them. Half twists, full twists, double somersaults.

Then she added basic lightsaber moves, drawing it, swinging it, practicing blocks. After an hour she was exhausted and took a break. Her knees and elbows were banged up but she had made progress and that was the key thing. So with a bacta strip across her shoulder, she grabbed a snack before heading back to the training room.
Four hours later and Corvus had the basics of enhanced speed and acrobatic manoeuvres resolved. Not perfect by any means but a significant improvement from her starting position. She'd managed to string some combinations together and decided to call it a night. Tomorrow was going to be a long day and to be fair, she could barely call the Force to her, she was so exhausted.
Setting up four remotes, Corvus ran through all of the drills she had yesterday - but with one significant difference. The droids were firing blaster pistols set to stun.

The aim was simple. To get from one end of the room to the other - over a variety of obstacles and deflect the fire onto targets on the walls. She set the droids to their slowest setting and started.

Each hour she applied the bacta strips and drank plenty of water and grabbed a ration bar. Her progress was sure but she'd taken a few nasty tumbles - especially when a blast caught her on the side of the head. She'd woken up in a puddle of her own vomit as a maintenance droid tried its best to clean it up.

But by the evening she was able to run the course on the fastest setting and hit the target every time. She had managed to get the basics of Force Valor under her belt. But the next stage was going to be much more difficult. Learning to share this ability with others - infusing them with the same benefits as she was receiving. But if there was one things she relished - it was beating the odds.
Corvus the Knight felt she had done as much as she could. Two more weeks of intensive practice and she was comfortable in using the ability with the minimum of preparation.

Once she reached Master status, she knew there would be more she could do - but she had to exercise patience - and that was something she had in abundance.
Daily practice was second nature to Corvus - it was just there were too few hours in the day. But she persevered and when the time came and she was granted the title of Master, Corvus knew the time had come to return to the Praxeum and take her learning to the next step.

She brought two Younglings with her. In part because the experience would do them good - when not practicing she could teach them here - but also because for the next phase of training, she needed to know if she could successfully share Force Valor with others. There were a variety of techniques that sprung to mind, but figured that trial and error would be her best teachers for now.

So Raven docked with the Praxeum and she welcomed the wide-eyed Younglings to the ship that inspired awe in all that saw it. "Your home for the next seven days. Run around and orient yourselves. Meet me for lunch and we can begin once we've finished."

She smiled as the giggling Younglings began a game of tag, running along the corridors. As long as they don't try hide-and-seek, we'll be OK, she mused.

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