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Restoration Act

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Valen Cerezo

Valen rubbed his eyes as he walked onto his pod in the Senate chamber, feeling a bit nervous as this was the first time he would be proposing a bill in front of his colleagues. The issue of Alderaan and why it remained as Vongformed as it was was an issue he thought. Reclaiming the world and restoring it to its natural beauty would be a major way to show the galaxy that the effects of the Sith could be undone, and would show that the Republic cared for its member worlds.

"Delegates of this august body, I must first thank you all for the opportunity to serve amongst you," the Senator of Reecee began in his deep voice. "The bill I'm proposing today is to restore a symbol of the Republic, one that was desecrated by the Sith and their Yuuzhan Vong allies. Restoring the world of Alderaan would show our member worlds, and the galaxy as a whole, that the damage the Sith cause can be reversed, can be defeated!"

His short speech ended, Valen continued to stand as the bill came up to the floor for debate.

Bill 72542.1 - Restoration Act

  • A Restoration and Reconstruction Authority would be established from leading Senators, Jedi, and specialists to allocate funds to projects
  • Funds be diverted immediately from the federal budget to the Authority with the express goal of restoring Alderaan (acting as a test run for the RA to see if they can handle the project)
  • Funds be allocated in each budget to the Authority to make sure there is a reserve fund for projects and a primary budget for the committee and its workers to focus on main projects.

Lionel Roux, Faith Balor, Valen Cerezo, Persephone Callas, Thalia Rist, Jack Sparrow Geneviève Lasedri

"I agree with the sentiment and am willing to support this bill. However; I'd strongly encourage a revision."

Clearing his throat.

"It would be no small feat to restore an entire world and because of that we should rely on the private sector more than our own budget in support of this initiative. Perhaps in exchange for funding and efforts, a corporation that contributes can receive in share acres of land to not only reboot the world's economy but allow the Republic's economy to expand."

That was all he had to say.

[member="Valen Cerezo"]
The Prime Minister was pleased to see that others were taking the initiative for once, to say the least. This was a pleasant-looking bill with good intentions written all over it. However, as the senator from Eshan had noted, it still needed a little revision. Not that Geneviève agreed with the proposed corrections.

"It is true that Alderaan is in desperate need of reconstruction--in the most literal sense, as this seems to be directed. And it's nice to see a representative from another planet propose this, in all honesty." She scanned the bill again, just to make sure she was not missing anything. It was a small and concise bill, after all. "I would even say that this is a current security issue. It needs to be addressed, and I'm glad you've done so, Senator Cerezo.

"However, your proposal does need a little brushing up, as Senator Roux has pointed out. Though I disagree with his solutions." Corporate reliance was beginning to be a common theme here, and she did not like the idea of companies taking such prominence in restoration of worlds. "I believe that opens up an avenue for a company to become far too influential on the local economy."

She would not put forth her remedy just yet. That was something that could benefit from more input.

[member="Faith Balor"], [member="Elizie Adasca"], [member="Adrik Turov"], [member="Lionel Roux"], [member="Persephone Callas"], [member="Jack Sparrow"], [member="Aliannah Sophia Filia"], [member="Valen Cerezo"], [member="Carlos Castillo"], [member="Thalia Rist"]

Valen Cerezo

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Lionel Roux"] Faith Balor, Elizie Adasca, Adrik Turov, Persephone Callas, Jack Sparrow, Aliannah Sophia Filia, Carlos Castillo, Thalia Rist

"Senator Roux, as much as I know the private sector easily has the funds to solve this, I agree with the Prime Minister," Valen said. "The private sector could certainly help the Authority, even pool resources with it, but this is more than having a Republic company or companies restore Alderaan and leave the people indebted to thos companies. I believe history and certain regions of the galaxy show what happens when a corporate entity is allowed too much say in how a world will run. This is about this government showing that it is behind the people that are suffering and are displaced."

Taking a sip of water, Valen continued saying, "I am of course open to amending the bill, but only if it remains this government that leads the effort. The Republic could never rightly claim we rebuilt and eliminated the abominations the Sith created if a company does such."

Valen remained calm, unflappable even, because he knew this was the proper course of action. Corporate control would inevitably lead to corruption, something Valen absolutely despised. He had even turned against his parents for the nepotism and plots they had done to try and gain complete control of Reecee.
"You have respectable qualities, Senator Cerezo. However; my concerns is in the fact a government is purely an administration of elected officials to serve the people. We may be citizens too but corporations are made up of many more citizens. If we reached out to the agricultural, industrial, medical, and service industries we can not only effectively rebuild the local economy but also provide a means of sustainable living on Alderaan. Even if we did spearhead this as a government project, what then? Would this be like Telos? A purely political motive that built nothing for the world?"

The senator exhaled after his rather long statement.

"Again, I respect your sentiments but I encourage you to rethink this. Our agencies are already spread thin as is; by incorporating the private sector we can also prove that we intend to work with the people, not manage them."

He left it at that.

[member="Valen Cerezo"]

Macharius Solaire

[member="Lionel Roux"] [member="Valen Cerezo"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Another day of the political dueling for Representative Solaire. Denon's Senator was still away, but had given him the powers of Acting Senator for the day. "Senator Roux is right. The Republic is already straining as is. Involvement of the private sector to bear much of the costs would have to be done if such a project were to be undertaken. As it stands though, the continuing efforts to regain old worlds into The Republic is our priority. And the defense of our worlds as well. I feel for the people of Alderaan. I will not say I could truly understand what its like to lose ones home. But realities of our current situation must take precedent over our wants. We do not have the open budget to undertake terraforming efforts by ourselves". Macharius shifted position in his chair. Leaning forward and upright so many could see him better before continuing.

"Alderaan is also a nonstrategic world right now. Some may find my opinion unfavorable. But we should leave it as is until we are in a more favorable financial and military state. We could be back at war at any moment Senator Cerezo. Restoring one world would still take decades of work. And possibly imperil dozens more at its expense. I hope you understand my position is for the greater interest of The Republic at large Senator".
[member="Valen Cerezo"] [member="Lionel Roux"] [member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Faith was quiet as she was true the Republic was straining for credits and she had been told not to ask for help at this point. Yes the planet was infested with all kinds of vong creatures. Her Aunt Rianna had threatened to set every bit of it on fire, Faith did not know if she was serious.

There were creatures beneath the would be palace, her mother refused to enter it there were things in there that she was not sure would do. She wished that her father was around to look the devices over and advise her mother. But, he had disappeared from the universe, as was the way of those of his species.

"My mother will never agree to a corporation having control over Alderaan just to remove the infestation of Vong technology. There are places that have been placed under protection and the technology will advance only so far. While Alderaan is most appreciative the introduction of this measure. Alderaan, would not want to stretch the Republic purses at this time."

She nodded to all. She wished she could say yes help us, "However if there companies out there that would wish to donate their efforts for restoring what was once a beacon of hope for the Republic, that Alderaan would welcome."

Valen Cerezo

[member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Lionel Roux"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"Then you would sacrifice a planet back to the clutches of the Sith, Acting Senator Solaire" he replied gravely. "Alderaan is a border world, one that the Sith will eventually turn their eyes to taking yet again once they finish eating the easterly quadrant. If we do not eliminate the Vongforming upon it, we may as well hand it, and the phrik and mineral reserves, to them on a gilded platter with our heads because we WILL lose the world again if the Sith can control its very environment against any defenders we have on the ground. You might claim it is non-strategic, but if Alderaan falls again, we will be hard pressed to stop the Sith advance."

Taking another sip of water, he continued, "If the Republic is so strained to not have the credits to reclaim one of our worlds, one that is both symbolic and in need of help, then we certainly don't have the necessary resources to continue our reclamation efforts through military arms. By all means, I will edit the bill, but only to something that does not invite a corporation directly into the system and take control of it. Senator Balor, I know it is extremely painful for you and your people to refuse help when it is being put on the table, but if you so wish, the bill could be changed to allow donations of goods, credits, and equipment to your people."

This is why he hated politics sometimes, because good intentions never got further, but ones that would help other interests would. Maybe he was too altruistic, nostalgic, or even just plain ol' crazy, but he would be damned if he didn't at least try and get this measure through to a vote.
Alexandra's hand rolled a small item in her hand. A glass that had at one time contained a wine with a rich taste. Now it was empty and she listened to the others. Eyes traced the top of it and she remained absolutely quiet in this. What was she to say, her own name proved what she thought about this bill. She had supported the recapture of Alderaan and even then offered her home out to those that had been run of her ancestors home. "I agree with Senator Balor completely." Was all she said, her other hand activating her microphone for the short sentence and then removing it from the button she went back to just staring at the glass as they talked.

[member="Valen Cerezo"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Lionel Roux"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Macharius Solaire

[member="Valen Cerezo"] [member="Thalia Rist"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Lionel Roux"]

"You put words in my mouth Senator. I never said if it came to an invasion we wouldn't defend the world. That isn't my decision to make though. The Republics forces have fought for many years against the Sith. Soldiers are tired of fighting. Equipment is lagging. And we bear the debt of such a long war do we not"? Macharius gave a quick glace to the Prime Minister. As she was the one with that power. "The financials of such a grand proposal would run into the hundreds of billions, maybe more. Credits we don't have, nor would anyone loan us such a sum. With what revenue we have we need to fund defense spending, regain old worlds and news commitments, economic growth"! Solaire rose from his seat. Waving his right hand about the air to exacerbate his point. "If The Republic were what it was eight years ago I'm sure it could have easily burdened the load. Reality is, it's a nearly a quarter the size, and makes far less than that then it used to. This bill is proposing a costly, lengthy, and unsure deal. And I'll assure when this goes to vote Denon will be thinking about the whole nations interests for what it really needs. I could go on, but I believe I've struck my point". Representative Solair sat back down. Composed and calm after getting a little fiery. The bill had its idealism and heart in the right place. Alderaan would be a golden goose that laid no eggs though. It wouldn't be pumping out Star Destroyers or advanced weaponry in numbers though. It was like Valen said at the start of his speech. It was a symbol. Not the kind that was going to help win the coming war for them though.
She hoped they would come to their defense even with all the "wild things" running around trying to kill them, eat them, convert them.

They offered phrik yes, but only if you could get past the creatures. Her mother was still looking for a home close to Alderaan the last one she looked at was also too close to Sith space.

Faith was getting a headache. Alderaan had no value except to those born to it, and those that looked at it as a symbol. What was symbol that was still over run and looked like the Sith still owned it. And what would stop the Sith from coming again? Nothing.

Nothing at all.
The Prime Minister took hold of the debate, standing tall and eying each of the senators and representatives with a resigned smile curving her lips to the slightest degree. "At this rate, it sounds as if the best option is to simply burn the world; remove the Vong scum from the planet and start fresh again. It won't harm the phrik supplies, and there's not much worse we can do to the surface, what with the destruction and... infection it has seen in the last eight years.

"Earnestly," she continued, taking a glance specifically at Senator Cerezo, "I might even suggest we take this action. Senator Balor has admitted that her family would not live there as it is. And I don't like the idea of allowing homefield advantage to the Sith should they try to retake the world."

If anyone took her suggestion seriously, perhaps the bill could be revised to immolate the Vongformed surface and allow the people to return to their old world and begin anew. Perhaps. "You've all made valid points. I will let the Senator from Reecee pursue this should he deem his bill worthy of some alterations. Something should be done, but the original plan may not be the most ideal."

With that, Geneviève retired from her commanding posture and took a seat, curious as to whether there would be any progress made or if she would need to declare this bill denied.

[member="Valen Cerezo"], [member="Lionel Roux"], [member="Macharius Solaire"], [member="Faith Balor"], [member="Thalia Rist"]
We can't really burn it depending upon the type of vong forming the fire could last for years, and then it would destroy what does remain. My family is in Organa House as are other families the bits of land under the protection of some kind of force magic. But we want to stop the vong forming from going further absorbing everything.

Faith stopped dammit she had just spoken without even waiting for someone else to speak. Sigh. Maybe a vacation was needed.
Lanax entered the room late to his pod as he was new to the Senate. He listened to the restoration that he wanted to set forth himself. He listened to the propositions of the senate. He waited til silence filled the room. He stood and tapped the speaker on his pod, "my fellow senators I would like to make a proposition. I own Grayson Industries and I have been wanting to get involved in restoration. I propose that we set up a factory in Alderaan, there I will begin mass productions on droids to begin restorations. I will use cheap metals to do this. I will also provide B1 Battle Droids to support the planet's security. Lastly we build a false atmosphere that acts as a shield to bro text and ward off enemies. The last part will be tricky, but I will personally find this. I started this company for this very purpose and if by funding the restoration brings faith and fundin in we can restore more planets. I don't imagine this will happen fast, but this is doable." Lanax smiled and sat back down ready to listen.

[member="Valen Cerezo"][member="Lionel Roux"][member="Geneviève Lasedri"][member="Macharius Solaire"][member="Faith Balor"][member="Thalia Rist"]
Persephone would give a small sigh, watching the proceedings with a blank expression. Her fan would lackadaisically move to and fro just over the jeweled bodice she wore. The pale coral and white plumes would bring with it a light breeze, allowing for a refreshing draft.

Finally she would speak, " Returning a planet from the clutches of being Vongterraformed is not a new undertaking my fellow Senators." she'd state plainly, blinking passively.

"This is not the first time our galaxy has had to counter Yuuzhan Vong terraforming -- it has been done before.

Coruscant is a prime example of how the ecumenopolis style was returned to the planet wherever possible, while leaving the Yuuzhan vong terraforming wherever it was as yet unfeasible to change.

Picking and choosing where we can feasibly fight back the Yuuzhan Vong terraforming is the best thing to consider.

It isn't just the fauna that has produced the right environment for the terraforming to begin with.. this had to be done by raising the temperature and bringing more moisture into the air.

Has there been any studies to determine what we may need to do to combat any of the flora still on planet that is increasing the temperature and the moisture in the air?

Perhaps a weather station to counter this would be the first step in naturally smothering out the enviroment that the Yuuzhan Vong flora require for sustainable reproduction in the first place.

We will not be able to get everything.... but at the very least it is a first step that is far more logical than burning an entire planet."

That was ludicrous.
The Admiralty
Voidless eyes, cold and white as the snow that covered the planes of her homeland, calmly studied the various players currently playing out their roles on the Senate. The ones who were carried by corporate interests, the ones who were averse against any corporate intrusion whatsoever, the middleground who were trying to steer the discussion into a more satisfactory direction.

Those eyes saw them all and noted their worth for the future, but for now it was time to listen and wait for an opportunity to speak. Both the Lady Callas as well as Solaire had made very good points, but as it stood now she was more favorable towards Solaire’s position.

Callas' questions were good, but they went into the direction of executing this terraform project and exploring the possibilities. As she patiently waited for the questions to be answered, until she finally realized that nobody was standing up to talk. So it was then that she sighed softly and finally stood up herself to address the Senate.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate.’ she began calmly, white eyes roaming across the metaphorical fields and pondering.

I have heard a lot and regrettably have to find myself in agreement with Senator Solaire. The position of Alderaan and its people has been noted.’ a cold statement to make, and yet there wasn’t anything else to say about it. Was it a pity? Yes. Did they deserve a better fate? Most definitely. Was the Republic currently in the position to do anything about it? Most certainly not.

But as I step back and take a good wide look at the current situation our fine Republic finds itself in, I can’t help but wonder…’ those eyes met Cerezo. ‘If it would not be better to spend what funds we have left towards bolstering our forces, strengthening our fleets. I am no general nor a tactician, but even these eyes can see that we are fighting a war.’

She left that hanging for just a moment.

And losing it. The reclamation of Alderaan came with a lot of sacrifices on our end.’ and she wondered if those sacrifices couldn’t have been spend on more worthwhile planetary systems, those that would have benefitted the war effort, instead of placing more burdens on their shoulders. ‘But spending billions, if not trillions of credits to terraform an entire planet?

Right in the middle of a war?

Sending construction fleets, engineers, valuable assets to a border world, which you yourself have claimed to be at a threat of incursion?

The terraforming of an entire world is not a simple matter and you cannot hide it, not for long. If the Sith find out, you can be sure that they will try to stop it and when they come, they will make sure that all the funds we pour into it? Will be lost to us.’

She looked around, wondering if the others were following her trail of thoughts or if this only made sense to her.

Senators, as terrible and uncaring it might sound, I am not prepared to support a bill that only puts further burdens on our shoulders, not in our current situation.’ those same eyes met the Princess of Alderaan. ‘I apologize, Lady Balor. But in the affairs of survival I cannot in good faith allow myself to act upon possible feelings. Not when facts stare right back at me.’

[member="Persephone Callas"] [member="Lanax Grayson"] [member="Faith Balor"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Macharius Solaire"] [member="Thalia Rist"] [member="Lionel Roux"] [member="Valen Cerezo"]

Ater Notechis

Same agenda, different place...
Ater was new to the Senate, but more of that later. Just now she was taking it all in, analysing the movers and the shakers.

But she had a nagging question and it wouldn't go away, and as a pause in proceedings came - she asked.

"Please correct me, but we haven't been at war for over six years. What war is being referred to?"

[member="Arcana Adasca"]
The Admiralty
And it was then that Arcana Adasca, Lady of Arkania, finally managed to be silenced for a single defining moment, it took her a second to process that question and transform it into a cohesive and imaginative thought. Then she settled a gaze onto the new Senator in question, Ater Notechis, and briefly wondered if she was making a distasteful joke.

Which didn’t seem to be the case, which might make it only worse.

Senator Notechis.’ Adasca finally replied, calm and cold as any Arkanian would have been. ‘We have been at war with the Sith-led nation for roughly seven years now.’

She paused, before carefully continuing the explanation.

Which was followed by the cataclysm which took away so many people from us.’ she raised a brow slightly. ‘Are you feeling well, Senator? We could bring you a glass of water.’

[member="Ater Notechis"]
Persephone could only blink.

Then blink again. She had no words. For a moment she had to wonder if she heard correctly. There was no way a woman would ask that, she'd muse, her prejudice against men and favor for woman as traditionally Hapan as it could get.

There were valid points about monies being shifted to more important ventures. The most recent battle on Geonosis against the rising Techno Union to the south and the spread of the One Sith at the core worlds in the wake of the Netherworld uprising was an alarming status.

The war against the One Sith was ongoing, even if the Hapan desired to keep the Consortium out of the affair in as much of a Xenophobic standpoint. It was for this reason the borders around the pirate worlds and the consortium were now tightly regulated.

Some worlds were still sheltered on the news, perhaps that was the resul now?
Holo communication was horrible on some backwater worlds after all...

Ater Notechis

Same agenda, different place...
Ater smiled. She must have been doing something right to engender this hostility towards her. So she made some careful notes. 'Kashyyyk six years ago' was one such note.
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