Valen rubbed his eyes as he walked onto his pod in the Senate chamber, feeling a bit nervous as this was the first time he would be proposing a bill in front of his colleagues. The issue of Alderaan and why it remained as Vongformed as it was was an issue he thought. Reclaiming the world and restoring it to its natural beauty would be a major way to show the galaxy that the effects of the Sith could be undone, and would show that the Republic cared for its member worlds.
"Delegates of this august body, I must first thank you all for the opportunity to serve amongst you," the Senator of Reecee began in his deep voice. "The bill I'm proposing today is to restore a symbol of the Republic, one that was desecrated by the Sith and their Yuuzhan Vong allies. Restoring the world of Alderaan would show our member worlds, and the galaxy as a whole, that the damage the Sith cause can be reversed, can be defeated!"
His short speech ended, Valen continued to stand as the bill came up to the floor for debate.
Lionel Roux, Faith Balor, Valen Cerezo, Persephone Callas, Thalia Rist, Jack Sparrow Geneviève Lasedri
"Delegates of this august body, I must first thank you all for the opportunity to serve amongst you," the Senator of Reecee began in his deep voice. "The bill I'm proposing today is to restore a symbol of the Republic, one that was desecrated by the Sith and their Yuuzhan Vong allies. Restoring the world of Alderaan would show our member worlds, and the galaxy as a whole, that the damage the Sith cause can be reversed, can be defeated!"
His short speech ended, Valen continued to stand as the bill came up to the floor for debate.
Bill 72542.1 - Restoration Act
- A Restoration and Reconstruction Authority would be established from leading Senators, Jedi, and specialists to allocate funds to projects
- Funds be diverted immediately from the federal budget to the Authority with the express goal of restoring Alderaan (acting as a test run for the RA to see if they can handle the project)
- Funds be allocated in each budget to the Authority to make sure there is a reserve fund for projects and a primary budget for the committee and its workers to focus on main projects.
Lionel Roux, Faith Balor, Valen Cerezo, Persephone Callas, Thalia Rist, Jack Sparrow Geneviève Lasedri