Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Restoration II: Electric Boogaloo [TU Dominion of Druckenwell]

Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 2/20

Isis sat there and looking on the bridge a holographic display showed the ships he was talking about while she was moving with a smirk. "Understood." Her hands were on the chairs computers while moving forward with everything and she spoke. "Engage thrusters and get around behind them, open fire once within range and target their weapons and life support." She was looking at some of the things they were doing and workign to get behind Draco's ships before the others finished attacking him. The Carracks were known for their heavy weapons and speed so she had the ships buzzing them while tapping. "Deploy mantis fighters and tag their ships to disable their shields." Her ships were moving in as she watched keeping Draco in place on her screen so they could protect him.
Location: Druckenwell Orbit, Corvette
Objective: 3A - Pirate Mop up of Kalandra City
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Marev Priest"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 10/20

"Ah, there's our friend with the heavy artillery... Course is in! Let's jet!"

Prior to this, once the course of action had been decided upon, there'd been a brief flurry of activity as the ships logs were downloaded and then wiped, just in case anything survived and ammo and such that might otherwise be left on the ship was added to personal stores. They were now more equipped for a small siege than shooting some pirates in the face, but you never knew. Jet packs on and checked, the rest of their gear having been looked over again religiously as soon as they'd entered the system, Buruk Squad headed for the hangar, when the ramp lowered, air whistling past, they deployed with military precision that would have surprised anyone subjected to their near constant banter.

Five bodies arrowed in formation through the air. They wouldn't use their jets until the last possible moment, they were too much of a target in the air to stay there long.



"Someone shot me!"

"Your readouts are fine."

"Well it ricocheted off my armour, but they still shot me."

"So shoot them back!"

"You know the odds of hitting someone from freefall!"

"I bet they don't."

This was met with a half seconds silence, and then the largely unheard over the wind and their armours filters sound of a blaster firing. The pirates in question, though unsurprisingly un-hit, still scattered. By this point Buruk Squad was firing their jetpacks, slowing their fall, hitting a street, not trusting the structural integrity of the rooftops. At almost the same time because it would have made a truly wicked scene in an action movie, their doomed corvette impacted with a building that just so happened to be a munitions dump for the pirates, the explosions would have made Michael Bey shed a tear.
Location: Druckenwell Orbit, Corvette
Objective: 3A - Pirate Mop up of Kalandra City
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Marev Priest"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 11/20

Unfortunately because contrary to appearances they were in fact professionals, Buruk Squad did not take this time to walk slowly and dramatically away with the explosion in the background.

Instead, they immediately breached an adjacent building. This wasn't their planet, they didn't much care about it, and were largely assuming everyone was hostile. While they'd not shoot civvies on purpose, there was absolutely no worry or concern about kicking down the door of someone's house. They complaint wouldn't go to any of their bosses, so who cared. Besides, even on their own planet, they were Mandalorians, holding hands and winning over hearts was not in their job description. Making things dead and causing destruction. This they could do. Also drinking, whoring and occasionally farming or mining. And Beraga baked a mean loaf of bread.




A few more blaster bolts flew.

"Clear. Building secured."

"Jidte, Sasc, can either of you find us a map? Overlaid with a satellite image would be best, as accurate as possible."

"On it."

"I still have the images from the ship."


"I got a map, it's about a year old though."

"That's perfect."

"What, why?"

"Well the pirates are a recent addition yeah? They move in, take advantage of what's there, but after any real length of time they start buildin' to suit their needs and whims, and they ain't gonna worry about filing for a permit are they? So we see if there's a particular area with a lot of growth, and then we go and shoot it."

"..I will never get over that thing that you do."

"What thing?"

"The bit where you're actually smart."

"Ayuh. Don't tell anyone. It's a secret."

"I'd be insulted by that."

"Pfft, I don't care. The dumber folks think I am the less I have to try and the more surprised they are when I kill 'em."

"Good point."
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Lord Zrixtas"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Isis Varida"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 5/20

I watched the newly arrived corvettes moved into their positions fluidly, and fairly quickly, especially compared to the slow and cumbersome Bes'Drahr Battleships. "Sir, allied ships are engaging enemy corvettes." The ensign called from her chair. The added ships covering the Bes'Drahr's rear arc, we could focus on the station and cruiser. Fire erupted from the failing station's hangars as it started breaking up from the port broadside. The pirate cruiser had a little head start on destroying the Bes'Drahr, but hopefully it could withstand the onslaught long enough for the other ships in the system to aid us, or perhaps it would come out on top on its own. That was kind of the point of a combat test.

Pirate uglies zipped around the Bes'Drahr, being fired upon by the defensive weapons. "Miss Varida, if you have any starfighters I could use their support." turning my head from the comm station and back to the captain. "Release the Avenger Starfighers, have them harass that cruiser, maybe that will draw some of these starfighters away." Confirmation was given and moments later three squadrons of avenger-starfighters raced towards the cruiser, with several uglies following them. "We can't have proton torpedoes hitting our shiny new ship now can we." I said, leaning back, hearing the rumble of turbolaser impacts vibrate throughout the hull.
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 3/20

"We got something better." She had a grin on her face while directing it, the Mantis fighters going from the underside of the carracks as they used ion encumbrance tags for the fighter, focused and with homing missiles coming from the carracks that locked onto the tags over just tracking them. Tara from the bridge was looking at her as the Liran saw two fighters tags appear and she was directing it while more were appearing. "Fire nano missiles on tags." The weapons systems activated and were targetting the tagged fighters as she continued. "Now set ion weapons on enemy ships and fire."
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Lord Zrixtas"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Isis Varida"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 6/20

Ion weapons against pirate corvettes almost always ended poorly for the ramshackle pirate ships. They weren't built to defend against Ion weapons and they didn't stand up well to the local electrical failures the weapons caused with the charged particles. Good, it appears as though the Carracks that Isis had brought with her were working fine and keeping the corvettes attempting to get behind the Bes'Drahr at bay. The station finally succumbed to the broadside of the Bes'Drahr and collapsed, drifting into several pieces, fire and atmosphere venting from exposed superstructure and bodies drifting out into space. "Bring us about, point twenty starboard and open the port broadside up on the cruiser to give the starboard side a break. Make them fire on a more intact part of the hull for now." I said.

The ship drifted with the cruiser moving from the starboard angle to the port angle on the bridge screens. For a moment while the enemy were full forward the torrent of turbolaser fire abated, only to be sprung anew once we have completed our turn. "Push us forward and unleash missile batteries. Get their shields down so we can start wearing out their weapons emplacements." I ordered, the captain urging the helmsman to continue on our current path, the hull vibrating as the enemy weapons impact the hull.
Location: Wherever the heck Werdla is at
Objective: 3A
Allies: [member=Werdla Dardabla], Techno Union
Enemies: Pirates
Post Count: [1/10]

Druckenwell. A place famous to everyone ever since someone had dropped a magnificent shipyard on the heads of many. A good example of total warfare which was a dishonorable tactic to use in battle against billions upon billions of lives that were innocent and had no desire to be drawn into the first battle of the Omega Protectorate and the former Confederacy of Independent Systems. That tragic event would never be erased by the minds who had witnessed it in the holonet or there, personally, on Druckenwell. From being a prosperous world that was known for its shipyards, it became a wasteland that would take many years for it to recover of this crisis. Jobs were lost, the economy plundered, and it was becoming a host to pirates and other scums in the galaxy just because of how weak it became.

But today was the day for Druckenwell to rise up from the ashes and begin anew. But in order for that this planet needed some renovation around the corners, and that was exactly why Vilaz was here. To exterminate its rats and pests that would do anything to rid of the Techno Union presence here, so they could continue being the kings and Lords of Druckenwell.

From the skies the Mandalorian and some of his vode descended to the very ground with having a jetpack as an aerial device to evade from splattering the streets with their corpses and blood. The Rally Master dropped fast with the extra weight of his armor and weaponry and soon would have his two feet standing on the ground. Volleys of hostile fire ascended to try to him and get him out of the fight. They were going to need more than that. Activating his repulsorpack to decelerate his velocity the Redneck was suspended in the air flew forward while dropping two thermal detonators on a platoon of pirates. Some died, others wounded, and the remaining scattered from their ranks to recover and fight back. They were still not improving their game, and a firefight initiated between Vilaz, the pirates and whoever else was on the field.
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 4/20

She was watching it and the prototype was working on some things with its systems. The monitors showing it while Isis looked out the one viewport at the ship with Draco turning to present a new side. Then she saw a ship on her other side as it insulted her view of the stars shooting into it with the ion cannons as the ship was disabled before she was speaking. "Target their weapons and escape pods. Then politely ask for their surrender." There was a nod of confirmation while Isis was sitting back in her seat and pointing while she looked forward. "Mantis fighters come around and target remaining enemy fighters and get the rest of the pressure off of Draco."
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Lord Zrixtas"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Isis Varida"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 7/20

Having to fight against the fresh, mostly uninjured broadside of the Bes'Drahr was not something the Pirate cruiser seemed to want to do, and the ship began turning out of the system. "Sir should we pursue?" The captain asked, looking at the ship moving into our path. It was still suffering from turbolaser fire, but the storm had slackened during this transitional phase. "Yes. Press us forward. Keep us moving towards them, plot a pursuit path and bring us to knife range with it." I said, nodding at the captain as he relayed the orders.

Someone had said the inertial compensator was malfunctioning, and the pressing of force as engines roared to life once again, shoving the ship against the force to the star's gravity. "Someone check into the Inertial Compensator and get it working properly. Don't let up and keeping firing on that ship. Don't let it make it out of the system." I said, taking a look at the data feeds. It appeared as much as I wanted to catch them, that was not going to happen without a little help. "Miss Varida, if you could assist us in slowing this cruiser when you get a chance, I'd rather not have these pirates on the loose in Techno Union Space."
Location: That Pirate City or Whatever
Objective: 3A - Pirate Mop up of Kalandra City
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 12/20

"All right. Looks like we've got considerable sprawl here,"

an area of the map highlighted itself on their HUDs.

"and it's right by this landing strip, y'can see some ships there from when we buzzed in. So that's gonna be our hot spot."

"And where we get a new ride?"

"Exactly. So let's get going."

Hefting the Riot Gun, La took point, heading back out onto the streets and towards their destination.

"I've got friendlies on planet."

"Anyone we know?"

"Eh, by reputation. Munin."

"With the bow?"


"Definitely worse people to be on planet with. Hit him with the coords and make sure he knows we're down here. Y'never know when someone forgets to check their IFF."

"Will do, sending the info over now. ...Uh..."


"There's uh.. I'm getting some weird weather reports."

"What kind of weird?"

"Like, massive storm out of nowhere weird."

"Do we need to be worried?"

"Eeeeh. Might be good to shoot and go quickly."

"Your normal style then."

"At least I don't have to pay."

"Shut up!"
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 5/20

Isis was looking at it all and moving the ship forward, with them coming about she decided to make a small show as she was directing the mantis they had to go after the pirates. "Target the engines, do not let them jump." She was focusing on the area and the force before she was going. "Activate the boosters and catch up to them, we want to put this through its paces." She sat back and watched the ship jump, letting the booster system activate as it almost felt like a micro jump to get close enough. "Open all salvo's and broadside them now." THe carracks other weapons she was working to get into it, barbettes and to test them out for straight broadsiding ships before she was firing.
Location: That Pirate City or Whatever
Objective: 3A - Pirate Mop up of Kalandra City
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 13/20

"Well, we must be getting closer."

La commented, shooting round after round, occasionally taking cover to reload.

"How do you figure?"

"More people shooting at us."

"Ah. Probably accurate."

"Does..Does that say Council Chambers?"

"Sure does."

"What kind of pirate town has a Council Chamber?"

"I dunno, the bad kind?"

"Maybe it was there from before the pirates took over?"

"I read the briefing while we've been on the move,"

"Of course you did."

"And it turns out the pirates built this place basically from scratch out of ruins."

"Wait, so they put a Council Chamber in on purpose?"

"I guess?"

"Maybe it's a joke?"

"It's definitely a joke. Not necessarily the kind they meant to tell."

"Maybe it's got loot."

"Couldn't hurt to check!"

"...we're basically pirates aren't we?"

"Privateers technically."

"I'm okay with it."

"Oh good!"
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"][member="Lord Zrixtas"][member="Arrbi Betna"][member="Isis Varida"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 8/20

With the Carracks from Damorian Manufacturing helping keep target the pirate cruiser's engines its shields already damaged and the guns of the Bes'Drahr still keeping the pressure going against it, it was not long until the shields of the cruiser finally failed and its engines began being harassed by the dorsal and ventral weapons of the Bes'Drahr. "Bring us to knife range and prepare both port and starboard batteries for firing into that ship." The order got relayed through the comms and the ship continued hauling towards the ever slowing cruiser.

"Sir, at knife range we may be within the blast radius if its reactor goes nova."

"There were a lot of may's and if's in that warning. I am willing to bet on the durability of this ship on that small chance that their reactor goes nova without suffering from leakage first. Fire missiles." I said, not standing from the chair at the end of the bridge. Streaks of light left the ship and impacted the rear of the damaged cruiser, detonating small pieces from its engine array.
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 6/20

The ships were moving as Isis caught sight of it out the corner of her eye. "He isn't." She was looking at some of the things going on with the small bridge crew before she was watching and letting her attention. "Pull the ships back to maximum safe distance." The back of her eyes tickled and stung while she shook her head. The buzzing in her ears was being drowned out by the excitement of the force and blood rushing into their ears. "Get us back quickly." She was letting the ships get into position while maintaining their fire on the ships and ceasing on the one Draco had disabled and was going at.
Objective: 03
Location: Kalandra
Allies: The Techno Union, Mandalorians
Enemies: Pirates
Post: [05/20]

Kalandra was receiving aid from the Techno Union. Some sections of the city received this aid in the traditional form: food, supplies, medicine, etc. In other less respectable areas of the city, aid was much more brutal and efficient. Criminal elements were identified. Criminals that wanted to enter the Techno Union's criminal reformation plan for the system were taken quietly. The ones who exposed their friends and their hideouts were afforded special privileges. Most would become colonists on other systems, the most cooperative of the lot would remain on Druckenwell to lead much more legal lives.

The militants, ones not eager to lose control of the city, often opted to shoot at the Techno Union officials. They, in turn, were shot at by the battle droids sent to accompany them. And the droids very rarely missed or attempted to wound those they fired on. On occasion, a leader of a gang or a high-ranking member of the so-called "Jackals" turned up. These specific individuals were led behind buildings and quietly executed via blaster bolts to the head. Low ranking thugs were one thing, their leaders were another. People that organized crime and profited off of it tended to made it a persistent issue wherever they hung out. It hardly mattered where they were, be it a world in shambles like Druckenwell or an agricultural colony on Kowak.

The Techno Union's mercy could only extend so far.

After meeting with the Lord Protector, Gerion Ardik left to return to Hypori so he could make his report to the Executive Council. Inexplicably, Adekos of the Obsidian Order would appear in-system shortly after. The other Umbaran, this one with magical space powers, boarded a dropship and prepared to join the Techno Union and Mandalorian forces currently clearing out Kalandra of distasteful elements.
Location: That Pirate City or Whatever, Council Chambers
Objective: 3A - Pirate Mop up of Kalandra City
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Adekos"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 14/20

"You know what I like about fighting for the Techno Gang?"


"And what?"

"We get paid for it. I really just extra enjoy shooting people when I know someone's paying me. I mean I'll still fight for my Mand'alor and such, but damn I like a proper pay check. And looting on top."

"Me too."


Of course there were all sorts of shooting and explosions and pirates yelling and bleeding on things and such going on during this exchange, that goes without saying, but since none of the opposition actually wanted to show up and I have far more fun writing Buruk Squad then I do NPC's that I'm about to kill, you're going to have to use your imagination. Are you imagining it yet? No, that's not good enough, this is all out combat, not a Sunday stroll, come on! There. That's better. Right, hold onto that.

"Feth. Couple hours in a bacta tank wouldn't go amiss after this."

"Any breaches?"

"Nah, just impact. Nothing serious, no internal bleeding yet. These pirates are osik."

"You might actually get through an engagement unwounded."

"You might not."

"Well. I guess anyone still breathing is playing Jack in the Box."

"Yep, I doubt it's clear."

"Life scanner says no."

"Whatever. If they pop out or shoot at you, same rules as always, murder 'em back. If they just wanna hide.. I'm a Mando, not an exterminator. I kill things that fight back."

"You've killed things that weren't fighting back before."

"Well. Yeah. But I was either mad, they'd been fighting back before, they were going to fight back later, or I was being paid a lot. The a lot being the important part there."


"There's not like.. A lot of credits just laying about in convenient bags. I mean there's some."

"Eh, download all the data. Take the holopads and terminals you can carry."


"They built a Council Chamber. Do you really reckon they're smart enough and make enough sense that there's not something on there we can profit from?"

"That is an excellent point."
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"][member="Lord Zrixtas"][member="Arrbi Betna"][member="Isis Varida"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 9/20

The cruiser before the Bes'Drahr contined forward blasting away at its opposition and tearing great gashes into its armor. The main turbolasers blasted into the cruisers hull and left rifts of molten durasteel where the beams of plasma struck. The crew continued their duties but I could feel my own crewmens' morale rising as the cruiser was being slowly shredded by the combined turbolaser, missile, and ion cannon fire striking the rear of the ship. "Lock on with Pressor beams and prepare to activate. Once it is obvious their reactor is preparing to go critical use the Pressors to give the retros a little extra push as we back away from this wreck." I said from the captain's chair.

By rights this cruiser was as dead as they come, basically reduced to scrap already, now we were just finishing them off. Perhaps that spoke to the mindset I had been in recently. I had allowed darkness to creep into my heart and mind and let it corrupt me. But with that corruption had come power and strength I had not known before. I wasn't sure what it meant, but I decided to make use of the wellspring of strength I had untapped as of late. Reaching out with my mind I sought after anything, anyone on the enemy cruiser. I could feel the fear, the surety of death, and I latched on to this thought, nagging at it, driving it to the foremost of his mind, and I expanded this sense of utter despair into the minds of those around him. It was merely practice in a situation it didn't matter much.
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 7/20

Isis continued to sit there on the bridge as they were moving back from the ship, she had pressor beams to keep things away but well they weren't big enough to have that many as she looked out the windows at anything she might want to attack. If anymore pirates were around they were targeting them as she spoke. "Rely combat data from the ships as needed and set it up with the engineers for improvement. We will need to work on and tweak the systems of the MK II for later use and I want the main cannons operational by the time we return to eoul system." There were looks at her and the Lirns were nodding as they moved with their attention. "Well done Mr. Vereen that ship is quite a handful."
Location: Outer System
Objective: 3B
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"][member="Lord Zrixtas"][member="Arrbi Betna"][member="Isis Varida"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 10/20

A member of the bridge piped up, offering an update on the enemy cruiser’s situation. “Sir, reactor leak detected. Our sensor’s are picking up solar ionization escaping the Reactor housing. It’s going to go critical any moment.” He said a little worried, his slight fear seeping into the Force. I could feel every tiny emotion on the bridge right now, so immersed in the Force, my mind seeking any weaknesses in my oppponents’ wills.

Very well, burn retros and push us off from that ship. They won’t help much but any help is welcome so we don’t get caught in the fire ball.” I responding, shifting in my chair, eyes still locked on the enemy ship. “Keep firing main batteries. Re-route the other power to engines and shields, lets see if we can bring those back online before the fireworks.” Confirmation of orders echoed through the bridge and most of them returned to at ease given the situation.

Update sir.” One of the officers said, approaching the chair.

Hull is damaged, several levels are injured or sealed. Several weapon systems are inoperable.

Sir, communique from miss Varida.

Tell her thank you for the assistance, it was most welcome.
Location: Outer System
Objective: Celebrate
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Pirates
Post: 8/20

She gave a nod to that while pointing with her finger's forward. "Bring us about and form up for hyperspace jump. We're done here, recall all mantis craft." There were voices of confirmation and the ships were moving while she sat there not rising up. The notes on what to do with the ship more and more that they could make it into. "Ma'am we are about and coordinates are locked in." Isis had said her goodbyes and with the work they had been doing she spoke motioning her hand with two fingers pointed forwards. "Then engage and take us home number one." The carracks jumped to hyperspace as the prototype MK II retracted its broadside cannons and the engines shifted a little compacting to lower its profile. Then it was jumping to hyperspace.

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