Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Retainers Aftermath

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu

Fire popped all around sending flurries of embers into the dark sky with each crack. Walls crumbled on sporadically as many structure could no longer stand under there weakened state. Between the smell of smoke was that sweet subtle smell of blood pooling onto the floor. Those who survived the onslaught had been carted off to the shuttle just outside the walls. "Teresa, once the last of them are onboard we are ready to go." Spoke the little retainer smiling at her operation being successful.

Perched on a partially stood wall was the woman who saw it all happen. Not a finger was lifted in assistance but the entertainment was still on the horizon, Teresa's retainer did not notice the open signal request for help that went over open broadcast. "Okay, well get going I'll catch up." Her eyes peered down at the girl with a needy expression, how darling that it craved praise. Komi only waited for a second before turning towards the shuttle. "You did good job, not great. Focust the next step."

Teresa's retainer quickly made her way to the shuttle discreetly fist pumping from the positive reinforcement. It was not much longer before that shuttle made it out. Alas Teresa remained unsure if anyone intended to respond to the distress that was sent out by its occupants. The ones in charge each wore the same pin on their jackets, A silver humanoid skull with sharp canines and a bandana across its forehead. The woman was none the wiser of the group, her lack of interest and ignorance of all societies and its criminal underworlds.

A little time passed quickly an hour perhaps, the flames grew much taller since making the place easy to find. Tilting her head back brushing against the feathers of her wings, golden orange eyes now peered up as Teresa's chest rose and fell with deep breaths.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Thule was a world of.... nothing. The Am-Mor-Ah floated with the wind... beautiful and looked more scary then it actually was as San-Ji Sat atop it. Her staff Kamehime in her arms and her robes gleaming from it all. SHe had heard the rumors... the sith were always returning and there were times when she would come out and explore.. to see if she could find any traces of her... one of the few people who had actually made her feel welcomed when she was awoken. The glove on her hand gleaming as the Nail of Ning-Ya and Fa-Ut moved around. That the creature rarely set off sensors flying under its own body and power n the wind helped... she let her headdress shift a little. Breathign in the scent... the sith were returning to this area of the galaxy and eventually it would impact her homeworld more then it already had at times.. they would just do what they always did... endure and survive.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Everything seemed restful for the moment as Teresa relaxed, awaiting the first sign of those investigating. She could not allow a blue blade trace her retainer, not yet and the girl was no threat for anything wielding the force. It was not her style to be defensive or worry for others lives, Komi however is not another life to entertain. She had yet a part to play and these escapades became her wage.

Teresa's gaze never left the sky losing herself to thought. Then a shadow appeared in the corner of her vision a distance away, turning to look at the figure against the illumination of the worlds. The silhouette brought a sense of nostalgia from a long time ago. Regardless the woman pushed from the wall leaping up. Black wings with red flight feathers sprawled out beating against the wind below. It was easy to gain height so rapidly using the heat below to push.

Piercing out of the smoke silent wings brought the woman closer to the person in the air rising above. Gliding above for a second the strong feeling or familiarity about the figure grew. Pulling sprawled feathers back, she began to dive using precise flicks to keep control. Not a word was uttered as the woman aimed to tackle the person who she now had a good idea of. "SANNNNN-JI!"

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

The voice was the first thing that came on the wind... she thought for a moment there had been a flicker but thaat might have been hope.... then her name on the wind and she looked following it while allowing the force to guide her thoughts. "Teresa...." She said it like a question as it seemed strange to encounter someone like her up here in the air.... then she looked up as there was a shadow above. Black and red wings... lithe form and legs for days. "Huh...." She was looking more at it though and stood there as she motioned for the blue gel to get back into her staff with the top coming back to it. Her robes in the wind while she stood up on the creature...... but it was familiar to her... she was familiar. "You are alive."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Faster and faster her speed picked up in the dive before finally clasping her arms around the woman tackling her from off the Am-Mor-Ah. Her embrace was ever so tight around San-Ji with an arm around the woman's waist, the other behind her head. "Yes I am alive haha. You are alive too." She said still allowing the two to fall a little more before both wings opened up moving into a glide, they'd begin orbiting the ruined settlement below occasionally weaving to avoid more soot clinging to the armor. "I-it's been so long San. So so long."

"Lots has happened, since..."
Slowly descending, her mind began to fill with questions and memories. It was not hard to see the smile all the way down to the ground. "Feth, you feel so small in my arms now." She softly said setting San-Ji down with the evidence of a one sided fight not far behind the woman. "How, how are you, where have you been?"

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

The tackle came... and a few things became clear.... she noticed right off the bat two things.... four..... five things... Her hands grasping for waist and finding two thicc flanks that were not there before and she had extra padding from the tackle... a lot of extra padding... but she was being held and there was that personality still... even under all of the pale skin and eyeliner maybe. SHe offered a smile enjoying being held even if she was now in the air and not taking the moment to look down or around. "I have been looking for you. After lothal you vanished, I was afraid kissing you had scared you off and wanted to apoligise but ahh... well could never find you. The few reports said someone with revan's saber was with the sith so if they had defeated you I was planning to fight them."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

"Well, it's a long story and your kiss did not scare me off." She said touching her lips remembering that time. "I was kidnapped, the first time. My back was split open, my hands destroyed. I was left in such blissful pain for weeks, my consciousness was in and out. By the time I healed enough to move the schutta already left. That was how I sort of ended up with wings. By the time I was able to come back looking for you. Well, I couldn't feel you anymore. Rather something started watching me."

As Teresa took a deep breath, she made an expression as if hesitating the next part. "Probably a couple years after that, I got captured on an assassination, rather a trap made for me. The person intended to gift me to Ka... Carnifex. Ahani one of his wives really did not enjoy a woman being held in such a state. She freed my shackles, I got to kill the guy trying to give me away. Ahani was adamant I got a proper education, and Carnifex mentored me."

Teresa sat down on her legs her eyes never leaving it's gaze. "I am not with the sith as a collective, but I am with the people who came to respect my way of living. He gave me chances to grow and I could not afford to be weak. I lost you to my weakness. That no more though."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She listened... intently and without commenting on it... there was a relief as they had found a place to sit and her attention was there.... at least kissing her hadn';t scared her off. That might have been mortifying to say the least but all that she had gone through caused her to go over and at least she had spent the last few years learning so her speech wasn't so old fashioned. "Well, I never thought you were weaak and you were always strong around me." She said it though looking at the wings and all else. "Though not going to complain now... it is different to be held while flying." SHe said it sitting there and held her staff as the blue gel came out and moved around. "And she missed you as well." She said it though and offered a hand. "I do hope at least you are happy with all of this... changes being forced are not always... welcomed." She said it and recalled being awoken after thousands of years with her people and entire planet was changed.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

"Uuum mmm" She shook her head hearing the words she was not weak. Watching the blue gel move from out the staff Teresa did give a small smile and even held her hand out reciprocating the motion. The same time the silver bracelet on her left hand began to lose it's form as it traveled down. It began to take form of a ball floating above her palm at first, it was running in a silver stream from her fingers till no more touched porcelain white skin. From ball it changed shaped more into a smaller version of the staff and mimicking the movements of the Fa-Ut. "I was weak then San-ji, I only appeared stronger perhaps because you made up for those weaknesses."

Behind the two the small settlement continued to turn to further rubble and the fire had only begun to die down a little. Some building had burned for so long they barely let out anymore warm glow. "Used to be you holding onto me and certainly less flying back then." Teresa chuckles. "Before the destruction of Panatha, when I was getting basic education. The kids used to bug me in the afternoons. Their expressions felt precious so I could never say no to taking them into the sky really high. I found it fun too, being up there feeling the wind, don't think I could imagine life without them."

Her gaze finally left San-Ji back to the stars. "I am happy, kinda. A little conflicted at times, mostly I do whatever excites me. I live for the exhilaration of pure freedom, no society will bind me. I never got a childhood, so disregarding all rules of the galaxy that others makeup and their flimy morals, this is the compensation I claim." The woman fell backwards as her wings cushioned the impact. "This change, that Carnifex did to me. It was my choice to go through with it."

Through the whole time Teresa had spoke the liquid metal was constantly changing shapes, perhaps the stranger thing was how it emitted the same Aura as the one who played with it.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She listened to her and smiled... offering it while the gel seemed to be enthralled with the liquid metal. She looked at her. "Well I am glad you are happy... a little sad it is without me but at least I know you are alive and out there in the galaxy doing something even if it could be dangerous." She said it and moved only to look at her while she took her headdress off and let her long hair flow freely behind her. "Though there is something to be said Teresa for just getting held.... with most of my people choosing to stay on our world and avoid the galaxy. It is even more lonely coming this far out into the galaxy... I am just glad I if even for a moment got to hold you again."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Teresa hearing those words did not give it a second thought, the metal moved back to her wrist as she sat up. With a gesture of her hand San-ji began to move closer till in reach. She pulled the Go Nagi onto her lap and arms crossing over the woman's abdomen. "Then come with me." Teresa whispered softly as both wings folded around the three. "You wouldn't need to feel alone again." Her embrace tightened a little as she leaned down a little. A hand moved up to turn San-ji's face. Even in the darkness her wings created, that golden orange glow of Teresa's eyes was ever present. They caused fear in those who met that gaze for the first time as if a predator was watching its prays every move, waiting for opportunity.

Her face came close enough she could feel San-ji's breath. "You only need to tell me what it is you desire."
Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She thought about it what she wanted... her people were what she wanted... she wanted them to thrive and return tot her galaxy as opposed to just isolating themselves on their world. She wanted to be stronger and wiser... she knew there was power in her third eye when it was opened but relying on their shortened her lifespan considerably. "You always you." She said it and breathed in the scent... old and new underneath it all.. there was an enjoyment there and the idea of going with her was... not entirely a bad one. SHe debated it for half a second. Offering a smile though as being wrapped in wings and arms was never one to say she might be content but this right here... she could do this for some time. "But I can't go back to the way my people were. Destruction, chaos, seeking the deaths of billions for our own pride... it is a dangerous road... though I also can't force you to step off it. I can just be here... well not here but here with you." She twisted just enough to touch her face and cheek with a smile. "Plus a little more romantic and thrilling maybe."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Something stirred in Teresa's minds at the choice San-ji made: pride, satisfaction, excitement. The feeling of their cheeks brushing left the woman letting out a long exhale that little louder that the quiet ones prior. Pulling back a little Teresa went in with a quick kiss as her hand caressed the Go Nagi's cheek. "Defiantly more." Immediately those words were followed by one more kiss with a much more lustful passion behind it.

"Just know, I won't ask you to change for me either." Slowly her hand returns to overlapping with the other as she sits up a little more. "So longs as you understand the way I live is vastly different from back then. I take what I want and do what's... exciting." She hung on that word with a smiled. "To do anything less would make losing a big of my life be in vain." Both wings unfurled from around them, the cool air once more returning. "By the way you will never guess what I tracked down after we got seperated."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She looked at her and mentally debated it for a split second.. she couldn't ask her to change and if she wasn't going to ask her to change either well.. that was fine enough. The question of what she meant could be there and she would have to see what qualified... but as the air came back around them and she was recovering from the kiss. Being able to just taste that again... worth it. "Oh you found something exciting?" THe smile was on her face.. she could look over everything but there had been a good amount of things the girl wanted to find... more then that they had actually found together things from Revan an ancient jedi. "Tell me."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Teresa showed excitement at San-Ji's curiosity. "Nuuu uuu. I will do one better, I'll show you." A thought crossed her mind to perhaps cut the trees down that obscured what she wanted to show. Then she realised that would make little difference given it was dark and so was what Teresa wanted to show. Her arms positioned themselves under the Go Nagi as the woman stood up and gently set San-Ji down on her feet.

As energetic as always she lead the way. "I mean, I really could not leave it. Drove me mad trying to find it again. Also well you helped me get it too." There was not to many trees that separated it but once closer it was a little easier to see. A mechanical whirring sound could be heard as a wight light began to illuminate the floor. "I still have the shadow."
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Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She looked at her and it was a strange feeling being lifted up but she wasn't going to complain completely about it. She was looking at her and she seemed so excited while standing taller then her and leading the way. She listened while motioning for the floating creature to be there.. he was anchored as they kind of just liked drifting on the breeze. "You kept it... that is nice." She smiled and the idea of it still being there was perfect as it was something she had helped get.. her first real interactions in the galaxy with outsiders. The jedi she had met were... different and they didn't often have time for anyone not in the order itself. She smiled though and walking after the woman she got to look more at the wings and.... "You have gotten a little more what do they call it... stacked since I last saw you... more the one sith tried to call bounce to the ounce as he tried to sleep with most of Maya's padawans."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

"Haa I know right. Even when I was taken to Carnifex, I demanded that it was brought back to me. I held onto it because there is many memories attached. Also was the first thing I properly got myself and was our home for a time." She said with a big smile. Walking into the ship and San-ji not far behind, Teresa heard the comment clear as day, and, "Stacked" was sure one way to put it. Rather than it making her blush, Teresa grinned and looked pleased from the words that left her feeling proud. "Just wait till the armor is off and I am in something a little more more relaxing, you will be more surprised."

She was sure that by now the commotion that had happened would probably not be noticed for a while. She climbed the ladders that lead straight up to the cockpit. The doors where mostly open all the way through to the living quarters at the back. Not much had really changed inside, apart from the small quality of life improvements: like padding along the top; the doors had changed to be more flush with the ceiling. "If you want, you're welcome to get her off the ground and collect your friend I tackled you off. I need to contact my retainer."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Stepping itno the ship was like stepping back into the past... kind of she was not certain what it might be or what she was expecting to find but it was still the same in many ways. She walked with her and the idea of her being in more relaxing clothing was... yes better. her robes were much the same even if she had altered them over the years. Allowing the force to breathe throughout her body when she found a place to sit for a moment... retrieving her mount would be easy as she focused on him and pulled him towards the ship. The air dispersing in him as he became smaller and smaller until he was travel sized. Being brought through the airlock. She moved and got herself changed out fo the robe standing there in a slimmed down undershirt and shorts. She went towards the bridge and set her staff there as the gel came out going itno one of the seats and seemed excited to be back while she started the ship up. Really the only ships she had learned and the first while setting a course for it to go to orbit and they would be able to wait... until Teresa had made her contact.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

The woman made way to the bedroom and the door hissed shut behind as she contacted Komi over comlink. As she did Teresa placed her sabers onto the bed and began to remove parts of the armor. As the call was accepted she turned her head towards the device. "Komi darling, we have a slight change of plans. I'll be away for a few days, so I will leave home to you for a few days."

The girl looked around at her fellow Kainites all so disciplined, meticulous in their orders. Not one mark was left on any child, their collars removed. It was important she stayed brave, though Komi found it hard not to show the slight worry for the change. "Did something happen on your end?" She inquired having expected to have met up.

"Yes, kinda. It would be a long story. After you left someone I know, showed up, I plan drop in my drift home point." As she spoke more armor came off, each piece neatly placed onto the mannequin. "Will be a couple days tops and I am sure you will be kept busy with your thing anyway."

"Okay, fine. What am I doing with the Soldiers you got for this?"

"They'll be going with you, they were not just for your thing. Should be some others back at the place too with supplies, you will be over seeing them and I hope you take the opportunity to learn what you can. There will be many a few to get things fixed up again ready for the move. Oh make sure none go in my hanger though. That is off limits till I have arrived."

"Ohh, wait that means we could get hot water right, and the lights will work properly? Sorry, sorry, I'll make sure no one goes in, you can count on me Teresa."

"Good girl, well see you in a few days dear." By this point she had already slipped into her more comfortable outfit. She made her way back to the Cockpit and sat down in the chair with the strange backrest. It made sense once she was sat making space for the wings. "Feels so... unreal. You sat there again. I remember us both going through the thingy.... the, the manual, spending ages trying to work out how to get this powered up."

Teresa looked to the side her head fully against the headrest. "Still can't believe you found me after all this time. Feels so... unreal." Her fingers came up pressing against matte black lips, even if it was partially hidden, there was no hiding the smile. Teresa revelled in the moment in her mind before leaning forward and going through the lists of jumps selecting all the ones they need. "Put us in for my hideout, so to say. It's a jump that will take us a little the ways out, thought it would be nice to float a few days."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She moved her hands deftly now... Teresa was right... when they had first done this neither had been entirely sure about what was happening or what they would do with the ship and now... well now she still didn't know what she would do but one part of her overall goal had been completed with better success then she had thought entirely possible. As the coordinates were put in and the ship moving she felt for a moment and shifting turned her head. Back straightening more and face neutral. "She was persistent but it makes her happy." Her voices tone changing as the third eye flicked around and narrowed on the woman.

"And I must admit... I missed you at times." She moved from the seat and stood there looking down at herself an then at the other woman while remaining. "Her thoughts and worry bled through even the barriers separating our minds and affected my powers. That cur Maya sought to annoy us talking about how you likely just ran away like she planned with some being." She didn't shrug but there was a tone in her voice to its effect. The zeltron 'jedi' had been a lot of things but no one had missed her much when she ran away from the order to sleep with Veles and his sith order and she made a point that was what she was doing cause it brought unity and understanding.

"But she is long gone and few remember her or Veles and his order of sith." She chuckled to that though... they were long gone. Even the One sith had seemed to abandon them once they might have outlived their usefulness and their citadel on Ruusan had been destroyed with their own bombs and ships to maybe stall the jedis advanced. "But a few days will make her happy even if she still isn't sure this is real."

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