Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return of Bane

So nice to be back finally. Can't wait to see what sort of situation the Galaxy is in now before I start making plans again. Are any of my old nemesis still alive? What role shall I take on now I wonder. Perhaps I can be peaceful monk wandering the space lanes fighting injustice and prejudice....wait that doesn't sound like Daxton at all......oh well I will try to catch up on recent events when I get home from work. Much love all.
[member="Daxton Bane"]

Oh well lets see, Sith are taking over the Galaxy, the Republic is splintering, the CIS splintered, A New empire is showing up above the Mandos, and the Silver Jedi are a big group now... no biggy
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

I would love to pick up our story arc. I still have plams for you and our nice friend. I sent you a pm inquiry so we can plot this one out. Cheers.
Daxton Bane said:
So nice to be back finally. Can't wait to see what sort of situation the Galaxy is in now before I start making plans again. Are any of my old nemesis still alive? What role shall I take on now I wonder. Perhaps I can be peaceful monk wandering the space lanes fighting injustice and prejudice....wait that doesn't sound like Daxton at all......oh well I will try to catch up on recent events when I get home from work. Much love all.
[member="Daxton Bane"]

For a moment there I got all excited...

should have known!



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