Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return of Bane

[member="Rayl Wilded"]

I don't want to kill you? What would I do without you? No. No. NO! me! I'm no monster. I'm simply ahead of the curve.
You and I are the opposite sides of the same coin. The funny thing is, you enjoy it as much as I do.......
Just so you know, I'm pretty certain you're official CIS status was "indicted, but never found." No idea if the ASA is still holding onto that, though. Having been said, if we meet again, it'll likely be an IC madhouse. Vorhi blames you for a lot, even some of which you didn't do.
Indicted? I'm still pretty fuzzy on what exactly what happened. What am I supposed to be guilty of?

Desmond are you good at discrete surveillance?

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