Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Return of the Jedi | GA Invasion of TSE's Korriban/Felucia Hexes



D O N T _ L E A V E _ I T _ I N _ D A R K N E S S
ENGAGING: Dimitri Voltura

He should've seen this coming.

A torrent of Force lightning was unleashed from the hand of the Sith Lord, impacting harshly against the blade - so much so that it flew out of his hand, leaving the Jedi defenceless. A solemn look flashed across his face for a split second until it hit him, his entire body beginning to be cruelly electrocuted by his opponent.

He screamed.

Every neuron in his body was being simultaneously fried, his muscles twitching rapidly, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as his chest tightened up. All he could feel was pain radiating throughout his body, his concentration lapsing, and that was enough for his previous prepared mental shields to collapse, much to the glee of those unseen. The pain was starting to fade, slowly being replaced by something more... sinister...

The chains of the grave cannot hold the Dark Lord of the Sith...

We shall hold the entire galaxy in our grasp!

Two there should be; no more, no less.

Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...

Thousands of voices he could hardly recognize flooded his mind, each and every one vying for control over the poor Padawan. Dark rotted hands sprung from the ground, clawing at his ankles in an attempt to pull him down into the sands of Korriban, to consume his very being for the benefit of the Dark Side of the Force or worse - corrupt him.

His blood was boiling, his gauntlets cutting into his hands as they curled into fists. His screaming finally stopped, the convulsions ceasing even as the lightning continued to cascade over his body. One made him raise his hands, carelessly absorbing the lightning as if it was merely an inconvenience. Another made him call his discarded lightsaber and that of Karn Syndulla Karn Syndulla into his hands, igniting both of them. The third made him cackle gleefully, grasping at every emotion he could. The last made him glare dangerously at his opponent, like a viper ready to strike.

Kenth Ordo, or what was left of him, severed his connection with Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder and turned to both Karn and Takui Takui , a moment passing as he looked at them with unbridled fear.


His eyes were yellow.

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T H E _ W O L F
Armor [ 104th Skin ] | Concord Brawn |


Just the very breathes of the commands he gave made Maynard's return to the battlefield feel all more natural. Especially when centered within the greater circumstances of where they were. This neon fluorescence of this world, Felucia meant they were but a Galactic stone's throw away from Dromund Kaas and the heart of the Sith Empire. If only it were easier to maintain that perspective and it might have been easier to trudge through these peril less grounds.

But this slog was due to an end, even if the bountiful Core meant the Galactic Alliance could throw resources at a Galactic military campaign for nigh eternity, the hearts and minds of men were far weaker.

Moments passed and all was quiet on the front, no artillery would come to wield retribution in their favor, not tonight. Their bloodied circumstances would be a matter to be unveiled later, for now Maynard had to work with what was in his own hands.

Then that foreboding projection emitted before him.

A Sith.

He listened in a focused silence, his gaze concealed beneath the wolf pelt grey helm. When Loske voiced her weariness and skepticism, Treicolt offered a single nod in return.

<"'Course its a trap...looking for us to blink, to slip. No doubt there's more to Felucia than Kway Teow But hell, let them hide in their caves. I'm not here to occupy, I'm here to destroy."> Maynard said outright.

Patching through to Amon Vizsla , he called the Wolves to hunt.

<"We're taking this city. Tonight. Get the Wolves on the move."> Maynard stated, slowly standing up from his kneel where the once holoprojection of the Sith before him once lingered. Back on his feet.

<"Dantos- take your Company up for the assault, we'll be right with them...and one of you get him a better callsign."> He ordered to the Padawan learner after he'd 'clocked in' to Wolfpack's position.

<"But I'm not gonna let these bastards who look like they live off caf and spices try and talk us down from our mission. On the hunt, lets move."> Maynard iterated once more as he gestures toward his subordinate, the Wolfpack Marine peering toward him with the emotionless visage of Wolf.


<"You're my eyes in the sky now, get Dune to start rolling in the heavy metal to back up our offensive. Ideally under Enforcer fire at the least since we're shit out of luck on arty.">

The Marine designated 'Wolfmother' answered, he was the chosen coordinator by Maynard in most any task on the larger scale. Allegedly a mean son of a queen in CORSEC had now been relegated to acting as battlefield coordinator, typically attached to the unit's TURBO tank. An 'easier' task on the body but tolling in another manner.

<"Wardaddy, requesting artillery to grid aurek-five for a rolling barrage in line with our assault, requesting E-T-A on armored support."> Wolfmother said through the comms. All the while, Maynard began to guide his squad through the brush leading up to the city walls, the crack and clamor of the repulsor tanks and single turbo tank positioned to accompany the Wolfpack's advance began to unfurl their panoply of war toward the city's fortifications and defenses firstly.

All the while, the Wolves climbed. Firing an ascension cable from his vambrace Maynard's vanguard was one of the first unto the ramparts. Ever the familiar circumstance, to be bearing down over fortified positions. Another degree of familiarity eased Maynard back into the flow as he peered back to take in the view of more of his own joining him up the walls.

He turned to Loske, mouthing a genuine concern in a private link between the two.

<"You think this is right? I don't like weighing lives, not of my men but...we have a mission."> Maynard states simply.

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Valley of the Dark Lords
Kenth Ordo Kenth Ordo


In the Valley of the Dark Lords, Darth Achema is deflecting blaster fire from Soldiers of the Galactic Alliance firing in straight at her. She was there to defend the planet against invading forces and now she will do anything to defend the ancient home of the Sith though outgoing, she does not show that on the battlefield. Instead showing only the negative parts of her. She then kills the Soldiers and moves on
She then comes face to face with a Jedi, they clash, it was a mere 3 strike fail for the Jedi. She was a human, like herself and she was lean and athletic.

As she was merely a Padawan and not able to match a Sith Knight. So she moved on to her next target, she then sees a Jedi with a Green Blade fight another one of her kind. She will add him to her kill count.
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Location: Valley of Kings, near the Tomb of Darth Bane
Objective: Enshrine the trespassers within a gilded tomb.
Equipment: Red Lightsaber, Unspecified Talismans, Glorious Golden Mask. Crystalline Blade (Field Alchemy).
Writing With: Auteme Auteme & Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku - Opposition | Lark Lark & Mato Kejak Mato Kejak - Nearby.

The male struck first, dashing forward with the fervour of youth - that did little to surprise him, though the sheer force of the blow caught him off guard, strange semi-crystalline blade battered downward, though his grip remained secure, his stance steady. Avoidance was the way to go, with this one, and so he danced backwards across the dune, melting into a more careful duellists' stance even as he clenched his left hand...

... a piece of quick and dirty alteration temporarily shifting the inherent properties of the sand on which the female stood, turning what should have been more or less steady footing into a frictionless maw worse than any quicksand - for an instant or two, anyway.

At the same time, the purifying light erupting from the woman pushed through the miasma of darkness and, though muffled, caused his golden visage to glitter most splendidly... and the corrupted flesh beneath to sizzle, so thorough was his immersion into the Dark.

A single grunt and a slight flinch notwithstanding, his guard held steady, his focus on deflecting then countering the swordsman's inevitable follow-up.
Location: Valley of Kings, long-forgotten tomb.
Objective: Conjure and bind spirits; deal with an unexpected visitor.
Equipment: Polyweave Suit, Shadow's Folly, Shield Talisman, Soulstones, Empyrean Gland, [2] Jin'Pins
Writing With: Ghost of Avernus Avernus

It was quite amusing watching the spirit almost get sucked into the waiting constructs; had he thought them able to safely contain Avernus, an attempt might have been made, but no. They were forged for the willing dead (and the occasional not-so-willing-but-easier-to-bind demon), not Sith Lords with enough willpower to peel back the veil of death and contact the living. A Soulstone had potential, but he wasn't quite there yet.

Returning Avernus' smile with characteristic smugness, Adrian shook his head. "The Sith Empire is flawed, yes, a bloated apparatus built on fanaticism and warfare whose sins in the Core and elsewhere is coming back to haunt it. It still has potential, however. I require volunteers for my research and however much I loathe this more... spiritual..." The word left his lips like a vile curse. "... approach, it does inspire usable loyalty."

It was ironic, really - Avernus and his peers had left due to religious nonsense, only for the Order they abandoned to take an adjacent path.

The two-faced ghost was an adept speaker, that was sure, but he really should improve his talking points. The fault was not entirely his own, of course, for having rarely met he would know little of the inner workings of Adrian's mind. "Oh Avernus, you say that like I care about the legacy of the Sith. Their power and more importantly knowledge? Certainly, but that sense of community is useful in others."

A soft chuckle, then a smirk. "As for me... I have my golden parachutes... and Ingrid tends to be endangered by excessive loyalty, not my affiliations."

One of these days he really needed to convince her to stop caring so much about states and the commands of dead men. Easier said than done.



The grin plastered across his face grew with intensity upon the impact of his blade against the crystalline weapon the Sith wielded against him. He fully expected the Sith to attempt to outright move out of the way of the blow, only to be met with the pleasant surprise that his opponent had the confidence to match his eccentrically gelded appearance.


His opponent shifted across the sand, pulling away from Luc's clutches for long enough to direct his attention at his Jedi companion. Another burst of speed accompanied his movements, a cloud of sand following the explosive power of his boots leaving the ground. He gripped the weapon's hilt with both of his hands as he propelled himself once more on a collision course with the Sith Lord. He carried the blade across the sand, shifting the flat end of the blade against the ground as he progressed forwards.

"Keep your eyes over here!"

Luc followed through the burst of speed by catching the ground beneath his boots, driving his sword upwards into a powerful slash, carrying with it the modest amount of sediment that had caught onto the flat end in his lead-up. Lifting it into the air as he carried through his swing, Luc showed little shame in using guile to draw his opponent's focus back towards him. At best it would get between the slits of his mask, peppering his eyes with the particles he'd collected. At worst it only served as a slight to his opponent; a reminder that the one who challenged him directly was more important than the Jedi who did not threaten to cut through him, given the chance.

Auteme Auteme Mato Kejak Mato Kejak Felix Astermo Felix Astermo Lark Lark

Location: Valley of Kings, near the Tomb of Darth Bane
Objective: Enshrine the trespassers within a gilded tomb.
Equipment: Red Lightsaber, Unspecified Talismans, Glorious Golden Mask. Crystalline Blade (Field Alchemy).
Writing With: Auteme Auteme & Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku - Opposition | Lark Lark & Mato Kejak Mato Kejak - Nearby.

A short, mirthless laugh echoing forth from the mouthless mask, Aurum directed his full attention towards the more aggressive male, as his luminescent counterpart seemed otherwise occupied. "You wish to protect her? To retain my attention? Then you shall have it!"

Seemingly unimpeded by the sand - in the chaos of battle it was difficult to tell if the mask even had eyes - Aurum danced backwards once again, gilded robes swirling splendidly; he was not, however, content to fight entirely defensively, taking the opportunity to commit to a swing of his own.

Sand-made-as-strong-as-steel shining brilliantly as it arced through the air, it was his hope that the young warrior would focus on it...

... and not the lightsaber that shot from his belt into his left hand. Even with a charred hole in his torso, this one would be quite collectable.



ENGAGING: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
The sawed-off hit the Sith unremarkably at his iron face and kicked aside unremarkably. In the heart of evil, the clash of Light vs. Dark - this had to be one of the most unremarkable moments to complement it. Disappointment crossed Tycho's face, then irritation as the masked enemy pointed his saber at him.

"Face me heretic, and no more throwing things or sending speeding vehicles at me!"


The Sith had gone far too long unchecked, running the show of the galaxy as Jedi slept in their hovels and shared tea and crumbs with the enemy. See no evil, hear no evil.

No more.

The long shadow of the Sith grew unopposed years upon years leaving behind in its wake defiled worlds and desecrated people. Its repugnant grasp had reached for him twice. And twice it had taken those most beloved to the former pirate. The endless nights drowned in alcohol and tears, the endless days wasted on death sticks and sorrow.

But the worst of it? The helplessness.

No more.

No more would the Jedi stand merely observing, no more would the galaxy feel helpless under the heel of the Sith.

With a newfound resolve, bolstered by the presences of Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka and Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder , the most aberrant warrior of the Light sprung forward at the Sith with an aggressive flurry of slashes and swings.

No more!
GA | ALLIES | Kenth Ordo Kenth Ordo | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Aramis Sunstrider | Karn Syndulla Karn Syndulla
TSE | ENEMIES | Dimitri Voltura
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Chosen of the Shadow Emperor


Felucian Jungles, Graug Warband, Stalking
Armor: Warrior's Skin,
They killed.

There was nothing human about what was happening within the jungle deep. The dedicated warriors of the Galactic Alliance that had dug in for the jungle siege died without any clue as to what was happening, until it was far too late. It was violence driven by an infernal bloodlust that could never be sated, a need for violence in their very genes that spurred them forward. The very moment the first man fell it spurred their addiction for greater and greater displays of mutilation, blood staining the brightly colored flora that made such a dangerous place look so beautiful. For the High Prophet the gods made their voices known, they screamed into his mind, the divine word rolling through his very bones as they demanded blood. These weak, spineless runts that struck out at the Sith Empire he owed his allegiance to would do - they would serve as a meager sacrifice to sate their hunger.
It was high up in an immense jungle tree that the graug found himself. For someone that ought to stand out he looked all but invisible against the sea of green. A single hand dug into the bark of the nearby tree as he crouched low. A lone, sizeable insect had landed on his arm and in an instant the priest had grabbed it, and lodged it into his toothy maw, gnashing it into bits and swallowing it. They were built for warfare even their bodies were adapted for the most inhospitable environment. That was just one thing that made his people superior to humans, they could eat just about anything to survive and keep on fighting. Karn had carefully cleared his mind and reached out telepathically across the landscape. This warband had come from his holy clan that was the religious body of the species. None of his commanders had any need for technological communication - they all used telepathy to keep in touch.
"We cannot waste any time. More will be along soon. How much longer?"
"The Folloik Draagha have finished their work and the breaches are concealed and ready."
"We are inscribing the runes as fast as we can holy one."
"The traps are set most holy."
It took time to prepare a proper ambush and he had spent a good deal of time putting his entire warband to the task. Juvenile Dread Spiders had dug out many deep holes that were then prepared with vicious, sharp spikes and covered up with jungle foliage spread out across the invasion zone, any who would come along would find it as one of the many unseen dangers. When the ambush was sprung it would bring confusion and terror to their prey before a single one of his graug had even moved. The priests had begun concealing many runes on various trees that would flicker into life and go off when prey moved past them. The remainder of his forces had all been put to task on preparing various traps in the form of explosive trip wires, remote detonated explosives to bring down trees in strategic locations around the ambush zone, and even swinging, spiked logs all over the entire area. Just outside the ambush zone then were his troops hidden up in the trees, camouflaged weapons at the ready. Thanks to the sheer heat of their environment thermal imagery wouldn't be feasible either.
"Do not fail me. Finish your work. All forces are to pull back into position. We strike only when the trap is sprung. The gods demand blood from us. We must oblige them."



The world around the pair changed rapidly in the aftermath of the awakening as the extradimensional energy wracked the body of his prisoner with unimaginable pain. In the blink of an eye his quarry was gone and something else that stirred in the Dreaming Dark, something as ancient as the pages upon which time was written had arisen from its eternal slumber. It vomited words of madness that struck into the minds of the surrounding sith, assaulting the very walls of their sanity for such utterances were never meant to be heard upon the open air. Shackles were broken and one by one a pair of acolytes were slaughtered, their deaths washing over the room. Yet through it all the Dark Lord remained unphased, unmoved by its presence, unperturbed by the death of his people. Only a single motion of his hand to keep the knights behind him at bay. There was a change beneath the surface however in the titanic presence of the giant, he was a walking storm - in the force his presence burned like a star that rattled into the bones.

There was a corruptive presence there - a darkness from the Dreaming Dark, its origins an entity that existed beyond the Cracked Gate, a part of him grew and watched. For a giant that rarely displayed emotion upon which others used to predict intention, a grin pulled at the corners of his mouth as he watched the lightsaber come up. All around them Korriban screamed and the massive ritual had only grown, he could feel it. An ebony light blazed from the Dark Lords hand as his eyes remained locked on his quarry as his runeblade took form, summoned from the depths of the abyss by its undying master. It radiated darkness, craving a shower of blood and a feast of souls. "You misunderstand my intentions Elder. All your life you have lived with your eyes closed, fumbling in ignorance through a world you do not understand. I will show you what you refuse to see." The giant brought that immense runeblade down tip first into the floor, every rune inscribed into the dark steel flared bright. A wave of darkness erupted and swept like a stormy tide towards Zark.



There was a flash of confusion across Alina's face as Iasha Rha Iasha Rha offered a hand to help her up. In her life, she'd only known the scorn of other Sith. Even the minor offer of assistance caused the acolyte to forget the fear in favor of trying to understand. Regardless, she took the hand to get back to her feet. Whether it was genuine kindness or just a need to have an ally in this dark place could be figured out later.

Her gaze traveled around them as she let the Twi'lek inspect for the trap. Watching and waiting for the beasts that stalked in the shadows. They kept their distance for now, as if trying to avoid the light of their sabers. The faintest smile formed as it was clear her companion had figured out how to avoid the trap, but it faded at the yelp. Yellow eyes danced to her companion, half expecting to see her assailed by the figures in the shadows. Relief that it was just a skull was immediate.

The air was far heavier now as they neared the door. The red glow was an intimidating sight. Something power, ancient, was behind this door. And it was still active. Or, perhaps, alive. Her saber was extinguished as she neared the rubble and gazed up at the entrance they needed to get in. There was a task now, and it kept her attention from the doubts in her mind. She could not jump that as she was sure even their lesser acolytes could, but she knew how to climb.

Climb she did. With ease she clambered her way up, the muscle from the training she could do proving far more useful in this moment. She hoisted herself up at the top of the crumbling door and glanced down to her companion. "If you can jump, I'll catch you." She could feel that dread from before, but multiplied by the thousands. Oppressive. Burning into her mind and daring her to look. And look she did.

The red light was blinding. Perhaps it was because of the darkness she and Iasha had gotten used to while traveling through the tomb, or it was intentional. Either way she brought a hand up to her face to try and block it out. Then she saw it. The shape from before, just on the other side of her hand. Her heart jumped into her throat. This.. Thing. It embodied fear. It was a formless mass of shadow. A terrifying beast with gnashing jaws. A cruel monster with terrible weapons. Everything that frightened her all in one place.

She wanted to run, but couldn't. Frozen in this empty gaze. It loomed closer and closer. "No.." Her voice croaked out weakly. She didn't want this. Why was it always something so terrible? Why did she have to fear for her life? The fear turned to hate. "No." Her gaze narrowed. No, she wouldn't let this be the end for her. She wouldn't let this.. Thing, claim her.

Hate turned to Rage.

"No!" For the first time in her life she could hear the call of the Force. Alina screamed at this monster, leaning up right into the shapeless face it had. The Force simply ceased to be around her. Or rather, suppressed. Muted. Her rage disrupted the Force around her, and the creature dissipated. The acolyte fell forward then, gasping for breath. Had she stopped breathing that whole time? It was hard to tell.

Kat Decoria Kat Decoria


Location: Valley of the Dark Lords
Allies: Kenth Ordo Kenth Ordo Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken Takui Takui Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka
Enemies: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Dimitri Voltura Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

Karn through all the fear felt a beacon, a tremor in the Force reaching out, one that was like a candlelit among the endless abyss. Trying to shine bright, in order to see if anyone would light another spark to join it. While it sent a relieving calm amidst all the darkness, decay, and the death that lied upon the tomb world. The Twi'lek feared that they would not be able to complete the mission, the Tu'kata ever so encroaching in around them. Despite all that he tried to see if the Padawans were well, especially Takui, nonetheless, his concern was dismissed in light of the situation at hand. It indeed looked grim, as all he could see was the snarling hungry beast, eyeing them like a piece of juicy nerf steak.

He nodded, even contemplating on igniting his saber as if such things would do him any good at the current moment. What could he do with it? Flash it around like a torch hoping that it could scare them away, he knew basic techniques, but he had to admit he was no good with a Lightsaber. Looking around, he had little time to try and problem solve when you had Tu'kata breathing down your very neck. His sight seeing that Takui was placed in immediate peril things didn't look good. He spoke nervously. "Crap, crap, crap... C'mon Karn think of something!" He said, his fear slowly taking control as the seconds felt like an eternity.

Looking around, he saw the explosives from the down speeder, several packs. While he was no good at being a warrior, with all his knowledge, he had the Force on his side. This was reminded as Karn reached out with both hands, grabbing one of the packs as it was flung quickly to his grip. Reaching in, he frantically reached out, grabbing several, as one of the beasts lunged at him. Responding in kind by looking at the beast, and just as the beast was about to strike, he breathed held out an arm and used the force to shove a thermal detonator into the beast's mouth. The beast by instinct ate the explosive, yet realized too late. As Karn pushed him when the detonator was beeping rapidly. Karn looked at it dead in the eye speaking in confidence.
"Eat this fido!"

With only seconds until Takui was attacked, using a bolstered resolve from the beacon of light he felt. He flung more of the detonators in a spread. Each going into a mouth, shielding Takui from the nearest one with a Force Barrier, the bombs exploded. Resorting the carnivorous predators to a pile of meat themselves. Even in that moment of bravery and strength. The scholar panted for breath, as shielding Takui, dispersing the bombs, and saving his own life took some energy right out of him. He panted between breaths.
"No one said being a hero was so strenuous."

In that short recovery time, Karn was unable to focus on the duel between Padawan Kenth, and the Sith that was before him. For in that moment of saving Takui's life and his own, he witnessed something dark possess Kenth. It wasn't the works of the Sith Lord, but something far worse. Karn slowly realizing it, as he watched the man become a cackling mess. "Oh no..." He said as some of the anxiety crept back into his voice. The Sith Spirits of Korriban had desired to live again, and the only Sith could live in this world was by taking over a body. Karn tried to reach for his saber, but as the man laughed, his hilt was snatched from the belt of his robes and into the madman's hands.

He was slowly shaking, as he felt the immense power of the Sith Lords of old take this man. He could see what was Kenth try to fight it with all his will, it was in his eyes as his face only continued to madness, and in that very moment, his gaze reached his. Karn knew that Kenth was losing all his strength in holding himself back from destroying his friends, and comrades. When he said, "Leave." His eyes turned a blazing yellow as if it stared into his soul. Looking back at Takui, slowly stepping back away from the possessed Padawan.
"Takui, We gotta run now!!" He said as he started to turn around completely, doing his best to will himself into a sprint, to put as much distance between him and the Padawan as much as possible, but not before summoning some explosives to him.

Beltran perused the large containers, paying the Wolfguards no mind. Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim bade them to stand down and in so doing saved their lives. At least for now. He reached out with the Force, trying to sense whether there was any residual Force essences lingering on any of the dozens of artefacts that lay before him. As Ingrid had said, it appeared that these were simply trinkets. Valuable to collectors and museums, he was sure, but otherwise useless to him or his endeavors.

"Well, that's a pity." He replied softly, turning to regard her from behind his helmet. He hadn't really expected the Sith woman to lead him to anything valuable. He wondered when the trap would close, somewhat surprised that she had waited even this long. "I suppose I will have to go into the tomb then. Perhaps there is something that you and your people missed."

He turned to leave, making for the boarding ramp. Now he would see whether Ingrid allowed him to go, or if she would attempt to stop him. Though his manner remained casual, he used the Force to sharpen his awareness as well as to increase the blood flow to his muscles-strengthening them and priming himself to spring into action at a split-second's notice.

Location: Korriban - Hangars
Allies: GA - Ripley Kühn | Morna Imura | Karn Syndulla Karn Syndulla
Enemies: TSE - Iasha Rha Iasha Rha | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
Equipment: Saber Pike, Gun, Armour (minus helmet)

Jumping onto a speeder and putting on some protective eyewear, Kat raced towards where she felt the Force pulling her towards. It was guiding her speeder deeper into the Valley of the Sith, sand was getting in her hair and face, she had to cover her mouth and nose with a simple cloth to avoid choking on it. The storm was bad, Kat was not enjoying her visit to Korriban, the Dark Side was strong and entering the valley, she could feel the power of Sith long gone, while she knew that they were no threat to her she still did not like the feel of Dark Side pulling at her. Gripping the controls, Kat was determined to figure out what was drawing her to this location and then leaving as soon as she could, issues that had long past which she had moved past were now starting to haunt her again. The anger, sadness and pain she had felt years ago from the loss of her brothers was resurfacing, Kat kept reminding herself that she couldn't hold onto these emotions, that she needed to focus on the present.

It was hard, she found herself battling the darkness inside like she had so many times before. When she arrived outside a tomb, she paused, there were others inside the tomb and they were living. Stopping her speeder, she made her way into the tomb and looked around. It was dark, though Kat was concerned that igniting her saber would make her presence known and the colour of the green saber would be a clear indicator of her alignment in the Force as well. Removing the scarf from her lower face and removing the goggles, Kat tried dusting the worst of the sand off of her armour and hair, knowing for months she will find sand in the shower from her hair. Ugh, hate sand. So coarse and it has gotten EVERYWHERE! Kat sighed as she pulled out her saber and ignited it above her head, it was way to dark for her to progress without a light source.

Stepping forward cautiously, Kat was keen to make sure she was not seen, not did she set off any traps. Her Padawan studies in Sith tombs had informed her that the Sith tended to enjoy setting traps for looters and unwanted guests, and she was certainly going to be unwanted, whoever's tomb this was. Looking around, it was certainly interesting to be in a real Sith's tomb, while they were not great for the Jedi in the past where some had been corrupted by the Sith of old, the history and understanding of Sith through the tombs was certainly interesting. Tombs were never something Jedi did, it was interesting that the Sith would, she would have to figure that out someday. For now, she moved forward and listened out for danger or whoever had drawn her to this location.​

Seydou of Thyrsus




S H R I E K _ H A W K

T H E _ P O T

<"We're taking this city. Tonight. Get the Wolves on the move.">

So let it be written, so let it be done.

A whole month Amon had waited just for this command. A month of surviving in the jungles against the Sith-Imperials rats. Patrols after patrols after each fewer and fewer men returned from. Troopers, albeit aruetii, with which he had shared bread and fire. He could've called brothers. Vode. Now, they lie scattered and devoured by the pungent flora and fauna of the Felucian jungles.
For all these brothers and sisters sacrificed to the honorless Sith, for all these worlds put to the sword mercilessly by the Sith, the Alliance went to war in the name of justice.

For the defiling of Mandalore, he went to war in the name of redemption.

He ripped off the Antarian Rangers dogtags hanging from his neck and glared at them for an eternity. A vision of another life, a past long gone. The battles against the Pretender Mand'alor, against the One Sith Remnant; the sacrifices of all these good men, Setter Ryburn Setter Ryburn . All the while the terror of the Sith grew larger and larger. In their quest of retribution to vanquish the Pretender and her ilk, they had allowed the Sith to ravage and despoil Mandalore. Accomplices. Accomplice. The Mandalorian hurled the tags into the depths of the jungle, let its beasts feed upon it. Let his sins be devoured in the soil he would soak the blood of the Greatest Enemy.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Amon Vizsla, a soldier of three armies, slid a bloodied glove across his helmet.

Today, this all ends.

<"Shriekhawk to all Wolfpack callsigns, commence the assault. Repeat. Commence assault."> he ordered passionately then turned to Captain Top Bishop. "Raise the banners, Bishop. We advance with the 7th Regiment. Wolfdaddy will break through the Gates, we flood in with him." Amon looked into the darkness up ahead, clicked a few buttons on his vambrace and an alert was sent to Djorn Bline Djorn Bline and his COMPFORCE unit that the march to victory has begun. The final stretch, the final toil.

Through the foliage, they advanced towards the city; visors ablaze at the sight of reckoning ahead.

It was all too silent.

The calm before the storm.

Chaos erupted through Amon's line as trapping holes swallowed and maimed many not fast enough to trigger jet or repulsor packs. Purple spell weave crackled as soldiers were caught in sorcerous traps immobilized and efficiently dispatched. Literal monsters, conjured in the nightmares of a wretched god, sprung out from the shadows and struck the marines a lethal blow. The line staggered and broke. The battering of the flanks folded under the pressure and orders were given to wedge or square - relieve the pressure on the sides.

<"Treicolt, we'---ambushed!"> Amon called out through the comms as he darted upwards with his repulsorpack away from a charging monster. <"Do not -inforce! Kee-- vancing!"> He only hoped Loske would not convince him otherwise. In an odd way, and mostly wrong, Amon had seen her influence on the man drift him further away from his heritage - that of a Mandalorian.

To his second in command, he barked the order,



I have debts to collect.


ALLIES | GA | NIO | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | Captain Raith Captain Raith (WARDADDY) | Top Bishop
ENEMIES | TSE | Eldaah Aderyn Eldaah Aderyn | ENGAGING: Karn Zhakul Karn Zhakul
Prophet of Bogan

TSE ALLIES: Dimitri Voltura / Ulrich
GA ENEMIES: Kenth Ordo Kenth Ordo / Aramis Sunstrider / Karn Syndulla Karn Syndulla / Takui Takui
LOCATION: Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban
OBJECTIVE III: Kill the defilers and guard the Valley
EQUIPMENT: Lightsaber
Currently Engaging: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken

The masked acolyte was all too eager to shift himself into a more defensive stance as the Jedi began to attack him. Although initially caught off-guard by the flurry of strikes and slashes, Alisteri had been practicing. Each attempted hit was blocked after the first couple nearly managed to strike him, and even then every other slash seemed to be getting that much closer to actually slashing past his defense.

He had been practicing, but he couldn't hold out forever.

With a growl the young man blocked another strike and moved for a parry, eager to put himself on the offensive rather than be backed into a corner. "Pretty ruthless for a Jedi, feeling the strength in your hatred yet?" He had heard tales of the 'noble' Jedi ways growing up, and yet he remained unimpressed. For all their talk, he saw them as little more than hot air and hypocrisy. After all, it wasn't the Light Side that freed him from his life of slavery.

Besides, they had made the mistake of invading a planet that belonged totally and fully to the darkness.

It would swallow them whole, if they didn't die to the Sith defending Korriban first of course. Either the Jedi would die fighting, retreat to fight another day, or they would fall to the Dark Side; there was no alternative on Korriban. As he shifted to a more aggressive stance of parrying and attempting to counterattack his enemy.

"Tell me, what happens if you Jedi somehow win today? Train your little Padawans amongst the tombs of great Sith and expect them not to fall to us? I'm genuinely curious!"

Korriban Sith Academy - Roof
Writing With | Kyra Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield (Closed)

No fanfare, no lush displays of emotion.

The three of them were cold, unimpressed, and stoic. And yet, the gravity of the situation, the blood and tears that had brought them to this moment, hung overhead like fog.

Nida’s focus appeared to sweep over Kyra first, taking in her baby sister’s appearance. Well, not much of a baby anymore—not with the way her features had sharpened to resemble her mother’s. She was nearly as tall too, holding herself less like a bratty child and more like a woman who’d been thrashed into adulthood by turmoil.

Her head turned slightly to the side, eyes shifting to follow Thirdas as he slowly circled around her, the muzzle of his rifle aimed at her. Her feelings concerning Thirdas were complex, and the time they’d spent apart seemed to change him on the outside. She couldn’t help but wonder what he was like now, how he’d dealt with life in her brutal absence.

With a demure sigh, her shoulder sagged. “Very well.”

Nida’s visage flickered, and the illusion fell away.

From the shadows of one of the rooftop’s ornate decorations, a blur of pink and purple surged towards Thirdas. A snap-hiss would be the only warning before her crimson blade whirled through the air with precision and ferocity, aiming to slice through the barrel of Thirdas’ rifle.

Nida knew well that she was outnumbered, but if they were to take her, she would not go quietly into the night.



the N E C R O M A N C E R

The life-force of traitors to the Empire, those apostates… is the offering demented of the spirits in order to further the progress of the Nightsisters' Necromancy ritual. They are quite eager, but in need.

Pomstychtivé and the Coven Apparated at once to materialize just outside of the Academy where the drop ships rendezvoused. The Nightsisters appeared instantly forming a wide circle amidst the mayhem. They raised their arms in unison, shouting out in one voice a command to powers greater than mortal man, of which they are neither. Spirit of Ichor raised upward from their palms, high into the air. A ship which passed through their magick cast, exploded in mid air. The blood of the enemies rained down upon the ground below.

The blood quickly accumulated and a malefic form began to claw its way out of the ground amidst them.


From the burial vault in the Valley of the Dark Lords which fed the Wanica Coven instruction, stone slabs exploded from the crypts. The dust from the bodies rose out into the stale air and blew across the land. It went barely recognized by the guards stationed to protect them. The remains trailed straight to the center of the Coven and gathered to the vile being which Darkness manifested.


Master Zark's borrowed crimson junksaber sparked loudly every time he clashed blades with another of the Dark Lord's sworn protectors. They were trained Sith Knights and he was not exactly renowned for his swordcraft. At worst they could give him just enough room for the Jedi to bring his true strength to bear. He was a fearsome telekinetic who scored his first kill crushing one of the Knights under a massive stone sarcophagus. The others leapt back towards him without hesitation fearlessly pressing their attack.

"I will show you what you refuse to see."

The Shadow Emperor plunged his imbued runeblade into the temple's stone, unleashing another quake of power. His Knights as one hurled themselves aside lest they be caught up in the shadow wave conjured by Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis . They were prepared to give their lives for their dark master if necessary but to be destroyed in such a way by Sith magick was a fate far worse than death. Zark closed his eyes and reached out.

"I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me."

>I will guide you.< The Viking's voice resonated deeply within the metaphysical world, carried efficiently to the minds that were able to focus. The isolated glow of Zark's request amplified with the Guardian's intention, stoking the spark of hope to burn bright enough to draw other Jedi's attention.

The Jedi Master channeled this unexpected new battle meld through his own innate connection and began to resonate light. It was a psychic beacon, visible to anyone in the Valley who could wield the Force Jedi and Sith alike. Zambrano's dark energy wave clashed violently against his aura, and the two sources of power vied between each other for advantage. Sith runes burned his flesh in painful countersympathy and the corrupted core of his captured blade seethed at contact with concentrated light.

"I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me."

His eyes opened. They were like binary stars.

Zark was a battlemind. It was a rare gift and this one had not come naturally. He'd spent years training in some of the New Jedi Order's more esoteric arts. With such power channeled through him it was the least he could do to give back. His beacon in the Force began to radiate not just light but hope. Whoever his guide was would find their link replenished them both.

"I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me."
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M A N _ O F _ I R O N
Iron Skin | Lightsaber
Rhis Kistal | Mesh Zetnu




Passion is Loyalty
“Cautious, Mesh,”

“do not over indulge, especially in these grounds.”

The discipline that the Nautolan voiced was not lost on the Lord Executor, even so he sought to echo this sentiment with words from beneath his foreboding metal visage.

"The Sith Creed preys on the most weak and insecure of mortal consciousness. Those who blame the Galaxy for their shortcomings, those who are too envious of what others have, hoping to steal what they can not make with their own hands." Rurik states.

"Maintain discipline, be in control of your actions, your emotions, your surroundings...and no one will ever defeat you, Jedi." The Lord Executor iterates. Then his mind flashes, his intangible tether bound to Ryv Ryv rattling with the great emotional toil felt by the Sword of the Jedi.



Before him, Darth Vulcanus Darth Vulcanus , the once Sith'ari staring down the Sword of the Jedi, another perfidious mongrel, another pillar of the rotting foundation to this decrepit 'Eternalism'.

Where Ryv could only transmit his uncertainty to the Lord Executor, what Fel replied in kind with was stoic resolve. He would not be rattled by these supposed machinations of terror and death.

It was all illusion, the only truth was in the order. The rightness of mind, heart and body all aligned.

In this state, Rurik could best any other.

And he sought to channel this to Karis. This indomitable will and resolve. Ryv was ever selfless but now...ever fearful.

"You're afraid...and your fear is what will leave you vulnerable to their manipulation. The darkness." Rurik says through their intangible tether, their ever present meld in the force, sewn by their mutual link in Vyrin Karis, Rurik's once master, mentor and teacher and Ryv's forlorn father.

"You can not win all their battles, Ryv. You are merely one mind, one soul. These burdens of doubt, pain and anguish are mere illusion. Break through, take control and defeat them." Rurik all but commands to Ryv in the shadow of his encounter with the once Dark Lord before he then shifts all focus to the materium around him.

Before him, the heirs to darkness, the Acolytes of the dark creed.

Even in their inexperience, Rurik would hold no quarter.

If they raised their blade to him, he could consign them to oblivion.

The first thrust toward his abdomen with the crimson blade, only for Rurik's argent sword to slice cleanly through the brain pan of the Sith acolyte, ending them nigh instantly.

"The darkness dies today, Jedi. Such is our will and so it shall be done." Rurik states to the other two.

"You and your traitor state will die, knave!" A Sith warrior clad in ebon armor barked out in defiance to Rurik as he continued the advance, continuing past the entrance of the academy as a Sith hefted his crimson blade to life before him, charging forthright toward the Master of the Imperial Knights.

He reached out with his sole organic hand and willed the force to crush the helm clasped to his gaze, the implosion forcing the skull and bones beneath to crack and falter beneath the will of Rurik's control of the ethereal. The screams of pain and agony wrenched the saber from the pureblood's hands, the crimson snuffing out as he collapsed to the ground and Rurik tightened his fingers into a clasped fist, a horrid crunch and 'pop' emitting from the man's skull before the defiant will was doused forever.

"Onward." Was all Rurik said in the wake of his tempered fury.

Onward they went.

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