Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Return of the Jedi | GA Invasion of TSE's Korriban/Felucia Hexes

Objective: Murder the feth out of Jedi.

The Amalgam's purple blades cut into enemy soldiers, spinning and maneuvering around their defenses, barrowing from Form Five's ability to reflect bolts back upon the source to send bolts into the knees of the ones shooting her, flesh wriggling disgustingly everywhere as one of the most powerful dark side auras of any planet was channeled through her.

She sneered at the disgusting pinpricks of light fouling this world's beauty. How their light tried to purge its natural suffering and cruelty.

It was a doomed effort. The NJO had made a foolish mistake striking at the very heart of the Dark Side. The Dark Side laughed at their efforts, sticking its tongue out and wiggling its ears as the hated slaves of the Light descended in a vain attempt to wipe the smirk off its face.

Today marked a personal dream of The Amalgam finally being fulfilled. She and at least one of her daughters were defending Korriban together. She could sing! She could bust out a highly choreographed dance number! She could find a pregnant Lizard to eat alive, so great her personal fulfillment was. Best of all, it was her favorite daughter, defending the temple of Korriban! She cursed herself for not having taken a selfie with Uri before the battle started. She hoped she wasn't fighting the wisdom of the could make her so beautiful on the inside if only she would let it.

She found herself under attack as she rampaged from the academy into the valley, immersing herself in the farming of level twelve enemies, hurling out lightning to fry a Jedi battling a Sith in the distance. Her daughter was here, barbecue was being made with her fingertips, and nothing could ruin it. Not even these pesky two Consulars attacking her. They were very impressive with their Makashi, strikes like dancing cobras, nipping at her ankles and wrists, trying to disarm her for a follow-up beheading.

The Amalgam barrowed from every Lightsaber form, including the Praxeum ones, picking and choosing techniques from each to round out her capabilities as best she was a tactic she had instructed in each of her daughters. Never be a slave to form. A pure Master of Makashi will last a fething long ass time, as Dooku had proved, but Saruman was so dedicated to it that eventually his rigidity was exposed by He Who Hates Sand, and then it was up to Hugo Strange to do his best impersonation of Francisco Scaramanga in the tv series that followed. OMG THAT DUEL WITH MAUL AND AHSOKA IN THE FINAL SEASON.

Its okay to be a master of a form, but to ignore the disciplines of others invites your head getting removed by Hayden.

The Amalgam barrowed directly from form two, parrying and using some of the footwork to evade more aggressive blows, spinning her blades in a wicked, deadly pattern...

Ursula Sandraven, a muscular, beautiful Twi'lek with purple skin and a white catsuit and the Monster hiding in her subconscious smiled as she held a yellow bladed Lightsaber Cane out next to her protege Uri, drawing one of her white pistols. Uri, seventeen years old at this point in her life, in dark gray padawan robes with chocolate hair in Princess Leia style buns responded by activating her own sabercane, drawing a Clone Commando Blaster. Laertia, twenty two at this point in her life was next to her, her own Cortosis weave canesaber and scatterpistol drawn as well, wearing her typical spiky black jacket, her hardcore street criminal look messed up by the fact her raven hair was 'also' in Princess Leia type buns (This had been The Monster's favorite hairstyle before becoming Ursula: It hadn't mentioned nor made hint of this, which made it all the more delighted when they started wearing it around her anyway.. Even 'it' wasn't certain what had prompted them to start doing this.).

A bunch of Mercenaries whose boss they had assassinated for working with the Sith (The monster within didn't care how many friendly assets were slain: Nothing mattered except pushing her proteges to the very height of capability.) had ambushed the three while they had been enjoying a relaxing day of Skeet Shooting on Tython. (The Monster's idea of Refuge in Audacity as well as spending time with its students.)

Laertia was the reigning champion. Ursula would have been remiss to not know the workings of such a fire arm expertly, and so would Uri, but Laertia was a conductor at an orchestra with a shotgun. Laertia was the best shotgunner Ursula or The Monster had ever seen up close.

They had taken turns at first. Ursula would fling a few ceramic disks in the air, Uri would blast them, then Ursula, but when Laertia had been given Ursula's pump action, her ability to hit multiple disks in one blast and pull trick shots off making both Ursula and Uri just sit back in amazement after a while as she blasted multiple disks from the blue bright summer sky in endlessly creative ways. Lunch had been tomato soup in a thermos for each while birdwatching, each sipping daintily from their thermos cups. Ursula, unlike the monster beneath, wasn't the type to fill the air with useless words. If The Monster had the strength to escape and be in control, she would have been talking both of their ears off with non sequitur humor and Fourth Wall breaks, because in addition to be a homicidal sociopath, it was an insane and massive troll.

Still though, the silence gave the writhing beast hidden by dark magics in its own flesh time to contemplate why it didn't seem to want to escape just yet...

Ursula was inbetween the two as they all sat cross legged, staring out at a lake.

None of them spoke. Ice Blue, Stone Gray, and Wet Green pairs of eyes watched the water glitter from reflected sunlight. Ursula never spoke during times like this because Ursula had almost no ear for conversation during the times she wasn't on duty. Training these two had barely improved it. The Monster hated not being able to talk to them itself, hated being trapped in Ursula, yet was too happy to escape...

Uri had sensed them before Ursula had. Using camouflage fields. She had rubbed her eyes, their private signals for an ambush attempt.

The Monster's evil little heart fluttered. Attentive Uri, always so sharp. Always so Golden Eyed for stealth fields.

They had casually rose, making the Assassins move closer, falling into a tight defensive formation only at the last second when they revealed themselves, armed with cortosis weave electrostaves, and sonic pistols, and heated wrist blades.

Ursula's cane was golden, with a curved, Horse Head Shaped Handle which ended in a Lightsaber emitter. The bottom of the shaft had one too, as did Uri's, though the handle hiding her green bladed shoto was flatter. Laertia's cane only had the one purple blade at the bottom of her shaft. (That her blade was purple made the Monster happy: Her favorite double bladed saber was purple)

"Ready, Padawans?" Both Ursula and The Monster asked in unison. The Monster was delighted to be fighting alongside them, but enraged that the Assassins had interrupted their day off, vowing to make Ursula kill them all.

"Ready..." both confirmed.

(Ursula Sandraven's Theme Song Plays)

(Theme: "You Only Live Twice" by Nancy Sinatra)

Ursula executed a roll forward as all the Assassins attacked, she and her two students a well oiled death machine as the golden shoto on her cane sliced through a sonic pistol, the whine of its type of ammo sounding through the air, spinning it in her hands to deflect shots while using acrobatics to evade the rest and returning fire with her pistol. The key was to never stop moving against sonics.

Three attacked her from two seperate angles with staves. Ursula executed the same patient strategy she had taught to her proteges. Don't try and win the fight immediately. Don't rush it. It ends when it ends.

Careful, controlled spins of her cane fended off the initial strikes to her head and face from wrist blade and staff, relying on Soresu training and parts of Form Six to round out the defensive nature of her strategy, dodging their integrated sonic blaster attacks and retaliating with shots from her own pistol, its white laser bolts going through chest and eyes. The 'Jedi Master' whipped a white garbed leg into a face, breaking the neck the face was attached to, giving the monster inside a shiver of pleasure at taking life.

Out of the corner of her gaze, she saw Uri rely on Ataru, her Force acrobatics letting her leap through their sonic fire and melee attacks, diving right into them and manipulating the cane expertly around her body as she used it to smash in skulls and hook attacks with the shoto hidden in the handle. Laertia's stategy, was to the Monster's endless amusement, sheer brute force, violently swinging it one handed in her Form One style, her scatter pistol kneecapping her attackers even as she viciously clubbed them to death.

Ursula's own acrobatics carried her away from some of the retaliatory attacks, and what its didn't carry her away from, she compensated by simply shooting her attackers. Laertia was fond of this sort of pragmatism and heartily aimed at one Merc, bursting his head like a watermelon at a Gallagher Act.

More Mercs. Uri had already slaughtered her crowd, and to the Monster's intense sudden interest, seemed to be confused as she beheaded an attacker after parrying but her seeming distraction allowed one merc to scorch her forearm with a wrist blade, making the Monster'sdaughter cry out and fall backward, dodging sonic blasters, and that was when the Monster realized Uri could hear the OOC music as well.

With a snarl, Ursula shot the one who cut her, flipping and twirling towards her through sonic blaster fire, returning fire the entire time while Laertia teleporting around catching them from behind and freeing up breathing room for Ursula to cover the wounded Uri, who was emptying her own pistol into the shooters, bursting open heads trying to fire at Ursula and Laertia. Ursula grew angry when she saw the cut on her Padawan's arm and smashed her cane shaft into a mercenary skull, using hook attacks with it to disarm one and its shotos to behead another, then shooting both anyway just to be sure.

A sonic bolt caught Ursula in the abdomen and she felt a rib break as she was flung backward, but she fought through the oain and trusted The Force, firing off shots at the Mercs even as they fell, hitting them in the chest or head, banking a shot off Laertia's purple blade and hitting someone from behind with it. Laertia finished killing the rest of the attackers before teleporting to both.

"Ursy! Yooz okayyz?!" Laertia asked with all the alarm of a daughter towards an injured parent.

"I'm fine. Help Uri..." Ursula and the Monster within replied. Laertia complied, immediately seeing to Uri.

"Dhatz a badd cutt..." she said to Uri, helping Ursula's younger student up, who wasted no time helping Ursula herself up, who held her side.

"Next time, we have lunch at headquarters...can't even enjoy an afternoon meal anymore outside..." Ursula grumbled as the pair followed her to her crimson, H-Type Nubian Yacht The Scarlet Thunder.

"Kinda our own fault with us pissing off The Sith like we do..." Uri muttered.

Ursula and The Monster chuckled in spite of the intense pain.

"You got me there..." she agreed, wincing...


The Amalgam was flung to the ground vy a Powerful Force Push which badly deformed her flesh, making it stretch in unpleasant ways as she was blasted backward into a pillar of rock on the battlefield. The air left her lungs and The Witch was too stunned to call on the Dark Side as the pair of Jedi advanced.

Outcame the pistol, her flesh shuddering everywhere as it tried to reset itself on her skeleton. She drew her pistol, drawing on the hate and rage of the planet to cut off all pain and attacked with both staff and pistol in a fury, parrying, dodging, and blocking their attacks with one handed spins of her staff, intermixing shooting her laser pistol at their chest between parrying and attacking. The Knights defended, but because neither were used to a fighter who used Lightsabers and Pistols at the same time, one inevitably died when he dodged too late and the other was caught in a blade lock, unable to pull back in time before he was executed with a point blank shot to the face.

The Amalgam, bruised and with white blood leaking down a bubbling, lascerated face, stalked off to find a Jedi to kill and drain...
if they're watching anyways


Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Felix Astermo Felix Astermo | Mato Kejak Mato Kejak Lark Lark

Auteme stumbled far enough through the storm that she could make out the glinting gold-helmed warrior clashing with Lucien in front of the tomb. Though the meld had broken, she could still feel his pain and anger.

The wind bit and forced her to stumble. She fell to her knees where the blast had hit her earlier, staring at her hands. Just like Dantooine, all it'd taken was a single attack to render her almost useless. Lucien was out there fighting through it all. But she- she was pathetic.

She clutched her stomach and cried.

Sadness was not a dark emotion. Though it could lead to it, Auteme knew that it was but a passing feeling. She'd felt this way before. She'd feel it again. Though she was afraid, she needed to get herself together first.

The tears streamed down her face, down to her hands. The whispers fell silent. The pain lessened. The burns healed.

She took a deep breath. In through the lungs, to the blood from the heart, out into her hands. The light always returned.

Lucien, she thought, reaching to his mind, I'm alright. Just give me an opening.

She rose to her feet, then started to run forward towards the tomb's entrance.

Location: Somewhere on the surface of Korriban
Objective: Fight a Jedi
Gear: Paranoia | Regret | Suspicion | Auger Personal Shield
Writing With: Leon Gallo Leon Gallo

Ah, the sweet smell of success! Which in this case, smelled like the spilled blood of a Jedi Padawan.

Leon had retreated, clutching at his arm and struggling not to let the pain of the poisoned wound overcome him. Messala waited patiently for him to recover—or surrender—with his weapons at the ready.

What he hadn’t accounted for was Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder ‘s abrupt breaking of the fellowship, so to speak. He felt the protective bubble pop, the occupants suddenly naked before the storm of blistering sands and tendrils of darkness. The pressure was intense even for Messala, no doubt doubly so for Leon. He couldn’t blame the kid for screaming in agony.

But it was a blessing in disguise, really. Messala made no attempt to fight the Dark that now swirled and seethed around him. He neither opposed it nor absorbed it. He simply existed in its midst. Turning his attention fully upon Leon, he exerted his power upon the weakened Padawan… to control his pain, lessening it to a level that the boy would hopefully find much more bearable.

I hate fights that are won too easily,” he shouted over the roar of the black tempest. “Consider this a second chance. I don’t hand them out to everyone, boss, so you had better get your act together and use it!
Good Men Don't Need Rules


Objective 2
Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
Enemies: Onrai Onrai
Gear: Linked in Sig.

So it was a blanket? The Sith lady threw some kind of special blanket at me? That was a rather strange choice of weaponry to use at someone. However, as every sith was, deceit was a weapon. Likely the blanket was some kind of entrapping tool, or deterring weapon. Either way, it was gone now and I need no other worries of it. However, if she had some more, then I would need to be watchful.

What made my twist my brow, was the Sith Lady's attempt to persuade me to take some weapon of a long past Sith Lord. While yes, it would have been nice to collect such a weapon, or to prevent it from being used in Sith hands, That was not our job here. Nor was I a materialistic man. All I had, and owned, was not done out of a want, or a desire. Simply a need to protect myself and others. My armor? My shield? My saber? My shotgun? All were weapons and tools of a Jedi Titan who would stand against the darkness with others, or completely on his own.

This was her own stall tactic. A wall of physical might, against that of a mental barrier. Once more, my voice rang out through the helmet. Clearly a smile upon my face.

"Sorry lady, I don't swing that way."

She knew I could take it from her hand if I really tried. She lured me with the potential of this being a weapon. She saw I removed not just her trooper droids, but also her apparent blanket from the equation. She wanted me to do the same with such. I stayed planted in place. Holding that Shockboxing stance with my shield. My right hand shifting to my back, and removing the shotgun from my back. The Maglock system holding it without a sheath or scabbard. Pulling it forward and charging the pump-action.

"A Jedi respects all Life, Sith. So I will give you this one chance to leave or accept the terms of arrest."

If she wanted to play these games, then I knew she had a plan for Knight Kuhn. I could feel it. Just this sixth sense of danger. Knowing something was wrong. Every part of me wanted to utter "I have a bad feeling about this." Utilising my isolation helmet, permitting me to speak to Knight Kuhn through our ear pieces, without the Sith having knowledge of such.

"Be careful, she is stalling. Steel your nerves and resolve. She had a plan for our separation. Keep your wits about you."

Bringing the weapon barrel up to a High ready stance, one that allowed me to see all of the distance between myself and the Sith, without having to "sniper aim" or close one eye to use it. I knew exactly the placement of my shot from this high ready position. Square in the center of her chest should I choose to fire it. Yet I didn't for the moment.

"Make a choice Sith."
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Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden


Warrior's Skin
Graugothian Chain
The Inferno


Something worse

That same twisted smile oozed in salivation. For a Jedi, at least in the warped mind of The Great Khaan, there was no living creature worse than himself. Vulcanus had become death itself, conquerer of worlds and murderer of Jedi. No greater pleasure was there for a beast like him. No better meal.

"If only believing it would make it so"*Vulcanus' eyes grew wide as the words slipped into his mind - venom from the lips of the dead, "my son the usurper. The slave. Are you truly proud of the servitude you have led our people into?"

Queen Mavrin, ex-ruler of The Graug and mother to Darth Vulcanus. She was dead. He knew she was dead. He watched the life drain from her eyes, felt the blade slip between her ribs when he took what was his. The beast sneered, his anger rising towards the phantom whom only he could hear.

This place still mocked him with prattle from the dead. He would tear this Jedi limb from limb and when he was done, he would tame this world. Kill these tiresome phantoms again and usher in a new age today. An Age of Vulcanus - one birthed in the blood of this Jedi.

"Quiet, phantom. You were too weak then and you are too weak now" Vulcanus seemed to growl to bo one in particular as Ryv conducted his own internal dealings. We would prove his strength then. Prove that this Jedi had not what it took...prove that he needed not much to seize victory.

Suddenly, a pillar of plasma shot forth from the Jedi learner's hand. The shadows melted away against its glow, the blade vanquishing the darkness just as so many others before it.

"I give you one chance creature" Ryv called out, his voice deep and triumphant - a turn from the cowering maggot who had just flung himself to the ground in terror. "I will be your absolution. Through my power, I can free you from the hatred that enslaves you. I will grant you a swift death. You need only lay down your weapon and accept what must come to pass"

Silence. Darkness. Then a sudden, guttural boom. Then another. Another shortly after that. Again and again until Vulcanus' head was titled to the sky in a profound laugh so malicious - so distinctly inhuman that its guttural, mucus spewing sound had no equal.

"Such hatred in your words" the beast's laugh melted into mocking stabs, sulfuric eyes peeling through the darkness to look the lesser in the eye,

"You Jedi could be such good little pets if your mercy didn't make you so weak" the beast's grin faded as he sniffed the air, taking in the Jedi's scent as he stepped forward, "I smell it on you. The adrenaline in your blood. The musk in your sweat. You lessser species must always prepare your bodies to kill. The Graug take life as easily as you breathe."

With a violent surge of energy the beast drove his sword deep into the stone - shattering the cobbles and burying the blade until half of its length vanished into the earth. The crack of bone and stone shattered the air, deafening the clatter of Zambrano's fight for a brief moment.

"There, Jedi. I have no weapon - I would not need it to kill you anyway" the creature continued to mock, "so strike."

The beast bowed his arms and stepped casually forward, closer and closer to the Jedi - his mind readying to defend itself with The Force. "Murder me. Do it and prove that The Jedi way is weak - that it cannot stop what is to come"

"Break your code. It will not spare your people the coming fire - when my hordes slaughter your worlds. When they kill The Sith and The Jedi! When they trample your children! When I turn your cities into slaveyards!"

The beast's voice howled like a storm and if The Jedi could sense his thoughts...what a black pit of despair it was. Visions of mangled meat vanishing below black oceans of Graug Warriors. Children ripped from the arms of mothers and thrown to hungering maws. Fangs digging into flesh. Cities burning - green worlds turned to ash and rock. Dark caverns where frames of flesh, people once perhaps, starved away in the shadows where the work never halted.

Cruelty without purpose. Cruelty unlike that of a true Sith - with their delusions of grandeur or greater good. Cruelty beyond even that of Sith like Zambrano, who craved absolute power at all cost.

No. This cruelty didn't crave power. This cruelty existed only because to those that bore it...all that were not Graug were barely even alive to begin with.

"Come lesser! Kill me or accept what must come to pass!"


Carnifex Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Shaka Sunstar Ryv
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Gnox the Insatiable




LOCATION: Sith Academy, Korriban
OBJECTIVE: Find the Intruders
GEAR: The Butcher
ALLIES: TSE, Vaylin Vaylin , Maple Harte Maple Harte
ENEMIES: GA, Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl


Pain. That which was the truest sensation to break the mind. He could feel it radiating from the young Zealtron as the poison worked it's way through his body. How much longer until the rest of the academy notices this and more Sith come by? His ear twitched as he listened to the Master speak briefly. Vaylin would handle her, or at least, get in the way long enough.

The blast of a shotgun caught his attention, his eyes narrowing. What a waste it would be to kill the boy. Where Allyson would try to save the boy by deflecting the shot, Gnox turned his attention elsewhere. He held a hand out for Zaavik, ripping through the force to pull him through the air and into his waiting grasp.


Objective: Get out alive
Foe: Darth Daiara Darth Daiara
Jedi Strike Team Vos
\\ > Status Unknown
In the Flame



"Oh hell, I don't know, because you'll murder everyone?"

Bernard opened his mouth to retort, but just then the telekinetic grip breached the last defences he had.

His muscles strained and spasmed as his body contorted. The blaster in his hand twisted out from between his fingers and clattered to the floor. His bones threatened to shatter and organs to burst. For a brief moment, he could hear his heartbeat louder than anything else, the organ hammering in his chest in a desperate attempt to save the rest of the body. Then it let up, as quickly as it came.

A burst of adrenaline pushed out his panic. Dazed, he gasped for air, coughing and wheezing, as though he had just been pulled from a river. He managed a curse in between the coughing, and slowly composed himself enough to remind himself of the danger opposite him.

Contrary to what he expected, the Sith had fallen over, voicing words that never reached him. She seemed shaken, but by what Bernard couldn't tell. One of the other acolytes must have sabotaged her moment of triumph to claim glory for himself. Sith were infamous for their betrayals, but that meant-

His hand gripped the missing blaster tightly. The fingers curled into a fist, trapping only empty air.

A sudden jolt shot up his spine as the situation sank in. He kicked himself away, shoving his back into the railing behind him. Every bone in his body protested as he pushed himself up to his feet against the metal bars, breathing heavily from the exertion.

Fire suddenly burst from nothing at the exit.

He shot a concerned glance towards the detonators.

They still blinked in their unchanging rhythm. Something else had caused the flames.

"You will undo it. Or you will die here too. A bunch of kids lost to war, if that's who you want to go down as."

Several moments passed between them. Bernard opened his mouth to respond but closed it again a second later.

He wanted to feel a lot of emotions. There was a Sith right before him, threatening his life. An avatar of the darkness he stood against with every fibre of his being. He wanted to hate her. To feel that righteous anger that had driven him all his life. To wield it, and destroy the darkness for the light.

How often had he imagined himself face to face with a Sith, ready to slay them without hesitation? For Force's sake, he'd already struck down a Jedi under suspicion of dark side corruption. He'd wielded righteous fury like a blade unwavering in its purpose then. But now that he stared down someone overtly, unapologetically Sith he was struck with indecision. Why couldn't he just do what he'd always wanted to?

But the Sith before him was nothing like the Sith he knew. He wanted to believe that the compassion she displayed was only a facade. That she did not really care for anyone's life but her own. Yet, she didn't run, nor had she killed him. He wanted to believe it was only a deception, created to some nefarious end, but he could sense that her concern for other people appeared genuine. His Marshal's gut feeling pointed the same way. He knew, too, that the detonators would kill many, if not in the initial blast, then from the fires that would spread. When he'd come here he had believed that to be for the best, but now, faced with other Sith barely older than him, with many more like her all over the academy. Whatever fate had brought them here, he couldn't justify taking their lives without at least giving them a chance. That was the way of the Jedi, wasn't it? Arbiters of justice, not executioners, right?

"Sith are supposed to be selfish, you know," he said with the barest smirk.

He brought his glove up to push some strands from his face.

"Had to be the one Sith who's not evil to the core, eh?"

He sighed and produced the matte black lightsabre from his coat, slowly. He held it up for the Sith's approval.

"I'll need this to do as you ask, so don't get any ideas about doing any of," he circled his finger vaguely in the Sith's direction as he coughed heavily, "that, again."

Slowly, he limped towards the blinking detonator, making sure to give a wide berth to the Sith. The casing itself needed to be removed delicately, else the mechanism inside might be damaged and blow. With a steadying breath, he lined up the lightsabre with the detonator. His hands trembled. This was not how he expected to use the ancestral blade for the first time.

He reached out to the Force to centre himself. Its invisible energy coursed through his entire body and he felt like he'd taken a plunge into a bacta tank. His muscles eased their tensions, washing away alongside the dull ache in his bones. Korriban's discordant chaos silenced the cacophony within his mind as the Force sang its soothing melody. Its song became his anchor.

His finger pushed on the activation switch, on the verge of bringing the sabre to life. The switch gave him more resistance than he thought it would. It seemed to be stuck. He pushed harder until he pressed on it with all the strength his hands could muster.

Then it clicked and the sabre roared to life with its cyan glow.

But the song was gone.
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V A L L E Y _ O F _ K I N G S



Tomb of Some Forgotten Loser
Style and Profile

Avernus's ghost persisted motionlessly in front of Adrian at the end of his slow circling. "A tool, then?" A small chuckle preceded a regression into mist as he slithered away in the ethereal. He then disappeared to some vague and possibly narratively contrived metaphysical space between them. Maybe here. Maybe there. Who knows? You certainly don't, that's for sure. Maybe Avernus didn't either. He was somewhere. Details beyond that wouldn't be worth considering anyway.

Only a fool would continue to cut with a blade they know is dull."

It was clear the Ingrid comment didn't get to him. Stoic bastard. How vexing. A chill filled the air of the tomb. The antediluvian mortuary became thick with a tangible exhilaration. Power was thick in the air. Everywhere at once, and nowhere at all, whispers began to fill the chamber. Incomprehensible doomsayings, mocks, and imploration. Was it all Avernus, or did they too come from the blind eternities of Chaos beyond? Their insidious hisses were additional bites to the frigid chill that had manifested.

I wouldn't expect you to understand. In the face of strife, you hide in the tomb of some insignificant nobody. A coward. All in the name of making sure that not a single immaculate hair on your annoyingly handsome head is harmed."

The chill subsided as one of the constructs began to glow with a near-blinding golden aura.

I will MAKE you understand."


Location: Valley of the Dark Lords
Allies: NJO, Kenth Ordo Kenth Ordo Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken Takui Takui Aramis Sunstrider Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka
Enemies: Dimitri Voltura Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Orange Lightsaber

Every fiber of the scholarly Jedi's own being told him to run, and so he did. Even sprinting past Takui, looking back who protested that they shouldn't leave Kenth. Yet the man was taken over by spirits of the valley. If anything that he read about Korriban. No one would dare ever try to go against someone who was being used as a meat puppet by dead sith lords. "We aren't leaving him behind. But we can't face him like this. He took my lightsaber for kark's sake. You think I can do anything when he pulls that crap?" He said slightly irritated that Takui thinks that staying it would help make anything better.

Luckily, the man also came to the same conclusion. Running away from Kenth, as the process of dark side corruption grew worse. Karn just felt tremendous amounts of anxiety and fear. As he kept running faster, and faster. Determined to put as much distance between the two members of the strike team, Kenth, and the Sith behind. Now it seemed as if the plan that was originally thought out earlier would not go as was previously thought. Now an unarmed Knight, and a Padawan were running across the red sands of Korriban. Even as the battle raged all around them.

Despite all that, when reaching out with the Force, the beacon that he felt within the Force earlier. It felt as if it only intensified. With his hope, he wondered if it would have been a Jedi Master. Someone that possessed more experience than either Karn or Takui knew about the situation that took over their friend. When Takui spoke about feeling such a presence. Karn spoke up.
"I feel it too... It's coming from one of the crypts. It's not far." His tone carried urgency, and yet held curiosity. The scholar in him even in the face of such a dangerous situation did not fail to always become apparent.

With both of them feeling the same aura, the same beacon of light. It was not alone for such the beacon of light was surrounded by a torrent of darkness. Such things would hold danger for the two, but even as the Twi'lek could hear Kenth's maddening scream as he could hear the man being utterly consumed by the dark side. Time was running short, they had to move quickly. The two focusing on the beacon only to try and outrun the snarling, hungry horde that was the Tuk'ata.

They finally managed to follow their gut instinct and reached a door. Where he felt both Darkness and Light, the energies clashing against one another. Looking to Takui seriousness abound. He reached a hand out to the heavy stone door.
"Together now, who or what lies beyond that door maybe our friend's only hope." He said, guiding the Padawan to use the Force to open the door with him.
Prophet of Bogan

TSE ALLIES: Dimitri Voltura / Ulrich
GA ENEMIES: Kenth Ordo Kenth Ordo / Aramis Sunstrider / Karn Syndulla Karn Syndulla / Takui Takui
LOCATION: Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban
OBJECTIVE III: Kill the defilers and guard the Valley
EQUIPMENT: Lightsaber
Currently Engaging: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken

The masked acolyte did his best to stifle his pained noises, gritting his teeth to keep them in the form of a hiss as he caught his breath. Alisteri was far from the most in-tune with the Force, yet even he could feel whatever barrier the Jedi had was beginning to give. If the Jedi he was facing was any indication of that at least.

The Dark Side was strong on Korriban, anchored by centuries of rituals and hundreds of powerful Sith tombs. It was an all-corrupting aura extended to cover most if not the entirety of the whole planet. Even he could hardly ignore it.

Amidst the pain and rage swirling in his own mind, a small smirk wormed its way onto his face as he watched the other man's inner turmoil.

Fighting his own better judgment and the searing pain in his shoulder, he willed himself to adopt a proper defensive stance as the Jedi's will caved. The overwhelming strikes could hardly be held back by the acolyte on his best day, let alone in his current state, but Alisteri was nothing if not a slight bit clever.

Even as his defense and deflections grew ever more frantic and erratic, he grinned at the sight.

"That's it Jedi! Cast off the shackles of heresy and join us in rage and passion!"

He blocked another strike, summoning his strength to try and leap away from his opponent. "The Force shall set you free!"







Responsibility was a heavy burden to bear, and it made her heart hurt to feel his resolve shake. The plan to be wrenched apart by sadistic ringleaders. Walking knowingly into a trap was hardly a desirable outcome, and for all they’d overcome up to this point, it shouldn’t have been something they’d have to deal with –– not on the eve of their planned victory.

Worse, she didn’t know if this was the right thing to do, but they had to try. She also didn’t know if it was her plea that impacted his decision making, or the vie from the men under his command. Out of the two unknowns, she only cared to discover the answer to the first.

Regardless, the city was in capable hands. Top Bishop, Captain Raith Captain Raith , Kir Dantos Kir Dantos and Amon Vizsla (willing he got out of his ambush) could run circles around the Kway Teow defences. Of that, she was certain..and even had shreds of confidence for Djorn Bline Djorn Bline and Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe as benefactor variables in that equation.

As soon as Maynard had made it clear where he was headed, one of the available gunships dropped down at a designated LZ outside the city’s immediate perimeter to collect the Outrider Squadron. Making their way there wasn’t a cakewalk, the Sith-Imperial’s numbers were thinning within the capital but they were adamant on attacking any Alliance opposition which still included them.

Just before they reached the landing zone, he slackened his emotional leash.

<"Your first mistake was assuming that I gave a damn that your world be occupied, Sith.">

<"I'm here to make you all burn.">

That husk of a bloodstained and helpless Concordian child was gone. All that hate was augmented into the man whose patience had depleted and replaced with primal fury.

Her body tightened involuntarily, stopping to stare at him placidly. There was disapproval to be found toward his words, sure, but more so she was frustrated by allowing this personal attack to evoke a personal response. She made a small, unimpressed noise at the back of her throat in response to his threatening promise.

“Don’t give her that satisfaction. She’s already got to you by getting us to come to her. Don’t give her any more that she can use against us.”

Stars knew Eldaah Aderyn Eldaah Aderyn had enough ammunition to compromise the knights up to this point. Where'd she get all that information on them?

"Part of me? What part of me? What do you mean?"

Loske didn’t need to be clairvoyant to know it was going to unleash anyway, it was already starting to bleed through his psyche. He was angry, and there was a hatred against Sith that couldn’t be mitigated that was rooted in the existence of tribulation at the hands of dark puppeteers.

But you never step in the same river twice. The ebbs and tides of time and growth had changed the currents and undertows, making everything as unpredictable as it always was.

And she was afraid she wouldn’t be strong enough to balance him. Usually a source of altruism and purity easily relied on the necessary light to borrow from, she’d felt contaminated ever since Kiskla’s ghost had infused her with the supercharge of power. Part of her affliction had been exposed on Dantooine, but not enough for anyone other than herself to be scared. Those unfocused moments of
we should talk, I know, I have something to say too and not tonight, it doesn’t have to be now's they shared after Yinchorr, prioritizing things they felt they could control instead were starting to compound. She might not have been as ready for this as she should have been.

It was ironic. She was technically more powerful than ever, but she’d never felt weaker or isolated in the affliction. And she might not be able to reap the full benefits until she figured out how to harness it all, and not let it consume her. He didn’t need to know that though, not now. Not when they needed to feel united.

“Hey.” Motivated by her own fear, she reached out to touch him, grabbing his wrist to make him stop the approach and squaring up in his path to demand focus before they boarded the ship. Somehow, above the din of the shuttle, she made herself heard.

“Everything moving forward, we can control.” Her hold dropped from his wrist to press her hand against his empty palm, the other touching the seal of his helm. “Starting with ourselves, okay?”

She gave his hand a squeeze, swallowing down a choke that threatened to make her voice quiver, forcing forward something that sounded more solid and less tight. “You and me. They’re going to regret exploiting the Treicolt name, but May, control. Please.”

Control was a word that often evaded the pair. So much of their life was reactive and duty-born. Anything they had the power to influence was put on a shelf for later, and promises of getting there. Priority always demanded a reaction, and like little cogs in the machine, they all too often obeyed, they just...managed to work with whatever they had instead of carving more out for themselves and taking the reins on the future.

Whatever his response, they had to move. Wordlessly, she boarded and climbed into the HAAT’s containment space. It wasted no time lifting off, rising above the swathe of monsters in the agitated jungle below. The sides of the starship were open for quick deployments, and Loske was able to watch the scene beneath them with a listless expression. Inside, she was tense.

<"Maybe your COMPNOR friend can tap in and get a look through their eyes.">

They’d made it a good way along their route when Loske looked over at him –– she hadn’t given a direct response to the location coordination, but and answer came instead from the eruption of fiery plumes from the drones she’d coordinated to the location earlier. The forest recoiled, and..wailed?.. from the heat, actively rejecting the external influence of modern weapons.

Her sombre expression stretched into something more roguish in response to the demonstration. “Way ahead of you, general. You’re not the only one with paths to burn.”

Then, with a final invitational nod, she chinned in the direction of the sprawling piece of land that yawned beneath them. The dropship began a slow descent.

<Lots of turbulence here –– we can’t get a touchdown. We won’t be able to take off again.>

“Understood pilot. We’ll make do.” Loske assured, and then shifted her tone back to Maynard with a nod and moved to brace the gap that would have been a hatchway. “I can’t remember the last time we were on a ship that actually landed.”

Just before venturing down to the sprawl of ground that was partly engulfed by flames, she made what she thought was eye-contact through that T-Visor: <Together. Control.>

Then her own protective helm snapped over her face and she prepped to leap to the fray below.

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Bad vines. Bad. Vines.

Iasha jumped to her feet with a grunt, still having a hard time fully catching her breath. Still, she swept her sabre through the vines that kept crawling toward her and backed toward the next chamber. The vines crept after them, dry wood creaking loudly as if animated by some hungering spirit. Her sabre flashed again, one sweep cutting through more of the roots creeping towards her.

As the roots moved out to grasp at the two acolytes, bones and dried husks of former adventurers fell out from between the grasp of the roots. It appeared to have pulled them in and perhaps siphoned the very life out of them to sustain itself.

Iasha was stuck between fear and awe; truly, the dark side created some magnificent things.

Another swipe of her sabre, the roots withdrew from her blade, and Iasha took the chance to move. The two acolytes passed to the next chamber, and the roots stopped. Rather than pursue, they fanned out to cover the doorway like a great web. Whether it was blocking them in or preparing to catch them when they came out remained to be seen.

The chamber they entered next appeared to be the terminus of this channel.

It was a rectangular room, longer than it was wide. Red light cascaded from above, emitted from a hanging pyramid of red glass and black metal. The red light appeared to shift inside it as if alive, which caused the lighting of the room to gently ungulate.

The room had four pillars, two along either of the long walls, carved to look as though they had scales. On the faces turning in, there was lettering in the Sith language of ur-kittat. Even those Sith whom did not know to how to read the text could recognise the Sith Code. The long walls appeared decorated with intricate carvings of people caught in moments of unimaginable terror and pain, as if tortured and frozen in carbonite.

The far wall was mostly covered in a hexagonal relief of four serpents, coiling and intertwining with one another. Each head was turned toward the entrance, where they looked down upon whomever entered with eyes of red kyber.

Between them and the far wall was a dais, six steps high. That was where one would assume there to be a sarcophagus, but instead there was a square platform decorated with a band of gold covered in pictograms and strange writing. On top of the platform sat a single urn, and around it, three chests of black metal. The urn was large but undecorated, and appeared sealed with cloth wrappings and a waxy resin. The chests appeared contemporary in make, and not dissimilar from the ones they had found outside.

Whose tomb is this?


Man eating vines. Well, that made more sense on how they'd survive on Korriban. Alina brought back her blade to strike again, only to find her arm unable to swing. One of the vines had wrapped around her wrist and was currently snaking up her arm. She could feel it. The sensation of it sapping at her life and draining her of vitality. The acolyte gritted her teeth before dropping her saber with the bound hand, then catching it with the other.

A single swipe freed her of it.

Quickly she followed after the Twi'lek, near collapsing on the ground when the vines finally stopped their pursuit. "Well, so much for the way back." There was a hint of annoyance in her voice. Thus far, it'd been traps and monsters since her and Iasha Rha Iasha Rha had arrived. Such annoyance faded as her gaze turned to the center chamber they'd finally entered. Awe was the only thing she felt. The reverence the dead Sith were given was so.. Magnificent.

Her saber returned to her hip as she took a couple hesitant steps into the chamber. She was warry of any traps, though thankfully none seemed to be there just yet. The altar ahead was an interesting sight. No sarcophagus? Wasn't there always some sort of sarcophagus? Her reading always made her think there was. Instead, just an urn and three chests.

"I don't know, but they're either not dead yet, or in that urn. What would of happened that needed them to be put in an urn..?"

Beltran felt the blood demon, and the other auras in the tomb. His acuity in using the Force was growing in both power and precision, and there was something about the darkness that permeated this planet that seemed to focus him, even that much more.

”I really wouldn’t want to go there in your place..." She had begun, trying to dissuade him once more. "Even I don’t like to do it, though let’s face it, we’re pretty much the same in combat, but I’m definitely better at using Force.”

"That's because you're a coward," Beltran replied to her first sentence. His tone was even, like he was simply stating a fact. There was no malice, nor even really an intent to hurt or upset behind it. It was simply the way he saw it, the way he saw her. "You have skills, yes." He continued. "Some that I have learned, some that I have yet to learn. But do not imagine that we are the same. Neither you, nor any of the other Sith have ever been able to make sense of what I am."

Leaving the ship, Beltran began to walk back to the tomb. The auras grew more powerful the closer he got, then he saw movement and heard a familiar noise. A squeak of a rubber toy, then a sudden pop of a balloon. Then there was motion, something moving beyond the door of the tomb. A hint of a red shoe, too large to make sense. Another squeak, as it moved closer to the light, and another...and another...until finally the creature made itself seen:​

A clown.

A frigid chill ran down, an involuntary reaction to the sudden wave of terror that filled the Lorrdian and he froze in place, seemingly unable to move. The clown stepped out onto the dusty ground in front of the tomb, emitting a long high pitched giggle as he produced a large rubber balloon. With a series of exaggerated huffs and puffs, he blew it up and tied off the end. He then began turning it and twisting it on itself, giggling as he did so, making it into the rough approximation of a human being. Finally, he held it up to show Beltran. Then pointed with a white gloved finger, somehow also covered in dripping red, at the Lorrdian and then back at the balloon figure.​

Beltran's breath caught in his throat, he felt a powerful wave of pressure around his neck as the clown began to squeeze the balloon. Somehow, through the Force, the balloon figure was Beltran and he was the balloon figure. Falling to his knees, Beltran clutched at the unseen force around his neck. He gasped and wheezed, struggling for air. Little black dots began forming at the edges of his vision...he was blacking out. Soon he would be unconscious, and soon after that, he would be dead.

”I told you to leave it at that…”

She had, and he hadn't listened and now, he would pay the price.
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Mesh Zetnu // Return of the Jedi // Strike Team Fel Rurik Fel Creuat Creuat // The Main Entrance Hall of the Sith Academy // Kill Sith // Fight Darkness
1x Bronze Lightsaber, 1 REC/STA-02 Advanced Shocktrooper Armour; Series Two

Hello Darkness
With the assistance of the mind meld and the powerful light side energy Mesh perfectly balanced the conduit of the Force as it flowed through him and by extension his light saber. The bronze saber shined with a purple hue as he danced with the weak apprentices of the Sith. They fell in combat to the Strike Team with little issue. The skills of all three strike team members with their blades becoming obvious through the masses of multiple combats. Mesh parried a low strike and through the assailant back with the force before parrying another strike and slashing through the chest of his other opponent. He then reached out with the force and pulled back the original assailant onto his blade impaling him. He moved with a graceful precision not common to Juyo. The light side energy within his conduit serving as a counter balance to the rage and anger he was drawing from his opponents.

It came like a cascade of repeating tsunamis. Each larger than the last. Then it came to a single point and shattered the conduit Mesh had been building. The light side of his conduit which had protected him from the masses of dark energy he was absorbing disappeared in a flash that seemed to take a thousand years. Heat flowed through Mesh's blood as rage and anger took over his mind. He tried to calm his mind and his emotions with his force calm technique, but the death and now chaos that surrounded his mind blocked his attempts out. He threw his head back as yellow slashed through his eyes. The power was nearly unlimited as though he was no absorbing not only from the Sith Apprentices in front of him but from the very planet itself. He reached out with the force as another Apprentice charged him, crushing his windpipe and lungs with the force and watching in satisfaction as the young man squirmed on the floor.

The power was too much and another tidal wave of emotions hit him. Regret. Failure. There is no emotion, there is only peace. There is no passion, there is only serenity. The words of the Jedi Code rang in his ears like sirens and he felt as though his eardrums would collapse. His mind and body now seeming to be in conflict with himself he struggled to focus on the task at hand. Both the light and the darkness sought to survive though and he parried the strikes of another opponent almost subconsciously as the battle raged inside him and indeed on the entire planet. Mesh strained with his remaining willpower to remember the teachings of the New Jedi Council. He strained to remember peace. Peace, there is no peace here. He lashed out and killed the opponent before him, severing his head from its body in a flash with his lightsaber. He was spiraling now dangerously close to the dark side. The heat and rage were shifting now to coldness. Mesh has never experienced power like this before and he struggled to pacify it now with force cold and force calm. Bringing his internal body temperature down was extremely dangerous in battle and he began now to fall back behind his Jedi ally. Hoping that Creuat Creuat would protect him. Hearing only softly the words coming from his mouth as he stepped fully behind him.
Location: Valley of Kings, long-forgotten tomb.
Objective: Conjure and bind spirits; deal with an unexpected visitor.
Equipment: Polyweave Suit, Shadow's Folly, Shield Talisman, Soulstones, Empyrean Gland, [2] Jin'Pins
Writing With: Ghost of Avernus Avernus

To no one's surprise, their views were out of sync at best, directly contradictory at worst. They had their similarities, certainly, things that set them apart from their fellow Sith, but evidently that was not enough... or perhaps Avernus was just being characteristically over-the-top.

Either way, the duality in one faded from sight, replaced by cold and whispering voices. How pedestrian.

Ignoring the spirit's insults like the empty words they were, Adrian doubled down on his defences, determined now to properly bind the dead Sith as soon as he showed himself. He didn't want that madman going free on his conscience - but it seemed running off to cause mischief was the last thing on the man's mind, as made evident when one of the soon-to-be Nether Knights began to glow an entirely anomalous gold.

"Oh for crying out loud." Air shimmering as power coiled about the Sorcerer, his look was one of mild annoyance. "Are you really going to try to hurt me with one of my own creations? What kind of amateur do you take me for?"

Location: Korriban - Sith Academy
Allies: Gnox the Insatiable | Maple Harte Maple Harte
Enemies: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl
Objective: Hunt the Corellian, and her Little Padawan too.
Armour & Dual Blades
Vaylin let out a dark chuckle, hearing Zaavik screaming in pain. She didn’t know what Gnox had done, her focus staying solely on the Corellian. But the screams were music to her ears, a reminder of the Zabrak’s own pain. The ever engulfing inferno that burned through her body every day, every waking moment. It was still fresh, but Vaylin had been training to focus it, fueling her control over the Dark Side of the Force.

She let out a growl at her missed attack, the jagged blade cutting through material but not flesh. Allyson had just managed to make enough distance to escape it, much to the Zabrak’s annoyance.

I don’t think you have the ability to make it fun right now, not if you want to save your precious Padawan.” Vaylin hopped back a bit, making some distance between her opponent. “It’s either you or him, Locke. One of you ain’t walking out of here.

She lunged forwards into another attack, but it seemed Allyson had the same thought. Vaylin tried planting her feet down, but felt the sudden pull of the Force tugging her even closer. The Zabrak raised her blade, attempting to draw Allyson’s azure blade away, but it wasn’t enough.

It cut along Vaylin’s arm, burning through cloth and searing through the armour. Vaylin hissed in pain and slipped, her body falling beneath Allyson’s saber arm. But the moment had left Allyson open too, and Vaylin took advantage. As she seemingly fell from the beam, she brought up her jagged blade and slashed across the Corellian’s side.

Within that last moment, where it looked like Vaylin was going to fall completely. She threw her sword into her other hand, freeing it up so she could grab a hold of the beam and swing herself under and over. Landing back atop it again, only behind the Corellian this time.

Not bad, you actually managed to land a hit that time.” Vaylin growled in pain, cradling her injured shoulder. “But you’re out of time, Allyson.” She glanced over and down, to where Zaavik was being Force pulled towards Gnox.



ALLIES: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | Amon Vizsla
ENEMIES: Eldaah Aderyn Eldaah Aderyn | Ruek Tast Ruek Tast

"Cry Havoc! And let slip the dogs of war."

Kir felt invigorated as they approached the embattled wall, explosions went high into the air, he'd received the com from his Master instructing him to meet up with Amon Vizsla and his unit. He knew the man, he'd fought with him during the disastrous mess that was the Battle of Fornax. He'd fought a Sith that day and felt like a real Jedi. That youthful exuberance was slowly starting to wear off with every battle that he fought...

<"Dantos- take your Company up for the assault, we'll be right with them...and one of you get him a better callsign."> He ordered to the Padawan learner after he'd 'clocked in' to Wolfpack's position.

"Copy that Master!" The comment earned Kir a few chuckles from within the Company which was a good prelude to the imminent battle that they were about to embark on.

But it hadn't completely gone yet! "Fix your grappling hooks and follow me." He spotted the main contingent of marines with their grey and white colourings. They reached the pock marked walls as the Marines shot their grappling hooks to the top of the wall. He gave the Sergeant, who usually kept his ideas within reason, a two fingered salute.

"Race you to the top Sergeant Major."

He attached the cable to his belt, tossing the hook up where it locked into place. He started up, dodging the deluge of blaster bolts that came his way. It seemed like the obstacle would be even more time-consuming than he'd anticipated. But no matter. He summoned all he had, managing a force assisted leap to the summit. Hauling himself up onto the ledge, he removed the hook, repositioning it, before rappelling down onto the surface. Landing with a thud, he watched as his Company and the rest of the unit began arriving.

The Sith didn't hold back. Blasterfire peppered their advance as they arrived in their droves. He twirled his lightsaber, dashing into an advance as his Company followed him into the fray. Moving more into the streets, Sith Imperial Legionnaires provided a shield for the Sith. They met the Wolfpack in fierce close range fighting. He went into a spin, rebounding a red bolt into the black armour of a Legionnaire. Another came rushing at him, launching a rifle towards his head. Kir dodged to the left as the blaster butt just missed him. He slashed down on the blaster, cutting it in half, leaving a smoking hole where the barrel once was, before inflicting the same punishment on its owner.

"Wolfmother, this is Wolfcub, we've breached the outer walls, we're moving in, meeting some resistance-" He was cut off, as he slashed down into a Sith before going into a flip to avoid the blasterfire from another. Kir dropped down into a roll, pulling his lightsaber round to richochet three bolts back towards the Legionnaire, who dodged the first too, but was overcome by the last. One of the Marines finished the job. "But we should be fine on the advance, I heard Commander Vizsla is having some trouble, you want us to go help em out?"

The Marines took care of the small force of legionnaires, but something told him that the Sith Empire hadn't sprung the trap, not yet anyways. And not on them. The anticipation crept up on the troop. Kir had that same strange feeling, that inherent doom that he often felt when something bad was about to happen. Instinctively, he went into a backroll as the blaster bolt passed by his head.

A Marine Corporal exclaimed at the top of his lungs "SNIPER!" before being crumpling to the ground. The troop continued on, unabated. He scanned the perimeter to try and deduce where the fire was coming from.

Kir hated snipers.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Valley of the Kings, Korriban
Objective: Protect AMCO AMCO from any trouble.
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Tag: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr
”I can be called anything, but not a coward.” she said in a cold voice.

She merely knew how the Nether Knights would be made and what they would be like. She didn't want to face them. It’s not as if she should have, since they were on one side, but for now she wasn’t curious what they were capable of against an opponent. Not to mention who knows what Adrian will do inside after building the constructs. She knew the man very well, so she had some ideas for that. She would have preferred to smile at the man's words. It was ironic that the other said exactly that when Ingrid's condition was such that not even Adrian really understood it.

”Give me a try, if you think so.”

She said coldly and shrugged. Meanwhile, she, too, saw the illusion that appeared, though it seemed only a simple shadow to her, but it apparently had a different effect on the man as she began to drown. It was then that she felt inside that something was wrong, because the unknown aura had done something inside and its presence could be felt more and more strongly. She still didn't bother Adrian, she could only hope the Sith Lord knew what he was doing and could handle the situation.

”Wodichu!” she said in High Sith language.

The demon had stopped what it had been doing so far and the illusion had disappeared, i.e. the man had to breathe properly again and after that his condition had to improve. Ingrid walked over to him, barely two or three metres away, and looked down at the kneeling soldier.

”And you didn’t even get in… why don’t you tell me more about your views? Why do you despise the dark side so much when you use it too? No, I have no objection to it, I am just as gray as you… What if you were not exceptionally stubborn and did not want to try to kill yourself?”




Korriban Sith Academy - Approaching
Writing With | Nida Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield (Closed)


Korriban Sith Academy - Roof
Writing With | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield (Closed)

Atop one of the great spires of the Sith Academy sat a small woman, garbed nearly in the traditional red and black robes of her religion. Her slight form was folded into a crossed-legged position, hands resting atop her knees, back straight, head tilted down, eyes closed. Had it not been for the sinister color scheme and miasma of dark energy around her, Nida could have easily been mistaken for a Jedi in meditation.

In the time that had elapsed between Yavin and now, the Child of the Dark Lord had steadily grown in power and ability. She had placed one foot down on the path of what was sure to be a long and harrowing road to her true self. Still, the sacrifices she’d made to begin the journey felt like a lifetime of effort.

Foresight was one thing, but Nida could not predict the future.

Deep in meditation, Nida no longer feared the dark, but she feared the war that was rapidly encroaching the ancient Sith world. Not in the ‘quaking-in-your-boots’ way, but fear as a tool of caution. There was power in prudence and survival. Blood would be shed; a victor would be declared. This much she could foresee, and there was comfort in the finality of it all.

The tainted Force flowed freely through her, which she projected in smooth, continuous pulses to her brethren.

The Jedi were coming, but so was something else.


Korriban Sith Academy - Approaching
Writing With | Nida Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield (Closed)

"She's here."

Kyra's voice broke the determined pace the two had set down into the valley. The tension between them was palpable. It had been just a hunch-- a simple vision three days prior. Blood would be spilt in the Valley of the Sith, and Nida... precious, lost Nida just might be there with them.

Kyra hadn't dared to hope her vision might be true. She hadn't allowed herself to think- to breath- to stop moving long enough to linger on the possibilities. Now that they were here she felt nothing at all. She pushed on harder, forcing their pace.

"No wonder why the sith like this place." It pulsed with dark energy, brushing against her mind like a siren's song. She rubbed down her arm hairs and focused on surveying the area. Beyond them loomed the Sith Academy, set between the steep hill of the unforgiving desert. She could feel the turmoil unravel within its walls. The core's Jedi Order was already leaving its mark.

For a moment she yearned to join them. She ached to wield her saber-- to feel her peers at her back as the Force thrummed though them in a unified pulse. She wanted to help.

But something more sacred than duty demanded her presence today.

Nida's signature echoed faintly to her, unmistakable even in its corrupted form. Kyra swallowed hard and gingerly worked to thicken her mind to it. Nida would find it harder to influence her this time. The empath was learning.

She reached out, grabbing Thirdas' wrist and stopping him short. "Remember what I told you." Her blue eyes bore into his, firm and intense. If I seem off, shoot me.

She was no longer afraid of dying. It was the concept of falling that haunted her at night. It was only when Thirdas gave sign of his acknowledgement that she unleashed his wrist, reaching up to flick his forehead.

"Stay calm. Keep your mind guarded," She instructed. He might have been a seasoned solider, but this was what she was trained for. She gave him a forced smile, then turned on a dime, the jedi leading the ranger into the belly of the beast.

'Hi, Sis.'

'I know you what you want from me.'

'I'm here now, aren't I?'


Korriban Sith Academy - Approaching
Writing With: Nida Perl | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl (Closed)

Their arrival had gone unnoticed for the time being. It would appear the brave men and women of the Alliance had already begun their assault, drawing all the attention towards their strike force. They'd cleverly disguised their infiltration using the sandstorm to their advantage, however it would be just as debilitating to their team as it no doubt was to the Sith defenders.

For the two figures marching through the Valley of the Dark Lords, a sandstorm was a boon only. Their mission was singlar in purpose, yet perhaps no less complicated than that of the New Jedi Order.

His mask and goggles came in handy, allowing him to maintain vision even through the harshest and thickest blankets of sand thrown their way. And yet, Kyra was the one to set the pace, relentless and merciless towards herself. A far cry from the scared little girl he used to know.

"Do you think they have some sort of complex? Why else build everything so damn big," he added to her comment while observing the ginormous statues dotting the valley. At least on Midvinter it made sense to build big - everything else there was big!

About to raise his rifle to scan the area ahead, he was stopped by the firm hand of his companion.

"Remember what I told you."

He met her determined gaze, his black visor leaving her with little in terms of emotional response. A moment later, a nod from the masked soldier. A promise, that if they were to fail a second time, there would be no third time for either of them. One fallen Perl was already one too many. As for him?

Heavenshields don't fall unless it's in battle, and let's leave it at that.

His honed senses picked up several footsteps closing in from behind. Swiftly he grabbed Kyra and stepped aside, pressing up against a stone wall under cover of the sandstorm. Though the platoon of Sith reinforcements passed by a mere 10 feet away, the two shapes had all but disappeared into the scenery.

Thirdas held onto Kyra until the last ranks of troops had vanished, holding onto her for perhaps a bit longer than necessary.

"Just... don't be too eager to sacrifice yourself, Pinky."

The danger had passed, and the pair continued their trek, slipping past the occasional sentry as Nida's presence became obvious to the both of them. They honed in on her as if she were a beacon, whether she intended to or not.

Eventually the red dunes turned into roads, which later turned into ascending steps. The higher the pair climbed, more of the sandstorm subsided until they were able to make out the vast entrance to the Sith Academy up ahead.

Korriban Sith Academy - Roof
Writing With | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield (Closed)

The Force ebbed and flowed like a storm at sea, Jedi and Sith drawing from its wellspring alike. Nida didn’t resist the motions as they rolled through her.

Until something prickled at her, like a thorn wedged in her thumb.

They were here. Kyra and Thirdas were here, and they were close. Through the ravage of war and great plumes of dust, their presence burned a steady path through the road and up the step of the academy. If she could feel them, they could feel her. Nida’s projection had lead them straight to her, like a moth to a lamp.

Head tilting upwards, her eyelids cracked open. Through slivers of vivid gold, she observed the heat-blistered skyline of Korriban and reached out to them.

I am here.

There was no sense in playing coy.

Korriban Sith Academy - Approaching

Writing With | Nida Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield (Closed)

Goosebumps speckled Kyra's arms, the two coming to stand at the top of the temple steps. Beyond the courtyard she heard fighting, sabers and blasters echoing off the high sandstone walls.

Don't be too eager to sacrifice yourself, Pinky.

She couldn't make that promise, desperation stirring inside of her.

I am here.

"I know you are, doofus. Now come on down." She grumbled under her breath, grabbing Thirdas' arm and guiding him through an alternative path forward. Like clockwork, a step of footsteps echoed from where they once were. Kyra kept her eyes cleared from the storm, her head tucking into his chest as she waited for the new figure to slip by them unnoticed.

The two worked together fluently, the give and take of control belaying the trust the two had built up over their trials. She took a deep breath in, centering on him before expanding her senses outwards. Nida was upwards, but they... they needed a path to her. "Aha," she breathed, eyes snapping open.

This way, her body language demanded, the girl nearly pushing out of his vision line as she dived back into the storm. Forward and up, she lead them through a empty path along the building, only the occasional body on the ground signifying the war that that took place inside the Temple's walls. But they weren't going in, they were going ontop.

They crested the roof, the wind howling and whiping sand across her cheek.

A heavy darkness laid over her, stealing her breath away. She braced Thirdas as he climbed up to her side, her cybernetic gripping too tight. Beyond them sat a criss-crossed form, its purple hair dancing in the wind like a wicked halo.

"Nida," Kyra croaked, her stomach flipping as the corrupted battle meditation thrummed against her skin. And like a moth to flame, the two walked into the trap. Kyra stepped forward, demanding over the screeching storm.

"Nida Perl, stop that."

Korriban Sith Academy - Roof

Writing With | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield (Closed)

No fanfare, no lush displays of emotion.

The three of them were cold, unimpressed, and stoic. And yet, the gravity of the situation, the blood and tears that had brought them to this moment, hung overhead like fog.

Nida’s focus appeared to sweep over Kyra first, taking in her baby sister’s appearance. Well, not much of a baby anymore—not with the way her features had sharpened to resemble her mother’s. She was nearly as tall too, holding herself less like a bratty child and more like a woman who’d been thrashed into adulthood by turmoil.

Her head turned slightly to the side, eyes shifting to follow Thirdas as he slowly circled around her, the muzzle of his rifle aimed at her. Her feelings concerning Thirdas were complex, and the time they’d spent apart seemed to change him on the outside. She couldn’t help but wonder what he was like now, how he’d dealt with life in her brutal absence.

With a demure sigh, her shoulder sagged. “Very well.”

Nida’s visage flickered, and the illusion fell away.

From the shadows of one of the rooftop’s ornate decorations, a blur of pink and purple surged towards Thirdas. A snap-hiss would be the only warning before her crimson blade whirled through the air with precision and ferocity, aiming to slice through the barrel of Thirdas’ rifle.

Nida knew well that she was outnumbered, but if they were to take her, she would not go quietly into the night.

Sith Academy Roof

Writing With: Nida Perl | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl (Closed)

"Very well."

The image of Nida sitting at the rooftop's center flickered and faded into nothing, causing Thirdas' battle-hardened instincts to kick in. Immediately he realised her trick, and swung his rifle around to scan the area for signs of an ambush. As soon as he did, a purple blur coupled with a streak of crimson appeared from behind one of the rooftop decorations.

Before he could act the red saber sliced his rifle in half, causing the long barrel to drop to the ground. He'd only just been able to remove his left hand from the front grip, or he would have been well and truly disarmed right there and then.

Tossing what remained of his rifle (thankfully not his mother's!), Thirdas deflected Nida's lightsaber as it swung around and made its way back to its master using his cybernetic arm. Spark flew as it glanced off the phrik casing, leaving a glowing trail where blade met metal.

As Nida closed in on him with supernatural speed, he went for his sidearm in one hand and his trusty handaxe from home in the other, taking aim with the former and preparing to block with the latter in case she decided to swing for him.

He fired off a few rounds in her direction, aiming for her legs in the hopes that it if hit she would simply stumble and be left at their mercy.

Korriban Sith Academy - Roof
Writing With | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield (Closed)

The bolts were avoided with a few small, quick turns on her feet. Normally clumsy, the Zeltron had become more fluid in her movements. Her blade scorched a path along the side of Thirdas’s prosthetic, but Nida was otherwise satisfied with disarming him of his rifle for now.

As deadly as he was ranged, confronting Thirdas in close quarters was also a dangerous move. And with Kyra in the mix—she had to finish this quickly. Her hope was that their feelings for her would break them sooner than her feelings for them would break her.

Mindful of the Valkyri handaxe, she elected to go for that first, rather than trying to unbalance him at the legs. The crimson blade swung in a tight arc, her movements minimal yet vicious as she pushed against his weapon, aiming to sink the plasma into its metal head.

Something tugged at her, like a tide that was suddenly rushing out and trying to take her with it. In between the gaps of Thirdas’ large frame she pieced together the image of Kyra, and the purest, whitest spires of light coalescing around her.

The light grew and grew until it had obscured Kyra’s form, then Thirdas’, then everything around Nida.

The tide rushed back in, and with it came the most excruciating sensation. Nida dropped her saber and recoiled, screaming in agony.

Every muscle fiber in her body stung as if it had been broiled by the Tatooine suns, fed by the acid in her veins. The light was seeping into her skin, ripping apart the corrupting dark one cell at a time. Even her mind had become caustic while her body was burning away, as if Nida had become her own poison.
Kyra’s Force Light assault may have been brief, but for Nida it held the pain and gravity of a thousand lifetimes. It had drained her of life, leaving behind hollow cheekbones, sallow skin, and a brittle body. Even her hair and eyes were sapped of their natural vibrancy.

She collapsed forward against Thirdas, existing on the border between two worlds.

Korriban Sith Academy - Roof
Writing Partners: Nida Perl | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

He'd faced Sith before, and even taken down a couple despite not being a Jedi. Force-users bleed just like any other being of flesh, turns out. Making them bleed is the hard part, as their enhanced reflexes, strength and speed gives them an edge against pretty much any foe. Force powers and lightsabers just tip the scales in their favour even more so.

But they can be arrogant, thinking a lone soldier an easy prey. Most soldiers, yes. Thirdas wasn't most soldiers.

Despite his size, he was able to duck and dodge Nida's rapid strikes as if he too were a trained Force-user. He had his father's strength, but also his mother's agility. A deadly combination, one the young man had demonstrated on numerous occasions.

This time was different. This wasn't some nameless Sith scum looking to make a name for themself, if that was the case Thirdas would've simply seized the first opening he got to grab and rip the enemy's arm clean from its socket and beat them to death with it. But this time he was fighting Nida, and he would not allow himself to harm her.

He sensed the build-up of energy emanating from Kyra, but had little time to look her way for what she was doing. Suddenly a massive burst of light washed over them, yet it was not blinding to his eyes. It took his breath away as it hit him, but otherwise left him unharmed. He noticed Nida wasn't attacking him relentlessly any longer, but rather stood there as if in shock.

She then began to scream, dropping her saber as her physical appearance turned frail and gaunt.


He cried out as she collapsed towards him, catching him so off-guard it put him on his back with her safely in his arms.


Sitting up, he scooped her up and held her like a child, rocking her against his chest. He ripped off his mask and goggles, face filled with fear that she was lost. He got up on his knees, then stood up with her catatonic form in his arms.

"Kyra! Ky-- Bring the ship in close, we need to get her out of here!"

There was a desperation to his voice never before heard by anyone.

Nida's agony cut through the air, the pure exquisiteness of it shattering Kyra's mental defenses. Pain burned through them both, white and hot. While it was not her soul that faced the lethal judgement of the light, Kyra felt the consequences of her blow all the same. Nida started to shrivel away before her eyes, thrashing against the purification Kyra subjected her to.

Kyra's hands faltered, her resolve weakening to a wave of horror. It crept through her body in hot bursts, the reality of her actions freezing her. Her core shook. She couldn't do this. She couldn-

A presence washed over her, an unseen hand holding her arm steady.

'Kyra. Yes you can. You are a Jedi. Trust in yourself.' Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser 's energy suffused her, his pure presence buffering the chaos against her mind.

"But I'm killing her!"

'There is no death, there is the Force. Trust in your abilities and in the Light.' He imparted his strength, his battle mind bringing a wash a calm over her confliction. She accepted it-- clung to it. Like a babe reaching out for a parents embrace, Kyra fell opened armed into her Father's guidance.​

The shaking melted out of her limbs, her resolve strengthening with his aid.

Tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision as kept the energy over her sister's contorting form. It was all over so fast. Nida fell silent, a husk on the ground at Thirdas's feet. The energy left Kyra's hands in a rush of wind, the chaos of the moment settling into an eerie stillness. Kyra stared in abject terror, waiting on baited breath for a sign of life from her sister's caved-in form.

None came.

The air left Kyra's lungs, the world falling out from under her. Her knees bashed into the rough roof. She did not feel it. Thirdas screamed at her for aid. She did not hear it. The light dissipated, retreating into the crystal that burned hot at her neck. Blistered appeared around the skin it had melted through. She did not feel it. Her father's presence left her-- disconnected and broken off by the violent fervor of Korriban.

The corruption collapsed in on her, the whispers turning to screams as she beheld what she had done.

We can save her. Use me.

Kyra flinched, she was no healer.

With me there are no limits.


The barest pulse of energy rippled across the space-- a bit of life still fluttering inside Nida's chest. Kyra kicked to life, scrambling to their side. "Nida!" She screeched, as if that would save her from death's door. Harsh sand buffeted them. Her ship pulled up to the ledge besides them, the little pilot droid peeking out at them as the walkway dropped.

"Get inside!" She demanded, Thirdas' panic shared as they both beheld the fragile remains of the one they loved. Guilt collapsed back in on her, the darkside's offer pressing down on her. Did it really have to be so all or nothing?

As Thirdas's lifted her, Kyra clung to Nidas hand. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She struggled against her anguish to find that little bit of light again, sending its feeble presence to aid the lost soul within.

"Stay with me."

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