Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return of the Jedi (SJO Dominion of Hast)

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

The dog-fighting was over no sooner than it started. Sorel was pleased. "Return to formation," she instructed. There would be time for celebration later. Right now discipline was key.

And then, without warning, another wave of blips appeared on Sorel's tactical display: twenty additional fighters were coming in behind them.

"Flight Leader," one of the pilots said, "My tactical computer is malfunctioning. A new bunch of fighters just appeared out of nowhere."

"Mine too," a second voice added.

"That's no malfunction," a third commented. "We've got more incoming fighters."

"I see them," said Sorel. Where they came from was a mystery? The fighters they'd engaged did not have hyperdrives.

"Let them come to you," Sorel said. Then another ship appeared on her tactical readout. It was a small carrier. It explained where the fighters had appeared from at least.

And, as if reading her toughts, Kaytoo bleeped a short message. She nodded. It seemed the slavers were using a baffled sublight drive and dampened power systems. It meant their sensors didn't detect the ship until it raised its shields to release the fighters.
Post 3/25

"There is something not right here," Judah said bluntly as he approached the man deciding he needed to be part of this group. you're body language suggests you're distracted, but not busy, and that you are anxious, but not over worked. You can either tell us what you are covering for, or I can just wave my hand and find if for myself. I mush rather you play along an volunteer the information."

Would JJ actually tear into a person's mind without their permission, no. The bluff was the man's to call though, and Judah's body language did not suggest he was bluffing. The Corellian was a decent gambler, his parents were excellent. Considering the nature of what was happening here, this was nothing more than a game. What was stake? Judah didn't know, but he did not intend on losing. He just knew something didn't feel right, and he wanted to make sure they were not missing anything. As far as he was concerned if there were innocents involved he would do anything to ensure their safety.

He looked over to the Zeltron master to be sure she was okay with his line of problem solving. She could have spoken, but didn't, and Judah felt that time was of the essence. If he was out of line she could tell him, but the guardian was itching for some action. Negotiating with words was not a strong point of his. He talked best with his lightsaber.

[member="Joza Perl"], [member="Serana"]
Objective: Secret Project
Secondary Objective: Project Oculus
Tertiary Objective: Protect Herald
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Face"] [member="Brooklyn Justice"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

Willa continued to move around with the others as she was going, attention with the Heralds as they were coming in and from above she could see the massive form of the ship for themselves. All of the work that they were doing to meet with the people on the ground. She could see the prefab walls being brought in from the ships hold as it was hovering over the world in the distance and opening up its hanger to let the ships out. providing the heralds with the space to move around, her oculus showing the different force signatures of her squadrons as Ghost squad arrived with a nod of her head seeing their force signatures and levels. "Alright, move everything in and lets get everything set up. I want the heralds set up and displayed ready for anything that we will have to fight. Start deploying the auto turrets with full range and views in the sun so we have a constant line of fire for them." Willa had a nod of her head going forward and bringing up a display on her tactical pad for everything.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

More hostile vessels appeared on Sorel’s tactical readout: twenty small craft not even half the length of a usual fighter. Her onboard computer did not recognize their configuration. “Kaytoo, what did they just drop?”

The bleeps and whistle was not encouraging. “Uncertain? That doesn’t bode well.”

Sorel whistled as she watched the tiny ships accelerate. Within three seconds, they were traveling so fast that her scanners could not keep up with them. They blinked in and out of existence.

Kaytoo bleeped again. “I agree. Droids.”

“OK,” said Sorel, opening up the comms channel. “Those fighters are moving too fast to be effectively tracked. I recommend you engage the regular fighters. I’ll take care of the little beggars.” Sorel switched comms so only her wing-man could hear. “This is going to need good old-fashioned piloting – and that’s when the Force comes in handy. Just cover my back and pick off any that stray into your path.”

She flipped the comms again. “Attack Formation Epsilon-Three. If any of the smaller craft look to engage you, keep them in your sights and off each other’s tails. Don’t rely on your instruments.”

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 11
Location: The House
Objective: BYOO

Akio panted, catching his breath after the fight between him and the Dark One. He could still somewhat feel the being on the fringe of his mind, like they were still out there, somewhere. Waiting. Watching, just out of his reach. The Chiss shook his head; Now is not the time. He sheathed his sword before running to the daughter. She was huddled in the corner, whimpering and crying softly. A young teen boy lay sprawled across the other corner. One look and the Chiss could tell that his life had been sucked away. The Blue Pilgrim placed his hand on the girl's shoulder, sending Calm in her through the Force, "My name is Akio Diachi. I am a Jedi, here to help. Are you alright, Dianna?"

She nodded, her sobs subsiding slightly, "Y-y-yes, I-I think so. Wh-who sent you? Where is Mathew?"

"I am afraid it looks like I arrived just too late," he said with a frown, "But he was very brave."

The latter part was more of an assumption but it was what she needed to hear right now, and more than that, she needed to see her mother. He had a feeling that she wasn't going to come easily if he didn't put that to rest.

"O-oh-oh" she sobbed breaking down once more.

"I understand you are upset, and you have every right to be," Akio encouraged her gently, "But your mother is worried sick about you, and if you are not brought to her soon, I am worried for what she will do. In addition, you may need medical attention. Can you walk or should I carry you?"

"I think I can walk," Dianna said, drying her tears, with his help she rose and the two of them found their way to the mother. Police and an ambulance had arrived on scene and were getting her statement.

When the officer saw Akio, he drew his side arm, "You, stay where you are, away from the girl!"

"No, stop! He's the one who helped me!" the mother protested.

"I doubt it, Ma'am, he's an assassin," the officer barked grimly. "Hands, where I can see them."
Location: Ibtisam City, Hast
Objective: Diplomatic Gains
Allies: Order of the Silver Jedi
Enemies: N/A


Gir hesitated before rising up from his chair to stretch his arms and legs. His eyes canned the room as he did so, noting the countenance of the faces present. He could see it in their eyes that aside from Mothut, everyone appeared to have some knowledge of his actions and those of the motley confederation they had formed. As formless and as varied as their actions had been, it was simply too large for it not to be discovered in some way, yet he hadn't thought their actions would be so easily connected.

"Hast has been unstable now for some time after the Netherworld," started Gir, "and simply put, that's not good. Not good for our people, not for our cities, our businesses, or our future. One of my side goals as a founder of the Directorate was to make life better for our peoples, and part of that meant working towards providing that stability with all manner of peoples as my partners, whether they were expatriates like myself returning home, established politicians, business men and women, and even wide-eyed idealists."

"He's created a shadow government," said Cressit, coiling his facial tendrils together, "and doing so, he plans to usurp us all."

"Not exactly," said Gir, "the fact is that our system is broken in providing the basic environment that our people need to thrive in. So yes, in a sense, my partners and I have been working outside the traditional power channels to try and fix that problem, whether it is offering privately funded alternative programs or providing different opinions and ideas through the media."

"And in doing so, you've made the traditional city-state structure obsolete," said Casulon, "and that makes positions such as our's vulnerable. Gregio just found that out with the referendum taking place in his city. They spearheaded what is almost a coup."

So that's how they found out. Coral Rim City had been probably the most mishandled city-state out of all of Hast. Subtle attempts to try and correct that government's shortcomings had foundered, and even most of the mass protests had as well. But one well-placed bribe, the conversion of several official's viewpoints, and a grassroots effort had come together to form a referendum that would see Gregio's replacement as councilor with a new candidate. That was complex, and Gregio probably used everything at his disposal to try and figure out what was going on...

"But it's not a coup," said Gir, "it's merely using the existing legal framework to correct a problem. How many of you actually want to see Grigorio remain in power after what he's done? Moreover, that example alone doesn't necessarily mean that we will try to remove you all from power. We seek reform through legal and legitimate channels, not revolution."


jedi Protector of Bal'demnic
Objective: Sick Dance Moves
Secondary Objective Project Oculus
Allies: [member="Nyt Rito"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

Go and investigate, she could do that with a look. It might not be easy but getting around so that they would be able to get the information and she was certain that the danger's would be coming from them... Or they might be scared of her look compared to the rest of them. Letting her looks with the rows of sharp teeth be there to at least give off the impression she could eat them. In truth she much preferred the taste of fish and some fo the other aliens. "Understood master." She looked at the little brah who was going around with most of their attention on inquiring around the area. About the ships and the people who were on them or fueling them. "Where do you think we should start?"
Post #4
Objective: Investigate
Allies: [member="Serana"] and [member="Judah Lesan Jr."]

Joza remained quiet, watching as Serana interacted with the man. When the Padawan who had trailed behind spoke up, she arched a brow. “Easy, now. Remember that we are guests here and that we are also asking for this man’s help—not interrogating him.” She rested a hand on JJ’s shoulder, reaching out to him telepathically. He’s probably anxious over all of the disappearances. Not everyone in the Galaxy views the Jedi or our Order in a positive light. She squeezed his shoulder and offered him a small smile before the hand fell back to her side. His enthusiasm was appreciated, but needed to be reined in.

“Hmm,” The man scratched at his beard, looking uneasy and a bit taken aback. “They’ve happened all over. Never in the more populated areas, obviously. I’m sorry that I couldn’t tell you more.” Seemingly softened a bit, he shrugged. Whether he was telling the truth or not remained to be seen between the three Force users as a feminine scream rippled through the air. Joza’s head jerked in the direction of the shout, a frown creasing her face.

“Thank you for your time,” She addressed the clipboard man. “But I think we’ve got a lead. Let’s go. Good work, Serana.” With a nod to her two companions, the sort of pregnant Zeltron took off in a Force-enhanced sprint.


Meanwhile, at the makeshift slave hold…

The young woman struggled in her binds as her captor walked off deeper into the area for a smoke. Farouk had warned them not to smoke too close to their hideout, lest they attract unwanted attention.

The sleeping drug they’d stuck her with had worn off, either a bad batch or a low dose. Thus, the woman was awake and panicking. She managed to thrash to the point where her gag came loose allowing her to emit a wavering scream.

Adnan burst from the cargo hold, eyes blazing as Farouk came running. “The hell, Farouk? Why is she awake?” The head slaver growled to his younger brother, looking agitated. “This blows our whole cover. Let’s get both of them on the transport and—“ He paused, head turning in the direction of the shipyard. A snarl of disgust tore from his throat and he fingered the handle of the whip on his belt.

“What?” Farouk questioned, squinting into the distance. “What is it?”
Post 5 of 20
Objective: Save the kitty. Save the day. Kiss the girl. (not necessarily in that order)
Gear: Ankarres Healer Robes | Riptide
#TeamAwesome: [member="Sia Ike-Dymo"] (Wonder Woman) | [member="Izama"] (Shark Week) | [member="Nyt Rito"] (Codename: Kids Next Door)

Nyt had some impressive research skills.

And Izama seemed eager to get this plot going. Looking over the candidates that Nyt had come up with, the Nautolan browsed through the list. "The Silver Jedi do business with the Directorate, which influences a lot of business here," the Nautolan knight remarked, striking from the list any companies with ties to the Directorate.

"This one," the boy decided, pointing to an operation working under the marketing name Tejure Astro. "It says that it's a satellite of a company out of Kessel. That means it probably owned by the Hutts."

Not to be stereotypical or anything, because Zak was far from a racist, but it seemed that if there were criminal endeavors taking place... there was a Hutt somewhere nearby.

Throwing a brown robe on over his Jedi attire, the Nautolan started down the loading ramp as he called behind him. "Everyone remember where we parked!"

Tejure Astro was listed as being on the far side of the starport. That meant they'd be doing some walking to get there.

Perhaps they'd pass a McYodas? Were there McYodas this far out? Food was definitely going to be a side quest of this adventure.
Objective: Investigate Abductions
Secondary Objective: Project Oculus
Allies: [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Judah Lesan Jr."]
Post: 12/25

She was listening to the man and nodd her head ready for anything here, there was a lot and she could sense more while reaching out with the force at first to see if the man was hiding anything. Just let her mind pick up on the micro expressions and things that were shown to indicate. Nothing invasive or going to be easily seen it was more augmenting her senses before the padawan listenedd to him and her master. She was ready to go off and search the city itself when stopping near a small pair of children who looked like they were beelining it for her. "Are they going to pet me?"" SHe said it and it was a strange thing, she wasn't cetain how to explain it to some of the others but padawans like [member="Kiriko"] knew what it was like. They were always getting people touching them or hugging them or trying to feed them. "Master the humans are strange."

Nyt Rito

The (New) Padawan Menace!
Post 3 of 20
Objective: Being Awesome (With [member="Zak Dymo"])
Gear: Sick Dance Moves, Endless Charisma
#TeamAwesome: [member="Sia Ike-Dymo"] (the gross one) | [member="Izama"] (the fishy one) | [member="Zak Dymo"] (the Brah one)

"Alright alright!" He'd cry out, springing down the ramp, landing hands-first into a tight roll, before launching lightly up to his feet in a trot along side the longer-strides of his Master. "Glad I was able to help, big brah!" He chirped, enthusiasm in no short supply. Head-tails continually bobbing as he kept pace with Zak, occasionally side-stepping in a commonly characteristic skip-hop that many will soon come to recognize him for (as it makes communicating on the go a little more convenient for the youngling).​

Hopping along, those dark eyes stared up at Zak, grinning excitedly. "So, what's the game play when we find the bad guys!? You gonna go all *Swoosh* *Ktsh* on them!?" He'd ask, swinging his arms, imitating saber combat. "Or, or, or.... Or are you gonna go, 'Blah blah don't be bad blah blah!' instead?" He'd inquire, this time folding his arms across his chest, his face taking a stern, serious expression during this imitation, though the side-stepping skip didn't cease for even one moment. Made for a more than moderately comedic visual.​

"And, and, and, I can like, be your back up! Yeah! I can...." He'd falter, stumbling in step for a moment, before skipping through the trip-up back into his side-step, "What can I do?" He'd ponder out-loud. He really didn't have a whole lot out-side the bare basics of skills. Some speed, some TK, but not a whole lot else in his tool-box as of yet.... What could the youngling do???​

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Post: 12
Location: The Village
Objective: BYOO

Akio slowly raised his hands, waiting for the officer to fire. Judging by the look on the human's face, he guessed that he wasn't exactly keen on bringing the Chiss in for questioning. His primary concern was bystanders getting caught in the cross fire--if he wanted to be unharmed, the Chiss would not be hurt.

"Come now, Officer, Dunhart, I believe you have the wrong man," said Guidance winsomely as he slowly ambled closer to them.

"No, Guidance, I know this man! I've seen him on the wanted posters," the officer barked out, unrelenting in his aiming at Akio.

Guidance waved his hand, giving the officer's mind a gentle nudge, "I--believe you have the wrong man."

Dunhart's eyes softened for a moment, "I--have the wrong man."

"This Chiss is a hero and a model citizen. Move along."

Dunhart holstered his weapon and swallowed, "Yes, he is a hero and a model citizen. We should treat him well. I should move along."

The officer went back to tending to the mother and her teenage daughter, Akio looked at Guidance with a questioning look, the old man chuckled softly and began walking down the street away from the scene, Akio followed him. As they moved through the town, Akio told him about the Dark One and how they had fought and the sword had done its great work.

"Oh, of course," said Guidance nodding his head solemnly, "The blade is very strong in the Force, it was created by a Master. It will do well against the Forces of evil."

"Here," Akio moved to give it back, but Guidance stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"I gave it to you, I want you to keep it. The Dark One has been weakened, but not defeated."

"Where is he then? Should I pursue and track him down?"

"You probably should, however, you are not strong enough yet to take him down. Not completely. You will meet again, I can promise you that."

"That is what I am afraid of," the Chiss said half to himself, "What do you think will happen then?"

"You will fight, you will do your best, and you will win against the darkness that plagues others, what more do you expect?" Guidance said with a slight chuckle.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Sorel banked left, watching the fast-moving fighters blipping in and out on her tactical display as her sensors attempted to keep up with them. Ten were heading directly for her but the rest had engaged her flight.

The pilots were good and the ships state of the art, but against droids, they were struggling. Sorel had the advantage of the Force to guide her when her equipment was lacking. Sadly her fellow pilots did not. Against sentients, she would put every credit she had on the outcome going the right way. But here and now she was not so sure.

From the corner of her eye she saw one of the flight burst into a deadly bloom of debris and shrapnel. The wing man reacted with admirable speed, cutting sharply down and to the left in an effort to avoid the ship, but it still wasn't fast enough. Sorel heard the pilot scream as the dome of his cockpit slammed into the fuselage of the spinning fuselage.

Sorel remained focused and maintained her pursuit, still trying to achieve that elusive firing angle. If she could take the first one out, they might switch attention to her, perceiving her to be the main threat.

Sorel's fighter was rocked by a sudden impact. A shower of sparks burst from the control panel as her command screen went black. The cockpit filled with the smell of overheating wires, and all her power system indicators were spiking into their red zones. Her shields were overloading, suggesting that she'd either been hit by an energy torpedo or a turbo-laser blast.

Three of the unclassified fighters had manoeuvred behind her. She had been distracted by the activity to her left. Sorel cursed. Her fighter shuddered as it was struck again.

“Adjust the shields before we lose everything!” Sorel cried.

“Drop the laser recharge rate to 50 percent. See if you can't get the power grid back to full efficiency.”
Objective: Secret Project
Secondary Objective: Project Oculus
Tertiary Objective: Protect Herald
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Face"] [member="Brooklyn Justice"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

There was a lot of work going on as Willa checked it out using the oculus scouter was displaying for her the bioelectric signatures of the people that the small computer could lock onto and with the force tracker designed to show when there is a force snesitive object or being within range she has been able to work on it. Turning over more of her own attention to the ones tey were able to find and work with. Some investigations were going into finding missing people but she was working and searching with them as the force sensitives showed up on the scouter with the small computer giving them the direction, a number to the output and which ones they could sense that were the strongest compared. The compass she knew pointed out which was stronger or in a higher concentration this just showed you much the same only hands free. The other things they had like their special projects and sections up and ready to be worked on gave her a few other plans like working with them on the bases construction and the coordination with the ships in orbit. The special ships, heralds and ranger's here with the jedi were just the icing as all of them got some small work out.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Sorel kept moving. Now her pace and manoeuvrability were assets. She would rather she didn’t have to utilise them, but she was glad she could. She continued trying to shake the mysterious little fighters. All she could do was bank left and right, shooting wildly at those that came across her bow. They easily kept out of the way of her fire. She would have to evade or attack, doing both meant neither was being done effectively.

Then she was aware that her wing-man was targeted by torpedoes. "Kaytoo, target them!" The droid obeyed instantly, and flashing brackets appeared around the triangular icons on her screen that represented the missiles. She steadied her course, briefly letting the droid starfighters pummel her rear shields with their lasers. She pressed the trigger on her cannon and kept it down, holding her breath as the missiles and the brilliant arc of laser blasts crossed paths. One torpedo exploded harmlessly, but then her cannon stopped firing. She glanced at the power gauge. The laser was drained. She’d forgotten about the decision to reduce their recharge to 60 per cent.

The second torpedo struck her wing-man. The explosion spread ripped through the fighter's hull as its shield generator overloaded. The remains of its shattered astromech unit were ejected through the loading hatch as the fighter's secondary systems started to malfunction.

The blue glow of his ion engines winked out, and the ship’s icon turned into an outline on Sorel’s tactical display.

Shields at 100 percent. Sorel reset her laser recharge to full and loaded a couple of torpedoes.

Targets acquired, Kaytoo bleeped.

Sorel pushed the launch burton. Two torpedoes streaked from her ship and at this range, the droid ships could not avoid the impact.

“Two down,” she said.

But then a stream of laser fire poured over her canopy and another burst pelted her shields.

Shields at 69 percent and recharging, Kaytoo said. Reducing laser recharge rate to 90 percent.
Location: Ibtisam City, Hast
Objective: Diplomatic Gains
Allies: Order of the Silver Jedi
Enemies: N/A


Mothut eyed him intently. For the first time since he had started talking, Gir noticed that her hands were clenched so tightly around the back of a chair that they had turned pale. He looked up to meet her gaze, only to feel an almost visceral mixture of fear and rage radiate out of her. I've ruined some of her plans and plots, and with, a future that she once held for herself. Gir would almost feel bad for the sudden shift in her fortunes if he was not concerned more for the people of his city.

"What are your plans for Ibtisam City?" asked Mothut.

"Our plans for the day to day functioning of the city have not changed," said Gir, "while I have been hesitant, even critical of some of your foreign policy decisions, I do believe that you have stewarded the internal affairs of our city in an exceptional manner."

The fear and anger present on her flickered to include a trace of confusion.

"I would propose keeping you as a councilor in charge of internal affairs," said Gir, "with the other executive powers of the office split between two more people as per the referendum 301."

Realization dawned across her face. Whatever thoughts that she had previously harbored as the proposed restructuring of the government as being a faint longshot quickly changed to an understanding that it was a likelihood now. The ability of the Ibtasim business bureau to quietly organize volunteers and raise credits for that referendum without attracting attention or realizing that they were the authors behind it had been their masterstroke. If they succeeded, they would effectively reduce Mothut's dominance over the government and supplant it with their own, all while maintaining an orderly transition that wouldn't significantly effect the city's or world's stability.

"Who do you envision seeing alongside me?"

"The people will make that choice," said Gir, "But I will be campaigning for Miss Threkin here to handle foreign affairs. I think that Judge Tomkins will be an excellent judicial executive given his long experience in the courts and his work with our security forces over the years."

Mothut finally relaxed her hands, letting color once again suffuse throughout her upper extremities.

"We've talked about our internal affairs too much," said the mon calamari female, glancing at the other councilors, "so what changes do you have for our agenda?"

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

“How can such tiny fighters carry so much firepower and be so fast?”

Kaytoo gave a series of bleeps and whistles. Sorel nodded, not that her droid could see. “Makes sense. If they are droids, the power that would normally be allocated to life support can go into weapons, and the space reserved for the pilot can be used for weapons or propulsion.”

Sorel thought as she threw her fighter into an upward corkscrew, hoping to lose her pursuers. She was in serious trouble if she didn’t deal with them somehow. The problem was that droids never got tired or distracted. She needed to focus all her wits and all other thoughts. It was a good job she was a Jedi.

Shields at 70 percent and recharging. Laser cannon recharge rate at 80 percent.

“There’s no running from them Kaytoo,” Sorel said. “Load torpedoes and reduce laser recharge to 20 percent and redirect all power to the forward shields.”

The droid squealed. Even if you couldn’t understand what he said, the alarm was clearly manifested. Sorel simply pushed her throttle to maximum and threw her fighter into an overhead loop.

The tiny fighters slowed as she performed a wing-over and put herself directly in one of their paths. Kaytoo established a target lock for her. The tiny enemy fighters started to accelerate again, and the lock was again lost as they reached speeds that were beyond the targeting sensor’s ability to track them. Sorel had expected this, however.

The instrumentation agreed with her droid’s warning. The torpedoes were ready. But they were unable to reacquire a target lock.

Sorel ignored the fact.

The droid starfighters jogged to the right. Sorel matched their movement, holding a nose-to-nose approach with her chosen target.

The droid starfighter fired its lasers. Sorel held her course as Kaytoo beeped urgently and her fighter rocked. The Jedi remained calm sticking to her plan. The droid fighter changed course again, attempting to avoid collision. Once more she put herself in its path.

A collision alert chimed.

She could see the muzzles on the droid’s ship lasers glowing. She fired a torpedo and banked sharply left. Her gamble paid off – at his tremendous speed, the enemy didn’t have time to avoid the torpedo, and it impacted squarely on its fuselage.

Three down. Sorel glanced down, shields were at 45 percent and recharging.


jedi Protector of Bal'demnic
Objective: Sick Dance Moves
Secondary Objective Project Oculus
Allies: [member="Nyt Rito"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

Izama looked at the other padawan and at her master when she was moving, letting the force energies come while she was listening to him and chuckled at it. She didn't know about using her saber to defend but she did know but she wasn't much for talking things out with everything that was happening when she spoke to the little brah. "Well I do not think we will tell them they are bad, they already know that we can do the important part of it all though and make master brah's job easier so his new wife and her family doesn't turn us into toads." She was moving and there was some squelching in her boots but not much else or danger for everything happening. The device she had been given to help test was giving several readings from the other jedi all around them.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Sorel eased the throttle back to standard attack speed as fragments of the droid fighter scattered into space. Until that moment, she hadn’t realized that the shouts of her flight had completely died out. They had been calling, but now they were silent. Sorel felt another chill, but then realized that her long-range communication system had shorted out. Her tactical display showed her that the flight was still operating, but how many she had no way of telling as her display was still down.

“You know the drill,” she said to Kaytoo. Indeed he did as he listed in order the damaged systems he would repair.

More droid fighters wer coming in fast on her left. Sorel threw the throttle forward and sent her fighter sharply into a tailspin. She caught a brief glimpse of the distant flashes that said her flight and the tiny starfighters were exchanging fire. Then she was spinning off into the blackness of space.

Lasers streaked harmlessly past her, but then she was jerked by the impact of missiles and then shuddered under the impact of another shower of laser fire. Kaytoo issued a series of trilling whistles. She had just lost shields.

“Concentrate on getting them back online!” she said.

Sorel twisted the fighter sharply to the right, then threw it into a partial barrel roll before changing directions into another sharp downward dive. Blaster bolts streaked by the cockpit.

Kaytoo squealed again.

“I know the engine housing is threatening to fall off. If you promise to get those shields back up, I’ll stop testing the ship’s tolerances.” The words reflected the urgency of the situation, even if her voice remained calm.

She continued to throw her fighter around, easing off when she heard the stabilizers groan or if another warning light blinked on her instrument panel. Without warning, her long-range communications were restored. The chatter she immediately heard was not positive.

“Shields.” Sorel repeated. “Get me shields.”

Sorel opened her comms link, her voice clear and commanding. “This is Sorel. Keep it together, people. Cover your wingman. I’ll be there presently.”
Objective: Secret Project
Secondary Objective: Project Oculus
Tertiary Objective: Protect Herald
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Face"] [member="Brooklyn Justice"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

Willa was listenign to everythign as a small command console was set up for them now. She would be able to work over and through some of the different things until she listened to them. "Commander Isard the station is here and the prototypes have been proving highly effective with the other ships of the fleet in support knight [member="Sorel Crieff"] in her endeavors. We are beginning the final phases of the fortifications for the system by deploying and setting up additional flowers around the planet itself. We are looking at a few ships that are from the Directorate." There was no need to attack but the prototype ship they had in orbit of the planet was designed to defend and take systems hopefully by itself should it all work properly. She was looking at the head piece and tracking a few others when she walked through and there was a small group of slavers firing the flame pistol while she was spinning the flames to surround all of them and keep them in place. "No no boys you get to stay."

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