Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Return of the Knights of Ren

there are some rather mutable pathogens in the cargo that when they come in contact with organics well.. surprises.

Oh my....Now that is what I'm talking about. I'm already corrupt AF...playing Typhoid Terraxia sounds fun

inhales toxic virus, protected by the Dark Side
Flies down to busy and densely trafficked Starport
Coughs, touches people and objects, seduces people, etc. to spread it around
enjoy the chaos that breaks out when the planetary gov't can't handle the sudden plague
participates in the chaos, because hey, why not
maybe even helps fleeing people break thru the quarantine blockade, so they spread it to the next star system
feels the quickening of the Dark Side, like a deep hit off a death stick

Anak Darkstar

Oh my....Now that is what I'm talking about. I'm already corrupt AF...playing Typhoid Terraxia sounds fun

inhales toxic virus, protected by the Dark Side
Flies down to busy and densely trafficked Starport
Coughs, touches people and objects, seduces people, etc. to spread it around
enjoy the chaos that breaks out when the planetary gov't can't handle the sudden plague
participates in the chaos, because hey, why not
maybe even helps fleeing people break thru the quarantine blockade, so they spread it to the next star system
feels the quickening of the Dark Side, like a deep hit off a death stick

Being carriers of chaotic plague would be epic!

You give me ideas..

We should do this!
I like the idea of smaller levels of chaos or even tormenting individuals/small groups
other random brainstorms
  • Deal with the Devil -- be careful what you wish for, because you'll get it....and then some.
  • Let Nature Take It's Course -- destroying planetary weather control systems, hydroelectric dams, gravitic stabliziers to cause storms, floods, earthquakes, etc.
  • Reverse Robin Hood -- where you rob from the poor and give to the rich, sparking a rebellion against the upper classes
  • Predator vs. Prey -- "Predator/Surviving The Game/The Most Dangerous Game" but Star Wars Style
  • The Corruptor -- give NFU's a taste of REAL power and watch how quickly they become consumed by it. Give it and take it away at will, tease them like a drug addict. Or let them climb you can watch them fall from a greater height
  • Evil vs. Evil -- Show the amateurs how it's done. Or better yet, pit them against each other and revel in the chaos

Anak Darkstar

I like the idea of smaller levels of chaos or even tormenting individuals/small groups
other random brainstorms
  • Deal with the Devil -- be careful what you wish for, because you'll get it....and then some.
  • Let Nature Take It's Course -- destroying planetary weather control systems, hydroelectric dams, gravitic stabliziers to cause storms, floods, earthquakes, etc.
  • Reverse Robin Hood -- where you rob from the poor and give to the rich, sparking a rebellion against the upper classes
  • Predator vs. Prey -- "Predator/Surviving The Game/The Most Dangerous Game" but Star Wars Style
  • The Corruptor -- give NFU's a taste of REAL power and watch how quickly they become consumed by it. Give it and take it away at will, tease them like a drug addict. Or let them climb you can watch them fall from a greater height
  • Evil vs. Evil -- Show the amateurs how it's done. Or better yet, pit them against each other and revel in the chaos
Splendid ideas, especially pitting enemies against one another. And I am always up for Faustian stuff.
Terraxia Terraxia

Love the ideas you have! We are gonna have lots of opportunities to cause chaos and go after anyone and everyone. Our God commands it, thus we carry out his will to feed the eternal hunger and cast the Shadow over the Galaxy. Looking forward to adding her to the ranks!

U Unblessed

Anyone that doesn’t convert to our beliefs are our enemy. What’s one more added to the list? The more the merrier!

Anak Darkstar

Yes!! The REN carriers of bio weapons, able to withstand the horrible effects. Just wait and see what I have in store that goes along with the idea.

Anak Darkstar

Do we have a discord? That would be great. :)
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X hapan Speshal forces Computer Tec 3rd Class
Being Drom Hapan i Find that ...thisLovecraft you speek of is Less than Desirable Then agian you could ...""Keep THe mask on "" and my imagination could fill in the detailes .............. Whilst i find the THe Spiritule ferther of thisShadow the yspeek of ....iahpen to have served Sevral terms in the navy Prior to my Goign it alone...i mean ...... im a Droid wiz kid that aced asa youngter and joied up before my teels as a teck and i Modded droids like none other..............i to have a spaceship itscaleld MY ship and itscoverd i nDroids and there Buissy Modfing it for Hyperspace travle andthats not the easest of thgins mean ........i magedto get hold of soem pretty antiquatedteck......a Sun jammer .... ther so week the slitest blast would buckle the Sola colecotr yet............i hmagedto put some seriosarmour on already and i ran out of funds imena im Broke and .....i got a Light fraghter i wasshuttling goods to my Ship and .... ieman im compltly usless icant fly icant cook or interation fredships Soshal skilsto me thisis an aslect of my life that i Niglected andi think to myself if i could have done thgisndifretly ........ithink maybe i wouldof also learnt how to prgram Droidsfor iterlectual cosion to but..Myn tend to be quiert and do things.......Some one said Mercineryand i was like,,, ,this is the schore ..ok ......i can cover coter hacking syt4ems incrtio ndedcrtion cypers droids and ..........Looking good......itake 70% ofthe prseeds of any ingagment becosue i have 36 Droids in my Boat that wil sort it out ....and i also except hard trade im lookingatthe Malecoulerbonded Superaloys and copositsfor Hul lreficment nto your every day avrage Cladding but ...wearetalkign reacter core wall Grade Mettles and in suc hsition where thse areavaible i wil forgo my highershair on any Mercinery activitys .... iahve spair rooms and iahve a pretty sweet med bay and louge and a mini holtherter to ...ieman ....iment soem Pritty wierd peopel in my time ok...and......i dotn mind soem alions havesoem wierd habits im down they have the skils togetthe job done? ......ieman i know im notrecruting ieman realy we dont actuly need anyone else if we areshort o na few hands iacn jack a few Doids for m jsut about anwhereand i gotthe kit dot odo it and Prefizxed programig nsets of my own device..........thers jsut One thing.........................i know iwasnt ivited tothis shidig but ...iamged togetatrackeron one of your lackys and ..they was all Hyped and taked up about the shadow and the mastery of the darkside and ...i realy didant knowwhatthey were o nabout ..imean i jsut spentthe last 12 years i nspace 98% ofthe time and thers like light in the distance and a bler whe nyou kick i nthe hyperdrive.............have yo ueverseen waht a sun jammer can do to a planet ..? Day one you arive in the system and maver to the Eclips Point its liek the Anti goldylox zone and you Deply the soler colector and ......a Planet that you keep aliment with Falls in to Darkness .....within a matter of hors they senteverthignthey haveto battle you and ..they Destry it and its gone and thats all.......but ifthey cant get to it andthe yant blow it up ...the darkness Holds and the planet losses heat it becosue cold a deep cold falls and within a few weeks all plant life dies out and megerstorms coverthe planet as the climte goes throuhg a catastropick change..................... imaged toget hodl of one for a junkyard some time back and i set a buch of droids up flyngthe thign Sublight out in tothe Nowhere and catchign up for time to time with the next shipment of goods ....yet its not so easy you know andeven if i do get it up andrunnign ..armorud armed and Hyperspace caperble ....whatthen ...........i haveto say .....I wirship makup and pretty cloths and large figures in my accoutns and .....Neoclasical High speck teck......i dotn even midn if its not unversaly compatablei can work aroudn that................................My Light fraghters impoded for lack of covering Port fees can anyoen lone me a few creds so we can get off this rock
X hapan Speshal forces Computer Tec 3rd Class
its been over 6 months since my last shipment of goods and i have been struglingto just keep my little ship going .....are your comming back to this plaent i could singe up for any Mission on the dark star ... ifthe goingsgood i couldpsobly sell the little ship and go stedy with the crew but...ieman your cargo holdsgotto be suficent for my jammer deverysfor mtimetotime andi need like a reble space in ateck lab i got a buch ofequipment and.................Likei said...Hard curracy and i'll do it....."Internal monologe" This buch of Proctersin Clown suits Might be talking Creepy but therpacking soem reble Gear ithinkthey can handle themves ......12 yearsin the navy beingtoldto fixit and make it work and ...icant figure out how to scrape 2 Creds to gether. They are My path to Fortune ..... i mean all iahveto do is Put some Nighty On and slip in to aroom or two and Implant ther brainstem with Nural shock or explding Subdermal implantsand therasgood as They Typeim looking for imean im goignto need soem kind of insurance and what an amazing Lure imean they were saying stuff that was likesimilerto My thing soded similer ......Kindof similer ....they was talking Jedi ithink but .. i dont know ..One Night each andeverthing is going to be sweet ,,Play it cool actthe part .....Dont let on about the Droidthing and everthign is going to be fine
Blessed be Child of the Dark Cosmos. Few seek out the ways of the Shadow, and the Knights themselves. Those that do are worthy to gain the Knights attention. We would be glad to have another join our ranks to spread the good word of the World Eater, and bring about destruction and rebirth to all!
Praise be! The Knights are called to the ruins of Exegol!!To a dark sanctom that is said to be swimming in the Shadow. I lead them inside to where you may join with the rest of the Knights that have answered the call.

Cairan Shannon Cairan Shannon

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