Solan Charr
The Reborn King of Kesh
[member="Yasha Mantis"]
Solan stood there, listening to the words from both of them, his eyes staring between the two before finally sighing.
She asked for assurances, from a Republic. A nation that does not attack first, one that had a treaty with them and one that does not conquer land. Edric's brow twitched when she said that and he had to look away and breath out. He gathered his thoughts before finally speaking, careful to control his tone and his face.
"You come here, threaten the Republic and ask for assurances. You want some assurances? My ships are literally sitting here, unable to defend themselves. The fleets locations are being transferred to your people on your planet. We have a treaty with you and expressed the wanting for a defensive pact even if what I am being told is correct. We were not the ones that attacked you, then looked for peace and for a close relation after. You have attacked us once without warning and now today you come here with an armada, threaten the people of this planet and my few ships over open communications, and expect us to trust YOU."
He stared and shook his head.
"With all due respect Mandalor, you have come asking for reasons to trust the Republic, when it has done nothing to earn your ire. It has not talked with your enemies, it has not attacked those that support you. I myself have a daughter that is in your clans. We have Mandalorians in the Republic that call this place home. You are the closest thing to an ally the Republic had, even if no such pact existed. And you came today with only a irrational fear that the Republic would just do the one thing it never so much as thought of doing. These planets asked for us to return, and we voted on the matter. The vote was public and your intelligence corp, if you have one, is filled with morons if they could not pass on that fact..."
"Declare your war if you think the Republic would attack you, declare your war if you think they would help you. But all you have done today is create fear in a people who right now, saw hope in coming back to the core. Hope that we would be closer and be able to better trade with the peoples we thought were honorable and carried themselves with a warrior's caution. All this has shown is the warlust of a berserker."
"Please leave the system if you intend to continue asking for assurances and promises, because you will not find them today. The people of the republic would think you only mean to break whatever words you have come to speak. I wish you health Mandalor, and I pass that onto your Vod. You have nothing to fear from the Republic, and have only given the Republic reason to fear and distrust mandalorians once more."
With that he ended the communication, but did not order his ships to change how they rested in the space above Carida. The Mandalor could choose to fire, or leave. She only created a sense of distrust towards her people and empire in being here today.
Solan stood there, listening to the words from both of them, his eyes staring between the two before finally sighing.
She asked for assurances, from a Republic. A nation that does not attack first, one that had a treaty with them and one that does not conquer land. Edric's brow twitched when she said that and he had to look away and breath out. He gathered his thoughts before finally speaking, careful to control his tone and his face.
"You come here, threaten the Republic and ask for assurances. You want some assurances? My ships are literally sitting here, unable to defend themselves. The fleets locations are being transferred to your people on your planet. We have a treaty with you and expressed the wanting for a defensive pact even if what I am being told is correct. We were not the ones that attacked you, then looked for peace and for a close relation after. You have attacked us once without warning and now today you come here with an armada, threaten the people of this planet and my few ships over open communications, and expect us to trust YOU."
He stared and shook his head.
"With all due respect Mandalor, you have come asking for reasons to trust the Republic, when it has done nothing to earn your ire. It has not talked with your enemies, it has not attacked those that support you. I myself have a daughter that is in your clans. We have Mandalorians in the Republic that call this place home. You are the closest thing to an ally the Republic had, even if no such pact existed. And you came today with only a irrational fear that the Republic would just do the one thing it never so much as thought of doing. These planets asked for us to return, and we voted on the matter. The vote was public and your intelligence corp, if you have one, is filled with morons if they could not pass on that fact..."
"Declare your war if you think the Republic would attack you, declare your war if you think they would help you. But all you have done today is create fear in a people who right now, saw hope in coming back to the core. Hope that we would be closer and be able to better trade with the peoples we thought were honorable and carried themselves with a warrior's caution. All this has shown is the warlust of a berserker."
"Please leave the system if you intend to continue asking for assurances and promises, because you will not find them today. The people of the republic would think you only mean to break whatever words you have come to speak. I wish you health Mandalor, and I pass that onto your Vod. You have nothing to fear from the Republic, and have only given the Republic reason to fear and distrust mandalorians once more."
With that he ended the communication, but did not order his ships to change how they rested in the space above Carida. The Mandalor could choose to fire, or leave. She only created a sense of distrust towards her people and empire in being here today.