Little Star


It wasn't really surprising that Aris and Bee stopped as well, rather than leave her behind while she covered their backs. She hadn't even seen it with a vision, but it just wasn't them. Aris would always stay with her, and Bee protected them the way her own parents would as well. She knew, deep down, that Bee would take a shot for them if that's what it took to keep them safe. It made her feel warm and fuzzy inside to know that, but it also made her determined.
Determined to never put herself in a position where he needed to get hurt for her.
Aris then called out his plan, and as soon as Bee created the smoke screen, Vera hugged the wall of the alleyway. The thugs opened fire into the cloud of smoke, but none would even come close. At the same time, Aris charged in, and the second he burst out from the smoke, he'd see a slight shimmer around himself.
A bolt that would have at most grazed him struck another barrier, allowing him to get close without having to deflect a single blaster bolt.
"Bee!" Vera then called out. "We need to find a quick way out of here!" The commotion had sparked attention, perhaps of the wrong and dangerous kind.
But she didn't know the way.