Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Return the Favour | EE Invasion of GA held Byss

Already, I was seeing success. It seemed my timing had been nearly perfect. Elsewhere, the enemy fleet was being attacked by streams of fighters from allied ships. The battle seemed to be swinging in favor of the alliance. I smiled, seeing the shields taking heavy fire on one of the Imperial carriers.

"Signal the line," I waited for a moment while my comms officer did so. "Maintain turbolaser and Ion cannon fire on the enemy carriers.. Hold off on proton torpedoes until the next Carrier's shields go down, then launch a full salvo at it's bridge tower. Concussion missiles and laser cannons are to be diverted to any incoming fighters."

I stood on the bridge, watching the battle unfold. The Eternal's fleet was in the way of my view of the main battle, between the enemy Monarchs and Byss's defenses. None the less, the carriers were a prime target for the attack-lightly armed and lightly defended. A few blips on the scanners caught my attention. There were several, some approaching, some stationary. I double checked vectors on the fast-approaching pings. They were coming straight for Hawk.

"Evasive manneu--"

It was too late. one of the projectiles slammed into Hawk's side, knocking out three of her guns and breaching the hull. The entire ship rocked, and I barely managed to keep my footing. Two more projectiles hit, one slamming into the ide again, and the other smashing a turbolaser. more its came, and Hawk lurched. One slammed into the deck just below the bridge, knocking everyone on the bridge to their feet. My wrist broke the fall, but the pain that shot through my arm told me the fall also broke my wrist.

"Get Comms up dammit! Keep the fleet firing!" I stood, slowly.

Thankfully, it seems the comms systems were the only things spared. Hawk had been torn apart, with only a handful of guns still firing, and the engines crippled.


Allies: Grand Moff Vel'alari Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
Enemies: BB-610 BB-610 Bella Bella Dimitri Lindzinsky

Major Faction


Become One With All Things



S W O R D _ O F _ T H E _ J E D I



When no words were spoken by the once-Sith'ari, Ryv shifted his position and looked over his shoulder. The Sith Acolyte, Iasha, had maintained her stance behind Aldric, trapping the two Jedi between the Sith. It wasn't the most ideal position to be in, but without Carnifex's immediate intervention, Ryv took advantage of the breathing room and inched closer to Aldric. At that moment, Iasha launched herself at the afflicted Jedi Master. Ryv's attention flickered back to Carnifex for only a split-second before he made his choice. He pivoted on his heel, looked back to Aldric, and immediately pulled the Jedi Master past him with an outstretched hand and telekinetic grip.

"Switch," Ryv said with a smirk as he moved into Iasha's path. Resolve raised to meet her crimson saber.

The viridescent blade swept up in a wide arc and batted aside the first blow meant for Aldric's back. When her saber came back around for his legs, the Sword swept out and down. His jacket snapped up from the force of his arm's movement as he parried the second blow out wide. He grinned, took his weapon into both hands, and pressed forward with his own assault. Resolve flashed down in a powerful strike meant to cleave her in two before sliding his right foot towards the woman's left side. He carried his weapon across her torso horizontally in a second attempt to bisect the Acolyte.

Already, the kiffar's footing shifted, and his weight dropped onto his back foot. His offense fell into a practiced defensive as he raised his saber chest level. The weapon pointed out to his right, eyes closed as if in meditation.

"Let's see what your filthy masters have taught you, sithspit."

Allies | NJO | Xesh | Zaavik Dagoth | Ripley Kühn | Aldric | Takui
Enemies | EE | TSE | Ingrid L'lerim | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Iasha Rha Iasha Rha




Objective: Face the Evil Deep Below


Another speeder exploded violently against basalt walls. A moment later Ryv materialized seemingly from out of nowhere before Aldric to take the brunt of the former Dark Lord's attack. The dark blade exploded with a cacophonic wave that brought Aldric to a standstill, even in full sprint. It sent dust and small rocks flying at immense speeds.

Aldric had to shield his face from the blast. His loosely tied hair blew back and untied the knot that held it in place. When he pulled his arms away again, he stepped towards Ryv.

The man looked shaken and injured, but alive. Aldric sighed his relief when the knight jumped back to his feet to cry his challenge.

He wanted to chide the young man, the sudden and equally bombastic appearance of Ryv having taken him by surprise, but he mostly felt relief for the knight's survival. He had specifically ordered the others to stay behind to allow him to take the lead on this one. Yet, one folly of youth was to rarely listen to their elders.

He steeled himself for the encounter with the Dark Lord again, reaching out within the Force to sense what he wished to do.

Dark energies swirled around the former Dark Lord with great rancor, emboldened by whatever the vault had held. They disturbed the harmonic weave of the Force with an enforced undercurrent that pushed the Force further and further away from the Force in this place. Aldric recognized it. He was casting a Sith Spell.

"Ryv, he's-" Aldric started.

"Switch!" The knight yelled.

Before Aldric could finish his sentence he was pulled forward, out the lethal path of the same crimson blade that had bisected the speeder. Aldric stumbled forward at the same time as Ryv pushed past him to meet his assailant.

"Thanks!" He yelled back, as his focus was already shifting towards the weave of the Force.

With an invisible hand, he reached out towards the threads that bound and connected all living beings. His transient fingers traversed the chords until they found the string that powered the discordant elements which fueled the darkness and plucked. Within the Force, he focused his might to sever the spell the Dark Lord cast.


Gear: Bonzami II, in signature.
Opposition: Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
Objective: Pull herself together

It was the only thing which vaguely registered in her mind, the word blinking in the corner of her shattered HUD.


Cara would have scoffed from the truth of the message if possible. The engineer laid prone against the duracrete, still in a haze as she pieced together the events which lead to her lying broken and with blood pooling around her head. The Jedi --no, the man-- had flown into a rage she could have never expected. That was the error she made personally, calculating a typical encounter with a typical Jedi. But what took the form of a Jedi Master surprised her with a brutality she'd experienced only with lesser species, hitting with such a ferocious first strike that it threw all of her senses off balance.

A few moments passed before even the novel idea of rolling over approached her, and she did so with great difficulty. Her left arm hissed with exposed hydraulics and sparking wires, the damage causing it to curl inward then seize. With her right hand she removed the fractured helmet and tossed it aside, glass and a few lost teeth rattling inside as it rolled away. The left arm was useless, and she had no more energy to force its cooperation through Mechu-deru. As she pushed herself to get on shaky legs she detached the arm at the shoulder, tossing it aside with a disgusted grunt. She swayed back and forth, balance refusing to steady. All of this, done by a man who had spoken about peace just seconds before.

But was it all of her own oversight or was a bigger flaw at play? The man, Morga, was terrified. He looked at her with fear so raw she almost cringed at the sight, though the visor shards embedded in her face wouldn't allow it. He was crawling, fleeing like a whimpering child from something or someone. Slowly the images of before came back to her mind. He was a man of control, she knew that, she envied it. So what happened?

Cara was no longer a soldier, taking on her natural role as a mind more curious than combative. Of all things she shuffled closer to him, the one who could have put an end to her. The desperation she'd seen in his eyes before finally fit into the scene. It was no trick of light, and she was stupid to have brushed it aside so lightly.

Keeping a few feet away she fell to her knees more than knelt, her sole arm resting at her side. She searched his panicked face, not with judgement, but with realization.

She'd seen it in fighters more than enough. It was not a stranger from the ring nor the battlefield and he had all the signs... Now he was suffering with the aftermath. Cara's voice was tired as she spoke but quietly analytical.

"Where did you go, Morga? Where did your mind take you?"

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The bastard blade was knocked off course, tumbling to embed itself into the floor with the hilt angled slightly up towards the pair. After a few seconds, the blade wrenched itself free and began to levitate menacingly in the air nearby, the tip of the blade now gradually tipping up to face them.
Carnifex's eyes turned to look at the new arrival, one who the once-Emperor could recognize from the other battlefields of many wars.
"Ryv Karis."
The words of the once-Emperor cut through the air, deafening all other sounds for the duration of their utterance. It was unknown if he had intended to speak more, for the remaining portion of his acolyte detail sprung into action to defend their lord. It had the intended effect of distracting the Sword of the Jedi while pushing the first Jedi who had arrived deeper into the spider's web.
And ever so subtly, Carnifex could sense that the Jedi was plucking on one of those strings now. The very same one he was using to leverage his power in the Dark Side through the gauntlet on his left hand, the one which pulsated and thrummed with incalculable power. Carnifex, no stranger to Jedi meddling in his spells, reached out through the Force to strike back at the Jedi for this transgression.
Pools of blackness burst to life in the air around the vault, coalescing into meter long shards of dark energy which were all angled towards the Jedi Master. In rapid succession, they were hurtled through the air towards him, the power placed in them strong enough to cut through durasteel like it was flimsiplast.
All the while, a similarly dark pool began to form beneath the once-Emperor's feet. Fundamentally different from the power used offensively against the Jedi, this pool gradually began to expand outwards across the floor. Anything that came within its circumference, save for Carnifex who seemed to hover above it by several inches, tumbled into the inky blackness. Chiefly, nearby artifacts slowly scooted from their resting place as if drawn towards the growing darkness, tumbling off into the darkness when they grew near.
It was unknown what would happen to living beings that came too close.


Jasol Dorsian

Location: The Capital
Objective: The Bomb
Tags: | GA: OPEN| EE: Tegan Starfall / OPEN |
Note: Just posting up to finish off this character's story

"Sanjin Endures"





Kovacs watched as the young child rushed forward before erupting into an explosion which knocked him to the floor. He looked up in slight disbelief before more explosions were heard shattering the other exits. Slowly getting to his feet he stared at the two EOD operatives and nodded. "Get to work do what you can." he said before turning back to one of his sergeants. "Start work on clearing this debris." the man nodded and the captain soon climbed his way through the rubble to where the EOD operators were getting to work. One of the EOD operators turned and looked to him. "Sir, we're dealing with a quantum bomb, looks like that civvie disguised it as a hyperdrive of sorts. Blast range would level the entire city." The captain took a second to think. Even if he get the bomb on a wyvern would he even be able to clear the city? "Can you defuse it." the EOD looked back at the bomb, staring at it. "We could try mitigate the blast range, as for defusing it I don't have much experience with this type of explosive" the captain nodded before looking back with apprehension at the corridor which was slowly being cleared.

Kovacs walked out of the corridor and into an open area and watched as the Wyvern landed before him. As his men continued working he opened a communication line to the men on the firebase. "ROE has changed. Any civilian you see is to be arrested. Any who resist are to be shot. Right now we're reaping the consequences for a lack of caution." he said before returning inside. He walked up to the EOD operators and spoke. "How are we looking." the men turned and spoke. "We need more time but we're nearly done reducing the blast range but we're still looking at a mass casualty event." the Captain shook his head before speaking again. "Well we're out of time. Load it up on the Wyvern and continue working on it there." he said before climbing through the opening his troops managed to widen. As the bomb was carried through and loaded onto the gunship he opened a communication link with the EOD team.

"The pilot is going to make a break for it towards the edge of the city. From there you will do all the work you can before dumping the bomb. Am I understood." he said. In an instant the voices of the EOD operators responded. "Yes sir." and the Wyvern took off zipping through the great towers of Byss' capital. The captain picked up his rifle and turned to the platoon who had cleared a portion of the debris. The sergeant spoke up. "Sir, should we begin to evacuate?" The captain turned to him and replied in a cold tone "We don't run from the face of death 1784. As far as I'm concerned we still have a city to defend." he said before turning back towards the frontlines. Was today truly the day Kovacs would die?

"Sir, we've rendered a portion of the bomb safe but the detonator is still active. We've made it to the Eastern border of the city." the voices of the EOD operators came in minutes later. Kovacs nodded, at last some good news. "You've done all you can. Dump the device and hea-" but before he could finish speaking a blinding light from the east appeared and in an instant a loud shockwave spread throughout the rest of the city. Comm chatter became intense and chaotic as every officer and platoon commander tried to figure out what was going on. Kovacs spoke back into his communicator. "Trooper. What is the status of the bomb." Static. As he stood there he looked over to a few crimson stormtroopers sitting by a marine with a communication backpack. "Getting word from some aerial observers. A chunk of the Eastern city. It's all gone." Kovacs stood there and thought. "A quantum bomb. Rips apart everything right down to the atom." he then changed over communication frequencies to General Vreth's bunker.

"General. Captain Kovacs reporting. The enemy has detonated a quantum bomb. My men attempted to mitigate the blast and get it away from the city but... we could not get it fully clear in time. We managed to contain the blast to a portion of the Eastern city. Because of the nature of the weapon you may assume all those within its blast radius as killed in action. There won't be much left of them either"
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A Light Shining in Darkness

Location: Industrial District
Opposition: Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
Wyatt's Meditation Music: Here.
What stood before Wyatt was a monument to his weakness - bloodied yet compassionate, Cara offered him a hand where he had offered her only his fist. Heavy and forceful, violent in the most excessive way; how close had he come to beating the doctor to death? The blood dripping from her head gave him a hint at his cruelty, and it drove a shiver up his spine.​
And yet, even now he couldn’t shake that feeling from his soul. A whisper echo’ing in each year, demanding he stand and fight, finish what he started. Cara shared no similarities with the Bryn’adul in appearance, and yet his eyes couldn’t help but find the smallest minutia of similarity. His nose smelled only blood, and his mouth followed like an obedient slave - all while he was deafened by the sounds of war, though he couldn’t be sure how much of it was truly the battle that surrounded him, or from his past.​
Her words would find no quarter in his mind, at least not at first - but Wyatt did find the strength to stand, to take a moment to look over his hands. His knuckles were cut and bloody, bruised and broken - immediate punishment for his assault. For a moment, even as the commandos tried to reach him through his holocomm, that was all he could focus on.​
His own blood spilling from split knuckles.​
It took me to the Nether. To war. To the inevitable.”, he offered - though hoarse as it was, his eyes never moving to meet Cara’s. Shots rang out in the distance, and a group had turned their attention on the two. Their time was short, and in only a few moments Wyatt would be swept away for rescue.​
Yet, before any commando would reach him - he would finally meet her gaze with tears in his eyes, welling themselves and spilling only when they were at a critical tension, sliding down his cheek, mixing with what blood of hers splattered onto him.​
I’m sorry.”, he offered, as though desperate for her forgiveness.​

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