Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Returning Home! - Keshiri Imperium Dominion of Kesh

Objective: Support the Emperor
Allies: Solan Charr Solan Charr R Reyn Australis Noah Corek Noah Corek Rocho Rocho

Even a rest. It gives me time to feed. While the one-skins replenish their ammunition, I let the air around me belt into my lungs. The gnawed fragment slipped from my jaws as I leap to the next pocket of resistance. Let the others rest. My Death Watch units are sweeping through the city, their victories and casualties rushing through my telepathic link to my fellow gurlanin. The battle was one, for now, we are winning.

‘Keep up, one-skin!’ The gurlanin clawed at the ground, rushing sideways along a wall with gripping talon-fingers. I leap into a pocket of resistance from above, snarling and gnashing my teeth into their fray. A blaster bolt grazes my fur, and I let the pain drive me to rip out the terrorist’s throat.

Kesh will be free. Any minute now, the Corek will sweep through to the next.
Objective 1: Storm the Palace, Retake the Capital

Post #: 2

Allies: Adara Raxis Adara Raxis

Nearby Characters: Noah Corek Noah Corek Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill

Solan smiled as he breathed in the air again, though the smell of smoke made him grimace as he looked down the main street of his home, Tahv's cityscape largely showing the damage and his immense annoyance growing as he looked at the destroyed glass sculpture nearby, a once beautiful creation that his people had been so proud of that now sat destroyed and shattered.

Strength and beauty, age-old beliefs and held truths for the Keshiri people. And with those came the Order and Freedom he believed could be achieved through a strong hand, aided by the people's support.

Solan sighed, hearing a smaller voice talking to him, the man whose body and age looked far older than he was looking at Adara and his smile returning as he listened to her and shook his head to her. He was clear about the death that others wanted to cause, and while the Darkside twisted, continued to try and tear him apart as he stood there, he just smiled and spoke with a softness to his voice.

"These people are misguided, scared, I can feel it as true as my own love for my people. I ask you to keep your people to the shadows and to limit the deaths of even those who stand against our Imperium. I know you do not fall under my command, but death is not necessary to achieve success... at least, not mass numbers of such." He looked down the street at his palace again and towards the fighting. People fought house to house, keeping off the streets but an Emperor did not hide.

"Alexandra is like a sister to me, she keeps my body from tearing itself apart from the Darkside and foolish believe in hate and anger leading to the end goal. Come with me, id like to talk while I return home... I might need your help as well, this body sometimes fails when I need it most." He started walking, several legionnaires watching before making movements for the royal guard unit to split off, vanishing down alleyways and going building to building while Solan just walked down the main street. He did not hesitate in any steps, change his direction, and always kept focused on the palace.

"How long have you used the force, and do you study with sith, or are you self taught? I doubt Alexandra taught you your powers, she hasn't taught many how to use the Darkside in years... though she is the one who has made me understand its danger. Do you know why my body tears itself apart little Adara?" He asked her, his hand reaching up and the force moving a ruined speeder that was burning in his way, stopping not for a second as he walked to his throne some mile and a half away and through several doors.
Objective:attacking the forward operating base or
Provide cover for incoming support and onward attacks.
Allies: @ Adara Raxis Adara Raxis - @ Vulpesen Vulpesen - @ Solan Charr Solan Charr - @ Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera @ Noah Corek Noah Corek
Post: 2
Equipped: Vibro-ax , Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, 12 emp grenades.
Squad: 11 men , heavy gunning artillery cannons all quipped with side arm blasters.

Don't you just love the smell of gunpowder in the morning? As the opening in the enemy line widened, so did their fire. Keep them far, keep them busy and get them down.
"Advance, keep it steady!" She only spoke but her helmet amplified it, letting her orders bark to her squad. Like magnets to her they would move, they weren't the fastest of moving soldiers, but with every step of ground they took more down with them.
Now heading further into field, steady fire as coming hard there way, She could hear the rattling of fire against the shell of her Armour.
Then the yells would come in, someone was hit... down... out.... one of her own.... 10... She could hear her squad closing ranks as another assisted the fallen. She would praise him after if he lived... and mourn later if he had died... She didn't have time to worry about that right now.
Her own rounds were glowing hot now, time to reload and cool down was approaching but she couldn't afford to call it yet. They needed to meet target first. While she hoped this was the only casualty, she shuffled on, the little boogie in her step fading.
Objective: Support the Emperor
Allies: Solan Charr Solan Charr R Reyn Australis Noah Corek Noah Corek Rocho Rocho Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Vulpesen Vulpesen

“I can help you, I was always taught to respect the elderly.” Adara’s gloved hand wove around one of Solan’s, as they walked toward the Palace.

“I’ve never been apart from the Force. Not since I was four days old and my adopted father resurrected my broken body. Jedi caused my death. Bounty Hunters wished my head for a prize from my first breath, so mother kept me moving. Sent me away… i”ve learned from many, but my blood remains part of Panatha. I am, after all, a member of the Royal House… Aunt Alex is kind to me. As is Uncle Noah.” Breathing in and out, Adara walked through the street, the Anubian guards flanking her in shadow and in view.

“I sense power…” Adara’s head turned in a direction which held no framework but the perturbed nature of someone who wanted a bath. Little did she know it was the same direction that if followed would bring her to Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill . The same Quill who recently took lessons on the planet Vena, which Adara ruled, and which was visited by Manu Xextos Manu Xextos , her father’s Force Master.

Lines of connection, which while frivolous seeming, were meaningful in due course of time.

“I suspect you war with your true and multiple natures. An ability for the Dark, and a desire to not be consumed by it. I have had no such luxury to touch the Light as you do. The Light burns me, it has since the Jetiise refused me care… if this is to be a lecture on the dangers of the Dark while you attempt to approach your palace, may I ask you a question:

Can we move faster? I can carry you while I run, if your body is weak.”
Objective 1 - capital city

The Force felt unusual here. The Dark Side was strong, certainly, but in convoluted and diluted ways. Quill didn't sense the outright malevolence of Sith. The king of Kesh, Solan Charr Solan Charr , had a reputation as a Forcewielder who didn't hew closely to the Dark or the Light - too benevolent for the Sith to respect, too dark for the Jedi. Through the eyes of the Force, Kesh came off as...complicated.

And that was actually fine. None of those personal choices appeared to have a bearing on whether these people deserved help against the objective threats of terrorists and monsters. Not so long ago he'd helped defend a decrepit Sith temple against the Drael, right here on Kesh, and been grateful for the temple's obscuring aura of Sith magic. The Dark Side might be closely linked with moral badness, but there were many, many times when judgment and condemnation just weren't necessary.

Quill's lightsaber left a couple of terrorists incapacitated, sans their gun hands. They screamed invective at him, and he flinched as he walked away. Not nice people, terrorists.
Objective:attacking the forward operating base or
Provide cover for incoming support and onward attacks.
Allies: Adara Raxis Adara Raxis Solan Charr Solan Charr Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera Noah Corek Noah Corek LeoraLiliana LeoraLiliana
Post: 4

The thunder of boots delighting Vulpesen's ear as his company arrived. Chaos and fire had driven back the enemy ranks. Now with 200 men shouting and firing all sorts of weaponry at them... If Vulpesen had been a whirlpool of destruction. this new force aided by Leora and her men was a tsunami. It crashed into the front line of the monsters and for all their size and power, all their rage and curses, they didn't have a hope. They cried fur murder and blood. They called for Kesh to burn and for ash to fall from the sky like snow in a blizzard. They aimed to kill. What they didn't kill they would subjugate.

Two of three. That was enough for Vulpesen. On his face a smile was present, even as the increase of fire prompted him to wear his mask. Yes, there was a smile. But the smile was hidden behind that fox faced visage. His eyes could be seen through the lenses of his covering. His lips held joy... but his eyes... Vulpesen hated the sith. They subjugated and killed. But their purpose in a way was admirable. he could pass for one. Order to protect life. It was possible with their code. But these monsters desired something different.

Death. It was their religion. Their purpose. Their being. Life Freedom Unity. The battle made Vulpesen's heart light with joy of being in his element. But the reason brought him fury. It burned in him like a star. Ever smoldering with a heat that burned anything that dared to come close. They were a plague. And as Vulpesen looked up, he saw the source of the disease. The main FOB... five hundred meters until he reached the heart of this putrid filth. It was time to charge forth and eradicate the sickness. Lifting his own Voice, Vulpesen howled out his command, amplifying it through thee force that all might hear and his enemies may feel fear and surrender. "Charge!"

Leora would find herself surrounded as two-hundred men charged path her, shouting their war cries. Snipers took out enemy defenses and rockets lit up the air to remove their vehicles.Torches were lit on flame throwers and a constant spray of blaster fire filled the air. The Vitae lived for battle. They preached their code. Yes they desired to protect life. But sometimes, war was necessary. Evil rears its head and snuffs out all that is good if left unchecked. They existed to remove that head when it rose so that the greater good could be preserved.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Objective 1: Capital
Post #: 5

Two Hours Later

Noah's eyes scanned their surroundings around them, marking out points of interest on his HUD and communicating to the rest of his squad. For the last two hours him and his squad and Ambrose and his had been methodically clearing out terrorist hardpoints in their assigned sector. The routine had almost always followed the same one as the first hardpoint: Ambrose and his squad would assault the hardpoint and force defenders to flee, right into Noah and his squad that would cut them to ribbons.

"Alright ladies and gents. Last hardpoint for this sector. Intel reports that this is the largest in the area. About fifty guys and two technicals, basically speed trucks with E-Web's mounted on them so they shouldn't be too heavily armored. I'd say the best idea would be to get up high, hit the technicals with a couple grenade launcher rounds and then pour the fire from above. Any thoughts Ambrose?"

Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera
Objective 1: Storm the Palace, Retake the Capital

Post #: 3

Allies: Adara Raxis Adara Raxis

Nearby Characters: Noah Corek Noah Corek Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill

The first thing that caught his attention was the moment she mentioned his age, or what she thought was his age. He did not correct her right away, letting her find a pause in her first bit before raising a hand and continuing down the street at a rather relaxed pace. The battle would continue, and people would run through the streets, the alleys and houses, breaking down doors, firing off shots at each other. Solan just listened to it, thinking as to how his home could come to this state but his eyes stared forward again.

"Firstly, little one, I am no elder. This is the result of the Darkside for all those who use such practices. Mine is an accelerated condition that has been caused by rather deep devotion to the darkside for an extended time." He paused, letting her understand.

"At worst, I am twice your age, no more." He finally informed her, staring at her for a few more moments as she mentioned how Alexandra had been kind to her.

"That woman is interesting, and someone I consider a sister. She is a unique situation, one who gave herself to the sith for a long time but eventually saw only darkness for her future if she continued down that line. She saved herself before she went too far, unlike I was able to do and now I rely on her to repair the damage to my body regularly." He blinked, seeing a barricade up ahead and sighing.

Reaching down he grabbed from his belt a saber, holding it in his hand for a moment, looking at it before switching it on and the dark blue blade cast its light on the ground in front of them.

"Your suspicions are incorrect Little One. I do not touch the light, I merely know not to give myself fully to the dark and instead to control and bend it to my will, not let it twist its way through me. This means not giving in to anger, fear, hate, or otherwise..." He smiled at her, also not showing joy but rather a disappointing acceptance of his place as he drew the force to him like a battery. It would form into his left hand solidifying into a shifting shadowed spear, his hand bringing it up and breathing out as his eyes glazed over and all connection to his physical sight was lost. The Force became his eyes, his limbs shifting slightly and taking a new stance, one that didn't seem quite right as his body moved almost pained like it would break apart right there.

"Join in kid, but I ask you do not kill these people. Their choices have brought them enough pain in life, and they shall suffer imprisonment for their actions, true consequences for their actions, not an easy end." With that he breathed in one more time, then out, the force twisting, mutating, darkening as it was certainly that of the dark side, but still gave off no hint that it was corrupting the air and the world around him. Instead, it remained focused, generated to that single shadowy weapon in his hand, a focal point for him to concentrate and keep the corruptive power away from anything else.

He kicked off the ground, running forward as his hand with the saber raised and the force shot out, blasting through the barricade and leaving those behind it staring him down, and Adara, as the two would be free to run through and towards the closest targets they could find.
Location: Front lines
Objective: Fight the terrorists
Nearby allies: (at least) Vulpesen Vulpesen
Enemies: The terrorists
Post: 2
Rocho's rush through he crowd of enemies was like a confused ballista bolt. Somehow breaking through almost everything it hit, but not retaining a set direction. It meant that he left many wounded, and killed many, but didn't stay in one place long enough to be easily targeted by another individual. However they were trying to get themselves separated from him, many running off, others trying to set up shield. Generally, the shields were a mistake. There was a reason he used an axe, the raw power behind the weapon meant even if you didn't get hit with the blade itself, the force behind it was going to hurt. However a rush could only last so long and eventually Rocho navigated himself outside of enemy lines, leaping up and away for a moment keeping the shield up while his breaths were heavy. He'd slaughtered a considerable number, but at the cost of the energy required for constant running and swinging of the weapon.

His pause would only last so long however, as weapons were turned on him that his shield wouldn't be able to handle, and he was forced to deflect them with his axe and it's limited ability for such matters. It was great for defending against high power strikes, but it was when they were in great number of fast but weak ones that trouble came around. And with another deep breath, refocusing himself with the force, he went right back into battle. He didn't have the luxury of easily dodging, he had to deflect, preemptively avoid, or kill the target that was coming for him. Naturally when it came to it he preferred that they come to him, as some were foolish enough to do with melee weapons. Truthfully this was not the optimization of his skills. But it was perhaps the best thing to do for this battle. Overwhelm the enemy with people disrupting and routing their forces, and they wouldn't be able to handle the main assault.

He was not the only one in this battle either, there was another with a whirling blade, and troops who had arrived. From Rocho's perspective they were currently on the track to success as long as nothing truly unexpected occurred.

Extra thermal detonators on straps still available.)
heklerkok-double-barrel-shotgun-dbs (armed with slug shot holstered at his right side. Extra ammunition on belt and legs.)
t-7-vibro-brace (left arm.)
g-11-shield-gauntlet ( right arm)
Hekler'Kok LA-2 Light Armor (Isn't wearing shoes, helmet, or gloves.)
The Beast: (worn on his left.)
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Zesiro Zesiro

Mig looked out as multiple ships jumped from hyperspace. Most were forms of freighter, perfect for getting a lot of people out really quickly. Kesh was a world that was in the sights of a group in the galaxy he could truly say he hated. The various armed freighters dove down into the atmosphere, quickly landing in nearby landing areas, and soon opening their loading rams. Mig quickly exited one, giving out order.

"Get the ships read! Be sure everyone stays orderly! I don't want people dying trying to get off world, got it?" A few Mandalorians answer as the Alor looked around, hoping to find who was in charge of the world. "This is Alor Mig Gred. I'm hear to help get civilians out of here, and need whoever's in charge to keep things from going nuts."
Objective: Support the Emperor
Allies: Solan Charr Solan Charr R Reyn Australis Noah Corek Noah Corek Rocho Rocho Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Vulpesen Vulpesen

“She makes mother smile. And… coo.” Adara scrunched her nose. If anyone could believe the once indomitable Mand’alor the Infernal could make such noises, it was likely they could believe a myriad of things. The existence of unicorns, for one. Potentially sapient rainbows.

“Little one... hey! I’ve gotten taller.” Adara walked calmly through the battle, feeding on the pain and fear and ache around her, seeping it in as fuel. She raised her hand to measure how tall she was in comparison to Solan, nibbling her lip to see how her 6’1” height, petite for an Epicanthix. Maybe if she wore higher shoes... “The Dark Side sustains me. It’s all I’ve known... and no offence, but you look terrible for your age, then.”

A plea from the emperor, on behalf of Kesh. No killing.

“I’ve never had a taste for killing, I will do as you say. This is far easier.” Adara walked calmly to the first barricade, the Palace in sight.

“Right. Open your barricades, brigand-ghosts.” The teenaged girl’s eyes went black and red, one hand lifting to the level with her pouted lips. Tendrils of black energy surged through her, the anger and hate at being raised in relative hiding, at being woken in the night to be moved by nannies, while blaster fire stole the corridors of her temporary homes coming once more to use.

The child born of parents who walked seven years in the Netherworld knew little peace in the shadow of her mother’s crumbled image.

“Ghosts, we’re no-“ The tendrils struck without mercy, feeding life out of their victims, until they slumped to the ground. Yet… their bodies quivered. One by one the overtaken began to raise up, slumped and slow, as the girl known to the Sith as their future Abaddon unfurled her deathly soul.

Control over the lessers… such talents were the true reason Alexandra Feanor Alexandra Feanor wished Adara and Solan to meet. To help save the girl, expunge the Sithly influences roiling round her. The echo of Darth Prazutis flooded her, a sign of her early days, where only the Sith wished her life to continue. Even her mother’s people, even the Mandalorians wished the young child dead…

… for precisely this.

“OPEN THE BARRICADE. POWER DOWN SHIELDS. POWER DOWN ALL WEAPONS.” The voice of command roiled like nails in poison struck to salted skin. In Basic, in Epicant, in High Sith they echoed from a throat which should have known nothing but lullaby songs.

Nothing but the sweetness of youth, and a life without fear.

Slowly, the temporary automata shuffled to their work, powering down the shields, the barricade opening before them.

“Once I let go, they will return to themselves. No killing, Solan Charr.”
Objective 1: Storm the Palace, Retake the Capital

Post #: 4

Allies: Adara Raxis Adara Raxis

Nearby Characters: Noah Corek Noah Corek Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill

Solan's face twitched the moment as the sith lady conducted her puppetry, his face twisting as it seemed to almost crack, the dark energy striking back at its holder with the shadowed spear twisted in his hand and cut his palm while he was distracted. He returned his focus to controlling the spear, relaxing as she had them simply open the way and he was able to trust in her words that they would be unharmed. Solan let go of the spear he had expected to use to fight, the dark energy dissipating and leaving him to look at Adara his hand that had been cut closing slowly as he watched her work.

All that remained now was the palace itself and he looked forward down the road leading up to the large building. His hand moved, staining his coat as he resettled his clothing and his foot stepped, almost dropping him right then and there as he stumbled forward and his legs seemed to fail him for a few moments before he regained control and started walking. The saber remained on, watching a blaster bolt from a rifle fly towards him from the palace walls.

Intercepted and now sent into the ground, the bolt's energy would kick up some dirt before Solan continued moving without hesitation.

"Thank you for holding back." He stared at the palace gate, watching people move to get it closed and he stopped, staring at it and smiling at Adara as he raised the still bleeding hand, only holding it as if he were about to snap. "Ill take care of this barrier this time, its been a while since ive gotten to kick in a door like this." He would notice the legionnaires and Adara's own people scaling the walls and taking them as he closed his eyes, them still blinded as the force concentrated into his hand again and he snapped, focusing that power with the audible action and breathing out.

In a moment a mass of flames expanded out from infront of him, appearing from thin air itself and consuming the gate, slamming into it as the force acted with both flame and force, slamming against the gate, buckling it and blowing it apart, flaming shards showering the halls and the yard around the palace.

"There are two rather different entities inside, traitors who I had trained to use the force. Expect a vibroblade held by each, as well as minimal abilities with telekinesis." Solan's feet carried him past the gate, looking for the two he could sense as clear as the day they joined the Shadow Legion.

"Shame... most of my legionnaires are loyal. Ill take one if you get the other."
Objective: Support the Emperor

Allies: Solan Charr Solan Charr R Reyn Australis Noah Corek Noah Corek Rocho Rocho

The rush of battle consumed my mind for hours, as Corek and I and our troops cleared the city.

Vano coordinated the Clan Raxis medics in evacuating the civilians to the safety of our forward command near the ships. In case Adara’s fleet needed to evacuate to safety.

“Finish this quickly, they’re desperate so use it. Hit with your grenades. I and mine will push through the centre.” Three other gurlanin crept through the Corek troops, gnashing their teeth. We rush the centre. Our one-skinned brethren begin laying cover fire as I charge, dodging blaster bolts as my companions follow and bite. The tangle is vicious, my heart beating in syncopation with my fellow gurlanin.

Alive in battle.

The insurgent terrorists last less than I desire.

“Reyn, call in.”
Objective: 2
Location: Lyst
Tagging: Mig Gred Mig Gred

Help came in an odd form to her. Mandalorians seemed to appear out of the dirt and that startled her. Even if Zesiro felt like running, she stayed her ground. They weren't here to hurt or capture her and she would work with them. Letting out a sigh, she started motioning to the civilians to get into order.

Her body language changed and once again, it was as if the policewoman had returned. Zesiro spoke with confidence and authority. There was a chance some of these people remembered her from days of working here. If that was the case, they would know she could be trusted. No harm would come to them as long as they followed directions.

Walking up to Mig, she nodded.

"That would be me, Alor. My name is Zesiro Charr, my husband is king here and I have taken charge of this evacuation. We thank you and your men for coming."

One detail she left out of her introduction was that she was the adopted daughter of Muad Dib. She and her sister had been taken in by him and once again they had a family. Ties of blood and bonds of adoption. That was about the extent of her knowledge of Mandolorian culture.
Objective: Support the Emperor
Allies: Solan Charr Solan Charr R Reyn Australis Noah Corek Noah Corek

Curious, seeing such infestations of the Dark so close. A part of life, it still shocked the growing child to see such things in their maturity. She wondered how far the corruption went, if Alex truly kept Solan going. How different was it to the Zambranos donating blood for the infant Adara? When no one else would save Yasha’s child…

“Keep bleeding energy like that and you’ll make me want to drain it, Emperor Charr.” Adara muttered, the smell of blood rising to her nostrils. Blaster bolts roiled toward her, shielded by her Militibus ex Infernis guards, loyal Anubian warriors who used both energy shield and vibroblade to protect their charge. Their yips and howls drove into the air, as Adara continued to allow the dark tendrils to control those she came across, having them open what was locked, and wait calmly as Solan purged the gate with fire.

Adara’s eyes went a fair bit wider at the display. A childish ‘woa’ stifled by years of quiet decorum. Still… she very much wanted to mutter ‘coooool’.

She nodded to three of the Militibus, sending them off on the mission to disarm one of the traitor legionnaires. The warriors rushed into the palace, Adara merely walking and watching to ensure her own safety.

“I’m not much of a fighter, but my guards will do.” The frail and prim Duchess waited with her back against a nearby wall as the Anubians flanked one of the two traitors. They raised their vibroblades, herding him away from his companion, even as a blast of telekinesis knocked one Anubian to the ground.

The Anubian snapped back up with a roll, favouring his right shoulder. The other two closed in with a pincer, as blades clashed. Yelps of jackal-like battle cries broke the palace air, the third Anubian lashing back into the fold as his brother was cast aside.

Finally, the traitor’s vibroblade clattered to the ground, and the Anubians restrained him, sticking a buzz-pole to his neck to render him unconscious. Adara strolled toward the throne, looking at the way the light hit it.

Always blood for thrones. Must it always be so…. violent to maintain a planet at peace?

“Your throne, Emperor Solan. Take your people back.”
Objective: Heartfelt Negotiation
Location: Tahv, Royal Palace

The probe droid stopped mid-lap, long antenna vibrating slightly. There was a new thrum in the air. It was less than subtle, even for those who were not normally so closely attuned to such things. Solan Charr had arrived, and was likely working some spectacular feat of the Force. How charming.

An explosion rocked the walls as the Emperor's legions stormed the palace. A few insurgents came sprinting past the droid, either desperate to man the defense or attempting to flee. The likelihood of victory or escape seemed somewhat... Slim, even under more generous circumstances. Doubtless the palace had already been surrounded by the legion's finest.

The droid turned itself around, heading back the way it came - towards the throne room.

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Objective: To accompany Alwine Daye Alwine Daye as a representative of the Agents of Chaos and to assist her in all things money and politics.

Location: Never more than twenty feet away from Alwine.

Carrying: Electronic briefcase and a Hill and Company director suit.


Show don't tell. That's what the game of aristocracy is all about. You don't join the social elite of a faction by just asking. You actually have to work your ass off to get there. That's what Hego was doing on Kesh.

To prove to Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter he was a competent money manager, he had to actually carry money around and work with Alwine to get deals done. He was what is called the bag man; carrying the political capital wherever necessary.

As Alwine's ship approached the destination, Hego could be seen sitting across from her with a holoboard projector analyzing economic patterns and military deployments. His mind was laser-focused on the data flickering, which seemingly included a map of weapons distribution patterns Hego had managed to deduce from using intelligence data.
Objective:attacking the forward operating base or
Provide cover for incoming support and onward attacks.
Allies: @ Adara Raxis Adara Raxis - @ Vulpesen Vulpesen - @ Solan Charr Solan Charr - @ Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera @ Noah Corek Noah Corek
Post: 2
Equipped: Vibro-ax , Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, 12 emp grenades.
Squad: 11 9 men , heavy gunning artillery cannons all quipped with side arm blasters.

Her hand was starting to feel rather as her cannon spat, it was slowing down as it's heat was sizzling from it now. She called for her men to close there ranks again and let those with side arm blaster's hold off their fire.
"Close order, fire arms, keep us covered."
She would sling her cannon, noting that even it's barrel glowed with a searing red. They were in some serious luck as the rush of war cries and Vulpesen Vulpesen 's men charged past. This allowed them to reattach their cannons, and swap out to their close hand weapons.
"On my mark, follow on." She'd call out before looking to her fallen comrade and their medic. "If he's dead, leave him we'll bury him if we live long enough to... If he's alive. Take him back... We can't slow down here." She would turn and bashing her chest and swinging her hand ahead marking them to join them rampage forward. She didn't see what became of the man as she would launch up into a jog, they risked friendly fire now they were in the thick, it was time to get her hands bloody.
Her Vibro-ax would be in her hand, her other pulling it to extend it out, the weight of it behind balanced between them as she ran with the horde, making contact with enemy, and laying down the ax into a skull, before kicking the legs out under and charging onto the next.
Objective 1: Storm the Palace, Retake the Capital

Post #: 5

Allies: Adara Raxis Adara Raxis

Nearby Characters: Noah Corek Noah Corek Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill

Solan watched her guards move forward, separating one traitor from the other and leaving the second for Solan as he started moving forward and looking down at the former legionnaire. The attempt had left his home, the home of those who had lived here for generations, in ruins and Solan just stared at the traitor as they resettled their feet. The would attack, the force clearly being drawn to them and the all but apparently blinded man stared past the traitor. Shadows warped around Solan once more, grabbing at him like cold hands, tearing away his form as he smiled slightly wider and the shadows seemed to consume him.

He stepped forward, his saber coming up as the traitor moved in, blades clashing and the traitor's hand coming forward, striking Solan's left shoulder, the force running past their first and blowing into Solan's body, his bones straining as Solan's body turned a bit and he became unstable. It was something he had taught them, to use your body in combination with the force, a trick that the woman Adara called aunt had taught him.

Just as readily though, the force striking through Solan and tendrils of shadow reaching out and securing the hand that had contacted his shoulder. Just as they did, holding the man in place, the shadows traveled down to Solan's hand which remained palm up, facing the elbow of the man and in a moment the elbow was blown right through by unseen energy. A spear of shadows, a midnight dark weapon burning through any armor or flesh as if butter. The traitor stumbling away now, their arm cut in half and the piece that had been separated falling to the ground. Solan reached out with the hand that remained free, the force reaching out and shadow-like tendrils running over the man and grabbing at him, holding him down and silencing him as Adara mentioned taking his throne. Solan waited, a few of his legionnaires entering and taking both traitors prisoner.

It was only now that the shadows bled away and Solan's eyes returned to him, sight back and his breath coming out softly. He powered off his saber and looking at the throne that had been his a long time ago, passed to his son when this had still been just a kingdom. Now it was more though, now it was an imperium, a kingdom ruling over others. He stared at the throne, walking closer to it and looking down before his hand carefully placed the saber on the arm of the throne, his body turning and the shadows and corruption retreating from his features enough to resume an at least human-like visage.

"Spread the word, the Palace is retaken, the day is won."
Objective: 2
Tags: Zesiro Zesiro Mig Gred Mig Gred

Hannah watched her mother with interest. She hadn't seen her act so... Professional? Intense? Well, she had seen her like before but the horrors that were happening must have really gotten her attention. In some ways, she was happy they were back on her homeworld. Her father was here. Grandpa was probably nearby.

It was sad what they were doing, but she didn't know what the Bryn'adul might do to her home after the evacuations are complete. This... This might be the last time she saw her home in the way she loved it.

Hannah held her hands together as she waited to help with the evacuations. Visible by a creme yellow dress, she stood beside her mother as she took a deep breath.

A Mandalorian showed up? Wow... She hadn't seen one of those in a long time. She knew her family relation, by adoption as her mother described it, involved members of the Mandalorians. But she never quite knew what that exactly meant.

A slight curtsy at Mig. "Princess Hannah Charr," her voice quivered as she introduced herself. He was here to help and Force knows they needed it. Evacuating an entire planet from those... Things was hard enough by itself.

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