The Eye of the Storm
Jonyna let out a scoff, giving her mate a coy smirk. <Cheeky little cat.>
She led them inside, the first thing hitting Taam was the smell of homecooked stew. Nothing seemed to be cooking, but the smell permeated through the air. It was the wood, the walls made still out of the same tree as everything else, so small things stuck around. The smell of stew and home cooking. The smell of old memories, of rain of centuries past, of old blankets and smoldering fires in the fire place.
The immediate lobby was a small mud room, a coatrack off the side, before leading into an open living room. Old red leather couches, quilts probably older than Jonyna was laid across them. A table sat, made of the same furnished wood as everything else. A fire place sat across from it all, the only stone in the whole house's walls, lining a small fire that allowed the house some warmth. Off to the side, picture frames lined the walls, going back...well before Jonyna. The Si Family never seemed to throw a memory away.
Jonyna smiled, looking to Taam with a pep in her step once more, <Come on! The couch is nice and the table has a new holo-projector built in. Custom order.>
Tag: Taam Moghul