Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Returning Home

The Sanctuary


A place she hadn’t been to in quite some time. It was like foreign soil when her boots touched the landing pad that had been touched by very few. Since the death of her mother, the borders of the Sanctuary had been closed off – save for the native Witches and those who had deep ties to the inner circles of the Rekali family. Pixel rolled up behind her and wailed softly as the wind howled against him on the platform, causing him to rock slightly. Mira tried to crack a smile but it was quickly subdued by the stench of darkness that seemed to coat her home – very faintly. How? This was almost hallowed ground, there was no way that the dark side would find its way here, would it? Mira walked across the landing pad, leaving the gleaming and heavily modified YT-2400 freighter behind.

Pixel would follow, curiously looking around at the place he had never been in his entire existence. As Mira approached the entryway, she felt the nagging presence that caused her to stop for a moment and look behind her. A short distance away, the flickering embers floated up in the sky and were caught by the wind – one of the memorial sites for her mother, a place she hadn’t visited since her passing. Perhaps it was a massive burden on her shoulders, maybe she just couldn’t bring herself to face the truth. Who knew. Mira accepted it in her own way, that no matter what overwhelming energies she felt through the Force – Aaralyn wasn’t coming back anytime soon.

She had to move on, perhaps pick up where her mother had left off – in her own way. She wasn’t able to fulfill the prophecy of the Sword, sure, but she could make waves of her own. Mira discarded her own personal schemes and thoughts, focusing outwardly again. Somewhere in the bowels of the compound was the brooding presence of her father. Someone who had lost perhaps more than any of the children had. Mira had to account for his feelings and that the dark taint was from the untrained mind of Falcon. She pressed on, Pixel following her closely. The rooms would illuminate as she passed through them, corridors coming to life and a system alerting Falcon to her presence.

His lost child had returned home.

[member="Falcon Rekali"]

Rekali the Hutt

Dathomir. The Sanctuary of Witches hadn't meant much to Rekali the Hutt, but they meant a good bit to his father Rasho the Hutt, also known as Rach Kol-Rekali. They meant even more to his grandfather Ember Rekali, as well as his sister Alec Rekali, though her ability to touch the Force was minimal. That meant it was worth visiting, to pay respects, and to appreciate the culture of his ancestry. Some might have argued that his ancestry was a bunch of criminals and warlord, and to a degree they were right, but Rasho had raised him as a Mandalorian, as a witch, and even if Rach was technically only blood by possession the young Hutt thought his patronage was unquestionable.

This space in particular held another meaning as well. It was a memorial of his Aunt, one Aaralyn Rekali. So many of his family, his clan were dead now, all going out in spectacular fashion. Rekali the Hutt had no desire to leave that quickly, but when he had to go he wished he could do it with the honour and bravery they had. But as Rekali the Hutt slithered around he saw sight of another that was decidedly foreign to the world. Not quite as foreign as a five-hundred kilogram slug, but a human female that seemed more traveler than witch. As he looked at her though he thought she looked familiar. Could it be? He had heard tale of another Rekali before, one who chose to fight honorably with the Galactic Alliance. Slithering his way behind her he'd tap a large finger at her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, excuse me." The Hutt spoke, deigning to utter basic. She would probably tell it wasn't his preferred language, but he was trying. "Are you? Are you my cousin? Mira Rekali?"

[member="Mira Rekali"]
Pixel let of something of an alarmed wail and rolled backwards in sudden surprise at the appearance, well, the general appearance of Rekali the Hutt which in turn caused Mira to respond to both the wail and the touch on her shoulder. A soft smile crossed her lips as she felt an unusually familiar presense embrace her through the Force, one of familial bond. Mira nodded softly as her left foot came out as subtle as possible to kick Pixel in his side for the rude response. “Yes, it would seem so!” She exclaimed with a bit of excitement. She could tell the strain in his voice as he spoke Basic, which only brought a smile to Mira’s face as she began to speak in Huttese.

<Pateesa> She gently took his hand and gently patted the top of it. <You don’t need to strain yourself when it comes to these types of things.> She gestured before her and looked down to Pixel before looking back to Rekali. <And forgive my droid, he’s a bit ill-mannered in his approach.> She chuckled softly and motioned to the main sitting area, hoping that Falcon would soon join them. Pixel let off a loud groan and bumped into her leg, causing Mira to grunt and nudge him back with her leg. “Stop it, or I promise you won’t get an oil bath for a whole month!” The droid wailed loudly and rolled off, deeper into the compound. Mira turned her attention back to Rekali, a curious look coming over her features as she let go of his bulbous hand.

<What exactly were you doing here?> She tilted her head slightly, turning back to face him once more. It was curious indeed. It wasn’t exactly rare they had visitors, her mother used to love having the family over for gatherings and even more so on random occasions – but she was no longer around. Who knew how Falcon treated the family.

[member="Rekali the Hutt"]

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Mira Rekali"]

<I come to pay respects.> Rekali the Hutt replied. <As well as learn our culture. I remember some of what my father told me, but not all. Not enough.> He continued as he looked around Dathomir. The Force was his father's way, having conjured strange magics and practiced the way of the Lightsaber. Was it his way as well? This place was strange, alive. Perhaps it was just because he had never been in a forest world like this, spending most time in swampy or metropolitan planets. Or perhaps he was his father's son in more ways than one.

<I admit I have heard little of your exploits, but from what I have heard you honour your mother's memory. As well as that of your grandfather.> He said, contemplating that two generations were now gone and yet born again. In the Mandalorian Clan, in Rekali the Hutt's Kajidic. <I am the son of your uncle, or the Hutt he possessed. I knew him more than my true father, strange though that may sound. I go by Rekali the Hutt now, but you may call me Therax.> Most Hutts went by their first name, their personal name, but when Rasho's son joined the Mandalorians he decided to go by his second or clan name, Rekali, to show them their value. Closer family however, would know him as he was.

<What are you doing here Mira?>
Mira looked confused for a moment but then let off a soft chuckle.

<Well, that’s simple.> She moved away from Rekali before taking a seat upon one of the pedestals in the kitchen area, gesturing infront of her in the hopes he’d come closer. <I’ve been gone for a long time and something brought me home.> She shrugged lightly. <I guess it was a calling through the Force, you could say.> She spun lightly in the pedestal before reaching out and grabbing the counter, going back to what he had said before. Her crimson eyes looked him over suspiciously at first before turning to look at the various holopictures adorning the corridors around them. There was so much love that was in this house, and so many memories of her mother. Her heart sank slightly as she pulled herself off the pedestal and walked up to the wall, pulling off a picture of her and Aaralyn near the X-Wing that Mira had nearly crashed when she was a child. Mira looked at her younger form, eating some form of muffin and an old style helmet over her head – a soft chuckle escaped her lips as she watched Aaralyn wrap her arms around her tightly and chuckle. The younger Mira giggled softly and the helmet fell to the right of her head, being too big for her in the first place.

Tears began brimming at the edges of Mira’s red-hued eyes as she stared at the picture as it repeated itself, over and over again. Slowly they would fall from her eyes as she clutched the picture tightly against her chest, eyes closing. She inhaled deeply, trying to drown away the thoughts of her mother from her head. <I realize I cannot escape fate.> She said through a rough exhale, clutching the picture tighter. Mira shook her head softly and pulled the picture away from her small frame before turning back to Rekali. She recalled his mention of her grandfather, which brought a crooked smile to her lips. <Believe it or not, I didn’t really know him.> She sniffled slightly and moved back to the pedestal, sitting back upon it. She’d cross her legs and set the picture in her lap, hands clutching it tightly.

[member="Rekali the Hutt"]

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Mira Rekali"]

The girl continued around the room, motioning for the Hutt to come with her. Finding little harm in it he slithered behind, careful not to bump into anything as he went. The passageway weren't meant for plus size species, but he made do without knocking any of the holopics on the walls. And there were many of them. Where as Hutt Families adorned their palaces with slave girls, bounty hunters, and exotic beasts it seemed witches and mandalorians filled their homes with a variety of holographic memories. It was so fascinating, to think beings that lived such short lives spent so much time looking to the past.

<Is that such a bad thing? Are you fated for greatness? Their are always struggles we must face. The Hutts are strong enough that they destroyed their homeworld, their Gods and rose above them, yet many of them now struggle after the plague. Many have talent, many have wit, but some do not have the determination necessary to push forward. You fate is not one to be escaped, but achieved." The Hutt encouraged the young girl as emotion poured through her.

<I did not either.> The Hutt replied as she spoke of Ember. <Many in the clan speak of his relentlessness, but I will never know my father's father. Nor his sister.> He said as his sluggish body seemed to compress, coming down and outward as he settled himself. <But I would to know his daughter. Know his niece, nephew. If we are resolved one day we will be spoken of as they are. I am sure of it.>
Mira gently lifted the picture and set it down ontop of the counter before turning her attention back to Rekali. Her head tilted slightly out of curiosity. One would wonder why someone would desire for themselves to be so much like another – then again, she strived to be like her mother in so many ways. Perhaps it wasn’t an odd thing, nevertheless, it was a question the was burning in her mind right then and there. <Why do you desire for people to speak of you like they speak of them? You mean of your own accomplishments and not in comparison I assume?>

Of course that is probably what he meant, why would anyone want to be compared to their parents? She didn’t want to be compared to her mother in some cases. She never believed she’d be able to do the things that Aaralyn achieved or accomplished – maybe she would. Who knew. It wasn’t something certainly she strived for, was it? Question upon question compounded within her own mind as she examined Rekali, he was capable just as much as anyone of doing anything. Hutts were interesting creatures and if he was anything like the one Hutt that her mother had spoken of – he could surely accomplish a lot.

There was little doubt in her mind of this, that much was for certain.

[member="Rekali the Hutt"]

Rekali the Hutt

Therax let out a small sigh as he was reminded of just how young Humans could be. It was followed by a small grin, though she might not see it as such with their different physiologies.

<Accomplishments are a result of extraordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. Caught between a bomb and a Sith Lord what do you do? While tensions rise and civil war erupts in the streets do you pick a side, or you try to resolve their conflicts? Behind enemy lines escorting the wounded, the young, the elderly, how do you ensure their safety? Can you? And if you can't do you fall trying, or do you compromise? Sentients who are truly great aim for the impossible and come out close to it. They look at a two way road and find a way to fly. They see a person convinced of worthlessness and make them into someone you can rely on. It is said that every Hutt has a couple dozen moment that shape their course of their life. For a being with your shorter life expectancy you might expect four, five, maybe six. But when those moments come you find out who you and your kin discover who you really are, and what you can be.> The Hutt spoke, letting some of his beliefs in the superiority of Hutts breath in.

<I hope that my vod will speak well of me because it will mean that when those moments come they will have seen me in crisis and not been found wanting.>

[member="Mira Rekali"]
Mira chuckled. <Throw the bomb at the Sith Lord.> She gestured with a hand towards Therax with a large grin. <That situation depends – see, if you take the route of my mother…> She trailed off and waved the same open hand as if dismissing the question. <You do what is right in your heart.> She gulped visibly before swinging the pedestal away from Therax and sighing roughly. <I’m sorry, I’ve not had my time to grieve for my loss.> She shook her head softly and looked down at the framed holopicture. <I pretended it would go away and I would be ok – a childish notion to be honest.> She sighed heavily and brought a hand through her chestnut locks of hair. She hadn’t drown out everything else he had said – she simply focused on his first sentiment. It took her a moment to compose herself before she looked up, a bit teary eyed. <My mother once said that a true warrior knows their limits and defies them every chance they get.> She turned to Therax and shrugged. <I think for her, it was more than that – she also knew who she was by knowing her limitations. Maybe that is why she could do some of the things she did.>

Mira shrugged lightly. <I can only hope to be a fraction of who she was, and a fraction of what my grandfather was – in my own right of course.> She chuckled slightly. <We can only hope that our moments, be they small or large are as great as theirs, no?>

[member="Rekali the Hutt"]

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Mira Rekali"]

<Hope is just the start.> The Hutt countered. <As strong an engine as it can be it still needs to be fueled by your courage. Shielded by your resolve. Your mother may have set have the bar high but that's something to aspire too, not fear.> Therax continued as he looked around, spotting more holopictures around. So nostalgic, these humans. Hutts were not like this, clinging to relatives long past. More often a lost parent was seen as an opportunity to expand one's own empire than to truly grieve, or an opportunity to exact revenge on someone contracts otherwise prohibited.

<It is said that my sister, your cousin, traveled to the Netherworld to find our grandfather. Talk to him about the Clan and his wishes. She found him sword in hand fighting the Sith blow for blow, which he presumably still is today. Your mother may not be with him, but I doubt her tale and heroics are over, but rather taken to a new setting.> He did not know if his word would comfort her, but he extended a hand unto her back. Touch was so important to so many cultures, a reminder that someone was not alone. A reminder that couldn't be so easily dismissed with a misplaced thought or a lingering insult.

<It is hard I know, but remember your vod, your family is with you.>
Mira smiled slightly and wiped her arm across her face. <Yeah, it’s a good place to start.> She watched him as he looked around at all the pictures, a smile creeping up on her lips until he mentioned the trip that Alec had made to the Netherworld. She shrugged lightly. <One would think that mother is probably doing something similar – or trying to find a way to haunt us or others.> She mused softly and gestured. <I should try to make the journey again some day.> She chuckled softly as she thought back to the first time she made the trip there when the whole crisis came back – and then to all the people she met, those were indeed some good times. Mira sighed happily and adjusted herself in her seat before spinning around again gently, her mood lifting a bit from the depressed state it was in moments before.

She stopped abruptly and looked at Therax and smiled. <Hey, thanks for listening – You’ve been awesome.> She gave him a thumbs up before turning away to look at the holopicture on the counter. <You should come with me sometime, I’ve got plenty of room on the ship and Pixel there can keep you busy…> She gestured with an open hand. <He’s always complaining about being lonely.> A light shrug would roll off her shoulders. <However, I’m not sure if you can handle no gravity, so we’d have to find a way to accommodate that…> She laughed a bit, briefly looking to him before turning back to the counter.

<Speaking of traveling and people, where is my dad…?> She looked up and glanced about the expanded area.

[member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Falcon Rekali"]
Rekali Sanctuary, Dathomir...

Other than Yavin 4 the system of Dathomir was the only other place that Clan Rekali considered to be home. For years Caspian came to the witch world with his family, his grandfather. The Warlock always said it was apart of learning the heritage behind Clan Rekali, learning what made up his genes, what cultures he came from. It was on his trips here that began to learn the beginnings of Witch magic, training deep in the rural jungles just like they would in the Lost City of the Jedi.

Even after the death of his grandfather Caspian still chose to come here where so many fond memories were had. The sanctuary was closed off to most except for a rare few which made it the perfect place to train and be at peace, especially since Clan Rekali had just recently sold its holdings to Yavin piecemeal. [member="Alec Rekali"] his sister was always amazing in the art of the deal she had managed to wheel and deal their homeworld to several powerful benefactors making a ton of money in the process. To the Clan it was just time to pick up and move the Rekali's were notorious nomads never permanently staying in one place for very long.

Alec needed family in this turbulent time and he had stepped up, being named an Alor'ad to support his sister wherever she needed it. But now was a time he had wanted to be by himself, with everything going on he needed to clear his mind and get back to what had to be done. Ember always stressed the concept of being focused, the most devout Witch Elders are intensely focused on their teachings, one needed to devote a significant amount of time to them. So Caspian activated his most prized possession, the holocron of his grandfather and he began to train with the man.

Caspian stood wearing a pair of black pants, shirking any robing or armor. While Mandalorians were rarely caught without their armor especially in the presence of outsiders, he was alone and if anyone should arrive in the presence of family. The Young Warlock went through the motions of blade combat for the first few hours, before shifting to spellcasting for the next few. Ember in life stressed building a strong foundation upon which you can grow, so he was taught an wide array of powers at the most basic level and he would improve upon them as time went on.

Perhaps too focused on his training Caspian missed the initial arrival of [member="Mira Rekali"] and [member="Rekali the Hutt"], something even the spiritual gatekeeper of his grandfather did not cease to chastise him about. "You are too focused Caspian, losing perception of your surroundings will get you killed." Ember's holographic image said crossing his arms, a familiar look on his face that he always had when chastising his grandchild.

Out of frustration from missing the new arrivals, and mixed emotions from everything going on lately and making such an basic, embarrassing mistake Caspian remarked "So I need to be intensely focused but not too focused then?" It was odd how well the gatekeeper mirrored everything about his grandfather. Caspian heard the stories of how powerful force users often put pieces of their own spirit inside their holocrons, he wondered if his grandfather had done the same thing.

As if he could sense the frustration in his voice, and understood that his pupil already learned this lesson, Ember remarked "You know these lessons already that's just the frustration talking, perhaps it's time for a break now go guests are waiting." The gatekeeper disappeared inside the holocron, and Caspian scooped it up. After sliding on his warlock robes familiar to what his grandfather once wore, with distinct Vahla, Dathomiri, and Mando'a influences Caspian clipped the witchsword hilt to his side, securing the holocron safely on his person, he set out.

It didn't take him very long to find someone he knew and recognized from many years ago. Cousin Mira Rekali daughter of his aunt Aaralyn Rekali. While he has had associated with his cousin several times in the past, both of them often focused on training or some other concern drawing them away he never really got to know his cousin. However the Hutt standing next to her caused him to tense, a foreigner unknown to him. If Mira wasn't attacking him it meant she knew him, he would trust her and keep ready he remarked "Mira!" walking towards her. "It has been too long cousin. Where have you been? So much has happened." Caspian added.

"Who is this?"
Mira had found it unusual that so many were in a place that was considered sacred to her, then again, it was also the memorial site of her mother. It could be the simple fact that many of the closest of kin were paying respect to her fallen mother and simply doing their duty as Clan Rekali members – keeping the place safe. It was flattering in some ways and some ways it was a bit odd, this was her childhood home next to the Praxeum on Yavin IV where her mother was a Headmaster. She just hoped none of them went into her room and saw diaries where she made countless entries about [member="Liam Quez"] and their romantic encounters as teenagers. “Caspian!” She returned the enthusiastic cry and rushed to him, and did her best to embrace him as tight as possible. It felt so good to be home, so much warmth and love.

She’d break the embrace only to catch his glance to Therax before gesturing to the Hutt. “This is our cousin, Therax Rekali.” She smiled widely. “He’s, well, he can introduce himself of course.” She chuckled softly. She wouldn’t want to step on introductions that could be done by someone else who was apart of the family – it just wouldn’t be proper now would it?

[member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"]

Rekali the Hutt

A shirtless man covered in tribal tattoos entered, a towering beast of a human specimen. The way he walked, the way he adorned himself, the physical frame, all of them combined to form an air that was indisputably "Rekali" in nature. One that the Hutt didn't yet exude himself. If there were any doubt as to his clanship Mira immediately dismissed it, crying out his name, "Caspian", and running over to squeeze him like she was afraid he was going to run away. The emotions that rushed over her face showed the young Hutt she felt reassured, at home, and perhaps even safe. She'd let him go as the titan of witch would glance at him, introducing him with his first two names, but little else.

<I am the son of Rasho the Hutt, or Rach Kol-Rekali before he switched bodies.> He spoke Huttese, hoping Caspian would understand but knowing if he didn't Mira could translate. <I did not know the Hutt before Rach possessed him, and Rasho taught me sprinkles of the Vahla, the Dathomiri, the Resol'nare. I tried to ignore his teachings but after word of his father's death traveled I could ignore it no longer and came to pay my respects. To learn more of his ways. To find a kajidic in which I belonged, which I could honor and help grow.> He said, pleading his case. Hutts were paranoid creatures, that were well practiced in seeing suspicion. Sometimes even when it wasn't there.

<I do not know you Caspian, but I would like to.>

[member="Mira Rekali"] [member="Caspian Rekali"]

It was the presence of family in such trying times for the Clan that always served to put Caspian's mind at east. He met Mira's embrace with an equally tight one of his own. She had been gone for some time and he feared for the worst, at least there was one Rekali who stared danger in the face and came back home albeit to an empty one. The once busy home of [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] but it was far different than she was used to seeing it no doubt.

There was a protecting instinct that almost kicked in when his eyes met the form of the Hutt creature that 'stood' nearby. It was only when Mira made mention that he was family, cousin Therax it eased his nerves slightly for now. A 'child' of his own father Rach Kol-Rekali which made the hutt his half brother of sorts. The tribal tattoos on his body were a mixture of dathomiri, vahla, and mando'a tattoos all symbolizing the multicultural heritage of the blood that flowed through his veins. Not many knew the story behind his tattoos and those who did were close family and friends.

They were the byproduct of the teachings by his grandfather especially on multiculturalism, and how one should embrace and respect different cultures. It wasn't the Rekali way to shun them or be ignorant of them. The first thing the Hutt would notice as he spoke with his cousin if he didn't speak it, was that Caspian spoke in a unique language and possessed an accent that could only be known as 'Rekalian Creole' a mixture of mando'a, vahla, dathomiri, paecean, with basic thrown into the mix. It was a language developed over time as many different cultures came together in the clan so that they all could understand one another.

He understood the Hutt and responded in kind in its own native language "We are brothers then. Rach was my father before his transformation. Welcome" Caspian said stepping away from Mira briefly sliding on his nearby warlocks robes and to give him a proper hand greeting. "You speak of our heritage but you do not truly understand it yet, you will though. We will guide you down your trials and tribulations, have you been our home yet?" While Dathomir was close to home, it wasn't where their actual village was located.

Caspian put and arm around his cousin and pulled her close once again a smile on his face "It's a blessing to see you alive and well Mira, so many bad things have happened..." He asked. The loss of his grandfather was still raw and the clan was still grieving over his loss.

[member="Mira Rekali"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"]

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