Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Returning the Favor (HK-36)

I hated returning favors. Even when I had bought or had things done for me from others. I was already in debt to others with my search for my sister. I knew that it had to be done. Sometimes, they had to be paid early. I was getting mad at the fact that I was getting nowhere with anything with my sister. Maybe on this outing that I would have to earn this favor from him.

Abregado-Rae. The Military academy. I was told that if I wanted to speak to him here, I should come here. Piloting the Telgorn class dropship that was slightly converted to accommodate the likes of a smuggler, or myself. I geared up for whatever was necessary. Grabbing my S-5 heavy blaster pistol and putting it in the holster on the small of my back. As well as the harness that was attached to me. Should I use the grappling hook, it would pull on my whole body instead of just my hips.

Pulling on my jacket I put it on. Glad that t was made out of the special weave to protect me better than the simple leather one that I had. Also having pockets and such, I grabbed an extra clip of ammo, as well as two grappling hooks.

I grabbed my vibroblades and put them on as well. Since I was at a military camp, I might as well show what I had out in the front and keep a name of trust around me. I gave a breath and reached for the com. Speaking into it as I was still just outside the atmosphere. Keeping a distance as though I was making a pit stop.

"Hello, this is Erin Darkstar. I request council with [member="HK-36"] the Iron Knight on the grounds that I owe him. Currently I reside in a Telgorn class dropship just outside of the Atmosphere."

if I was going to be kind and nice to this man, I need to do it the right way.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Darkstar"]

"Roger that, you are granted a landing clearance to Military Port 3, from there a repulsorlift gondola will take you to the Military Academy."
Came a response to Erin's dropship soon enough, the Traffic Controllers in Abregado's ports would already be informed of Erin's appointment with HK.

Inside the Military Academy,

HK was kneeling in his armor in front of his weaponry being laid out before him. The hilt of his training lightsaber, elongated hilt of the Spear of Rae, coiled up Whip of Rae, two dulled Durasteel swords to replace his Twin Alchemical Blades. It was weaponry he could wield comfortably, yet one that would not kill or harm Erin too much.
The droid loved to duel, but not to kill, he uses the one on one fight as a way of communication, seeking another thrill and challenge, adventure to enjoy.

Another droid would step into the dueling arena HK was waiting in,
"My lord Exarch."
The other droid begun,
"Your challenger has arrived."
HK nodded slightly, reaching to grab the hilt of his saber and holster it, other weapons soon follow.

"Lead him to me."
Taking a hold of the controls as I was permitted to enter the atmosphere, Smiling as I brought the ship down to the Military base. It was black in my vision for a moment as the layer in the air to prevent asteroids from breaking the planet apart. Activating the shields on the ship, it kept me safe from the dangers and the inside of the ship, as always, was rather cool. about two minutes later I landed.

I grabbed my gear. All that it consisted of was my long coat, my face mask, two Vibroblades, an Obsidian short sword, a S-5 heavy blaster pistol, and my brain. I needed the last one most of all. I opened the ramp and walked out to see a bronze HK unit walking towards me. he carried a rifle of somekind, but he only carried it to enforce the rules around here. Walking up, he spoke, "I am to take you to The Iron Knight now." Nodding my head, I waved for him to lead me.

Following past others who were working with the well know HK unit that had a mind of it's own, I followed. Soon we were taken to a room that was open and seemed to be a training arena. Looking around, the bronze colored HK unit then held up a finger to signal for me to wait. Nodding my head, I stayed like a loyal dog. Only wondering if and when I would see the face of the droid.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Darkstar"]

//Sorry for the pause in posting :p That invasion of CIS by OP was really demanding of me//

Erin would finally be allowed to enter, after a really short weight, as he would be greeted by the sight of the silver-grey HK droid with red photoreceptor eyes,
"Greetings, Erin Darkstar. You have requested for a council to speak with me."
The droid would slip over his metal head an equally metal helmet, his face-plate hiding behind the mask of this additional brain-bucket,
"What questions may I answer for you?"
The droid Exarch gave Erin a nod, taking the hilt of his lightsaber in his hand,

"And more importantly, have you ever fought a lightsaber-wielding droid?"
Oh it was on, but just for fun, HK didn't wanted to like break Erin's bones or get his own limb chopped up.
Looking around the room as I was waiting for the Droid, I looked at the man'y weapons that were here. Swords, Axes, whips, even some lightsabers with fake blades for display. However, my attention turned to a Silver-grey droid that had eyes like a demon. Fake however they were, it still caused my spine to shiver somewhat. He then asked if I had any questions after introducing himself as the one and only HK-36. I shook my head and questioned why he put on a helmet on his head when he was made of metal?

What surprised me was that he drew out a lightsaber hilt. I wondered how he even got one in the first place? I thought only people with the force could use them? I reached up behind my back my hand just barely touching the hilt of the Vibrosword. Why was he planning to attack me? And with his question of fighting a Lightsaber wielding droid, I shook my head. "Fought Jedi and Sith, but not a Droid, I am sorry to say." Speaking as though I was an adult? Um Well I was not the normal teen I suppose.

Since had had drawn his weapon, I took the sword out from my back and held it aloft to the side of me. In my left hand, I could feel the firm grip of the coils of cloth that allowed me to keep a better grip on the weapon. and also if I were to sweat, the cloth would absorb the perspiration so that I could keep my grip on the sword. I popped my neck my twisting it from side to side and then smiled, "But it looks like today I will get that chance."

And that;s when I rushed forward, sending an uppercut from his right to left in a diagonal cross, followed by a cut from his left to right and back again from right to left. Simple strike meant to test the waters of this new foe that I would probably be proving my worth to.

[member="HK-36"] , (OOC: It's all good, I understand, It did the same with me.)


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Darkstar"]

"Fighting a droid in close combat is different."
HK said as he watched Erin come at him, the teen's movements slowing down in the droid's eyes as his high-speed motion trackers and processor units went to work, the droid was able to calculate at ridiculously high speeds, targeting even the quickest of moving targets and getting their trajectory down, it came in handy when deflecting or dodging projectiles or sniping fast-moving enemies with his rifle or pistol.

"We do not tire, nor do we feel pain or fear. Mind attacks do not work and our bodies can withstand plenty of physical as well as energy damage. The biggest of our weaknesses is the vulnerability to electricity, lack of the connection to the Force, and the weight of our bodies."
HK side-stepped the first slash, letting Erin cut through the air, his cloak fluttering and armor clinking, he did the same to the other slash, demonstrating the evasive capabilities of his fast mechanical eyes and strong body,
"But it does not mean we are slower than humans, our bodies are capable of projecting plenty of physical power, and with increased strength comes capability for greater speed than that of humans."

He would finally activate his white-blade lightsaber, the blade erupting in its white energy, as if made of light itself the weapon would give out the Aura of Light-Side upon activation, a testament to its Force-imbued properties. And with a quick movement of a Soresu Middle Ring of Defense Block, HK would stop Erin's blade in tight but effective movement, the blade held in one of his hands at a roughly 90-degree angle.
The droid did not waste a second as his free hand shot up in a counter-attack, he would attempt to hit Erin in his chest, solar plexus, hopefully exposed by the sudden block, HK threw an open-palm push-strike he has adopted from the Echani Martial arts, if it would land the droid could easily knock the air out of Erin's lungs as well as push the teen back.

"Fortunately, few of us are capable of independent thought and were trained among the Jedi."
HK quipped.

The droid spoke as I swung at him. Moving in such a way that seemed almost as though he knew every move I was going to do before I did. Dodging my first two strikes he spoke about droids having pros and cons. Each of them I already knew some. Droids did not need rest or sleep. Nor do they feel pain and as such, also did not breathe like I did. Hence why I was hit backwards with the Droids strike to my stomach. Even as his armor alone would have caused pain enough, his entire body was made of metal and so his hits would be much more powerful.

I had dropped my vibroblade as I clutched my stomach trying to breathe. I kept my calm. Trying to assess the situation. He was the one with power here. just simple brute strength. And I would have to use that against him. When I could finally breath once more, I grabbed my blade and stood straight up. He was already standing in a stance for some art of combat. Man would I be losing this one. Reaching around me, I focused myself to be calm and immersed in his Magic that some called the Force. I could feel myself see everything. Even the smallest indent on the floor created by many fights before hand.

"Then it looks like I must think more than a Jedi." This time, I walked up to him from where I was. And sent my blade to flick out at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye. He may have seen it, but what he didn't see was the force push I sent to his dominate leg. Already shown to me by way of the use of the lightsaber in his hand. My sword flicked form its first path to change and come for a stab at his chest.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Darkstar"],

HK nodded at Erin's words,
"Remember that just as organics, droids are capable of learning and adapting. Many of us have found ways to counteract electric or ionic attacks, such as wearing additional layer of armor that insulates as and diffuses electricity safely when it does strike."

The droid moved his saber in another short block to meet the flick of Erin's sword, indeed he was capable of foreseeing in a way next moves an organic would make, it was a skill he has learned from a Jedi called Kira, the Chickadee. She has taught HK how to ready a body and the movements of muscles to predict what move will be made, it made the droid's job much easier when dueling.

Anyway, just as the droid said that a Force push came at his leg, instantly when feeling the pressure and acceleration change being forced upon his leg his large metal claws shot out from his feet, digging into the ground, clawing a trench in the soil as the foot dragged back as result of the push, momentum slowing down to anchor HK as it only made him shift his guard.

It was then that his sensors picked up that the first attack was a faint, and the change in muscle contractions indicated he was about to be stabbed, immediately he flicked his saber up, not parrying or blocking by throwing it instead, in short swift movement the saber would whoosh as it flew up between them.
And then,
Erin's sword would be stopped as it met resistance, however it would not be droid's body but his hands instead. In last minute HK caught the stab, clasping the vibroswords between his palms as a martial artist would stop a blade, he used his mechanical strength to keep the blade secured, wrestling against Erin's efforts to stab him, even muffling the buzzing of the sword as the droid kept it just few centimeters away from his chest.
"Worst thing you can do is underestimate your opponent. Never doubt them or their abilities, but always respect them and the duel, do not fight to shed blood or cause pain but to honor your opponents and seek challenged."

Begun to near them from above, it was HK's lightsaber as it was falling back down to the ground.
As the white energy blade closed in on them, HK's foot suddenly shot up, the one Erin attempted to push away with the Force. His metal claws closed in on the hilt like a hand would, grasping the lightsaber as HK stood only on one leg. One of the templates that served for his body was the vessel of General Grevious, as such he maintained his agility and abilities to pull of weird tricks like that, the built-in repulsorlifts in his feet aided him in sprinting, jumping, and using his feet as hands.
Anyway, his other leg dug in deeper into the soil, mass projector in it activating to anchor him further, although his leg shot up into the air to catch the saber as it fell next to them, his torso remained upward, unchanging as HK kept wrestling against Erin's sword, it was a boon of having built-in gyros and rotatable joints.

"And remember, some of us have more than just two arms."
HK quipped as he brought down the saber he has held in his foot, quickly slashing with it and aiming at Erin's shin. However, if Erin would be hit, he would be only smacked with the blade rather than cut or crippled. HK always wielded a training lightsaber, it was more like a mace or a shield rather than actual sword, the damage it caused were blunt and harmless unless he really wanted to hurt somebody.
The HK unit spoke the truth. If he could be able to learn the different lightsaber forms that he knew, as well as able to fight of possible Jedi and Sith alike, then I was not fighting up against a droid with programming. I was fighting a droid that could learn and think as though it was a human. I guess instead of thinking it, I should think, him. Acting as though he were a sentient being himself. Much more so, that when I had pushed him back, I could hear the metal slide into the dirt and slowing him down, but even with that attempt to upset his stance, he still remained straight up.

Even able to not just block my vibroblade, but able to fething catch it. Now that took skill and ability. All I could think was one sentence, "What in the hell did I get myself into." Even mush more so, the saber was caught in the Droids hands and I just stood there in shock. Suddenly his saber came for me at my legs. And I had to move. yes he was strong, and I would use that to my advantage.

I twisted my body as I jumped. Keeping a hold on my blade. His saber slung around to where my feet once were all while I jumped over him, slinging around his body while I sent my feet to rush towards his back with the aid of the force. I had let go of my vibroblade because it was a weapon that was in his grasp. He would surely have a better grip than myself, and since he didn't even feel pain, he could hold onto it for as long as he wanted. Landing with my butt on the ground, I quickly rolled backwards and as I came up, a second Vibroblade was revealed to be in my hand.

While the droid, HK had strength and very fast reactions, As a human, I was bendable in many more places than he ever could. Allowing me to bend in ways to get around him. Hopefully this would come out to help me, but I had my doubts when I now knew about some of his almost shady background.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Darkstar"]

As Erin released his vibrosword, HK flipped it around with a quick flick, catching it by the handle with one of his hands, his foot flicking up his lightsaber, tossing it to himself as HK caught it in his other hand, dual-wielding the two weapons now, but his foot remained off the ground.

When Erin danced around HK the droid followed his movements, throughout dodging Erin would be able to see the visor of the droid's helmet looking right at him, even when the Black Swordsman evaded the droid's strike and in a tumble ended up directly behind him he could see HK looking right at him, his body turned one direction, his head looking right behind him, being able to rotate all the way around. This was slightly unnecessary due to the three-sixty degrees of vision HK had with the help of the helmet he put on, but he liked to show off.

The droid would turns his body fully to face Erin then, rotating it on the joint of his foot that was still anchored into the ground. He may have not been as bendable, especially in additional armor, but rotatable joints helped with plenty of it. Facing Erin now his other foot touched the ground, claws still extended as he raised his other one, just slightly off the ground, to rotate it into proper direction.

HK commended him,
"Staying ahead of your opponent is always a good option, in a duel and a battle. Many Jedi and soldiers require for their target to be in their sight to fight them, such as shooting a gun or using telekinesis. Tactical retreat and hiding to await the ideal moment for a clean definite strike is always valid."
HK then rose Erin's vibrosword he held in his hand and threw it aside, the sword spinning through the air as it impaled the wall with a loud clang, embedding deep in the metal structure.

The droid adjusted then, holding the lightsaber's hilt comfortably in his hand he adapted the Makashi fencing stance, his feet pointing at 90-degree angle to each other, at shoulder's width, one facing to the side, one facing Erin, the droid begun to advance in short but precise steps of the Makashi footwork.

Yep, HK was a Fencer Blade Dancer.
With his free hand comfortably hovering at his side, in case he needed to parry or block with it, the droid initiated offense once more.
He attacked Erin in a semi-lunge, throwing out the tip of his whit light-saber in a short but precise stab aimed at the Black Swordsman's shoulder. If it hit it would feel like being stabbed with a baseball bat, it would transfer the momentum and bruise, but not pierce into his skin.
Now that was just fething weird.

The droid turned it's body completely around to face me as I had tried to kick it away from me. Only followed by him throwing my sword fairly deep into the wall. I would somehow have to get that later if I wanted both of my weapons to be used effectively against him. It seemed no matter what I did, he could move faster and with more precision than I could. I was clearly outmatched.

I would have to think like no other Jedi or force user has done before to get around this man. He now knew that I could move with speed and flexibility, but to what extent. I tried to keep my calm in the possible thinking of how to get past this droids defenses. I watched as the droid came to stand at a very fencer like fighting stance. Using a very precise fighting form. With a jab out towards me in a half lunge, I moved.

With the sword now in my right hand instead of my left this time, I used my now open hand to push away the saber that came for me. Changing it's trajectory to be off and away from my shoulder. However, I could still feel the burn as it had scrapped across my deltoid muscle. It did not feel good, but by sending the blade of mine own to stab for him. While yes he could still grab onto the sword, but the first time, it could have cut through his armor or metal hide. Exposing his hands. Grabbing it may not be an option anymore, but it could still be buffed over to the side. And here is where I got creative.

With the force, I grabbed the droids helmet yanking it down over his photoreceptors. Trying to blind it even just for a moment and flicking my blade once more to slice at his left leg. Coming from the inside of the thigh portion of the leg, and to cut out. And just to make sure that I could possibly keep away from his own weapon, I sent a force push, as well as taking a small leap backwards. With the claws and what seemed to be anchors into the ground, he would not move back very far with a simple force push. hence the little jump backwards.

Hopefully all of this could get me somewhere, but with how this man was turning out to be anticipating almost every move done to him, it was likely that he would outmaneuver me again. Forcing me to think more and more.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Darkstar"]

//Oh, sorry, I didn't caught the kicking part in your previous post, I didn't mean to ignore it//

"Good, the whole body is a weapon, the whole battlefield is a weapon."
The droid kept lecturing in monotone as Erin blocked the short jab with his hand, HK flicked the button of his lightsaber then, deactivating it as he angled the hilt to the other side of Erin's block,
"Therefore, expect the unexpected."

HK indeed did buffed the stab aside, his free hand moving in open-palm parry to push the stab aside, electricity crackling and arcing over his metal palm as a cut appeared in the palm of the gauntlet. It was not deep enough to slash completely though the tough armor and reach the droid's body but it was enough to damage the electro-shocking systems the droid had installed in his electro-gauntlets.

The droid flicked the button of his lightsaber once more, this time the training energy blade shot between him and Erin as he was about to finish the parry with his lightsaber, but that was when the telekinetic attack towards his helmet went.

Although HK wore a full helmet, which included a secure fit so that it would not rattle about, and a mask that covered his face-plate to integrate the HUD with his systems, all the rotating about and dodging must have loosened it up as Erin was able to tilt the helmet. It was not too much of a tilt, due to it being fitted and all, but it was enough to disorient the droid.

HK's claws then dug into the soil, to anchor him as he went on defensive. He could not anticipate or predict where the attack would come, from which front, as he could not establish visual contact, but he knew how to counter-act that.
He had to defend all of the fronts.
And so, as Erin attempted to counter-attack HK powered up his rotary motors, sending him in a spin immediately. But this time only his torso spun at high speed,
His lightsaber buzzed wildly and his cloak fluttered like a hurricane as HK conducted his buzz-saw move, Erin's slashes and cuts presumably being deflected away by the storm of slices HK has conjured, tilting almost randomly every which way to cover the biggest area possible, deny any as much openings as possible into blinded machine's defenses. If Erin would get too close he might get a painful strike from the high-speed blunt lightsaber, or get slapped in the face with the grey cloak the droid wore.

The Force push came and the droid did not butch much like Erin predicted, he slid back slightly, but his claws were ready this time to anchor him, plus the spinning buzzsaw move gave him additional stability due to the gyroscopic effect.

The droid heard the jump back made by Erin and confirmed it by his lightsaber not striking any more resistance in its path, he stopped his spin, his cloak still giving a flutter at the sudden spot, a cloud of dust would have rose up around him by then, as if around a small helicopter, he would angle his helmet-mask once more, getting it correctly over his photoreceptors and pushing it in so that it was secured,
The droid quipped to Erin,
"You are starting to think outside the box."
I was completely amazed by the spinning top that was made of the droids torso. Spinning at such high speeds to such a degree that it would be impossible to attack or nearly to defend against. All the while he was stopping himself and speaking towards me, I decided that this was the best chance to get what I needed. I flitted over to the sword that was in the wall. My vibroblade was stuck in the wall as he had thrown it into. I gripped it with my left hand and yanked it out with all the natural strength that I had.

When I had turned around with both of the blades in my hands now, I saw that the droid had moved the helmet to be more adjusted on his head. I then walked back up towards him as he commemorated me for thinking outside the box. I smiled as I spoke back with my own, "I have to when I am sparing with someone with such skill that I am not accustomed to."

It was true. Usually I would fight against people with blasters or someone with their hands or even a sword once in a while, but compared to the thugs on the street, I was a prodigy, to this man, I was a boy with a knack for swords. I needed to think of ways to get around him and attack him then, rather than straight up run to him. Taking my second blade, I replaced it back in the sheath as to keep our fight a simple minded single bladed fight. Adding in a second blade always complicated things.

I nodded my head back to the droid, "What convinced you to train with a lightsaber and bladed combat?" I asked as I sent the blade to slash out towards his head, while I reached from the side of the weapon rack, two swords of unknown make flew towards him. I needed to use my environment, I needed to think about the area around me to better myself. Sometimes even the smallest of distractions could work.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Darkstar"]

HK nodded at Erin's initial reply, going once more into Makashi stance as he prepared to face the Black Swordsman in another bout.

"I did not had much choice. Many millenniums ago I served as an assassin droid among the Mandalorian Crusaders, under leadership of Mandalore the Ultimate during the Mandalorian Wars of the Old Republic. During the final battle of the campaign I was captured by the Jedi, instead of deactivating me they have decided to use me for their own means."
The droid moved his saber in a tight but efficient block, deflecting his opponent's sword safely away from his head,
"I was given to a Jedi Master Zhar Lestin of Dantooine Enclave, he taught me how to wield a lightsaber and ever since then I have used one as my weapon. The Jedi used my services as a lightsaber training droid, eventually I became one of their temple teachers and guardians, I was given the lightsaber I currently use when I led defenses against an attack of a Sorcerer who became a Wound in the Force many years later after my training under Master Lestin. Eventually the Jedi attempted to deactivate me, when that failed they exiled me. I have slain a Sith Emperor at the time and they feared I became too powerful to be controlled. It was many eons ago but I have helped the Republic multiple times since then, although I have not returned to the Jedi Order."

Droid's three-sixty degrees view picked up on the swords being thrown from the wall and flying at him. Armor plates on his free arm shifted as he extended it towards the telekinetic projectiles, twin barrels of a wrist-repeater appeared as he sent out a barrage of blaster bolts at the flying swords. Red plasma light flashed from it, his head all the while looking right at Erin.

One of the swords was shot clean from the air, the impact of plasma bolts causing it to toss aside and impale into the dusty ground of the training arena. The second sword was hit as well, but its path of flight only altered instead of being deflected. A scrape was heard and the sword embedded itself into the floor like a javelin would, the blade flew between HK's cloak and the back of his armor, leaving a long scratch in his outer armor plate but not cutting it clean through just yet.
All the while that we were fighting, he droid spoke of how he had trained under masters that were long gone and dead. Not to mention how he was an assassin droid from the time of the Mandalorian wars. It had been almost a thousand years since the fall of the Republic by Darth Sidious and his apprentice Vader. Even in their time, HK would have been considered ancient. It seemed as though he has lived forever. I have heard about people living hundreds of years, and droids living much farther beyond that, but how could this droid have survived all of those years active? Surely he would have experienced something to shut him down?

If he has fought constantly for the long timeline that had been given, Then I really had a problem here. While my strikes had done almost nothing to him, one of the two blades I threw at him with the force seemed to scrape him. I could not see the extent of the damage because he was facing towards me. The droid didn't look away from me as he had fired those blaster shots all the while using his saber to defend against my vibroblade.

It was then that I had a slight idea. Randomly I sent a force push, at his hand. Moving his saber to be away from me. I then lashed out at his offhand, while my own gripped onto his cape and pulled it over his head. While the helm was secure on his head, the cape was only attached to his neckline and shoulders. I pulled the cape down on his head, and pushed the tails of the cape to wrap around his head. Almost completely covering the extra brain bucket that was not needed as well as his head.

With the way that he was anchored in the ground, it was spikes that dug in. But watching it in the past, he could easily pull them up. And now I did the same, While I slammed down on the ground with the force, it would have the reaction of pushing him up. Kind of like punching a man in the stomach causing him to throw up. I then slashed out to not cut at him, but the anchors that could be possibly in the air. Hoping that I could get rid of the strength that he had against the force pushes that I could use against him. Once, again, all of this could be simply thwarted, if he could avoid the force that I used.

Already the amount of skill that I was relying on the force, was draining me. I was tiring just like he had said. Droids do not tire, but here, I would have to push myself to proceed. If I was going to prove to this man that I could do what I said I could, I needed to prove that I could learn and adapt to the situation. Maybe this would do it?



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Darkstar"]

Well HK's key to surviving that long was trying to make more friends than enemies, switching out his body for a newer one once in a while, keeping copies of himself and his programming safely secured somewhere in case his current vessel gets deactivated, and having a safe sanctuary where he could retreat in case he needs to go into hiding.

HK's lightsaber was pushed aside by Erin's telekinesis, the attack coming too sudden for droid to react, attempting to adjust his energy blade to still protect his Inner Ring of Defense. However, the second attack that did come the droid was able to prepare for in his high-speed calculations. A hidden vibro-blade would extend out from the droid's forearm, a secret melee weapon HK kept on himself for stealth missions, or in case he needed an additional off-hand parry weapon like now. HK's wrist-vibroblade would meet Erin's sword, clashing and zapping with it as the droid tried to use his strength and heightened agility to parry Erin aside and create an opening.

It was then that his cloak was wrapped around his head, however, like pretty much everything else on droid's body, it too had a hidden purpose. As the grey material came in the way of HK's photoreceptors he would have activated the cloak's mechanism. The material seemingly disappearing from sight as the chameleon cloak revealed its true nature, the cloak.. was a cloaking device. As such it would remove itself as obstacle to HK's sensors, the droid able to see his target through the camouflaging mantle of the accessory, however, it also now looked like Erin was fighting with the Headless Droid, just adding the awesome/epicness points to the whole duel.

The way HK's claws were shaped, hooked slightly, and the way he could move them via his metal fingers meant they did not go straight down, but did curve underneath the surface, he could easily remove them by moving them quickly in a way that loosened them up, relaxing the hold they had on the ground and tightening to entrench himself deeper when necessary.
That said, when the Push came, HK was yanked into the air, like a tree, weed, or a tick being pulled from its position. The ground beneath him cracked as his claws pulled, their hold tight. One of them remained rooted strong in the soil, but one was succesfully pulled by Erin out of its position.

However, with it came a jet or rock pieces and sand being thrown by HK in Erin's direction.
His claws were tough, made from durasteel, four blades in their own regard, and so as the sand attack came at the young swordsman, hopefully it was super effective, HK launched his foot in a kick aimed at him, a flat snap-kick directed once more at Erin's solar plexus to push him back, or most likely send him flying on his butt, if Erin was not fast enough to evade. The Black Swordsman's sword was hopefully still kept busy by HK's parry with his wrist-vibroblade.
With the movements that I had preformed. The cape suddenly became invisible as it wrapped around his head. Freaky! but even more so, the vibroblade was blocked by what looked to he a bidden blade in the gauntlet of the droids arm. More vibroweaponry was being used now. But even as I pulled up not both, but just one, I realized that I was not doing so well anymore. Dirt and sand came to smack at me and hit my face. My first reaction was to flick my face and head around to move it away from me, but all it did was open my body for a kick to my stomach. I saw the kick coming with a little help of precognition. But the blow still landed on my body. It was not as powerful to send me flying back as I had arched myself to move backwards away from the kick, but it was enough to send me sprawling and make me lose my breath.

I was sent backwards and landed on my but as though I was sitting down. With no air in my lungs to speak of, I tried to scoot back away from him. Pushing with my legs and my offhand. Trying to get a breath before I would have to fight him once more.

I had fought a Sith apprentice once before, but even then, she saw that something interesting was about me and stopped the fight. I was not in a full fledged fight. but this droid, HK was way above my level in fighting. Even if he had spent most of those thousands of years sleeping he would have still defeat me. I had to get up soon, because I would be open for an attack right about now considering I was on the ground, out of breath, and hurting from a metal kick to the stomach.

[member="HK-36"], [member="HK-36"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Angel"]

//Sorry for the long droid-butt pause//

HK used the opening he had with Erin on his butt and flicked his lightsaber in a quick throw, the white blade would zoom through the air, spinning like a buzzsaw as the energy weapon was aimed at the young bladesman's chest, thankfully it was a training weapon, but it was still an attack aimed to keep Erin down and out of breath.

Meanwhile HK rushed forward in a sprint towards Erin,

He would spring up before the younger swordsman, launching himself with his built-in repulsorlifts to land down on Erin's chest and pin him down, besides whether the attack would hit or not, HK would have to recover his lightsaber, the sooner he did that the better.

Thankfully the droid still had some hand-to-hand skills as he shown off earlier by catching Erin's sword during stabbing manouver.
As I was leaning down, the lightsaber was thrown to me. Even if it was coming at me like a buzzsaw, There was one thing, I knew the droid could not do, and that was control the force. I could. With the throw of the saber, I used Telekinesis, the limit of what I knew, to slow the lightsaber just enough, for me to feel the smack of the lightsaber hilt in my left hand. While scooting away, I had gained some of my breath, and it was coming slowly.

Looking back to the droid, he was in mid air, using some form of machines to propel him at such speeds. I moved to my knees as he came for me, and held both the lightsaber and sword out towards him, just waiting for him to slam himself onto the blade.

(That's fine.)


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Erin Angel"]

The claws on HK's feet stretched out and brandished like that of a hawk about to strike, his hands balanced as well like wings, his head unmoving as it stared down Erin and calculated trajectories and sets of next moves the droid could do.

The blades of his claws scraped and scratched against the blades pointed at the landing droid, one foot for each weapon.

And it was then that HK revealed another trick hidden within his body, for as the underside of his claws scraped up against the white blade of extended lightsaber, the weapon flickered and turned off. The droid had the underside of his claws coated with purified Cortosis to turn off lightsabers which made contact with him, a feature found also in the cores of his metal bones and plates.

So, as HK's other foot wrapped its claws around Erin's blade, parrying it aside and letting it scratch a gush in the droid's leg, however missing the rest of his body in the parry, he should be still able to deliver the kick he meant, now with the lightsaber activated he would have an open way.

So, unless Erin thought of a way to counter that, he had an option to do something with the sword although it was on the other side of the droid's leg which now tried to slam the weapon away from his grasp, and there was always the Force, he would feel another his to his solar plexus and his breath knocked out of him as the droid's metal heel came down upon him, the claws digging into the dusty ground to keep him down and create a metal cage around Erin.

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