[SIZE=9pt]Location: Deneba capital city, Little Cabana's Dive[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Objective: Do what my employer tells to[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies: [/SIZE][member="Miss Blonde"]
It didn’t take long before he heard to women’s voice in his head again, this time he was neither startled nor surprised, because he had been waiting for it. Again he was happy to hear that her instructions were clear and quite simple. He checked his watch, making sure he wouldn’t mess anything up just because of timing. This time he wouldn’t have to clean up and he assumed she had payed off the bouncer to let him through. Knowing that there wasn’t much time he got up and walked casually towards the VIP room. A little doubt crept over him as the unnatural blank zombielike face met him but shrugged it off as the bouncer let him through without even a word not knowing nor caring why he was acting like that. As he shut the door he glanced quickly around the room, saw the jukebox and ran towards it feeling behind it and with great relief found the weapon, for a moment he had been afraid she had led him into a trap, or just a suicide run. Shooting a silenced pistol while the music was still in would not be a problem, a blaster on the other hand makes a lot more noise and three on one for Cawrion was way too many, without a starting advantage he couldn’t even take someone one on one. Checking that the gun was ready to fire, he walked quickly to the door and waited, back against the wall gun in his right and dagger reverse gripped in the other both raised beside his face. 20 seconds had passed giving him 60 seconds to complete his current objective, at this realization he felt one drop of sweat trickling down the side of his face.
He stood there waiting, it felt like an eternity. Then he heard voices coming closer, he checked his watch, 15 seconds had passed since he last checked meaning he only had 45 seconds to take of the remaining, that wouldn’t be a problem as long as nothing went wrong. The door opened and to men walked in walking straight ahead the first shouted over his shoulder “Shut the door Georgie”, then the third who replied “Sure thing Paulie”, as he closed the door he glimpsed Cawrion and his eyes winded with realization of what was going to happen next. Cawrion had been waiting for this and he only uttered the words “Who the fu” before his throat had the dagger stuck in it. Confident that the first of the three was down he closed the door completely with his now empty hand and gripped the silenced 9mm tight with two hands. As the closest man turned and was groping for his own weapon he squeezed off two rounds one in his chest, the other in his head. Taking aim at the last one he realized that his third target he now knew as Paulie had made a better choice than his partner, he had taken a handful of poker chips and flung them at his face, his reflex took over and his arm covered his face while he dodged out of the way as Paulie rushed towards him knocking the gun out of his hands. It landed with I light thud on the floor roughly two meters away. Then he felt a fury of fists hit him on the back of his head, his back and his ribs, every single one as painful as the last. He was on the other hand smiling, for the man had not yet shouted out for help. Cawrion made himself even smaller as he absorbed more punches, trying to think of a way to get to the silenced gun, because even now when he was surely about to be beaten to death, using his blaster would still end up in a bad outcome, if these people had friends in the bar, he was not sure if he could keep them at bay. And also he didn’t trust his employer to have his back, she was still anonymise and was more likely to bail on him rather than helping him, he was disposable to her, his job right now was to survive and prove that he was not disposable. Cawrion didn’t look at his watch again but was sure time was running out and he had to get a weapon. Then he felt Paulie’s strong arm grapple him and lift him up, surely frustrated with the fact that he hadn’t landed a serious blow on the scrawny guy in front of him. Then he threw Carwion backwords and as he landed with a thud that almost knocked the air out of him Cawrion saw in Paulie’s face that he realized his mistake. He picked up the pistol he had landed beside, lifted it up and as Paulie opened his mouth to shout it was too late. Cawrion pulled the trigger three times, two in the chest one in the head, just to make sure. And as the body hit the floor, song ended and Cawrion couldn’t believe he was alive and hopefully nobody had heard their scuffling in here, he may have pulled this off, although through quite an amount of luck, but that didn’t matter right now.
Not waiting to find out if anyone had heard he hurried towards each of his victims and dragged them behind the door to make sure that he would still have the advantage of surprise if anyone came through the door now. Then dagger and pistol in hand, not knowing how many bullets were left he open the door the tiniest of fractions peeking outside, looking if anyone heard, or any signs of immediate danger, hoping his employer would give him a sign that it was either safe to go out, or contacting him with further instructions.