Alina Grayson

(OOC Note: Picking up from Old Social Thread)
Alina raised her eyes as she stared out over the horizon and the town in the distance, she could fell a pull toward it unknown what it was but a familiar sensation overtook her and her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked around her first scanning the surroundings to make sure she was well and truly alone, the young blonde woman lifted a hand up above the ground in front of her and the magical forces that she had been trained to wield answered and began to swirl around her as the ice and snow were borne up upon the wind around her, a complicated spell and powerful enough to be noticed by any paying attention, though tonight most peoples senses would be dulled by drink and food.
A white light would flash and open before Alina, she would simply walk through the light and find herself on the outskirts of the village, tucked conveniently behind one of the small buildings, the gate would snap closed behind her as quickly as it had appeared quickly drawing her hood she slipped around the corner and into the crowd moving through those celebrating and making merry as she approached the gala at its center, she paused a moment to scan the crowd, her eyes moving rapidly before falling on a tall white-haired woman with a bit of blonde in her hair.
She just paused and watched in disbelief as this individual moved toward the bar it had been some time but there was no mistaking who she saw, who she had felt, and why she had felt so compelled to leave the silence of the mountaintop behind. Slowly she moved through the crowd as if concerned her sudden appearance might spook her elder sister away when she was at last near enough, she spoke ever so softly just in case she was wrong "....Lunara?"