Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reunions and Revelations (PM for invite unless tagged)

Smiling I said, "Well the eggrolls are amazing Master..." Pulling my legs up beneath me in a lotus position I said, "Master the reason I wanted to talk with you is due to several things that happened on Malachor V while everyting was happening on Korriban. I was possessed by Darth Traya and essentially became a puppet. She used MY sabers to attack others she used my body as a conduit for her Force Powers. I...I was forced to watch as this girl was lifted and her airway squeezed for no other purpose than to fill her with dispair..."

Pausing momentarily I said, "It's what I saw when I decided to fight back against that witch....I saw into my own heart how I'd I'd started developing feelings for my Master. Once back on my home on Voss I meditated on what I'd seen and saw something that startled me...Master Rasu and I back to back. Her sabers were guarding me and mine her. This is something that I know of only in Echani culture. It's what is referred to as a sword-sister a partner in battle and life. There's not an exact translation for the word girlriend but sword-sister is the closest wording to describe such an arrangement."

My face was flushing a bright shade of pink and I suddenly felt like this might've been a terrible idea to confide in Master Roberts. Taking a sip of water I made it a point to study the patterns in the table as I waited for her response....

[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess

"Umm... So?"

Karen looked around the restaurant for a moment and finally shrugged.

"You're worried Zara might be jealous? Or... You don't want any more sexual partners? Or... Did Darth Traya make you gay? Or. ...Huh."

It was obvious Karen didn't understand what [member="Celiana"] was saying.
Chuckling nervously I said, "Not worried about Zara being jealous, she let me know where things stood from the get go. Not worried about the sexual partners either and no Traya had nothing to do with my choice in partners. But shortly after we parted ways on Voss Master I ran into someone, an Echani young woman named Aria, we became friends then lovers and I was interested in getting to know her better to the point of proposing. She'd made some discoveries about herself that since have taken her out of my life...Even her presence in The Force is gone which I take to mean she doesn't want to be found. I became Master Rasu's padawan after an adventure to Telos and the Jabiim dominion and began to have feelings for her specifically."

Taking another sip of water I said, "I'm nervous to share my heart with another I suppose, and I don't let people in often...I'm unsure of the protocols of there being a romantic relationship between Master and apprentice. But I wondered what your thoughts on that might be?" I was flushing a bright pink and I was once again completely vulnerable before someone I respected...She hadn't laughed at anything I'd said so I was hopeful that Master Roberts may have something to say...

Looking at the menu I decided on what I'd be having while I waited for Master Roberts' response...

@Karen Roberts


Disney's Princess
Karen simply smiled and went back to her menu,

"Pfft... Oh honey. I really couldn't care less."


"Mm. Ya know. I think I'll have the soup of the day."

And that was the end of that.

Smiling at Master Roberts peacockish flippancy I just acknowledged that the conversation was over. The waiter came back over and I said, "I'll have the Kung-pao chicken stir fry along with a bowl of hot and sour soup and some crab rangoons if you please to drink I'll have a pot of Echani Cherry Blossom tea." The waiter took my order and went to go fill it. Glancing back at Master Roberts I asked, "So Master, what's new with you? Gone on any crazy adventures recently?"

[member="Saint Monica"]


Disney's Princess
Karen smiled as [member="Celiana"] changed the subject. Only too glad to have avoided it entirely.

"I've relocated to Sullust recently. The Galactic Republic retreated from Denon after their lost on Kashyyyk and the Science Academy lost a good deal of our funding too. I guess they just couldn't afford me anymore. Le sigh."

She shrugged. The Galactic Alliance was fine too. Though Sullust was an unnerving place to live. Especially after having had a homestead on Tython and Voss. But? What can ya do. Even Karen had to change with the times. Denon just wasn't secure anymore.

"Other than that? Life is good. Grant just completed his pilot training, Chip is recovering from his leg injury, and Ram is still being Ram. ...So yeah. All in all. My life is pretty predictable these days. Which is fine. Just, business as usual I guess."

Roberts was tempted to ask Dryven for the political fallout in the Silver Sanctum, or should I say: Silver Jedi now, over their recent decision to kick out all of their Dark Jedi. But Karen decided Celiana probably wasn't the best person to ask. After all. Firemane and her red mistresses still maintained a discrete presence all over the galaxy. That was probably answer enough at this point.

"...Anyway. I'm still traveling often. So I suppose I'll stay busy. Hehe. It's whatever."


Karen ordered as well and they were quickly served. Robert's rolled up her sleeves and dug right in. Actually feeling quite good about their dinner now. She had been nervous every since Celiana told her that they needed to speak again. But, seeing as it was just about a relationship issue with Rasu? Ha. Now Karen wasn't stressing their reunion at all.

A pleasant dinner with an old student. Sure. She was okay with that now.
Smiling as Master Roberts discussed her life I took a sip of my water. I felt as though there was an unasked question on her mind but in all honesty I had no clue what Master Roberts actually wanted to ask. As our food came I poured a mug of tea and pushed it over towards Master Roberts. Eating a spoonful of soup I glanced over at Master Roberts and said, "I feel there's something on your mind you wish to ask me Master. I'll happily answer whatever you wish to ask you know."

Grabbing a fork I began twirling some of the stir-fry noodles and spearing bits of Kung-pao chicken. Taking a bite I began chewing while Master Roberts took a sip of the tea I'd poured for her. I was curious what it was, if anything that Master Roberts wished to ask me...

[member="Saint Monica"]


Disney's Princess
Karen enjoyed her food,

"Oh nothing really. I was going to ask what's next for you. But... That's pretty obvious now. Your on a mission and you've got friends to see it through. Fighting the good fight and learning about the Force on the way. Seems perfect for you. I wish you all the best in the world."

She raised a toast and then knocked back her tea. Ahh. Not bad.

"Well. Thanks for dinner Celiana. That hit the spot. I suppose now, we'll both just go our separate ways and see where the galaxy takes us. Heh... And if you do ever manage to meet up with old Dragonsflame again? Well. Tell him hi for me yeah. Hehe."

Karen pushed her soup away. All finished.

Smiling I said, "I'm not actually sure what's next Master. I was planning on taking the trials here before too long, it'd be nice to have my Master's there though both past and present." I wanted her there if for nothing else than to see her former padawan rise to knighthood. I wondered what Master Roberts history was with Master Dragonsflame... Looking at her I said, "As for Master Dragonsflame I'll let him know you said hello next time I see him."

[member="Saint Monica"]


Disney's Princess
Lol. Nope.

Karen couldn't help but snicker. Knight Trials? Hehe. After she just massacred half-a-dozen slavers, professing an interest in 'righteous' anger, and asking Karen for relationship advice about her own Master? Ha. Nay... Celiana might be ready for the trials of the body. But the trials of the mind? The trials of spirit? Mmm. Yeah. Let's count these. Here we go. Possessing self-awareness? Nope. Sharing the goals of the Jedi Order? Nope. Abstaining from killing? Nope. Possessing inner peace and tranquility? Big nope. Ready to teach and be an example to others? Oh gods no.

No. In Karen's mind [member="Celiana"] was definitely not ready for traditional Jedi Knighthood. But. Then again? The Silver Jedi didn't play by the rule book either. Coci Heavenshield certainly didn't. Sio, Matsu, and old Dragonsflame certainly didn't. Heck. It was kind of hard to find ANY Jedi these days who passed their Knight Trials in the traditional manner. So... Yeah. Maybe Drayven was ready for the Silver Jedi. Maybe she had exactly what the Silver Jedi were looking for. Warriors. I mean. Celiana certainly seemed to be an already perfect Dark Jedi Knight, that was for sure. Sheesh.

But, Roberts shrugged again. Who was she to judge. Nah. That was Rasu's job now. Rasu would have to make that call. Not Karen.

"Ahem. Thanks. I'm sure Josh will appreciate it too."

Karen decided to stand up and take her leave now. It was best to close this evening out quickly and get back to business. She still had those Selphi Mages to get back to.

"Anyway. Thanks again for dinner and the hello Drayven. May the Force be with you. Adieu dear."

It was time to go.

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