Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is the Like A Bantha; we have fallen under attack!" The distress signal crackles and cuts through the transmission waves that fill the void between stars across the galaxy. "It looks like some kind of star destroyer!"

The signal cuts off and the transmission goes silent before sparking back to life again, punctuated by the screech of sirens and panicked shouts. "They're taking us in!"

Then silence.


Aeshi stared at the parked freighter from where she stood on the landing pad in the polluted world of Reuss VII. That was the Like A Bantha. There was no doubt about it. The name was painted on the side. The model matched the registry information she'd tracked down from the League shipping manifests. When she checked the transponder code, it came through, and she couldn't see anything about it that seemed wrong.

The problem was the ship was in perfect condition. Well, dinged up and battered, but so were all the ships in the Outer Rim. But definitely not a ship that had just been attacked and taken in by a star destroyer two days before. Two long days she had spent scouring the space between the two systems.

Not only had she found no trace of the vessel, it was parked here as if nothing had happened. Grit clung to her eyelids from lack of sleep and her hair was greasy enough she could probably use it to fix the screech on the Requiem's landing gear. Crew came in and out of the big bulk freighter like nothing was wrong and she kept her eyes on them.

The manifest was public, coming from the Interstellar Merchant-Captain's Guild. The mass of containers and crates all looked the right size, but she'd smuggled enough contraband to know that was an easy ploy. Disassemble large cargo or repackage small cargo. Even have some legitimate cargo in most of the crates to keep things legit on the surface. The crew was mostly human, although she noted some Twi'leks, Dowutin, and some of the Arkanian offshoots. There were lots of cybernetics, but that wasn't unusual either, especially not on this world. The League was cracking down on unsafe labor practices, but that didn't help people who grew up in worlds without strict corporate regulation.

Feth, Aeshi's two forearms were both cybernetic. And she still planned to send a bill to whoever was running the First Order as soon as she managed to get her invoice machine working. But that was a later problem. For now, the issue was this ship.

Why was it here after being attacked? Why had there been nothing about in the gossip? And more importantly, why was no one investigating that?

Aeshi stepped away from the loading ramp and strode back into her small room, unearthing a transmitter from under a floor panel.

Cave dweller calling Sullustans. Cave dweller calling Sullustans. There's some defects in the latest ore shipment. Please meet to examine.

The Underground would know, the message being routed through Defiance Nova.

From there, ORION would know as well. She wouldn't put much stock in the spooks, however. They were good at what they did, but what they didn't wasn't exactly great at sussing out spacer's gossip. For one thing, ORION agents usually smelled like they bathed in natural water regularly. But they would be useful, as would the privateers and Rescue Service.

A mystery Star Destroyer was hiding out there somewhere, she was sure of it. And someone would have to track it down, but preferably not her, and preferably in a larger ship.
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Wearing: Interceptor Gear

Armed With: Nathan's Saberstaff

Arrived in: Bell Hop Freighter

Nathan meditated aboard the brand new Light Freighter he had purchased. He was slowly, but surely, spreading his connections throughout the whole of League space anonymously via his Bacta Products. He was already the main supplier in three separate league colonies. His product worked, and he donated most of his personal profits to either the temple on Dagobah, setting up his own network for supplying Jedi, or injured League veterans.

Nathan was quiet, took orders. Didn't ruffle feathers. Didn't draw attention to himself. He didn't even have a last name amongst them. Anyone who thought to investigate his past found themselves drawing a blank. There were no records. No photos. No paper trail. The only reason he existed was because he was standing there, talking. He would show up, support whatever operation needed to be supported, often with a Lightsaber, and depart as soon as the operation was declared complete.

Any Force user who got close felt a void. Not the dark side. Just a sheer, strange, placid emptiness from which no fear or anxiety could be sensed.

No one had ever seen him smile. No one had ever heard him tell a joke. Witnesses noticed his speech was clipped and icy, always on task. Never casual. But never rude either.

He seemed to have a talent for hostage rescue however. His assignment on Kirdo III had not only seen the rescue of dozens of hostages, but the complete, non lethal take down of hoards of Slavers through stealth tactics. Surviving Exegol had been another accomplishment. He also served in the Wild Knights under Roth Tillian.

Whoever he was, he was someone who got things done and didn't shy away from engaging superior, better armed numbers in the process.

The freighter set down. He had been reached out to, as he completed more and more hostage rescue situations across league space. This seemed right up his ally, and he had decided to accept the assignment.

As he stepped off the small vessel, wearing a rebreather so he wouldn't get whatever was messing up the planet in his lungs he approached Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian , walk almost mechanical, expression grim and mirthless. His double bladed lightsaber hung from his belt, already heavily scratched and weathered from months of constant use.

"Captain Tillian, I'm told you found a ship, but no crew." he stated calmly. "What can I do to be of service?"


Location: Space between Skynara and Reus VIII
Equipment: Skinsuit, Flight-suit, Jacket, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Concealed Medical Sling Bag
Weapons: Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Ship: Flying the YZ-1408 "Skiptown", The Buzzard haphazardly magnetized to hull, V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Vaux Gred Vaux Gred

She'd only recently acquired the freighter. Reposessing it from pirates on a side job that was supposed to only be information gathering. It had turned a handsome amount of credits back to her in the end but that wasn't the point she was thinking of.

With little more than a couple of days behind the sticks, there was a sliver of confidence in flying the thing. Her initial hesitation gone after figuring out a spot to, against the advice of others she recalled vividly, magnetically lock the Buzzard to the hull.

Without a garage fee or leaving her other ship behind, she was pretty content to transport a cargo pod for the group.

At least until it was mentioned they were hunting for a Star Destroyer the hard way.

The cargo pod given to her labeled with distinct and bright labels advising no sudden drops, piercing of the container, or attempts to salvage without proper protective equipment.

And she wasn't going to ask questions about it.

The freighter lazily floated along the route as dictated by the plan. The plan that had her playing the prize in a strange game of loth cat and mouse. The flight suits helmet sat in the chair beside her, Skid keeping an eye on the sensors as she rubbed her eyes and let the vessel float along.

"Not how I thought the ship would get its first outing but there is worse I suppose." Grumbles the droid did little more than give a passive but acknowledging chirp to.

More focused on their duty than entertaining her as she sighed and adjusted in the seat. Eyes roaming up to spy the canopy of the vessel.

Skid took on a number of the responsibilities that were lacking now without some extra hands, and she piloted and manned the weapons, but it was still a lot for just the two of them. Extra hands would make the job a lot easier in the end if they were going to running through pirate areas like this.

"Bah. I hope that Imp Deuce has moved onto bigger banthas." She grumbled once more, not receiving anything from Skid as she kept from spinning about in the seat to see what they were doing. Or if they were still in the main area. "Wonder how everyone else is doing."

Idle thoughts as she spun back around to keep as alert as one could when nothing was happening. Eventually fiddling with the jacket and flight suit beneath it to occupy her attentions between staring out into nothing and checking the gauges and Sensor panels.

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Vaux walked around the Tal'galaar, taking a quick look at the number 2 turbo unit before the seeing the lights in the hanger of the Scarred Rancor hanger gave a flash of red. She smirk a bit as another Mandalorian tapped her shoulder, sliding on his own helmet.

"Ready for this one, CT?"

"Of course Rattletrap. Can that newly fitted bird keep up?"

"Come on. We have to figure ways to keep up with you somehow. Fred Gred Fred Gred said the third engine's stable." Vaux chuckled a bit. Yeah Talyc Squadron were some of the clan's elite pilots, but that didn't mean they didn't have more standard duties during relatively peaceful times. And Vaux... as much as she loved her family she wasn't good at settling. Not like her brother. And so here she was on an escort ship. Right now though, that meant investigating this ISD. Vaux would get in the cockpit, beginning start up sequence.

"CT to Fang, we're ready once we leave hyperspace." She'd call out to the CAG of the vessel, getting a nod as they climbed into their own gunship. Then the lights started flashing again. A last signal that launch was imminent. Vaux smirked, the turbos distinct sound spooling the engines ignited. Soon, realspace would be in their sights, and the flight signal was sent. With that, the escort fighters and gunships would take off.

Vaux began scanning, picking up a surprising sight for her. It was a freighter, but it whas the vessel attached to it that caught her eye.

"Freighter this is, CT. Is that one of my Rag-Tags I see?"

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
|| Location: Space between Skynara and Reus VIII
|| Flightdeck of a Shield-class escort cruiser
Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus and anyone else who would like to interact

The familiar spool of starfighter engines was a welcomed sound for Choli. The former Rogue Squadron pilot felt a bit more at ease in the cockpit of the GF-2B Super TwinTail, but there was nothing like an X-wing or B-wing. Those the Epicanthix was a bit more comfortable with, but the Twintail was adaptable -- and her crashing days were long behind her.

It was an odd job, but a job nonetheless. Chloe had given her the heads up that a few of her contacts on the Rimward Trade League were looking for pilots for a few missions. Beggers couldn't be choosers when it came to getting the funds necessary to buy upgrades for the Verre. She could manage only so much scrap and salvage work without crossing the line towards ridiculousness. Sure, she could get some tips from Yaki Yak, the Squib mechanic on Skorr II, who could build a viable ship out of trash. But it might not pass the inspection of any sentient stomach with as much recoil and turbulence as simply getting out of atmo would cause.

A starfighter pilot a la carte. A few jobs, get paid, meet back up with Trextan and get a few more updates situated. A rush of hot air would blow from her mouth at the thought, puffing her cheeks in melancholy. It had been a while.

"CT to Drexl, you're up next."

The call through her pilot helm took Choli from her wandering thoughts, pulling them back to the present, her eyes shifting from the blue hue of affection to the steely grey of focus. Her eyes were windows to her emotions, each color hue a telltale of her feelings. Chloe once said that they reminded her of The Flamewind, a spacial phenomenon in the Oseon system whose wild shifting colors were known for causing mood shifts corresponding with different hues. In this, Choli was no different.

"Ready Vee-Eight?" Arr-four, her Pebbledrone companion, would stay behind, much to his sharp whistle of discontent.

The V-1 series astromech droid permanently mounted on the Twin-tail gave a chirp of affirmation, ignoring the chattering trills of the rolling droid carving a figure-eight pattern along the flight deck.

"Get back behind that safety line Arr-Four. I will be back soon enough."

A loud toot, and the Pebbledrone rolled back behind the yellow safety line.

"CT, this is Drexl," the rumble of the engine purred, Choli making a quick last-minute check before adding, "Ready."

Twin blue cones ignited, and with the all clear, Choli's starfighter shot forward, joining the others in the squadron.

The comm was open for chatter, but the young pilot instead focused on getting her scanners running. The experience forged in blood taught her never to waste a second scouting the area, even if it was the same spacelane she'd traveled. Especially, since this mission dealt with a mayday of a ship.

One terrible experience with the bait trap set by pirates pretending to be answering the call for help made the Epicanthix wary of deception on the space lanes.

She didn't want to be caught unprepared this time around.


Location: Space between Skynara and Reus VIII
Equipment: Skinsuit, Flight-suit, Jacket, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Concealed Medical Sling Bag
Weapons: Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Ship: Flying the YZ-1408 "Skiptown", The Buzzard haphazardly magnetized to hull, V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

Curling her hair with one hand, and holding the controls with the other had made her complacent when the sensors lit up with alarms. And shortly after the comms chimed as her head spun around to glare at Skid.

Undecided if the droid was ignoring her as it whistled or just as surprised as she was.

"What have we got?" Hands firmly back on the controls as she thought about engaging the weapons. Until she heard the call sign come out.

Grin forming as she tapped the comm to respond, keeping her own transmission to a tight shortbeam as per her droids instruction.

<"That's an affirmative. Rag Tag 2 here."> Grin shifting to a frown as she thought on the voice. <"Rag Tag 1, you working overwatch or active hunting?">

Eyes narrowing as she leaned over to hear the chatter Skid was making. Letting off the comm to address the droid without having others chime in.

"Yes they probably can tell you are here too. What's- That's why- Then tell me- Lead with that next time." Eyes turned to the droid as she growled and clicked the comm's once more, along with a few more taps to wide the channel at the suggestion of the droid. The previous tightbeam settings dropped in their act as bait with a message.

<"Unidentified Vessel, this is the freighter Skiptown. Cargo is bound for a shipyard if you wouldn't mind escorting me through here. I can pay for your time."> Her destination pulled from the air since Skid hadn't provided her with an idea.

And the labels on the cargo pod leant themselves to her belief that it was the most likely place to be headed.

Her path kept clear of the incoming escort for the time being, even bothering to slow a little to better act the part of inquiring courier.

Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Vaux Gred Vaux Gred

"Well, sort of," Aeshi replied, stepping away from the boarding ramp to check on the fuel gauge on the tank as it pumped fuel back into the freighter. "The ship is over there, unloading cargo. And there's a crew aboard it."

She tossed a thumb past her shoulder and let out a deep breath. "And nobody is looking into their distress call- at least beyond a cursory glance."

Not that she was shocked. The League was working hard to root out corruption in local officials, but they couldn't get everything everywhere. The newer worlds were still in the process of the anti-corruption process, especially on the fringes of League space. It had its uses, especially regarding the movement of information, both in and out.

"We need access to crew records and see if this is the same crew or not, or access to their ship's logs and recordings of the distress signal. They say some star destroyer had attacked them and got them in a tractor beam or something. But why don't they look it? Did they escape it? Was it some fraud?"

She shrugged back into her jacket and snapped it shut. "I spent the last two days scouring space for their distress call and found nothing. So why are they here?"

Aeshi glared past her shoulder at the larger freighter. "And I might give them an invoice for the fuel."
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Choli Vyn Choli Vyn



"We believe they have taken the bait, your grace," one of the communications officers, an elderly human with graying hair but smooth skin, spoke as he looked up from the recessed pit in the command bridge of the vessel. Lights flashed and tracked along the massive holoprojector, charting out the the nearest sectors of the Outer Rim. "With the League focused on these alleged Sith upstarts, we have been able to take advantage of their lax attention."

"Very good," a smooth, melodic voice replied. The chair spun slowly around to study the display, revealing a man with bronzed skin, an aquiline nose, and, most unexpectedly, a third eye in the middle of his forehead. "Just as has been foreseen. Humans are always so predictable. I take it some of their auxiliaries have taken up the mission to hunt for us?"

"We're not picking up any official League chatter, either on scopes or from our informants, so almost certainly- likely the privateers and perhaps some of their special irregular forces."

"Proceed to the next phase of the mission then- these are the ones who will most likely stop us. Has the cargo arrived at its destination?"

"Of course, your grace," the reply came instantly, "And with no trouble so far- although we have identified a few more of the League irregulars scoping out the freighter."

"That is to be expected. Inform them to proceed with business as usual."

"And the trap?"

The man smiled and clenched a raised fist. "Set the bait. Lure them in."

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Units in Reserve:
Tag(s): Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl


Strill Securities vessels had some very advanced communications equipment, and truth be told, company vessels had been doing their own searching for this mystery Star Destroyer. While her brother oversaw one of the only major naval incidents to cross his desk since the Sith Order incursion, she'd volunteered the her squad and herself to find the ship. They'd been carefully combing the system for any trace of either this mystery Star Destroyer or the missing ship. Till they'd received word that the League had found it. Just about beat them to the punch if she was asked.

It didn't take too much effort to find Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian , but then again, she doubted the effort would have been the same if she was trying to hide from her. They'd worked together once before. She'd more than proved she could handle her own. Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl 's arrival wasn't entirely unexpected, the gunship's sensor suite linked via the Manda battlenet had given them all plenty of advanced warning. She'd fought alongside him before and though his rocket redirecting was unnecessary, she could appreciate the sentiment.

"Are you going to go over and say hello, alor," crackled Viraen Kote's voice in her helemt. Saram could see the green outline of his IFF and the superimposed marker in the distance along with the rest of the unit. Davaab was split off into pairs, watching the ship and surrounding areas. All of them had their armor's highly advanced stealth suites active and were monitoring comms frequencies active in the area for any information on what the haran was going on as well as for any signs of trouble.

"When it's appropriate, you cheeky di'kut," she quickly fired back as she moved closer to the two. She mmanaged to catch their conversation as she was walking thanks to her armor's top notch audio sensors. Once she was about a galactic standard meter or two away, she disengaged her armor's stealth systems, flickering once before becoming fully visible. At about the same time, she activated her armor's anti-security blade and vid-vox scrambler. If they were watching the ship, chances are there were any number of prying eyes watching for them too. She'd bet some of them were sitting behind the security desks.

"Pity the League doesn't require vessels to submit full crew manifests. I bet my considerable paycheck they won't have the original crew manifest on the ship if they're not who they say they are. I can get you the logs if they haven't been edited, though," she added matter of fact, as though she hadn't appeared out of nowhere. "Commander Saram Kote, we've met, just in case you don't remember or we didn't exchange names," she added, almost as an after thought. "Aeshi Tillan and Nathan...I don't actually know your last name...," she added, gesturing at them when she mentioned their respective names. "Cameras and audio pickups are probably not going to working too well for them, wouldn't have used your names otherwise."

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Vaux smirked a bit in her cockpit, happy to see Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus again. She quickly responded back.

"Hunting. Gred-made TwinTail's have beefed up sensors, so they're good it."

"Hang on, CT. Rag-Tag 1? Ha! Never thought you'd run on a more official name without being force."

"Careful Rattletrap. I'll volunteer you next time training gets mentioned." She then responded again focusing on Lossa. "Sorry about my wingman. He's enjoying an upgrading bird for the first time." She'd keep a close eye around her, trusting VK with the scanners. The Scarred Rancor followed at max burn to try and keep up, and stay in position. As she kept going, Vaux would look over at the hired pilot, Choli Vyn Choli Vyn , who as far as she knew was on her first mission behind a TwinTail's control. She checked everything, tapping the comms again.

"CT to Drexl, how's she feeling? Controls should be similar enough to a classic X-Wing. A bit nippier."

"All flight crews this is Scarred Rancor actual, be careful out there. Let's hope for no storms." The crew then swapped to a more open frequency, seeming to try and mimic what Lossa was up to.

"This is Scarred Rancor, I'm sure we can at least offer a squadron, but depending on where you're headed we might be able to stick around. Just send the data over." Plausible reasoning to stick closer. The cruiser would continue moving though, the aim to keep folks close. There was no telling where this Star Destroyer was, and they sure as the Force wanted to be ready.

Tales of the Outer Rim Tales of the Outer Rim
|| Location: Space between Skynara and Reus VIII
|| Flightdeck of a Shield-class escort cruiser
Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Tales of the Outer Rim Tales of the Outer Rim and anyone else who would like to interact

"CT to Drexl, how's she feeling? Controls should be similar enough to a classic X-Wing. A bit nippier."

[ CT, this is Drexl. She is quick to react but I am getting to know her better. ] Choli responded, feeling how sensitive the controls were for the Twintail, fighting the urge to use the stick to compensate for the Twintail's roll. Alright, so do not iron fist it, and we should be fine, the pilot thought to herself. A quick glance at her external screens projecting the starfield and the various ships and fighters in place around her.

Everything in space was relative, including her position. She should be good if she stayed close enough for comfort to the other ships. Her reputation in Rogue Squadron had painted her as one with a terrible tendency to crash her starfighter. It wasn't a testimony of her piloting skills as much as the crazy maneuvers she had to take amid dogfights in atmo over plants like Kaeshanna, Skor II, and Mustafar. While it took some time to allow the Force to guide her and her instincts under the instruction of Chloe Blake and Loske, Choli eventually became settled in her flying. So much so that her antics tended to perturb the stomaches of anyone riding along with her. Trextan had lost his lunch once or twice.

The tone of voices made it seem as if they were familiar with each other. Used to working with one another. It made her miss those close to her again. That comraiderie back at Rogue. No matter how much she hated when Omar decided to be a pain in the ass.

Matching velocity, Choli came up into a pattern to the portside of Vaux. She mulled the scene over her mind again and again. Something was wrong. She could feel it twisting her stomach. It was an uncanny feeling. A crawl of skin.

[ Seems a little too quiet. ] Choli murmured on open comm. Vee, her astromech droid, gave an affirmative whistle.

Glad I am not the only one thinking so.
"We should set to work questioning them as soon as possible. It could be any number of reasons. Some odd, kill and replace scheme, perhaps. Maybe the crew could have had their memories altered."

Nathan had been mulling over what that Light Side Sith, Darth Yobitsune had told him: That a Brain Demon Cultist had killed and imitated a Jedi in the Trade League. He thought it likely. But he remained uncertain of how to approach the Rimward Jedi Coalition with the problem...what if the one person he told happened to be the Infiltrator? What if there were multiple Infiltrators? What if there were no Infiltrators and he had been told that simply to throw him off and waste energy on a non existent threat.

Trust Nathan mused to himself as Saram Kote Saram Kote showed herself, voicing her own insights. The problem is trust

Are you capable of trusting anyone, anymore? he asked himself, though there was no change in his inhumanly frozen, grim expression as he thought this.

Not one to stand around, Nathan over to the ship, waved at the cockpit, trying to get the attention of whoever was inside.

"Open up. Trade League. We have some rather pertinent questions we'd like to ask you." Nathan called out, voice dryer than a rooftop shingle left out too long in the sun. His expression remained frozen in its almost-glare, like the face wasn't capable of altering itself save to use it's lips.

His green gaze swept the ship, looking for some sense whoever was aboard might panic and attack, which would give him time to react and decide.
Saram Kote Saram Kote Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

As Nathan waved at the cockpit, a small Anzellan trundled out of the boarding ramp and stared up at the much taller figure. "Eh? You don't look like League officials. Are you with the harbormaster or the customs office, eh? You see, all our cargo is legal since the League legalized basically everything but slavery."

He crossed his tiny arms and glowered upwards, a cybernetic eye focusing in more closely on Nathan's face. "Are you sure you're government? Can we see some ID, or is this some gang shakedown, eh?" His arms crossed as he stared upward. "This isn't our first run around the Rim. We know all the port tricks. You'll have to try harder than that."

None of the presences would seem panicked or worried about the intrusion or even threatening an attack. Just a wariness and a sense of suspicion about who this newcomer was, but there was something a little odd about their presence in the Force, very subtly, like they weren't entirely who they appeared to be. Most notably, all the escape pods had been jettisoned from the ship.


Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus


"Our probes have begun picking up the communications transfers, your grace," a sensor tech said, looking up from the slowly beeping screen. "The micro-droids are moving closer to identify the vessels."

"Very good," the three-eyed man replied, leaning back in the command chair. "I will go inform command. In the meantime, spring the trap." The man rose and draped his black silk cape over his shoulders with confidence and certainty before striding from the room.

In the command room, a man standing behind the chair let out a quiet breath before moving to take the seat. "Helm, set course for the last position of the Like A Bantha's distress signal. Engineering, prime the decoy distress beacons. Gunnery, load all weapons and set charge to the interdiction."

The ship was cold but warmer now that the three-eyed man was no longer the bridge. "Remember, these are all competent spacers and pilots with extensive experience fighting our wayward descendants- from Graf to Rausegeber to Fortan and Tavlar. They will be expecting the traditional Imperial doctrine. We must ensure that we rely instead on their own tactical and strategic doctrine to catch them by surprise."

Stars lengthened and then blurred, before switching to the blue clouds of hyperspace, before they soon reverted to realspace. "Distress signal is ready- interdiction is charged. Gunnery stations report readiness in ten minutes, Captain."

"Very good," the man replied, interlacing his fingers. "Activate the distress beacon."

In the same coordinates as two days before, a distress signal rang out from the Like A Bantha. Or, what registered as Like a Bantha. But in the meantime, tiny droids, made of rock and with little more than passive sensors and micro thrusters, moved closer to the League ships.


Location: Space between Skynara and Reus VIII
Equipment: Skinsuit, Flight-suit, Jacket, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Concealed Medical Sling Bag
Weapons: Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Ship: Flying the YZ-1408 "Skiptown", The Buzzard haphazardly magnetized to hull, V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

She grinned at the information.

Now all the was left to do was the baiting portion of the hunt. Something she could easily do with the target she was providing.

<"Loud and clear Scarred Rancor. Sending over the information. I'll keep out of your exhaust."> Sent once more on the open wave as she sent over a beam of information.

She was indeed headed to a shipyard. Something that wasn't entirely fabricated in her plan, she just hadn't remembered the details after seeing the warning stickers. And being told to have an alarming amount of care given to the cargo.

A shipyard within the system. A pre-programmed destination her droid Skid was making sure to take the long way around for.

The comment on being a little too quiet not lost over the comms as Lossa chimed in.

<"Usually is. The quieter the better though if you ask me."> Said with the ignorant confidence of someone who had never been on a long haul.

Even with the lack of attention being paid, the Distress Beacon alarm sounded throughout the cabin and made even Skid give a startled blip.

Drawn from their little shenanigan plan, she glanced over to the droid with a worried frown. The same signal?

"What do you mean it's a copied signal? You sure they have the real one down there? We didn't take a gander at that one after all." She argued, tapping the comms once more.

<"You jinxed it. Just letting whoever said it was quiet know. I don't feel like getting terrible close to that, so do what you need to. I'm keeping to the outskirts."> Making more noise than was needed about the distress beacon as the Skiptown kept to the edge of their formation, even slowing down to let them pass the freighter by.

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Saram Kote Saram Kote Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"Too bad they don't require full crew manifests?" Aeshi raised her eyebrows as she turned to stare at the newly appeared Mandalorian. "Do you know how much work that it would take me to deal with the crew I bring on for quick trade runs?"

The thought of that much paperwork was terrifying. "And Saram Kote. Good to know your name this time. And if you can get the unedited logs-"

Aeshi stopped and stared as Nathan walked over to the other ship and called up into the vessel.

"We don't have badges..." Aeshi said, turning to look at Saram. "Technically we're actual vigilantes right now. But I guess that's a great chance for you to give the logs a look?"

Vaux sighed a bit as she looked at the signal. It couldn't just be easy could it? Just once. The timing was suspicious, but Gred Fleet had some very strict regulations on checking on distress signals. Plus the Mando wasn't one to just not check anyway. She hit her comms after hearing Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus note she'd stick to the outskirts.

"Alright Skiptown. We can run point on this. CAG, permission to take the fighters to investigate while Rancor's slow burning."

"Go ahead CT. I'll hold the gunships back." Granted half of these gunships were modified freighters, but still. She then hit her comm again, looking around.

"Alright, you heard the man. I want some pilots keeping wide search on. a few others set your scanners for narrow beam. Keep the old MkI eyeball on a swivel too. CT out." Vaux adjusted her own scanners to narrow beam, hearing VK behind her. "I know bud. Just keep monitoring scanners."

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Tales of the Outer Rim Tales of the Outer Rim
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Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Units in Reserve:
Tag(s): Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl


"Really?" asked Saram, genuinely surprised by this information. Then again, it did seem like several galactic standard osik tons of paperwork, and she was no friend of paperwork either. "You know, you make a very good point," she said, inclining her helmet slightly to the right in agreement. Her time with the CIS had certainly spoiled her, comprehensive databases and personnel files were nice, but they sure as haran weren't how things were done in much of the galaxy.

"We need to do that again sometime," laughed Saram softly. Saram picked up movement off to their side about the same time Aeshi did, though she didn't need to turn to see what was going on. "Is he..." she started, trailing off as she decided it was best not to ask about what was very obviously indeed happening. She returned her attention to Aeshi and her question, "As good a distraction as any. And don't worry, not my first deniable operation." With that, Saram reactivated her armor's active stealth systems, making for the ship's lowered ramp, sidearm in hand.

The moment she was on board, she began scrutinizing the ship, looking with both her armor's systems and her own eyes, with the latter for anything that didn't seem to fit, additional lifeforms on board, force signatures that weren't either Nathan's or Aeshi's. In particular, she kept an eye on the DNA tracking module's output. She had no doubt there would be more than a few false positives, but if she could find even one person that was out of place it would be worth it.

Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Saram Kote Saram Kote Choli Vyn Choli Vyn


"Incoming engine signatures," the officer on the broad tactical display said, marking dots on the giant green screen. "Initiating phase one." The captain nodded from the chair, his fingers interlaced together. His face was pale, even compared to most spacers aboard large vessels which only saw natural sunlight from behind layers of armor and shielding, and a trickle of sweat worked down his hairline.

"Initiate the distress probe cycling," the captain said, eyes staring intently at the course plots as they were updated. "And calculate firing trajectories- spin up interdiction. Sensor and communications jamming- activate."

The thrumming in the deck beneath his soles picked up the pace, sending the familiar vibrations rattling through his legs. "Interdiction online!" A series of gravity wells began to form across the sector, while the distress signal bounced between a series of probes, while heavy interference on all sensor and communication channels spread across the area.

Two vaguely Star Destroyer-shaped and sized vessels appeared, apparently reverting from hyperspace. But those who got close enough to look physically would realize there was something... insubstantial about them. The details were crisp and detailed but oddly still. No lights flickered nor was there any slight indication of mass or velocity. If sensors could cut through the interference, they would come up with the unexpected conclusion that there was nothing there. They were illusions.

Decoys, even.

But floating quietly in space, several smaller ships, their hulls disguised and designed to look like debris fragments powered to life, slowly and quietly as the League ships drew closer and closer, before unleashing a large barrage of silent mass driver rounds on an intercept course.


As Saram boarded the ship, a few things would be noticeable as being off. The ship's interior didn't seem to fit the original schematics of Like a Bantha's original model. Now ship refits and redesigns were not uncommon, especially in the League. Why waste a spaceworthy hull, after all? But this almost felt the ship's hull had been built and welded around a pre-existing interior.

Ship personnel records seemed intact, matching the crew members, except for one detail: in the original personnel files, none of the crew had cybernetics.

The Rancor would be quick to start to notice the interference, and started trying to open comms to the fighter groups.

"All fighters, all fighters! We're getting massive interferance and jumping signal. Preparing for flak fire! Watch the hale!" But they wouldn't get the call back that had become common for the term of phrase. Instead, Vaux was bracing as the signal came through broken. Not only that, but a large amount was screwing up her sensor pack. She didn't like this, and the pilot would quickly wag her fighter's wings and open the s-foils to get the point across. The other Twintails would follow suit. It was then things seemed to finally come together. A pair of Star Destroyers. Vaux closed her eyes and took a breath. Be ready for the storm. She firewalled the throttle and quickly moved to take aim and the much larger vessel as she braced for fire and to pull up, but.... There something wrong here.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Tales of the Outer Rim Tales of the Outer Rim


Location: Space between Skynara and Reus VIII
Equipment: Skinsuit, Flight-suit, Jacket, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Concealed Medical Sling Bag
Weapons: Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Ship: Flying the YZ-1408 "Skiptown", The Buzzard haphazardly magnetized to hull, V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Tales of the Outer Rim Tales of the Outer Rim

Skid whistled sharply at her, putting her on the defensive with an agitated growl.

"What do you mean what'd I do? I didn't touch anything other than the flight controls. What'd you do!?" Words sharp as her own sensors seemed to fizzle in and out, her eyes darting across the panels to make anything out.

"Somebody just haaaaad to say something. " She snapped, a dismissive warble from Skid causing her eyes to roll.

"I know I'm bait. That doesn't mean I actually want something to happen." Grumbling as she tapped a few of the displays with an annoyed chirp from Skid at the sound. "You never know what percussive maintenance can do until you use it!"

Her eyes roaved the panel one last time as she tried to comms again, her hand pausing over the switch as she squinted and gasped.

"Oh feth. Skid, this is gonna be bumpy." Both hands on the flight controls as she changed course abruptly towards anything that might be vaguely able to give them cover.

<"Rancor. This is Skiptown, uh. Making for cover."> At best a broken broadcast even played through but communication systems aboard as the vessel broke from its path and headed for the debris she'd spotted.


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