Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Revelation- Elysium Empire's Rebellion Against The Agents of Chaos

Objective: Truth Seeker
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Hanna Hanna Daiya Daiya Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar
Equipment: Armor, 2x Trayc'kal, Thermal Detonators, 2x Strill

Jai smiled back at Schere from under his helmet, quickly pulling is cloak in front of him to try and block some of the incoming blaster fire. Thankfully he could still fire one pistol. Jai was doing his best to keep lasers from striking at Scherezade, but it wasn't the easiest thing to do. Jai quickly shot a few times before kneeling down, a pain shooting up his thigh. He looked, a slug barely stopped by his armorweave. A hole was shot through his cloak. Osik....

"Karabast! They've got slugs!" Jai ducked away for a second. His armor may've stopped the shot, and only after putting a hole in his cloak, but it still hurt like a wasp sting! He looked back at Schere before running back out, doing his best to keep his chest plate in the way of the slugs this time around. He took a few more shots at the enemy as he looked back. Dang it! She had to hurry up!

It brought him back to Concord Dawn again, starting to see the battles that happened.... No! Not now! He had to focus. He couldn't get caught in the past now! He had to focus.

Meanwhile, the Strill jumped off the walls, in part to avoid the blaster fire, and to jump onto some of the fighters there now. Growling and snarling as they'd bite in and claw at their prey.

Val Khaar


Post: 3​
Objective: Insurgency​
Allied: Carl Mako Carl Mako

The ground was shaking.

The loyalists were dying.

Something wasn't right.
Val looked around the battlefield, watching as loyalists fell like flies. Agents were dying too, though not as often. They simply had better weapons and armor. It was to be expected but this was happening too fast. Their goal was to hold the Agents and draw them in, but right now they were trying too hard to win.

Why was the ground shaking? Given the environment of this battle, a shaking ground wasn't a good thing. Tunnels collapse under earthquakes. The Agents couldn't be causing this. They wouldn't risk collapsing the had their workers in it as well as the fact that it was a huge source of income for them from what Val understood. It was a trap, an attempt to lure the loyalists out in a panic.​

It will fail

"Loyalists! Fall back! We're being played!!" Val shouted to the loyalist, as he rose to his feet and sprinted deeper into the mines. "Remember, if I go down, don't stop. Keep up with the director, he'll be in command."

He fought off the urge to panic; it'd do him no good in this situation. Instead he kept moving with loyalists right behind him until they reached the midway point between here and the final line of defense. There weren't many loyalists from the first line left. The second line was only defended by about ten loyalists. The Final line, however, had the strongest composition of troops as well as the makeshift mines that would take down the whole mine if detonated. It was both disheartening and reassuring to know that they were reaching the second line now. The first line had fallen in an obvious defeat, but now there were more troops...and the plan to draw the Agents in was working.

(OOC: This is the break. Hanna's next post takes place right here)

Suddenly his legs were caught, throwing him forward. He slammed against the ground, his scattergun flying out of reach. Whatever had grabbed him had burnt right through his pants, searing through the first layer of his skin in a sickening sizzle. He howled, rolling over to his back and drawing his SH-9 slugthrower pistols. He tried to get up, unable to just yet. The burning was too great...he needed to adjust to it before he could even try to get up again. With that in mind, he began to scoot backwards, towards the loyalist forces. If the maniac appeared, she'd get a face full of metal.

Behind him, the loyalists continued their retreat.

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Post: 3
Objective: Insurgency
Allies: Val Khaar
Enemies: Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Nighthaunter Nighthaunter Hanna Hanna Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter
Carl was in charge? He known that he was an important figure in the Empire, but still. "You heard the man! Everyone fall back!" As for the strill he shot at, several burnholes in the skull made sure that that beast would never get back up.

Carl charged to the back lines while trying to shoot his rifle towards the menacing shadow. Then a projectile appeared on the edge of his screen. The skrogging bastard threw a throwing star at him! This wasn't going well. 'Remember, you are the distraction, that's your purpose here.'
Location: Mining Complex, The Deep
Objective: I - Truth Seeker
Allies: AoC ( Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred )
Enemies: EE ( Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar)

Hanna did not spare the Imperialists and their traitor minions any mercy.

“Scatter, you filthy rats!” The Aspect hissed. “Your blood will feed her regardless, no matter how far you fly!”

She gave a bloodthirsty snarl as she advanced towards the scattergun-wielding man’s cover, her shields holding strong as yet another blast connected with the invisible aegis. Nevertheless, the diminutive Aspect did not lend the man the opportunity to escape, even as he (Val Khaar) sought to turn away and retreat. And so, a feral grin came over her features as her energized whips uncoiled from her gauntlets, like a pair of snakes preparing to spring on their prey. She set them both to the highest setting, capable of rending through durasteel and flesh as a knife through butter. Then, with sweeping and aggressive, yet calculated slashes to account for the infiltrator’s movement, she snapped both of her whips towards the man’s knees, aiming to slice through them entirely or at least force him to lose his balance as the lashes coiled around his legs. Since she was only roughly five meters away from the man, she anticipated that the whips would have enough spare length to ensnare her target if they failed to slice through his legs. Either way, Hanna’s objective was to stop the man’s retreat so that she could finish him off and put down the rebellion for good.

“The rivers will run red with Imperialist blood!” Hanna bayed once more. “And the Dark Lady will feast on your soul!”
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Dasmi Lindervale



F L E E T - A D M I R A L | D I M I T R I

The drop from hyperspace had the Lullaby arriving between two of the asteroid platforms as planned, the large vessel slowing to optimal range of its weapon systems as power was diverted from engines to shields. The weaponry aboard was set to charge but nothing moved to plot firing arcs, none moved to assail the incoming fleet that was quickly identified and a line that had opened up between the intruding fleet and one of the defensive platforms switched to the Lullaby with his executive officers intervention.

The information was processed while the line remained silent. The Fleet Admiral slowly covering his mouth with one hand while the other wrapped itself around his midsection.

A distress call about the Bryn? Really?

Behind the veil of his hand, Dimitri was struggling to contain the wicked grin that had formed there. If they wanted to play a game. Well, certainly a bit of sweating on their part was in order.

"This is the Fleet Admiral of the Agents, we thank you for your expedient arrival to aid the sector against those dastardly invaders. Nasty things the Bryn. I had hoped they would stay well across the galaxy and take on the ones closer to them, but they spread like a virus that lot." He put an unusual amount of appreciative tone in his voice as Rimes stared at him, agape at the feigned ignorance of the obviously fake distress call.

"As we have had difficulty in reaching that sector ourselves, no doubt caused by some strange Bryn technology, would you mind sending the clearance codes enclosed in the distress call?" he added, a curious tone of expectancy to his voice as he paced the command deck. Blatant confusion rocked the bridge around him, furrowed brows and questioning looks attempting to discern the tale he was spinning.

"As some recent incidents with a choice group here in the outer reaches of the galaxy have shown us, any and all Agent encoded distress signals have inherent coordinates logged into the beacon that relay real time status and coordinates." His tone was matter of fact, words coming forward without fail as he continued to spin the yarn a bit more.

"As we have had no luck reaching them, we thought to give you an escort to the location, as some of the recently adopted and larger residents of the Scintilla are quite nervous around new ships that aren't identified as our own." He was of course referring to the space dragons that had been made comfortable on their own platform of the scintilla. Ones that had to be accounted for when the fleet was moving through space on patrols.

A few of the blasted things were as long if not outright dwarfing the Lullaby. With his web spun, he waited patiently to see which part of the web caught their foot. Several officers shook their head, Rimes outright putting her forehead into her cupped hands while waiting.

1 G47 - Pipsqueak | Hip holster
1 K914 SMG | Concealed in right side of jacket
Phase I Haywire Armor | Worn beneath his lined leather jacket
HCC Lullaby
AE-12/24 Celestial Pheonix


Outside System

Tags Dimitri Lindzinsky Exelann Exelann Val Khaar

Lash Had listened to the transmission from the newly arrived fleet in silence. His Fleet Commander standing next to him was not as kept in his reaction. "Are they serious?" asked the Chiss standing next to him. Lash ignored the man as Admiral Lindzinsky replied.

"I am sure they were counting on the Agents population to have apprehensions about the Bryn'adul," Answered Lash as the Agent's fleet commander finished his communication. He turned and walked to the command chair at the rear of the Command and Control center. He sat and thought for a moment about the situation. He had helped the Agents in the past. They had given him the right to use the shipyard they had stolen. They had helped feed his people and allowed them to hide in their borders without question or regard for their motives. He did not feel that he owed the organization anything. he had helped them and they in turn repaid his and his people's assistance in kind. The shipyard however was important to him. He still had plans for the construct and having some upstart group of humans damage it would not do.

"Admiral, Jump us into orbit of the Deep. Put us between the Elysian's and the shipyard," ordered Lash. The Admiral nodded then walked to the command station to give orders to jump. The Chiss force had been sitting outside the system and only going in to visit the shipyard and for consumables. They were not welcome by many of the people on the world. The sight of a group of Chiss was not something the types that dwell on the sphere are accustomed to. when they had first come to the system many of the lesser being's of the world, which were basically all of them, reacted violently to the Chiss presence there. It was nothing Lash and his people were not used to. They had lived for over ten years now with the constant scrutiny and distrust of their people. If they could only go home, that would be the dream of every Chiss under Lash.

Lash sat quietly as the deck plating below his feet began to vibrate. The motivators came online and the powerful hyperdrive s began the process of tearing a hole in the fabric of the universe. The jump commander took control of the operation and counted down to the jump. with a pause between the silence of the vibration and a stronger more noticeable shake, the Chiss formation jumped deeper into the system to meet their new guests. Several minutes later the ship shook again as it ripped itself from the subspace realm of hyperspace and reverted back into real space between the Elysian group and the shipyard near the upper orbit of The Deep.

"Open a channel, full bandwidth," ordered Lash A moment later an officer indicated that the order had been carried out and a wideband subspace channel was open to whoever wanted to hear it. Lash stood and waited for the channel to appear as a video on the forward screen. Everyone would be able to see him, which was part of the plan. The rest depended on Lindzinsky and the Elysians. He straightened his uniform then looked at the camera and spoke.

"Admiral Lindzinsky, May I be of service?"

Blue Steel Squadron

Jumped into The Deep System near Orbital shipyard
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Objective: Truth Seeker
Location: Mining Complex, The Deep
Equipment: Phase I Powderpunk Armor, Phase I Powderpunk Facemask, Raven Knife, 434 Blaster Pistol, Dissuader KD-30 (Loaded with Glitter Bullets), Deactivator Hold-Out Blaster, JH-70 Glitter Grenades, Holojournal
Allies Nearby: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter , Hanna Hanna , Agents of Chaos
Enemies Nearby: Elysium Empire


Once again, Daiya found herself halfway across the galaxy with a group known for causing chaos. She had found herself in the middle of their wars before, on Ryloth and then on Rodia, wars bent on liberating those worlds from the interstellar government ruling them from afar. It was a familiar tune, if a little more political than the girl's usual fight against her own corporate enemies who ruled Denon from on high. This time, however, she wasn't on contract for Luminous Sun. This time, she was fighting alongside those agents of chaos for their very home.

She had to appreciate the whimsical tastes of Scherezade deWinter, whom she had met on brief occasions before. Onboard her ship, Daiya had a chance to talk with the woman at longer length, finding that they shared a love of pink for one. The teen found a kinship brewing in the woman's youthful outlook, not only did Scherezade have both a fiery passion and the means to carry it out, she never seemed to miss the silver lining in the circumstances.

It was Scherezade who had suggested Daiya trying out more of her Force abilities here. For her part, the girl was stunned that the woman had found out. That was a secret she kept hidden, and well by her own reckoning, but somehow the pink lady had discovered it. With almost anyone else, Daiya would have been frightened and wanting to run. Except that there was no escape from the confines of their ship for the moment.

A thud rocked the ship, letting loose the bounds that kept her fear in check. Daiya suddenly felt the confines of the ship acutely, its interior far too tight. This was why she preferred planets to starships! Uncertainty loomed in her mind. Was the ship hit? Was this where she would die? Weight pressed down on her chest as she struggled to breath, even as the door opened to reveal the air of the world around them. It wasn't until Scherezade gave her a smile and beckoned at the edge of the open door that the girl felt like she could breathe and move again.

"Aren't we supposed to land first before getting off?" Daiya said with a coy grin. Somehow, Scherezade put her at a rare ease.

The woman responded with a pose that ignited a bubble of energy around her. Daiya took a step back, recoiling in surprise. Was this the kind of Force magic she had meant? The girl didn't have time to ask questions, or any other choices, so she stepped into the protective bubble just in time. The bubble moved with Scherezade as she jumped out of the ship, taking Daiya along for the ride!

They landed a meter or so below them. Daiya glanced up at the ship, and its open hatch above them. She looked back at the Agent woman before her, a puzzled expression on her face. Then the girl burst out laughing.

"That was your Force power?" Daiya managed out between giggles. "That was laaaaame."

But then Scherezade needed cover and there were blaster bolts flying, so the girl fell silent. She pulled out her favorite blaster, finding a position near the woman where she could crouch and still see their opponents. The positions were confusing, the space was big with many places to hide, and the fighters sent by the Elysium Empire were taking full advantage of it. Daiya's own aptitude for urban conflict was coming into play, and her shots in response were placed more for distraction than harm at first.

It was only when one or two of the Elysium troops honed in on her that Daiya started to target them directly. Her first few shots hit the barriers hiding her foes, eliciting a short growl of frustration from the girl. She fired a burst of shots at the barriers again. Then she waited, poised and ready, until something told her to look out again.

Daiya had half a torso and an arm in her sights when she felt something was off. Her finger squeezed and the shot flew toward her enemy, but by then she was too preoccupied by the vibrations in the ground beneath her. She knew the Agents had a space station, too, but everything around her told the girl she was on a planet. Planets weren't supposed to do this, ground was supposed to be sturdy and reliable!

"What's goi—" she started to ask, but heard Scherezade call out to their enemy in the moment. The pink lady's taunts were amusing to her —Daiya had seen Scherezade fight before and she was looking forward to being on her side for once— but they were also confusing. It seemed like the woman was claiming credit for the vibration itself. No, that wasn't right, it must have been a bomb or something detonated from the mines below.

"Your visitors are making a really bad impression here, ya know?" the girl remarked to Scherezade, scrambling over as the blasters quieted for a moment amid the shaking ground. "Shooting at us, and now they're doing something underground? Please tell me we're not going to let them rip the planet apart."

Richard Ringo


Post: 3
Objective: Ambuscade
Tags: Exelann Exelann Dimitri Lindzinsky Lash Lash Domino Domino

It wasn't working; Richard wasn't stupid, and neither were the Agent Forces, they were playing along... probably waiting for reinforcements. While they played this game, the loyalists were probably being overrun. That was unacceptable. He would not be responsible for the death of however many loyalists there were. The assault must begin.

"Elysium Fleet, resume the assault. Focus on the small ships. We can destroy them and outnumber the bigger ones. Furthermore, the large ships can't catch our reinforcements. Good luck."

Like a band made solely of percussion instruments, or a fireworks show, the Elysium ships began their assault. The black abyss of space lit up in green, red, and blue as lasers, beams, and missiles soared toward their targets. The Goldenrod's laser beams should only take a moment to destroy anything smaller than a star destroyer...and hopefully that'd be the case here as speed is the most valuable component of the battle. They would be protected by the Majesty Class Star Destroyers, a mixture of an ISD and an MC-80. Majesty Class Star Destroyers were the base of the Elysium fleet, with strong offensive and defensive capabilities.

Finally in reserve, there were two Deliverance-class Star Destroyers. These ships were defensive ships, able to cast shields around themselves large enough to cover surrounding ships, allowing repairs, retreats, and transportation. They would have done well in the transport fleet, however Richard had pleaded to have them in this fleet considering that they would be outnumbered. It was probably a good move, though only time would tell.

The last thing he could do for now was order Exelaan to begin his route. The reinforcements needed to land, and it had to happen quickly. He changed the comms channel and paged Exelaan.

"Exelaan, this is Admiral Ringo. You need to get those troops to the mines now. We were delayed. It may already be too late. Stop for nothing."

He released the button, and waited...hoping Exelaan would get the men to the mines in time.

Objective: Truth Seeker
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Hanna Hanna Daiya Daiya Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar
Equipment: Armor, 2x Trayc'kal, Thermal Detonators, a Strill

Jai's eyes went wide when he heard a familiar sound for a split second. He growled some before letting loose another barrage of fire before running up as the enemy fell back. He looked down, seeing one strill seeming to mourn, and the other laying there lifeless. His fist tightened, and he looked back at the others. He would simple pat the poor creature, looking at the other and giving it an order that sent it running back towards the ship. He looked where the Elysiums ran to, determined to get some payback for his pet.

"At least it was quick...." He wasn't so sure he'd give the same quickness if he got his hands on the man. Those Strill weren't just pets to him. They were some of the only connections to his home he had left....
Post: 3
Objective: Void Fire: Fleet Battle

Well that was almost disappointing. It was the right move, things were only going to get worse for the enemy commander, but Domino had wanted to see more of the verbal sparring. That such a bluff had even been tried would likely become a source of mockery for the poor commander. Still, she should respond in kind, there was no clearer invitation to attack an enemy than them opening fire.

Target already picked and sent to the rest of the task force via laser comm routed through the probe satellites acting as relays, Domino was gratified to see the pairs had not forgotten their timing. A heavy energy torpedo traveled at twenty percent of C, or just under sixty thousand kilometers a second. That meant there was one and a half seconds delay between firing and impact. The frigates staggered their shots, the furthest away launching first and then so on to the effect that each quartet of torpedoes would impact the chosen Patron simultaneously.

Sixteen shots likely wasn't enough to disable the shields of the defensively minded ship, but the next barrage might be, or the next, or the next as the pack hunters began the process of whittling down the destroyer much like wolves hounding prey many times their size. Of course there was a drawback, a minute between volleys as the weapons recharged their firing capacitors. During this time the frigates bared the logic of their naming, reactivating their cloak to reposition between shots, leaving them barely seen glints of white in the distance.

Content to wait and see the enemy's reaction, Domino ordered the Reason to simply keep pace with the intruding fleet off their six. Waiting for the right moment. Settling into her seat, she reflected on how nice these low-stakes engagements were compared to how frantic her previous fights had been. More wanting something to occupy herself with than the caffeine, Domino asked the bridge steward to bring her up some espresso, the spiced stuff, the good stuff.

Dasmi Lindervale



F L E E T - A D M I R A L | D I M I T R I
Tags: Val Khaar Exelann Exelann Richard Ringo Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun Lash Lash

Dimtri waited for the return of some hurried response with false codes. It seemed though, much to his surprise, they did not want to bother with the back and forth as the fleet in front of them began to open up on Domino Domino 's gathered forces. The Lullaby sat, seemingly idle as the weapons aboard now focused and targeted choice enemies. The Twi'lek had her own response to the incoming aggression as her vessels returned to their cloaked status, earning an approving nod from the Fleet Admiral as all power to aggressive weapons was diverted to the proton beam cannon.

Shields sprang up around the Lullaby as the pressor catapults began to dispense the tiny threats that were the Celestial Pheonix Star fighters. A literal swarm eventually emerging from the large vessel as the two-hundred and eighty some star fighters screamed across space to enact their own wrath upon the incoming foe.

The asteroid platforms also spat forth their own star fighters, nine-hundred in all from the five stations as the space around the Lullaby and asteroids glinted in the faint light of the nearest stars with impending threats. They activated their SLAM drives to close the distance before breaking formation in a star pattern while decelerating. The star fighters threw themselves into the enemy formation as a fifth of them opened up on the Goldenrod first and foremost.

Two-hundred and thirty proton torpedoes screamed from dangerously close distance towards the Goldenrod, the fighters breaking away when their torpedo were clear of the tube to attempt a rolling maneuver around to the other side of the vessel and repeat the process.

Each of the Majesty Class Destroyers had another part of the star fighter formations focused on them as the starfighters bobbed and wove themselves through the incoming and outgoing fire. Leveled at each was a compliment of two-hundred and thirty proton torpedoes, a single launch from the starfighters as they dove below the belly of each and raced towards the rear of the vessels.

The remaining starfighters rallied behind each of the attacking groups, pacing themselves to counter any incoming starfighter's from the enemy.

From over their shoulder, the asteroid platforms leveled their weapons as the four barreled long range turbolasers focused their fire on the Goldenrod, The volley from each asteroid marked space with a distinct pair of green bolts as the weapons successively fired two barrels before firing the remaining two in a staggered measure.

The hypervelocity cannons of each asteroid directed their attention to the lingering Majesty Class Destroyers, the ten second bursts from each asteroid's entrenched cannon filling space with super-accelerated slugs before the shielding of each gun activated and allowed the weapons to cool.

Dimitri did little more than step closer to the viewport as this all transpired. His face drawn in a mix of grim determination, and sadness. It was not preferable to face anyone on the field of battle, but threats to the peace by outside forces would not be allowed past him. The Scintilla had suffered enough, and he would not allow this to pass. Rimes left the officer to his work as she stepped beside the fleet admiral, watching the colors fly through the void of space.

The proton beam was charging, meeting the halfway mark as the communications officers began working furiously, sharing targeting data between the asteroids and the assembled fleets for the Agent's of Chaos. Their sensors on the asteroids were linked to the satellites, and with the Lullaby not attempting to cut communications yet, they linked all relevant data between the assembled vessels as best they could.

1 G47 - Pipsqueak | Hip holster
1 K914 SMG | Concealed in right side of jacket
Phase I Haywire Armor | Worn beneath his lined leather jacket
HCC Lullaby
AE-12/24 Celestial Pheonix
Location: Mining Complex, The Deep
Objective: I - Truth Seeker
Allies: AoC ( Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Daiya Daiya Nighthaunter Nighthaunter )
Enemies: EE ( Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar)


The diminutive Aspect felt the sensation clawing at her ego, eliciting a feral growl from her lips as the energized whips found their way around the man’s knees, yet failing to slice through the flesh. In battle, the little unicorn lady was a monster made manifest, a baying, bloodthirsty creature hell-bent on wreaking death and destruction upon her enemies. While her fanatical devotion to the Dark Lady was a powerful force of motivation, in truth, Hanna did not need it to sustain her indefatigable desire to kill. For that, she had an engineered affinity for violence, a trait her creators had deliberately affixed into her DNA so as to craft the perfect Huntress, a sentient being capable of killing repeatedly and without remorse. Nevertheless, the fact that the Aspect of Devotion not-so-secretly despised those who did not serve the Dark Lady's divine mission was an exacerbating factor to her already-boundless sanguineous thirst. For that reason and more, it was probably for the best that Hanna was one of only a few that had been created in such a manner, a figurative relic from when the Agents of Chaos were a younger organization, in spite of the fact that she was only a little more than a year old.

And so, Hanna followed her programming.

After closing the distance to the point where she was only six meters behind the crawling man, Hanna gave an unsated grunt and began to work in opposition to the man’s attempt to crawl towards his friends. Pulling with all of her strength, Hanna planted her feet and mentally commanded her whips to coil back towards her gauntlets, so that they would put pressure on the man’s flesh as well. While the infiltrator was bigger and as such, presumably stronger than Hanna, the tiny Aspect’s armor was constructed of an advanced composite of reactive polymers that enhanced her strength, evening the odds in the battle of physical prowess and potentially lending the horned lady the advantage.

“Run, and you’ll only die tired! Resist, and you’ll die slowly!” Hanna hissed. “Fight, and I’ll make sure you suffer!”

Objective: Move towards mines

1x Victory Class Star Destroyer The Utopian

3x Arquitens-Class Light Cruisers

2x CR-90 Corvettes

3x Gamma-class Light Personnel Carriers, capable of transporting 40 men per ship.

1x REC-SU01 LR/FA (Long-range/Fast Attack) Combat Shuttle

Exelann was waiting on the bridge when he received the order. Apparently he was supposed move towards the mine. Drop from hyperspace on my mark.......... Mark. And the fleet came out of hyperspace.

Looking out of his viewport he could see some ships, and an opening to the mine field. Full thrust. And now Exelann grew confused, where was the fleet that was supposed to stop them? Suddenly Exelann turned and shouted an order,
Give me a scan of the area of our flanks. An officer ran to a monitor. Sir we are picking up a wierd signal, we don't know what it is. A stealthed fleet, set our fighters and Corvettes into a screening position. He then yelled at the helmsman, Get this damn ship in a protective position for our frigates.
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Tags Dimitri Lindzinsky Exelann Exelann Val Khaar Richard Ringo Domino Domino

No answer came from the Agent's fleet commander. Before a reply could come, the upstart
Barcisi opened fire on the combined forces in the system. Lash looked at the image of the Elysium fleet and closed his eyes. It never failed to amaze him. These Humans were all the same.

"Admiral, Cycle up all two hundred of the energy torpedo projectors. Move us into a firing position on the vessels entering the minefield and hold fire" ordered Lash. He stood silently watching the elysian ships fire on the smaller ships of the fleets. Around him bolts flew by the capital vessels striking the cruisers which had been escorting them. The small pickets broke and maneuvered around the fire moving in behind the larger vessels for cover. "Sir the Vindicators shields are holding for now but they are taking a beating," said one of the tactical officers from Lash's left. He nodded and went back to watching the ships in the distance. He wondered what kind of music these Elysium Vuhn created. Humans made such loud and piercing music, he wondered to himself if these Elysium variants did as well.

A muffled thurm could be heard as the deck under his feet began to vibrate. The Termagant was a siege destroyer by design and was not meant to defend anything. It was meant to apply maximum damage upon a target with one salve. It did that job well. The reactors charged the massive banks of capacitors which in turn fed the massive cyclotrons which spun up the plasma needed for the weapon systems. Now the spinning plasma would be encased in a field and spun to 20 % the speed of light. A tactical officer looked in the direction of the admiral and Lsh standing at the command podium and nodded.

"Sir, The Energy Torpedos Projectors are ready to fire," said the Chiss Admiral standing next to Lash. Lash did nothing, he continued to watch the fire raining in from the ships in the distance.

Admiral, have your gunners target the small formation moving for the Mine Facility." ordered Lash The Admiral nodded and carried out their orders. "Immediately after, plot a solution on the formation and engage with our velocity cannons and recharge the torpedos, ordered Lash as they looked from ship to ship in the distance taking in their shape and design. He would examine them before picking his next target.

"Fire" said Lash eyeing the mine and the ships Moving to land there.

Blue Steel Squadron
Destroyer Line
Termagant - Aurora-class Siege Destroyer

Attack Line
Meanace - Victory Light Star Destroyer
Fortitude - Invincible-class Fire Support Cruiser
Crossbow - Invincible-class Fire Support Cruiser

Skirmish Line
Constraint - Abolisher-class Containment Cruiser Shielding at 81%
Tempest - Vindicator-class Cruiser Shielding at 72%
Gorgon - Vindicator-class Cruiser Shielding at 56%

Picket Line
Macon - Vigilance-class Heavy Picket Shielding at 43%
CIP-44 Intersector-class Patrol Picket
CIP-46 Intersector-class Patrol Picket
CIP-51 Intersector-class Patrol Picket

Fired on the Vessels moving towards the Mine
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Val Khaar


Post: 4​
Hanna Hanna (Actively Engaged)​
Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter (Actively Engaged)​
Nighthaunter Nighthaunter (Behind me, killing my people)​
Carl Mako Carl Mako (Behind Me, commanding the retreat)​
Daiya Daiya (With Scherezade, likely about to shoot at me)​
Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred (Pissed off, about to do a lot of killing.)​

Val must've hit his head on the fall and become disorientated. The whips were still on his legs, burning right through the flesh. How didn't he feel the burning? Not only that, but the girl with the whips was right in front of him. It was true, she was a bit blurry and there were several people around, but most people would realize that their enemy was in front of them, and that their legs were wrapped up in sizzling hot whips. If he was that disorientated, how could he be expected to even attempt to fight the approaching enemy?​

The Insurgent hoped it was just a temporary disorientation from the fall. ​

What he did know was he was suddenly moving toward the woman at a high speed, unable to slow himself. Now he felt the burning. With a howl he kicked frantically, trying to get the whips off his legs. They loosened and moved lower but they were still on him. Now in an all-out panic he rolled over two times as he slid, hoping to intertwine the whips and maybe cause them to damage each other enough to stop burning him. He didn't know how the weapons worked, but it felt like a solid tactic considering how quickly he had devised it.​

Doubt and panic were useless. He focused, thinking of what he could do to save this disaster of a battle. Perhaps it was because he only had seconds to decide what to do, or perhaps he knew what he was doing, but the Insurgent leader made a choice.​

He would fight.​

The loyalists needed time. If he ran, chances are he'd be shot in the back. If he fights, he can buy them maybe a minute before the Agents take him down. That's one minute for the Reinforcements to arrive and surround the Agent forces. One minute for the charges to be set. One minute for the comms device to be built. It's one minute for The Elysium Empire to survive.​

Val realized, of course, that this may mean his death. He may fall to the Agent forces. Maybe he beats the woman but gets killed by the other. He didn't know, all he knew was that he needed to buy the loyalists just one minute to prepare. If he was to die, he would die here, for The Elysium Empire. Heck, if he hadn't been taken by the Elysium Empire he'd be dead already. He had nothing outside of them. Nobody would miss him, nobody would be affected by his death...except the loyalists, who would live long enough to set up their defences in the second line. It was like something in a book, he had never expected to face a challenge where he would have to make the decision to risk his life. No, not risk his life. That was easy, he did that every day. This was a sacrifice. By staying behind for that extra minute, he was essentially promising his death. That's why it was hard. A risk is a risk, there's at least a chance to escape, but a sacrifice is pre-determined.​

Considering what he was about to do, he was relatively calm. Time had slowed down. All of his thoughts since he had fallen had taken just seconds. He knew what he had to do, now he just had to execute it. With a renewed energy, Val aimed both guns at the woman and began firing, determined to continue the barrage until she backed off or he ran out of ammunition.​

Summary: ​
*Realized he was disoriented​
*Rolled over as he slid toward Hanna to stop the whips
*Accepted his fate
*Began to unload his guns at Hanna

Richard Ringo

Post: 3
Objective: Hold the Agent Fleet so reinforcements can get through.
Tags: Exelann Exelann Dimitri Lindzinsky Domino Domino Lash Lash

The Admiral continued to watch the battle. They could win. He knew the odds were pretty bad , though he didn’t have a droid to do the calculations. but who cared about odds? What worried him wasn’t this battle, but the one in the mines. He feared they were too late, and the fact that he couldn’t communicate with the ground forces worried him.

He looked at the map, watching as the little dots representing fighters scattered, meeting the red dots. They were outnumbered 9:1. The Elysium Empire’s capital ships were in a triangular formation, the Deliverance-class ships in the back. While the battle raged, the transport fleet arrived. Exelaan had been hasty. Good. Ringo watched the map constantly, afraid to miss anything of importance. He wished he could be on the ground with the others. He wasn’t a good fighter, but he hated knowing that he was protected by several feet of metal and shields, sitting comfortably in a chair, while the men below were fighting for their lives in a cave. They were on rocks, he was in an air-conditioned room with a padded chair.

Sure, he was in danger just as much as they were, but he would die comfortably while they would die in some cave that most of the galaxy didn’t even know about. It just didn’t seem right.

Continuing to watch the map he caught something. The Transport fleet was shifting their stance to a combat formation. Beyond that, there were several flickering dots between the fleet and the mines. That wasn’t normal. Was it just a glitch in the map? Time after time in training the maps would glitch, but usually it ended within seconds. This time it didn’t end.

With the way the battle was going, Richard decided to reassign one of the Deliverance-class ships. They weren't needed here, and if the glitching wasn’t a glitch, they could protect the transport fleet. It was always better to be safe rather than to regret a decision not made.

"Attention, this is Admiral Ringo speaking. I need one of our Deliverance-Class Destroyers to maneuver to protect the Transport Fleet. Activate your shields to create a shell around the Transport fleet once you arrive. The second needs to activate the ring shields between enemy missile barrages. We can't handle much of this. Out."

With that taken care of, he returned his attention to the map.

The enemy was throwing a lot at the Elysium Fleet-torpedoes, fighters, turbolaser blasts, and more-while the Elysium fleet had only a little to offer as retaliation. Outdated fighters, new ships with little anti-fighter capability, so on and so forth. Of all the enemy forces, the one big ship stood out. It was obvious that it was in a defensive position in order to use the "big gun" it had. While the Elysium Empire didn't have many high-tech features in their ships due to economic issues, they had the essentials, including scanners, radars, and maps. The big ship's exterior had been scanned, the basic design downloaded. While the specifics weren't clear, certain things were revealed. For example, the ship had an extreme amount of shielding. It had a large gun of some kind, though it could be anything.

Richard had decided to ignore the large ship. The Elysium Fleet couldn't take it down. It was the smaller ships that could be destroyed. If the options were to attack with no result and lose, or attack and chip away at the enemy and lose, Richard would pick the latter.

All he could do was hope the loyalists below were doing well.
Location: Mining Complex, The Deep
Objective: I - Truth Seeker
Allies: AoC ( Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Daiya Daiya Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred )
Enemies: EE ( Carl Mako Carl Mako Val Khaar)

With both of her whips active, Hanna could not access her other weapons as she sought to drag the infiltrator back towards her position. It also meant that her shields were down, giving the man an opening to strike back at her, which he promptly took advantage of, much to Hanna’s rage. A pair of slugs struck her right thigh, another her left, and a final one, directly in her chest, though they failed to penetrate the phrik weave armor, instead leaving ugly contusions on her skin from the kinetic force that had not been dissipated by the waterweave. Almost immediately, Hanna was forced to retract her whips, the motor driving them back into her gauntlets as she grunted in agony at the shock of the impacts. Once they were inside, her shields flared back to life with a mental command and Hanna hissed with relief.

Aiming both her gauntlets at the man’s chest, Hanna answered the infiltrator’s fire with a surge of electrical retribution, firing off a trio of high voltage currents on the Arc Caster setting from both of her static blasters at a close proximity, less than four meters from her target. It was a naked attempt to kill, which Hanna had already done more than a few times that day, until her efforts were frustrated by the man situated before her. His death would see to the end of whatever uprising was transpiring within the mines, hopefully breaking the spirit of the rebels so that they fought with less confidence in their cause, making them easier for Hanna to dispatch on her bloody march through the mines.

“You’ll fucking die for that, scum!” Hanna roared in anger as her electrical vengeance was made manifest, a rare curse unleashing from the lips of a devout woman. “This is the end of you and your worthless uprising!” The Aspect spat. “The Dark Lady will bathe in your blood!”

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Post: 4
Objective: Void Fire: Fleet Battle

Surveying her own boards while sipping at the freshly delivered caff, Domino raised an eyebrow at the arrival of the new fleet. The main attacking force hadn't yet pushed in, or taken any real losses, it was too early for reinforcements, Chaos forces weren't fully engaged. A feint then? A ship broke off from the main formation on a vector to reinforce the new arrivals and Domino did a quick reassessment. That was a Vic, and a bunch of light cruisers. All could likely enter the atmosphere. And like that, Domino had a new target.

The four frigates she'd left behind to reinforce the blockade received new orders via coded laser comm. Yet to reveal their presence, they took their time as they re-angled towards the new threat. The further two fired first, followed by one of the closer two, the last fired half a second later, the timing hopefully insuring that six of the large, capital grade, torpedoes would strike together allowing the last two a strike on the Arquitens' hopefully unshielded hull. Despite the range, the extreme speed of the shots would leave little time to recognize there was an attack or even react. And after, the frigates didn't recloak, instead seemingly doubling as another four appeared alongside before each activated five different types of jammers to block, confuse, or otherwise distort enemy scans and communication alongside the frigate's other stealth systems coming online. Behind this electronic screen, the figates would continue their fire into the cruisers, trying to take them down before moving onto the corvettes. All the while jettisoning volley after volly of assault missiles without activating or firing them off, waiting in anticipation of the Victory closing into range.

White Glints 05-12 continued their fire on one of Admiral Ringo's Patron-Class Destroyers. No effect had been observed yet, but the death of a hundred cuts was a slow and steady thing as the ships continued their distant dance. Domino however wanted to see if she could shake things up a little in the battle's opening moves, see if she could rattle the enemy commander or shake anymore ships loose from his formation. "Bring us about to an intercept on the destroyer moving to the other formation, prepare to drop cloak and engage. Fighter control, stand-by to launch once we leave stealth." The Reason was fast and agile for her size, leaving Domino little doubt that the ship could be caught in time. If that was what she wanted.

To Admiral Ringo's rear, the large ship appeared as if an omen, its engines thrumming with power as it boosted after its isolated prey from behind his fleet's main firing arcs, disgorging ten squadrons of x-wings and four made of bombers. The bombers and six of the fighter squadrons made for the shield ship being chased down, the remaining four squads took up a defensive combat patrol around their mothership. Speaking of, the Reason opened up on the Deliverance, her initial salvo comprising half of her sixty large E-Torpedoes alongside her compliment of heavy dual-turbolasers. Thirty seconds later the other half of her torpedoes would fire, keeping the pressure on the shield and energy systems of her target as it was raked over by the heavy laser fire.

"Remaining batteries, target the destroyer we already have under attack. Lets give the Glints a hand." Pealing away from the main force like they were, not all of the Reason's remaining guns could target the Patron singled out by Domino, but the Reason carried a lot of guns and a combined barrage of turbolasers and ion cannons started, filling the space between the dreadnaught and its targets with blue fire.

Four frigates take an Arquitens under long-range fire hoping to destroy it, will continue if they don't. They double in number before activating lots of jamming trying to block enemy scans and communication. Under this cover they start jettisoning but not firing capital-grade missiles waiting for somebody to come into range to fire off the enlarged volley.

Remaining eight frigates continue to fire on the Patron, Reason drops stealth on an intercept for the lone Deliverance and takes it under heavy, continuous, fire. Six X-Wing squads and four bomber squads begin their approach as well, the remaining four x-wing squads stay behind to help defend the Reason. Reason also opens fire on the Patron under attack by the eight White Glints with its remaining armament.
Objective: Land forces
Tags: Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun

The fleet made their final approach to the mines. The helmsman yelled over the chaos of the bridge, We have arrived sir, forces on stand-by. Exelann nodded, Land the forces immediately, give covering fire, and I want the Corvettes to defens the landers. Go now! Sweat rolled down his face, there was so much pressure on this mission it boiled his blood and struck his head like a hammer. I want fighters in screening positions. Contact the king make sure is ok. We need to hold back the enemy as long as we can.
A missile rocked the ship when it hit below the bridge, Exelann almost toppled, but he held strong. WHATS GOING ON WITH THE ANTI-MISSLE SYSTEMS!! I'm surrounded by idiots. These guys will be my death, he thought. He looked out the viewport to see the landers begin there desent. They seemed like spots of dust flying through the air, Good luck, He said to himself.

Richard Ringo

Post 4
Objective: Hold the enemy at any and all costs
Tags: Domino Domino Lash Lash Dimitri Lindzinsky Exelann Exelann

The shields were failing and the fleet wasn't going to last. The Agent fleet was relentless, torpedoes, an extreme amount of fighters and bombers, and much more. An explosion roared outside like distant thunder as Richard watched from the command deck of the Patron-Class Star Destroyer. The explosion was followed by bright flames illuminating the darkness of space. It was a Majesty-class destroyer, the shields had failed and now the ship was taking critical damage. How could Richard have known? The Agent fleet was jamming the Elysium sensors and comms.

In fact, everything was being jammed now. Comms were cutting in and out, the maps were gone, and the sensors were now useless. The admiral felt useless. He couldn't give orders if nobody could hear them. He couldn't surrender, the comms were jammed. He could do nothing. Hundreds of men would die and he could do nothing. The Elysium Empire itself could die, and...


He would do something.

"Prepare an X-Wing, tell the rest in our hangar to scramble and get to safety. I am going to manually deliver my orders. May The Force Be With You All."

He spoke to no one in particular. The moment his orders were dispatched, he sprinted toward the hangar. It was a fool's move, but perhaps the Agent Fighters would spare the small amount of Elysium Fighters once they saw that they were retreating. It was a long shot...but all he needed to do was reach the second deliverance class ship and order it to activate the shields. That would buy precious seconds. Maybe it'd be long enough to order a retreat, maybe it'd be the seconds that allowed the Transports to unload. Richard didn't know. His only emotion was determination. His only thought was his objective.

He had reached the hangar. Already the ships were departing. He froze for one second as his thoughts caught up to him. Had he sent them to their deaths? He physically shook his head, throwing the useless doubt away. He ran to the nearest unmanned X-Wing. It was an old model, as were most Elysium irreparable flaw. They had already exhausted most of their funds with the formation of the Star Destroyers -that were now on the verge of destruction- from what he understood. A shame, really. But it'd all change, the Elysium Empire would prevail and they would assemble thousands of modern fighters. Until then, it is what it is.

He climbed up into the cockpit, his leg nearly cramping under the quick stress of sprinting and now climbing. As he climbed the few steps he scanned the ship. It had an astromech unit of some kind....a rarity in the destitute Empire. He didn't take the time to get comfortable. Before the cockpit windows had even closed, he had started the engines of the ship. He was by no means a good pilot. Average at best...but he knew enough. He closed the S-Foils for additional speed; there would be no fighting.

The old ship lifted off the ground, slowly moving toward the battle outside.
"Astromech, all power to the shields and engines. Cut our weapon supply completely." he said, making final adjustments before taking off . The droid protested with a flurry of beeps and boops, translated on a small screen. "Yes I'm sure, Now!" Richard yelled. He wasn't trying to insult the droid, but this was no time for questions.

As soon as there was a clear space Richard floored the engines, thrusting the ship forward at an extreme speed. "Droid..if I am rendered unable to pilot, you take over. Tell everyone to get out of here, understand?" He didn't wait for a response. Rather he couldn't wait for a response. Laser fire scorched the frontal shields from somewhere. Richard ignored it, heading straight for the Deliverance-Class ship. Another blast rocked the ship from behind. Richard stayed on course. There was utter chaos around him but he would stay on his course. He would not allow these Agents to get what they want.

Finally he was within 50 meters of the Deliverance-Class ship. No Jammer would be strong enough to stop a transmission this close. He smashed the communications button and yelled into the microphone, Deliverance-Class Destroyer, this is Admiral Richard Ringo. Deploy your shields around the fleet now! Now I say!"

The only acknowledgement was a blue dome erupting from the ring around the ship, covering the fleet. He had done it. He grinned...the fleet had time now. But the grin was quickly wiped off his face. Another blast hit the ship. His shields were gone. He needed to land. Beyond that, he still needed to get the order to retreat out somehow.

"Elysium Fleet...if you can hear me...." He paused. They couldn't retreat. They needed to hold. These men knew their sacrifice when they joined the battle. If the fleet were to retreat...the reinforcements would be surrounded. It would ruin everything. They couldn't. " have fought well. We must hold out no matter the cost. The Elysium Empire thanks you for your service. I thank you for your service. Out."

He made for the hangars. He would see this fight's conclusion, no matter how it ended.

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