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Approved Tech Revenant - Artificial, Organic Body

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Artificial Intelligence

(under armour) (body Shape) (Colouration and Helmet)


  • Classification: Organic and Cybernetic Body
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances (Optional):
    • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): Extreme
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Other: Average (EMPS)
  • Tractor Beam manipulation gauntlets can move objects as large and heavy as boulders, and make smaller objects such as metal pipes, disks, and anything of similar size and density become highly dangerous projectiles.
  • Nykkalt used in a thin layer beneath exterior plating to make it harder to find via sensors and signal detectors.
  • Cortosis along bracers, torso, legs, neck, and joints to make it practically impervious to energy based damages from blasters and shorting out lightsabers.
  • Extremely durable to energy based weaponry such as blasters and lightsabers, able to absorb any energy upon its surface. This in turn charges its power cells, and allows the droid to run with an excess of power to use for weaponry.
  • Tractor beam abilities allow it to use all pieces of nearby metal as weapons, barriers, and platforms. This can be used to disarm foes of metallic weaponry, or activate grenades on vests and belts.
  • The organic human face can trick others in believing it is an ordinary person, rather than artificially created.
  • The energy crystals as its core allows it to stay active for extreme amounts of time, even being unaffected by EMPs, due to the nature of them.
  • The extravagant design of the organic cybernetic body attracts attention due to the rare materials used in its construction. An example of this is the Dathomite crystal used in its visor segment, the Bronzium along its exterior accents, and the crystals as its core.
  • The hefty weight of the body makes it harder to walk on fragile surfaces.
  • More kinetic weaponry can break through some sections of plating, leaving interior mechanisms damaged.
After Nexus 1 left the laboratory facility where she was created, following her corruption and becoming "Rampant", she took control of an abandoned factory and used it to develop this body, as well as droid soldiers, vehicles, and more in her goal to achieve her new objectives.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Nexus 1 Nexus 1

It is cool.
  • We don't accept Pinterest or Reddit links to images unless the original site can't be found, these sites not respect the original artist, and anyone can post the arts there what they found on the internet. In this case, the original host can be found. If you don't find the original, you can still link the AI site where the picture made or the game/movie site.
    • Fist picture, I have to accept the pinterest link, because I didn't find any better link. But the 2-3 these are from the Warframe game. I would like to ask you to link the game's offical or imdb site to the image source.
  • You forget to delete this part from the special features:
    (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths )
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