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Dominion Revenga | Battle of Prefsbelt IV | NIO

Del Lovruc

Location: Prefsbelt IV
Objective: Operation Kingmaker
NIO: Var Koon Hiram Voss Hiram Voss
TSE: Thaelius Thaelius
FO: Resurgent Narrative Masayu Kimura Renata Westaway
The comms officer looked over to Del. "Sir, orders from the Admiral. The fleet is to encircle the First Order fleet." Del nodded as the orders came through. "Seems not much action is going on here..." he said to himself before speaking to the comms officer. "Very well. Notify the Admiral we are temporarily breaking formation and heading towards Prefsbelt IV to deploy the main force. Our primary objective still stands." He said before looking out of the bridge once more. The comms officer nodded and sent another transmission to Var Koon's ship. "Transport Squadron 5501 to NIV Penitent. We are breaking formation to deploy our troops planetside." As the comms officer spoke the Siege Tower and Skytrain broke formation, lead by the corvettes they headed straight towards the planet.

As the ship moved Del turned to his XO. "Commander Viz, you have the bridge. I'm heading down to the main hanger bay to watch the final preparations." he said before walking through the bridge's doors and into the turbolift, escorted by a strike force trooper. As soon as he reached the main hanger bay he looked out, watching as a legion's worth of stormtroopers and their vehicles made their final preparations to be deployed planetside and the first wave of RDAGx and HVADx transports began powering up.


He reminisced his days in the infantry, deploying from large star destroyers and bringing the fight to the enemy. He envied each trooper down there, he desperately wished he could've been among them but instead he sat up here, amongst rookies who had never truly experienced war while the real soldiers fought. His train of thought was interrupted by his commlink. "Sir. The first transports are lifting off." Del shook his head and responded. "I can see that you fool. Like I said, I'm watching them depart." he said in an annoyed tone. "Ah... yes apologies Sir. Well seeing as we have begun deploying troops warfare has notified me we may begin to see resistance. War Fleet Iron Halo ( Thaelius Thaelius ) is holding position in orbit." He replied hesitantly. "Very well. I'm on my way back up." Del said, doing a 180 turn and heading straight for the bridge.

As soon as he reached the bridge he spoke. "Warfare status report." to which the warfare officer quickly responded. "Sir, Sith-Imperials are firing on us but shields are holding. Corvettes have pulled behind us momentarily." Del nodded "Any way we can break through the blockade?" He said. "Unsure at this time sir. We're still looking into what sort of ships the Sith are fielding. What are our orders sir?" Del took a second to think. Back at Dubrillion he had heard of the engagement between this Admiral Ordo and NIO fleet officers. He had fielded an effective fleet and he had no doubt is doing the same here. "Notify the Admiral we will be needing some support. In the meantime bring us in, landing troops is our priority. We'll draw their fire while the transports break through the blockade escorted by the corvettes." he said and the comms officer sent another transmission to the Admiral Var Koon's ship. "Transport Squadron 5501 to NIV Penitent. We are deploying the first wave but will require support. An enemy fleet is blocking us from mass deployment of troops."

The Transport Squadron moved in, the Siege Tower and Skytrain began targeting the closest ships with their turbolasers, megamasers, missiles and Ion cannons while the Buckler, HawkIron and Variag fired off their own weapons. Down in the hanger below the transport began lifting off. The first wave flew out of the hanger heading straight towards the planet surface. As soon as all first wave drop ships exited the two Inceptus Assault Ships the three corvettes broke off from their position, linking up with the dropships and beginning to blast their way through the blockade.

  • Transport Squadron moved to engage Thaelius Thaelius 's fleet, drawing their fire.​
  • While they had attracted sufficient attention, they began deploying dropships escorted by corvettes​
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Nebula II-class Star Destroyer - NIV Myrmidon
Majestic II-class Heavy Cruiser - Two Vessels
Defender II-class Assault Carrier - Two Vessel
Inceptus-class Assault Ship - Two Vessels
Prosecutor-class Planetary Assault Ship - One Vessel
REC-LC01 "Negotiator"-class Light Cruiser - Twelve Vessels
V-wing Heavy Interceptor - Twenty Squadrons of Twelve
TIE/HB Bruiser - Eight Squadrons of Twelve
REC-LU01 HAAT - Eight Squadron of Twelve

Nothing was ever simple in war, and that's about as much as he had learned up until the present.

It didn't matter whether he commanded off the bridge of his flagship, fought with his men upon the sands of an enemy-occupied world, or dashed around like a madmen from the cockpit of his starfighter. The fighting was about the simplest thing one could get from taking part in war, but everything else was just muddled and too wrapped up in nuance for somebody who read into things far more than he should have. It could prove to be a detriment to his ability to make those hard decisions, the Admiral in charge of his fleet had told him once. Those type of decisions where there truly was no one right answer, and sometimes the most prudent choice to make was the one that was tactically viable, and not just what was right. Truthfully his inquisitiveness did not make those decisions a difficult one for him to make, though. Luc did what he wanted, and sometimes that involved going against the grain of those decisions that could end with the good and the innocent losing their lives.

Perhaps he was a soldier, but Luc wasn't a heartless bastard just yet. He'd fight for what felt right in his heart, and when his lack of command failed him, he reverted to relying on his instincts to get him where he needed to be. For better or for worse, Luc was the same as he'd always been, it just so happened that the spacer kid who wandered the Rim was no longer the boy who ran far away from his problems.

Not anymore.

He marched up to his problems head-on, and these days they were being confronted with the accompaniment of warships and the elite stormtroopers who made up the Legion that followed where their commander went. Presfsbelt would prove no different in this regard, as the Warlord of Nirauan had found himself en-route to Prefsbelt IV in support of the New Imperial Order's subjugation of the Sith world. The full might of the Myrmidons would be on display for the first time since the bloodbath that ended up winning them control over Dubrillion. His abdomen still ached from the wound currently in the process of healing, but duty called him forwards as soon as he was deemed fit to fight once more.

A request from the Imperator made its way down the channels to him personally, and soon the creation of an ad-hoc Task Force would result in his Legion serving as the vanguard in the efforts to seize New Avalonia from the remnants of the Sith-Imperial forces stuck on that planet. The added reports of First Order presence made the appointment all the more interesting as well. Their presence near New Imperial space was an unexpected treat for the warriors of the Myrmidons. To face down both Sith-Imperial and First Order elements would prove to be the ultimate test for the elite who accompanied him-- if it wasn't for the First Order's apparent neutrality and humanitarian efforts on the world. As displeasing as it was, strict rules of engagement would prevent them from engaging the First Order's people without the rump state of far-flung Imperials making the first move.

A disappointment, but a fine outcome nonetheless. Luc didn't mind the opportunity to prevent unnecessary conflict, even when his men all but begged him for the chance to give the First Order's men something to worry about on the ground. He understood their desire to test their resolve in this monumental gathering of the galaxy's most preeminent Imperial factions, but simply put, even he wasn't daft enough to start a localized conflict with no good reason to give for it. "We follow the Military's orders on this one." Was the only response which his men received in return for their wishes and desires having been keenly listened to, and immediately dismissed as polite as their Commander could muster. His winning streak of avoiding responsibility had caught up to him finally, leaving the Jedi to dig his face within his palm by the time his Strike Group was five minutes from exiting hyperspace and into close proximity with Prefsbelt IV.

He was lucky to have an Admiral who he could share strategies with him on-the-fly, even if the two men had come to disagreements on several occasions over how the Myrmidons operated. This time the two men found themselves in sync regarding their plan of action for capturing New Avalonia and delivering a message to the First Order Imperials who interferred with their operations so close to the Order's borders.

Strike Group Dooku would drop out of real space as close to Prefsbelt IV as possible within the acceptable margin of risk for pulling off such a maneuver. It was risky, but both Luc and his Admiral agreed that the Order's forces were in need of a second opportunity to posture themselves as the dominant power that they were, in spite of the interference of outside elements into their business. Var Koon and his 7th fleet were given a wide birth to continue standing off with the bulk of the First Order's fleet, the distraction itself proving a useful tool as his Strike Group moved at full speed towards an orbiting position above the atmosphere of the Prefsbelt IV.

Lucien joined together with his men that were present in the hangar of the NIV Myrmidon, the flagship of the independent Strike Group under his control. The stormtroopers present were all part of his legion, which meant that a pep talk was not needed by the time he'd entered their presence. The Myrmidons were already loading up into their shuttles, and Lucien joined with his command squad in the shuttle stationed at the front of the squadron preparing to descend down upon the planet. Orders were given for all elements of the Task Force dubbed 'Lightning' to descend onto the planet while the momentum was still high, and their fleet was unmolested by the First Order fleet that engaged itself in a stand-off with Var's 7th fleet. Squadron after Squadron of Shuttles and Starfighters exited from the various ships present, and with it would come a message directed to the 7th fleet's admiral by Luc himself.

"My Task Force's operation on New Avalonia is now underway. I'll be taking command of our forces hittin' the ground shortly. We'll make sure to rinse this planet clean of the remaining S-IMP's before their First Order friends have the idea to break their neutrality."

Under heavy protection by the Starfighters present, the vanguard of Luc's Task Force would hit the ground of New Avalonia in what amounted to a wave of Stormtroopers from multiple different elements, and not just his own, riding high on the momentum that their lightning fast assault had given them. Sith-Imperial and First Order alike would be privy to the sight of the seemingly unending wave of transports and shuttles descending onto the surface, then disappearing beneath the horizon of the city itself. The Order's forces dispersed themselves throughout New Avalonia in force, with the greatest concentration of men being the chunk of the Myrmidons that were under orders to keep their recovering Commander accompanied at all times-- Admiral's orders.

"Tch." Luc scoffed at the idea of his previous wounds being anything for his men to worry about. Even wounded as he was, it would take alot more than the present Sith-Imperial forces to do more than scuff the boots of the lone Jedi now present upon the world. Reaching down to his belt, he unclipped his lightsaber, letting the weapon hang lazily at his side whilst activating his commlink to the ground forces on Presfbelt now under his command.

"To all Imperial forces currently on the ground, our job here is simple. We take New Avalonia, we kill the Sith-Imperials, and we leave the civilians alone. I promise a fate worse than a court martial for any who do not abide by my last order to a tee. IF, and only if the First Order's military decides to interfere with what amounts to our spring cleaning of the Sith-Imperial forces on this world, you give those dogs no quarter. We are the Order's finest, and I expect not just my Myrmidons, but everyone to fight while the momentum is still riding high on our side. This city will fall shortly, thanks to our combined efforts. Always forwards, men. Never backwards."

In the end he couldn't resist the temptation to throw a few words towards the men who now fell under his direct command for the length of this operation. Apparently the young Warlord had grown into something of a leader, even if he refused to see it in himself.

Meanwhile while the shuttles began disembarking with escorts en masse, the bulk of Strike Group Dooku shifted its position in orbit as the Admiral on board the Myrmidon would answer the call for assistance from Del Lovruc . The Sith-Imperial war fleet, which held position within orbit as well, would end up proving a thorn in the side of the New Imperial Order's operations if it were to be remain unscathed and free to operate as it wished. The Inceptus-class warships attempting to engage the vessel would prove a minuscule threat in the long run against the likes of a proper fleet. Which is not to say that Strike Group Dooku itself was one either. But the command sttaff of his fleet, led by a hardened Admiral by the name of Mandela, would not shy away from protecting friendly vessels if at all possible. Light Cruisers maneuvered themselves into a picket line whilst the capital vessels behind opening fire upon Thaelius Thaelius 's fleet at a comfortable enough distance to avoid setting themselves up for a drawn-out, close quarters brawl. Squadrons of V-wing Interceptors, along with accompanying TIE Bruisers moved to close the distance, ensuring that the engagement remained at range, while also providing ample cover for Del and his ships to retreat.

"Captain Lovruc, this is Admiral Mandela, commanding officer of Strike Group Dooku whilst our Lord is busy leading our operations on the ground. I recommend you take this opportunity to utilize the screen we're providing to reposition your vessels within the sphere of our own, or simply fall back and allow us to distract that fleet."

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Designation: Scout Force Krayt
Objective: Operation Kingmaker
Allies: Var Koon
First Order: Masayu Kimura | @Resurgent Narrative| Renata Westaway
Enemies: The Sith Empire


Hiram took on board the Admirals' question with a certain care, as to not misrepresent either side. He was also relieved when the Admiral reinforced and reassured him the New Imperial Order held no strategic interests in the First Order's citizens, barring of course the fugitive on the surface. But regarding the question, he could only be honest, "This, this is rather speculative, sir." Hiram replied, "But, if you ask me, I believe the fact we've struck successive blows against the Emperor Carnifex, and particularly after Dubrillion has vindicated a view that has existed for some time, Admiral. That the Sith Empire are not capable guardians of its people or legacy." Hiram informed the Admiral. "I also believe that the First Order now has the assets, and resources to finally provide for such objectives. After the Ssi-Ruuvi thing, most of the First Order's navy was destroyed, or went off with Grand Admirals Tregessar, or Rausgeber to seek revenge," Hiram added, "And this, for them," And this was true, "This isn't really the First Order way, jaunting across the Galaxy, unless they have enviable fleet assets on the home front." He paused and clicked his tongue, "To be honest Admiral, this is more than anything a statement. Unconscious or not, that Dosuun wishes to contend the galactic stage."

"Captain, transmission from the lead First Order vessel." The Carnivore's comms officer barked. Hiram's eyes widened. Contact. And not with shells nor turbolaser fire. Great. Hiram's jaw clenched and he provided a curt, yet polite nod in the comms stations directions. Proceed. The transmission played, and the voice of Commander Sun-Shin began to echo through the silence of the New Imperial vessel. It was a request, a very reasonable one at that. Still in range of the First Order command vessels longer range batteries, but with some leeway. Hiram leered down to his armrest, and keyed in the code to respond to the First Order vessel.

"Concordia, this is the NIV Carnivore. Request acknowledged, Concordia." The former First Imperial mused, before he was cut off on the signal by Admiral Voon. Hiram grew red, listened to the short conversation and diplomatic negotiation, and then collapsed. Full on just, let loose in that obsidian throne of his. The big knobs had gathered around the proverbial kitchen table and drawn something up. Wonderful. "Proceed to perimeter," Hiram continued once the dust had settled, "And form up patrol formation, dee twenty seven." Hiram added. The formation of smaller New Imperial corvettes now began to patrol at some distance now, forming a perimeter which now paced up and down the First Order formation.


//: Borrowed Knight //:
//: Prefsbelt IV //: Office of Madelyn Lowe //:
//: Princess //: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //:
//: Equipment //:
Basic Armor //: Bow & Assorted Arrows //: Lightsaber //: Blaster //:
Upon the New Imperial Order set foot on Prefsbelt IV, Allyson was shipped by the Lord Inquisitor to protect Madelyn Lowe. It was an awkward return to the planet, seeing as the last time she was here, it was a lie. Not having much time with the Grand Moff, Allyson kept her distance while keeping the woman under her watchful eye. Madelyn Lowe had taken a moment to comfort her in an awkward situation. The Grand Moff taking something akin to pity for a lowly Legionnaire who was suffering from puppy love. The words that the woman spoke to her helped during that day and put things into perspective.
Unknown to Madelyn, she had helped push Allyson towards telling the truth after everything had happened. Rae, her cover alias, was just someone under the heel of the Empire, a no one, but Allyson was something else. A sense of worth, a feeling she really hadn’t felt before warmed her chest. She was anxious to run into the Moff again, especially with a new status. Most people didn’t like knowing that they were lied to - especially after showing that lie sympathy.
Leather boots moved across the hard floor, coming up to the Grand Moff. The woman, despite the rumors, had a good sense of her people. Allyson sighed, knowing that the desire to make sure all her people were off the planet would be putting the Moff’s own life in jeopardy. That’s why Allyson was here, sent to take care of the Moff. The Corellian stopped to stand behind the blonde woman. It didn’t take an empath to glean the emotional stress the woman was feeling over the matter. A part of Allyson felt guilty. She had worked her way into the Empire’s system and sent them the layout and the battleplans during Dubrillion. Then, turned herself over to the Lord Inquisitor.
Though no one knew what she had done, there was no sense in worrying about it. She just had to work hard and protect her current asset. Allyson relaxed her shoulders, her bow, arrows, and a lightsaber was strapped to her person. Clearing her throat, she hopefully gathered the Moff’s attention. “Grand Moff Lowe, I was sent to protect you by the Lord Inquisitor. You probably don’t remember me, but we met here some time ago.” Instinctively she used her Imperial accent to be somewhat familiar to the woman. Even if she had seen her betrayal reports, at least hearing Rae’s voice would be better than a new person’s.
Allyson still felt as if she was hiding in plain sight in the Empire. Even some thought she should be locked up, interrogated till she couldn’t take it anymore, and then killed. Luckily, she had Jorryn’s on her side, which went a long way with her being the Lord Inquisitor. Allyson was thankful for the Echani’s support - it was a given though knowing their personal relationship. Stepping forward, Allyson decided to give the Grand Moff a more direct statement letting her see the direness of the situation. “The New Imperials are going to be here any minute Ma’am. We need to leave now.” Despite being a little familiar with the woman, Allyson fought the urge to grab her and go. After finding out about the bounty on her own head, being this close to the NIO front was something she didn’t feel entirely comfortable with.
Something also inside of the Corellian wanted to prove herself to the Grand Moff, to show the woman that she wasn’t at the bottom of the totem pole and that she deserved to walk beside the Lord Inquisitor.

Masayu Kimura


Thematic Flair

Objective I: Assist Evac | LOC: Hyperspace, En Route to Prefsbelt
Tags: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe | IMPCOM IMPCOM | Var Koon | Hiram Voss Hiram Voss | Resurgent Narrative
Post # 2

There was little to no warning. One moment the FIV Redoubtable had been in hyperspace, the next - it wasn't. All seven hundred and fifty meters of her Duranium Alloy hull creaked and groaned as she was unceremoniously ripped from hyperspace. Power systems shuddered, electrical conduits burst as Commander Kimura's ship appeared in the Prefsbelt system. Staff on the bridge were thrown from their feet at the sudden deceleration, Masayu only saved by the holo-table she'd been standing next to. Showers of sparks and a burst duct spread chaos on the Bridge while the Commander pushed herself back to standing. "Status report!" she shouted. "Get me a damage report now!"

The FIV Redoubtable had been ripped from space by the gravity wells now saturating the Prefsbelt system. We should have anticipated that. Or seen it coming. Errant thoughts fought for space in the Commander's mind but she shoved them to the back as her eyes scanned the new readouts. They were at a cant, the bow of the vessel out of alignment with the rest of the fleet - or what appeared to be the rest of the First Order fleet. Amidst the chaos of their entry to the system, communication came over the comm net. It sounded like the jockeying had already begun as the Commander recognized the voice of CDR. Sun-Shin parleying back and forth with... if she heard correctly, an Admiral of the New Imperial Order. It was hard to tell up from down with all the interference from the damage sustained during their entry. "Get a damage control team to the bridge. I need a status report on our fighters, and get me the FIV Concordia on secure comms." What should have happened didn't matter anymore. With their position somewhat compromised and their full status yet unrealized there was little the Commander could do but attempt to right the chaos and relay their situation to Commander Sun-Shin. "We have a line Commander." the Comm officer interjected. "Video and audio available, Sir."

"Audio only." Commander Kimura replied. The current state of the Redoubtable's bridge looked worse than it was and there was no need to panic. Giving a nod, the encrypted comm line was opened.

"Concordia Command, Commander Kimura reporting from the Redoubtable. We've sustained minor damage to our internal systems as a result of our contact with the aforementioned gravity wells. Currently waiting on a status report but we seem to be little more than a bit shaken. Your commands have been received. "
At very least, the Concordia would know the Redoubtable was working towards the same objective - it didn't do much to make Maz feel better though. As she struggled to get a better picture of their situation the damage reports started coming in, status reports as well. Electrical damage on several decks, blown conduits and relays. Rerouted. Environmental systems, minor damage. Weapons systems online. Hangars - several injuries due to unstowed gear. Two fighter craft disabled. Maz bit the inside of her lip. Could have been better. Could have been worse. she reminded herself. "Get our fighters out of their hangars, modified Besh pattern. I want our flank protected and get firing solutions on all non First Order vessels. I want our guns primed and ready to go." The situation had gone from unknown to bad in a matter of minutes - Maz for one wasn't going to be caught with her hands in her pockets. "All stations, hold your fire until my command, we can't afford any muck ups." That went for her fighter complement as well.
OBJECTIVE I //: Operation : Breaking Point​

Cpt. Azumi’s dropship descended from the clouds above while the firefight continued against the Sith-Imperial blockade. The shuttle jolted as it undertook residual assaults from the blockade.

A small group of jump troopers dropped ahead of the landing, like locusts, they spread out towards the outer edges of the city to initiate crowd control.

Dooku’s transmission came through to her shuttle as they reached the centre of New Avalonia. Azumi already felt tense at the mention of Sith-Imperials. This time, she would not be evacuating. With a squadron of heavy troopers who probably didn’t even know her name, Azumi moved out. She anxiously awaited the arrival of her superiors while her troops secured the immediate vicinity.

A few civilians remained in the district and Azumi motioned towards them.

Move them out,” she commanded through her helmet's harsh vocabulator.

Azumi could see Jin Kyrel emerging with his own troopers. She felt unease at the lightsaber in his hand. He’s much too young, she thought to herself.
The Force Captain ignored the boy for the moment, trusting his safety to those that had arrived with him. As more Imperial dropships started to breach the blockade she saw dust circulating. Her cape flickered in the wind as she marched with her infantry into the western quadrant of New Avalonia.



Objective: Breaking Point
Tags: Open
Heavy Personal Walker and a Dream

The chin-mounted blaster weapon of Umbaran hybrid's heavy personal walker peppered the entrenched forward guard of the Sith-Imperial defenders. Blaster bolts illuminated the dust and smoke filled battlefield with plasma artillery shells shaking the ground. Around the brazen pilot's advance gathered additional troopers of the NIO, using Knight's position as a mobile hardpoint "Push, push forward damn you!" commanded an injured non-commissioned officer who defiantly held out a blaster rifle with his off hand as his right arm hung limp at his side "Targeting sixty degrees." reported Knight as the walker's dual blaster cannons obliterated a makeshift holding position that the legionaries had been using - nothing more than battlefield debris.

Bitter fighting resulted in high casualties on the front where the pilot was located. As far as armor was concerned there wasn't much to speak of. Aside from the occasional standard-issue walker the New Imperials were fighting a losing battle "For the Empire!" cheered the beleaguered squad leader who hobbled forward while wildly discharging his weapon. This emboldened the NIO squad, or what remained of it, to action.

Knight did not follow the squad on their rush towards the forward positions, it was suicide - or at least he thought as much. That was when he heard Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku broadcast. Finally, it seemed, the New Imperial order were sending additional reinforcements to the fray. A explosion shook Knight's walker, which stumbled to the side from the impact "Damage Report: Left Torso Shields." a droid voice informed the pilot "Locate contact." he replied quickly. In the cockpit he could see various viewpoints where the droid-brain was attempting to locate the attacker. Another explosion rocked the heavy walker "Damage Report: Rear Torso Shields." now he was in trouble, in the low visibility of the battlefield he had somehow become flanked, or was receiving friendly fire from a weapon most likely meant to be anti-vehicular.

"Target Acquired." the droid voice reported, Knight saw what the droid saw and turned the walker quickly and let loose on the chin mounted blaster weapon. A stream of blaster bolts flew through the dense, vision obscuring, dust.

Some things are worth saving

OBJECTIVE ONE: Breaking Point. Resist the New Imperials & Facilitate the evacuation.


Brynhilde Manor was startlingly quiet. It was an unsettling, prickly sort of silence, fraught with tense anticipation. Almost all of the staff were gone now, those left were coordinating the thinning defensive line around the city with low voices, or occasionally pacing hurriedly across the empty foyer.

In her office at the top of the curving double staircase, Madelyn ran her fingers through her hair, lowering her hands and retrieving her commlink as yet another message came in. She skimmed it over, her face illuminated by the blue light. Tithe had checked in. His news was not unwelcome, it was a good start, but he was right, they needed more time.

"Tithe." She replied shortly. "The net is closing. It is imperative that we get the transports away as soon as we can." She parted the heavy red curtains, and gazed out at the plumes of smoke rising over the New Avalonian skyline. "Get up to my office."

She ran a hand over her desk. Not even enough time to clear out her things. That was how these things went. A timid voice sounded behind her, and she spun around and nodded grimly to an aide she didn't know.

"Governor Lowe." The woman began. "There's a Dark Trooper downstairs who isn't supposed to be here."

Madelyn frowned, the statement taking a few extra seconds to process in her brain. What did that mean, a defector? A spy? She shook her head in exasperation and waved the woman away. "Just tell him to wait outside or something, or arrest him. I don't care." She said tiredly, turning away.

Things went on as such for a few minutes, Madelyn managing the steadily reducing trickle of staff and soldiers as they departed one-by-one. Soon, the only remaining personnel at the manor were her guard, Tithe, and a handful of administrators. Her personal protectors,
a severe-looking woman and a rather pale Force User had joined her in her office. They would be leaving soon, once everything was in place.

The door swung open again and Madelyn looked up, at first not recognising the woman who entered. When she spoke recognition dawned on Madelyn's face, and she looked at the armour and the saber by the woman's hip with some curiosity.

Madelyn nodded. "Ms Cooke. Yes, I remember." She told her, still looking her up and down. At her plea to leave, she stole another look outside, picturing the New Imperials breaking through and stalking towards the mansion with a shudder.

"Alright. There's nothing left for us to do here. We'll wait for Tithe to join us and we'll go." She told Cooke, rubbing her eyes again. She was so tired of it all.


OBJECTIVE ONE: Breaking Point. Resist the New Imperials & Facilitate the evacuation.


Madelyn Low said:
The governor rubbed her eyes, she was so tired of it all.

Outside one of the Governor's windows, a less somber situation was unfolding. The large and engimatic DK-03, in his rusting grey armor, was being dragged in the distance to a speeder by several armed guards. It was apparent they were arresting the man - and succeeding pretty well at it. The Darktrooper was resisting, however, his feet digging deep into the ground as they struggled to move the larger man towards the transport.

It was in the distance, and not much could be heard from the commotion, though it seemed as if a great struggle. On several occasions, as the Governor and her lackeys discussed strategy and emotions in her office, the Darktrooper could be seen turning around and reaching out his hands as if to plead with the Governor. Though quite far away, a distant voice could be heard, though soft. As if an echo, once could barely make out the words 'my queen' and 'she's not a queen, you dolt' as the group of officers and the Darktrooper constantly struggled in the backdrop of the window.

It was then that finally, the momentum of the struggle changed as one officer was finally flung to the ground, and the other apparently let loose of the Darktrooper. Not to waste a moment, DK-03 cartwheeled away from them both with surprising agility for his bulky armor. The noises would grow louder as DK-03 could be seen making a run for the window to catch the Governor's attention after she had ordered his arrest -

- only to be tackled by two other Guards that had joined the fray.

There were a few more cartwheels, a lot more chaos, that evolved in the struggle - which eventually saw DK-03 once again breaking free of their grasp and running back for the transport, drop kicking the driver out of the front seat. The Darktrooper, in what looked to be a dramatic escape, erroneously plunged the speeder into reverse and accidentally backed the vehicle up so hard into the driver on the ground that his head exploded on impact, leaving a blood soaked crater in the front lawn of the Manor. Correcting the error, with a full contingent of Guards in pursuit, DK-03 managed to speed off into the background and evaded his arrest.


Renata Westaway

Renata stepped onto the bridge with Freda, her cool, bright eyes taking in the organized chaos that was the bridge of a naval vessel. Her gaze swept from left to right and then back before fixing Commander Tae Sun-Shin in her sights. The woman greeted her with a smile, but Renata couldn't reciprocate the apparent sentiment. The Moff's mouth twitched up at the edges in a reasonable facsimile of a smile and stepped forward.

"The First Order, making friends wherever we go," said Renata to herself as she stepped onto the bridge, hands behind her back. She tended to agree with the logic coolly expressed by the New Imperial Order's alien commander, but that was a conversation she would be having with Moff Yvarro; she assumed Sun-Shin was merely following orders. As they all were.

"I was hoping to get an update on our status," said Renata to the Commander as they came within comfortable speaking distance. "And see how the other groups at play here were reacting to our presence. My interest here is in avoiding some kind of international incident... if that's possible." The Moff glanced towards Freda, then inclined her head further. "And - while I understand this may not be possible during a potential combat scenario - I'll need access for myself and my aide, Freda, to the communications records surrounding this..." misadventure came to mind, but Renata instead settled delicately upon: "Operation. Whenever that's possible."

NIV Opulence
Seventh Fleet

"Keep us out of firing range," the Moff said, pulling the ship to the tail end of Seventh Fleet. "Prepare the medbays."

He looked to his lieutenant.

"Let's begin launching satellites at your earliest arrival," Kapshan wasn't one to waste time. Hyperspace drop pods, satellites, probe droids. The NIV Opulence, though a hospital ship, served as the forward command for the Moff's more intricate and devious machinations. Project Luminar, an exploratory subject that would spend it's time gathering information on planets, battles, anomalies, and other governments was one that required the Moff's full attention. The New Imperial Order would herald a new Galactic Order, one fueled by science and resolved by information. War was one thing, the destruction of lives and the annihilation of control - but data was power.

Power the Moff intended on constructing a monopoly around. The Sith wouldn't easily bend to their will, and the cultural war they could wage against their adversaries was great. But this was more than that - this was understanding how they thought, how they operated, how planets survived and thrived. This was about the logic behind it all - and Kapshan understood that logic more than most. It was just simply how he thought.

This revolution would be won by soldiers, but the war would be dominated by information.

Cormac Thire


// SAGE //: New Imperial Reconstituted Seventh Fleet
// ALLIES | NIO //: Hiram Voss Hiram Voss | Del Lovruc | Zori Kapshan Zori Kapshan
// ENEMIES | TSE //: Thaelius Thaelius | Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe
// HMMMMM | FO //: Resurgent Narrative | Masayu Kimura | Renata Westaway


F L A G // :
NIV Penitent | Pellaeon IV | 2000m [ 100 // 100 ]

NIV Indomitable | Legate | 5000m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Spiral Dawn | Phaetra | 3000m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Invincible | Defiance | 2500m [ 100 // 200 ]
NIV Noose..... | Defiance | 2500m [ 100 // 200 ]

NIV Arbiter..... | Pellaeon IV | 2000m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Stormbringer | Pellaeon IV | 2000m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Hell's Maw.. | Tartarus | 2000m [ 100 // 100 ]

NIV Dagger One.. | Corvus | 500m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Dagger Two.. | Corvus | 500m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Dagger Three | Corvus | 500m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Dagger Four. | Corvus | 500m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Bola One.. | Vanto | 500m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Bola Two.. | Vanto | 500m [ 100 // 100 ]
NIV Bola Three | Vanto | 500m [ 100 // 100 ]

Multiple | Caçadore
Multiple | Vandal

2 Wings | TIE/OT Outlander | 192 // 192
1 Wings | TIE/HF Slasher | 72 // 72
3 Wings | TIE/INx Interceptor | 216 // 216
1 Wings | TIE/VX Vanguard | 48 // 48
2 Wings | TIE/HB Bruiser Heavy Bomber | 92 // 92
1 Wings | TIE/GA Mauler Ground Attack | 48 // 48

"Prefsbelt Imperial Authority"
As firm and resolute as the Kel Dor was, he did not anticipate the change in tone from the First Order. What started as immediately at odds soon drew to be cooperative. Even if it might've been reluctant on the side of the First Order's part. Thus, so far from Dosuun, it was expected for the New Imperials to carry all the leverage here in spite of a strained logistical chain strewn across the venue of the Third Imperial Civil War.

“I am glad we are able to come to an understanding. As I explained, your people are not the aim of our conquest here. They will not face intentional harm here, the Sith Imperial Legionnaires present here are our enemy. Do inform us if the First Order comes across the Grand Moff and we shall conduct the exchange.” Var Koon iterated. Though it was well above his station to be the diplomatic greeting to any Galactic sovereignty, even one now sequestered to local relevancy as the First Order was but such was the obligation of high command. Posturing to climb the ladder was never his concern however he could only act in what he perceived as the Order's best interests. Firing blindly and asking questions later certainly didn't seem to adhere to doctrine.

"Admiral, the shields of the Hydian Bastion are near depleted." The helmsman of the vessel sounded out to his superior.

"And no reply?"

"Not yet."

"They still have plenty of time..."
Though it was waning quickly. Set to envelop, the New Imperial Order's fleet watched as it positioned itself around the ten kilometer radius agreed upon between the two Imperial factions. A mutual understanding for a moment even as communication dimmed.

They could very at the very least seemingly agree that those Imperials who collaborated with the Sith were cut from a lesser cloth.

The fate of the Grand Moff was now seemingly left to the fighting men and women on the ground to dispatch of, as the lone tangible tether of escape in the First Order's fleet was seemingly severed.

What alarmed him immediately was then the call of Del Lovruc 's detachment for support.

"Understood. I will dispatch vessels to see your troops to the ground."

"Helmsman, retract the Indomitable from the Hydian Bastion and have it stand guard of our ground assault."
Var Koon ordered.

Being now, the primary strategic concern, the ground assault had to be carried out in finality far quicker than scheduled. Meaning the Beachmaster could not be so inhibited by these S-IMPs. To form the tip of the spear led by the battlecruiser, more New Imperial vessels fell in line.

"Captain Hiram Voss Hiram Voss , it seems for the moment we have reached a reasonable cooperation with your former countrymen. Do see to it now that our troops make it to the surface, do not grant these Sith any quarter." The Kel Dor iterate.

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// VANDAL //: Storm Commando //: Vandal-2 10/10

// ALLIES | NIO //: DK-03 DK-03
// ENEMIES | TSE //: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
TIE/RPx Reaper | Armor | Rifle |
Carbine | Pistol | Grenades
V A N D A L - 2
T A C T I C A L _ P R E C I S I O N

Beep. Beep. Beep. Click.

Then that horrible suction of silence before the door was caved in and blown open by the door-breaking charge. Lined up flanking along either side of the entrance way, the squadron of ten Storm Commandos split themselves to flank either side. Taking advantage of that quick moment of shock in the burst of light and shrapnel clogging the room the point-man was first through the breach.

As per what was conventional room clearing etiquette the first man stepped out and forward to expose his entire body to what might be awaiting him. The duraplast, armorweave, flesh and bone packed into him would be the cover for his comrades as he stared down the sights of his

His progress into the manor was marked by dampened footfalls and the harsh crack and shriek of each thumping scattergun round sent blasting into the parcelled breastplate of one of Lowe's guard before a particle bolt sliced the air and shrieked on impact into the void of space between his thigh and knee plate, sending him staggering before he sought cover.

The next ones entered the room with those arriving from either side aiming down the sights of their respective responsibility within the large and open entrance room.

Berik was one of the first. His sniper didn't do him any better here and thus he squeezed down on the trigger of his carbine and aimed it down center mass to each target, the muzzle flash embedding in his gaze with each burst before he snapped to fixate on the next, sending them down before he the last caught the final wind of his gas canister in the form of a concentrated laser beam fixated on his chest.

First room cleared. An NCO's motion of the hand urged them up. That's where the meat to butcher would be waiting for the cleaver to be struck. The HVT. The mission. Nothing else mattered.

NIV Indomitable
CIC - Central Command

Ra was watching the screens, hands folded behind his back. Men and women were passing the instructions given down by Seventh Fleet, as the Mando'ade stood in the back of the room, his persona creating a daft and large shadow over the room. It was not often Ra himself showed up in the fleet, so the usual chatter and comfortability between Officers was dulled in his presence. This was a battle, and the watchful eye of one of the supercommando Sons of Mandalore distilled a greatened sense of import on the situation. Though battles often brought a tone of seriousness, this seemed rather routine for the Seventh Fleet - at least on this deck, it did. They were highly trained. They were the tip of the spear.

And the chain of command felt great honor in having such a persona - though not at all included in their Command structure - take part in observing the full military might of the New Imperial Order.

Ra stood silent, his white cloak quietly brushing the floor. His emerald T-visor churned with a quiet fire, as if a maelstrom inducting the sights held on holographic displays and screens. Orders were yelled, coming down from the CO's chair and beyond - enlisted and officers alike standing their watches and executing. The Mandalorian didn't have a job here - his battlefield took place elsewhere, and the knowledge that he could likely single-handedly murder the entire compartment was not lost on anyone. Still, though, many would write home about this day.

The Mando'ade were rare, especially in the fleet. Even moreso were their warriors of such great renown. It spoke volumes that Commander Vizsla wasn't standing with the Admiral himself, but had instead preferred to keep watch here among the enlisted folk. The ship would be buzzing about this visitor for days after the battle.

Location: Brynhilde Manor, New Avalonia
Objective: I - Breaking Point
Kit: Skystas Rieve iv Tave Daboti Dvasi | Vokti Mekn iv Siarbras Naudot | Sith-Imperial Military Uniform
Assets: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | TSE
Liabilities: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask | Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi | Knight | DK-03 DK-03 | IMPCOM IMPCOM | NIO
Writedowns: Resurgent Narrative | FO
Rounding errors: Tristan Evore Tristan Evore | ZU
Post: II

Tithe monitored the tactical holo, watching as the updates came in from the massive cargo haulers which were being loaded all across New Avalonia. Loading the ships was one thing - getting them safety into orbit and through the NIO blockade was something altogether more challenging. Thankfully for Tithe, his role as a bureaucrat ceased the moment they lifted off - their protection from that point was the responsibility of the Sith-Imperial Armada.

Summonsed by Grand Moff Lowe, he bid his farewells to the operations officers staffing the control room, hardly able to hide his relief that he would soon be departing Prefsbelt IV and getting to safety. He hurried to a nearby turbolift and was whisked up to Madelyn’s well-appointed office.

Tithe was ushered inside by Madelyn’s guard, and found the Governor of Oversector I accompanied by retinue and a young woman uniformed as an Inquisitor of the Saaraishash. In his experience, it always paid to have a Force user around - they were prone to charging headlong into danger, which made his efforts to run away all the more effective.

“Grand Moff, Haulage Force Grek has just lifted off, and Forn and Herf have just begun sealing up,” he offered by way of an update. What he really wanted to say was ‘how long until we can get the fierfek out of here?’, but as a Sith-Imperial governor, he was expected to exhibit at least some degree of decorum.

“I have a shuttle standing by on landing pad… ah… no wait, give me a moment,” he fumferred, clicking his fingers as he tried unsuccessfully to jog his memory. These kind of minor details were not his strong suit - he left them up of his pilot. The building shock as an enemy round landed too close for Tithe’s liking.

“Anyway, the shuttle is somewhere - I’m sure we could find it. Or… ah yes, now there’s a thought - I could have it launched as a distraction, draw the enemy away while we quietly flitter away in the opposite direction.”

Masayu Kimura


Thematic Flair

Objective I: Assist Evac | LOC: Hyperspace, En Route to Prefsbelt
Tags: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe | IMPCOM IMPCOM | Var Koon | Hiram Voss Hiram Voss | Resurgent Narrative
Post # 3
What had initially been potential for an all out annihilating firing match had suddenly seemed to fizzle out. Monitoring the comms, Maz had managed to wrest a modicum of control back from the chaos that had engulfed the Redoubtable upon violent entry to the system. Damage Control teams were reporting major electrical damage in several sub systems but according to the Maintenance Chief, they had already rerouted power past the blown conduits. Medical was reporting minor injuries, little more than bumps and bruises save one unfortunate fighter mechanic who'd fallen from a scaffold and broke her wrist during the transition from hyperspace. The Redoubtable's fighter complement had deployed sans the two fighters that had been disabled by their stroke of bad luck. All the other departments had checked in and confirmed that they were unaffected. "Helm, what's our status?" The Commander inquired. "We're back on tack, Sir. Matching the rest of the fleet in bearing and orientation." A satisfied sigh escaped Maz's pursed lips.

Good. she thought to herself. "Make sure our shuttles do another check before they depart - I don't want our people in any more danger than they have to be." the Commander added towards her Comm officer. The command relayed, there was little to do for the CO of the Redoubtable - at least officially. Resting on her laurels wasn't in her nature. "Adjust to forty five degrees off the Concordia's starboard ventral plane. Distance, five kilometers." The commands echoed as they were repeated and set into motion by the helm officer. Like a hawk, Commander Kimura kept and eye on the distance readings to the New Imperial vessels. Commander Sun-Shin had demanded a 10 kilometer distance be kept from the First Order vessels - Masayu intended to test them. In part it was to see what the Imperial Vessels would do - maintain their position 10 kilometers off the bow of the Concordia or if they would expand their net to allow the First Order fleet some maneuverability. At present, it didn't appear they would interfere with evacuation operations but Maz knew that could change in the matter of a few seconds.

Noting the departure of the Redoubtable's shuttles and escort of TIE's, Maz whispered a silent prayer for them. With luck and a little bit of stoic resolve, they might yet emerge from this mission without firing a shot. That was the goal afterall wasn't it? At least, for the First Order. The NIO, the Sith Empire - if the reports already flooding in were any semblance of accurate, there appeared to be fighting on the ground to say nothing of the Hydian Bastion. There was potential yet for this to turn into a multi-directional turkey shoot, Maz just hoped it didn't come down to that. "Tell the squadron I want updates every five minutes." she added, turning back to the holodisplay. Now they would wait.

Del Lovruc

Location: Prefsbelt IV
Objective: Operation Kingmaker
NIO: Var Koon Hiram Voss Hiram Voss Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku
TSE: Thaelius Thaelius
FO: Resurgent Narrative Masayu Kimura Renata Westaway
The comms officer looked to Del and spoke "Sir we're receiving support. Admiral Mandela of Task Force Lightning is coming to our aid along with ships from Battlegroup PIA (Var Koon). Admiral Mandela is advising we reposition ourselves within his fleet." Del shook his head. "With the combined forces of both fleets we are now at an advantage. It is time we push the attack!" as he spoke the entire bridge shook as it took a hit from the Sith-Imperial Fleet. "Sir, we're taking heavy fire, a-are you sure we should push forward? The rest of the fleet may not reach us in time if we attack" His XO once again asked hesitantly. "Of course I'm sure! If I had known you were all cowards I would've opted to command a Star Destroyer. We push forward. Helmsmen, navigate us to attack position." he ordered and the entire fleet lurched forward, closer to the Sith Imperial Fleet.

The comms officer spoke into his comms to Admiral Mandela ( Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku ) "Transport Squadron 5501 to Task Force Lightning, we appreciate the support and recommendation but ah... Captain Lovruc is determined we should press the attack now we have reinforcements." Del stood looking out with a big grin on his face. Was this move foolhardy? Yes. Would it result in unnecessary casualties? Also yes. But did Captain Lovruc care? No, anything for victory for the New Imperial Order. He turned to his warfare officer "Give me a status update." The warfare officer nodded and picked up his datapad. "Shields are holding but we are beginning to feel the heat. All turbolaser and missile batteries are firing at the enemy fleet." Del nodded, "Very good very good. We continue on our course." An air of uncertainty and fear began to fill the bridge as Del's determination to move forward became clear

"Sir, the Hawkiron has been disabled, it's cap-" The comms officer stopped speaking as connection to the Hawkiron was terminated. "Sir I believe we lost the Hawkiron. The Buckler is also reporting it's taken hits. Should I begin ordering the other vessels to pull back?" The mostly rookie bridge crew looked to Del to see if the loss of a ship would be enough for him to order a retreat. But of course, it wasn't. "No. We must not let their sacrifice be in vain. Send out the second wave of transports. Notify the corvette's to prepare for another sortie through the blockade once more" he said as he felt the ship shake once more as they took a direct hit. Down in the hanger below the next battalion of troopers boarded their transports and flew right through the blockade accompanied by the two remaining corvettes, blasting it's way through any resistance.

  • Siege Tower and Skytrain push forward now they have reinforcements
  • NIV Hawkiron is destroyed
  • Second wave of troop transports is deployed

// NOMAD //: 12th Armored Assault
// FOCUS //: Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Tank | Armor |
N O M A D _ A C T U A L

He'd been told he'd be granted respite, taken from the front at the tip of the spear past Dubrillion. Transferred back to 'manage logistics' or whatever cushy POG job they'd crocked to keep him on active roll while assuring he wasn't at the command of Nomad Actual in the nearest future.

And then strategic demands saw the New Imperial Order forcing their pay into the Sith-held PIA. Treicolt could only remember the first talks of stratagem at the onset of the Third Imperial Civil War. The Braxant Run was always the aim, it was the quickest path to Bastion. And Bastion was the shining city on the hill which the Sith had cultivated as holy all the same, spitting in the face of the true Imperial importance it held. It was the Remnant's world, Pellaeon's world, Fel's world. Not theirs.

But when the point of entry was argued between Prefesbelt and Mygeeto, two hardpoints along the Sith frontier, the high rises of Mygeeto won out over the traditionally Imperial PIA. Even if they found victory here like they had at Mygeeto, the propaganda mills would've swung in Sith favor. This was a far dirtier battle than the rest. Even if the PIA's ruling regime was no less malicious than Zambrano's junta, it was more traditionally Imperial than the rest. The very identity the New Imperial Order sought to espouse.

He'd be there to fight it all the same.

The natural light of Prefsbelt's dusty sky filled his visuals through the projections of his HUD in the command seat of his Cataphract as his command unit rolled out from the Veers-class Star Galleon which had set down and pulled out shop on the outskirts of New Avalonia. Clearing out the patch of street his tanks moved through Nomad found itself regrouped with Captain Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi . Stopping just short infront of her command squadron, the visage of the Armored Assault peered down toward her.

Slowly crawling up through the turret he pried open the hatch to peer down in her direction.

<"Captain...whats the status of our assault in this sector? Their guns have gone cold but we haven't been out here long..."> The Major General address the Mirialan, carrying himself with a more rural accent less than conventional for the typical Imperial. More aligned with what you'd hear from a Wild Spacer, or in Waylon's case, a man from the backwoods of Concord Dawn. Even if that was a result of Madelyn Low purposely snuffing them out to conceal their position from orbital bombardment. All the same, it made for an easier assault and the lack of any strategic game from taking them out. They'd just be New Imperial property later. All the same, Azumi was green and the General had been informed of that on the briefing prior, he wanted a gauge of her first taste of combat in a venue of this Civil War far away from the most vital strategic demands.

The sign that Treicolt was this far into the front with the armored complement meant to back up the initial jumps should be sign of a successful charge into the breach.

Vitani presented her wrist comm and reviewed the recent communications. The signal was struggling, at best she could make out
Hawkiron, contact---los

She looked up at Treicolt, "can't say for sure..." Azumi trailed off.

"Our orders," she said, "are to evacuate civillians. The Sith are least, there's no sign of them. Still, there's a blockade around the planet. We might be the only ones down here for some time."

It was clear to Azumi that the man had seen real action. The scuffs and wear to his helmet, plus the personal artifacts attached to it. If he wasn't her superior, Azumi would've told the General to clean himself up. Azumi's armor was so new it glistened. She wore a cape fixed to her pauldron, even that barely seemed to have collected any dust. Vitani was green, in lack of experience and...obviously Mirialan genetics.
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Resurgent Narrative

FIV Concordia
Prefsbelt IV

NIO: Var Koon | Hiram Voss Hiram Voss

TSE: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe | Thaelius Thaelius
FO: Masayu Kimura | Drexel Quinn | Renata Westaway

The Rae Sloane entered the Prefsbelt system with her entourage of dagger-shaped vessels. Aboard the Rae Sloane, Fiolette Raaf, and now the party of three became a party of four. Victorian Imperial ships marked with their crowns showed their allegiance to the shipwright who had created their fleet. There was no doubt in Fiolette's mind that this would draw the attention not just the New Imperials but their Sovereign Imperator and that was her goal. It was high past time that the two of them spoke, but if his fleet thought they could jostle the First Order simply because they could then perhaps she could return the favor. "Hold formation, pattern Onth-Auresh-One."
For now, the fleet would hold at the edge of the system and on the radar, they would appear as a three-dimensional diamond as more vessels arrived out of hyperspace. It would be evident that Fiolette had not brought the entirety of her fleet but just enough to show that she was more than ready to fire the first shot, if necessary.
Meanwhile, on the Concordia, Commander Sun-Shin replied to Moff Westaway. "Indeed it seems we are a welcomed party no matter where we are, Moff Westaway." She gave the woman a smile and then complied with the request, "of course, here you are I'll simply step to the side here." The Seoularian gestured to the console where the messages had been transmitted. From Ariel to Tae, back to Ariel, then Fiolette and Tae, and back and forth all of it would reveal that this was at a favor for the former Governor of Varonat. It would also reveal Fiolette's disdain for having been involved at all implicating that Governor Lowe was incapable of solving her own problems.
It was a mess, to say the least for the First Order and one they blamed squarely on the Yvarros and the Lowes. "Commander the Redou-"
"No." She cut the officer off with a motion of her and, Sun-Shin then elaborated. "Let Commander Kimura make the adjustments, the New Imperials have a new party to worry about." While Sun-Shin hadn't been clear on just what exactly the ten kilometers would be settled around, the Concordia or the fleet itself now would be a good of a time as any to test the theory, especially as there was a new member to the party. The shuttles to and from the ground continued the Blackwells were receiving those in need of medical services while others were sent to the Concordia itself.
Back aboard the Rae Sloane, Fiolette made one other order, "target the Hydian Bastion lock weapons."
FIV Concordia, Resurgent; 3000m [3000/3000]

FIV Vanguard, Victory; 900m [900/900]
FIV Victory, Victory; 900m [900/900]
FIV Redoutable, Marauder; 750m [750/750]
FIV Relentless, Marauder; 750m [750/750]

FIV Blackwell, Blackwell; 500m [500/500]
FIV Benevolence, Blackwell; 500m [500/500]
FIV Halberd, Halberd; 480m [480/480]
FIV Guisarme, Halberd; 480m [480/480]
FIV Glaive, Halberd; 480m [480/480]
FIV Dosuun, Planet; 460m [460/460]
FIV Seoul, Planet; 460m [460/460]
FIV Seawolf, Seawolf; 400m [400/400]
FIV Spearfish, Seawolf; 400m [400/400]
FIV Sargo, Seawolf; 400m [400/400]
FIV Valor, Valor; 350m [350/350]
FIV Velox, Valor; 350m [350/350]

FIV Bercey, Bercey; 180m [180/180]
FIV Barrell, Bercey; 180m [180/180]
FIV Budiati, Bercey; 180m [180/180]

Corvette Squadrons:
  1. Bolt Squadron Auresh; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  2. Bolt Squadron Besh; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  3. Bolt Squadron Cresh; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  4. Bolt Squadron Cherek; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  5. Bolt Squadron Dorn; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  6. Bolt Squadron Esk; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  7. Bolt Squadron Enth; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  8. Bolt Squadron Onith; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  9. Bolt Squadron Forn; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  10. Bolt Squadron Grek; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  11. Bolt Squadron Herf; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  12. Bolt Squadron Isk; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  13. Bolt Squadron Jenth; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  14. Bolt Squadron Krill; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]
  15. Bolt Squadron Krenth; x4 Bolt @ 60m [240/240]

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