Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Revised Invasion Rules Survey

Do you believe that the current Invasion rules need changing? (If no stop here!)

  • Total voters
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Fibbing, ganking, glassing and surprises are what make war war. If everyone had the same thing and had a textbook perfect balance, ooc the battle is just won by whoever is a better writer.... Otherwise, it becomes laser tag and loses its fun and meaning.

Not sure who I am agreeing with or debating against, as I am on a small phone lol but yeah, just my two credits.
OK, the results are in. Some are clear cut, others are actually ties.

I'll go through this in order.

  • Do you believe that the current Invasion rules need changing?
    96.67% majority here. Something needs to change. No arguments

[*]Should factions have to agree beforehand on the timing/conditions for beginning a campaign?
  • A close majority to having factions decide on conditions beforehand.

[*]Should one faction be able to be targeted by several factions?
  • A narrow win to yes, allied. That is the position that will be taken.

[*][SIZE=12pt]Should individual characters be able to participate in more than one invasion at a time?[/SIZE]
  • Pretty definitive 50% here saying they should not. Done.

[*]What should be the minimum posts required to claim victory in an invasion?
  • 100 has the most votes here. This is the position that shall be taken.

[*]Should there be a time limit on individual invasions?
  • This was a tie so I am going to change my vote from a week to a month.

[*]Should there be a time limit on how long a war/campaign can last?
  • Extremely definitive. They’ll be no time limit.

[*]Should there be a limit on how many simultaneous invasions can run in one campaign?
  • Pretty clear cut. No limit to how many invasions run at once.

[*]What should be the limit on the minimum number of characters needed for each invasion?
  • 5 seems like the majority view here. So be it.
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