Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I don't buy it.
It just doesn't make sense, really. And that's more Lucas-style than anything.
I suppose I'll have to wait to see, but I don't think this holds water.
I've read the reincarnation theory, but never all of those surrounding details. The more I think about it, the more I am warming up to it, but I'm still completely sold that that's the right way to go.

I also don't think that is the way Disney will go.

Connor Harrison

Disney aren't going to go on with stories and near ethereal-Force mumbo jumbo the way the prequels did because that soon grated on many fans and made characters and their relationships all the more complicated when they didn't need to be.

THIS theory doesn't need to happen. And I doubt it's true. What is the point of having this link? And why would it have happened now?

*rubs temples*

These sort of theories do my head in because everyone has to find links to previous films. Can't we just trust Disney to do original characters and relationships without going 'Twilight Zone' on us.

Mandalore Al'x

Location: Versace Prime
I feel pretentious saying this but the average movie goer isn't going to understand "force reincarnation" so I can't see Disney pulling this. Rumors like this also make me wonder if Disney has some sort of off the books "leak department" where they start rumors regarding plot concepts to see how people react to them and if they can get away with these things in rewrites/usage later.

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