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Rhun With a View


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Rhun. A black planet in the Outer Rim. What made it black was partially due to the composition of the world, the multiple minerals that made it difficult for vegetation to grow, and partly through the centuries of mining.


There was plenty of life though, as evident by the enormous cities, fortresses and vast population of miners and soldiers. Industry was key here, both for mining and military. As the modified corvette that Kay travelled in landed near the massive fortress, the Shadow Hall, she wondered if it's people were as hard as it's land.

Kay had received word of Rhun's Emperor [member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"] wanting to perhaps join or become allies with the Free Colonies, opening up trade and expanding their economies and industries. This was something that she couldn't pass up. Plus it was her job.

She was sure to dress well for the part, like an upper class merchant with an elegant flair. Her pilot had announced her arrival ahead of time. So Kay exited the ship, her satchel hung over her shoulders. It came at no surprise that she had an escort of armoured soldiers there to greet her.

Indeed, there was quite the escort of guards to bring Lady Kay into the citadel. A unit of Silver Spearman, Rhun's premier guardsman, stood ready, split in half on either side of the landing ramp, to take up positions near their charge, and lead her into the Shadow Hall.

As it was, Rhun was a world distrusting of outsiders, but it would have to tollerate them, if their way of life was to be continued. At the request of the Heir Apparent of Rhun, Valentinian Alexandrus The Third, invitations had been sent out to the free colonies to sent a representative to attened negotiations at Rhun.

Althought only the Heir to the throne, Valentinian acted as executor and representative of the dying emperor, and the talk was he was likely to have to ascend the throne sooner than later, though it appeared the man in question was loathe to do so, as if expecting that accepting such an office would seal his father's fate permanent.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The looks that the guards gave her were very distrusting. She tried to give them a small smile, but there wasn't even a hint of change in their expressions. Once would almost think that they were advanced droids, yet the light flickering in their eyes suggested otherwise.

Kay followed the path that they had created for her, keeping her head straight, though her eyes would dart around everywhere. She was studying the fortress, as well as all of the guards that she had passed. Soon she was inside the Shadow Hall and for a moment she was taken aback by the architectural style. Every palace, fortress and government building that she had been invited to was exciting to see as they were all different. The temperature of the planet may be comfortable, but she couldn't help but feel a chill in the air. Perhaps it was partly due to the glares that she was receiving from those that she passed. Or maybe it was the prevalent darkness and lack of vegetation. Either way, she couldn't imagine growing up here.

She was soon led to the throne room, where a man announced her arrival to [member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"] . "Lady Kay of the Free Colonies, Your Grace."
The architecture of the Shadow Hall radiated a mixture of defiance, and subtle threat. The walls, interrior, and exterir were made of precisely angled and ridged black Iron, and positively bristled with weapon emplacements, shields , and other such machinations of war.

The interrior however, was somewhat warmer. The walls were painted a welcoming silver-white, and banners and tapestries hung spaces out every few dozen feet, most recounting or depicting old tales and legends from the Planet's past. Music filtered through the halls, not soft and idyllic as with most palaces, but simple, folksy and inspiring, the kind that any son or daughter of Rhun would be able to take up in an instant and recite by heart.

As the doors to the throne room swung open, Valentinian was stood by one of the three thrones near the top "Ah Yes, Excellent. Bring the lady to my Study, that we may discuss business, and have some tea brought in. My Lady, have you any prefferences as to what kind?"

Valentinian was perhaps the warmest object in the room. A subtle, friendly smile seemed to always be on his lips, and he was dressed in a simple yet elegant leather jerkin, with matching trousers, elegantly tooled boots, with a cape of white silk clasped around his shoulders, and a sword resting at his hip, the symbol of his office

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay bowed her head in greeting once she was introduced to [member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"] . "Sapir tea, M'lord. But if you don't have any, I'll gladly drink whatever tea you have on hand."

Seconds later the guards escorted her to the study. Given the looks that she was given, she thought it best to not have wandering eyes. The time for exploration was not now. The study was large and so full of books and papers that she couldn't even begin to count them. It was hard to pick out a place to start. She sat down in one of the chairs and then waited, placing her satchel on her lap.

No two kingdoms were the same and with all of these new planets and leaders joining her brother's government, she wondered just how much bigger that they needed to get before they started to get the attention of the wrong types of people.
As [member="Lady Kay"] was waiting, some of the words of music drifting through the citadel would become clear, as servants, guards and such took up the words of the ancient national anthem

Let Naboo boast of her gay gilded waters
Her vines and her bowers and her soft sunny skies
Her sons drinking love from the eyes of her daughters
Where freedom expires amid softness and sighs

Rhun's black mountains wild where cliffs are piled
Towering in grandeur are dearer to me
Land of the misty cloud land of the battle loud
Land of the brave and proud land of the free

Enthroned on the peak of her own highland mountains
The spirit of Rhunia reigns fearless and free
Her white banner waving over black rock and fountain
And proudly she sings looking over the world

Here among my mountains wild I have serenely smiled
When armies and empires against me were hurled
Firm as my native rock I have withstood the shock
Of Sith, of Republic, of All Others and the world

But see how proudly her war steeds are prancing
Deep groves of steel trodden down in their path
The eyes of my sons like their bright swords are
glancing Triumphantly riding through ruin and death

Bold hearts and nodding plumes wave over their bloody tombs
Deep eyed in gore is the white banner's wave
Shivering are the ranks of steel dire is the horseman's wheel
Victorious in battlefield Rhunia the Brave

Valentinian stepped into the study just as one of the servants brought in the tea the Lady had requested. He made his way to the other side of the wide desk in the middle of the study, the edges piled with charts, maps, documents and treatise of ancient times. The young lord took his seat, nodding to the lady soft, before offering her a pleasant smile "Forgive My Delay, I believe we have business now...But first, sugar?" He offered, holding out the small cup of sugar cubes from the tray for her tea, after pouring each of them a mug


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow as everyone started to sing. Was this a nightly thing or just for her benefit? Regardless it had a nice tune and gave her more insight into what kind of people such a harsh planet had raised. Who was it that they fought with? Warring nations on their planet? Or attacks from outsiders trying to dominate their world?

Kay bowed her head once again as he sat down and then smiled a little as he poured her tea. "No apologies necessary, M'Lord. I wasn't waiting for long. And besides, your staff entertained me with a song. No sugar please. I prefer my tea plain." She could have said that she was sweet enough as it is, but he was a stranger and might think that she was being serious.
"Ah Yes, The Anthem. Its Tradition, when one man takes it up, we all do. We've a proud history, we of Rhun. One thats been plagued with warfare and invaions, but we've stood resolute through it, because when Rhun is threatened we come together as one people. So naturally, the traditions of the past have carried over in one form or another"

Unlike the Lady, Valentinian took two cubes of sugar. He preferred his tea fruity and sweet , where avaidable that was. But as it stood, there was business at hand. The young lord of Rhun rested his arms on the desk before him as he leaned in with a serious look to his features, the time for levity was over for now.

"May i assume you know why you were invited, my Lady?"

In the background, the last tones of the anthem died away, replaced by a wordless tune, that even without lyrics embodied sadness and hope in equal measure, the message delivered via the harp

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded a little at the explanation for the music that [member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"] gave. She understood the tradition better than he knew. Many other worlds could use the same unitarian structure, but there were some people that just lived for feuds. Did it matter as to what hour it was in the night? Was there always music playing? Or was there a cut off period. She wondered if she'd be able to get a wink of sleep in a home such as this.

She sipped her tea and then cradled the cup in her hands, sitting up straighter as Valentinian leaned forward. She noted the change in his expression. "Yes M'Lord. I believe that you requested to learn about my brother's government, the Free Colonies, and to possibly ally yourself or join. Would that be correct?" There was no other reason that she could think of at the moment.
Valentinian considered for a few moments "Yes...I suppose that is the simplest way to explain it. If it is no bother, I would indeed care to learn more " The young lord foldest his hands together on the table as he listened to her explain the specifics of the Free Colonies. At best, this meeting would prove profitable and both sides would gain friends, and at worst, every scrap of information the heir apparent got might one day save a Rhun man's life.

"I have had the scribes take the liberty of drawing up some preliminary charters for possible agreements between us. Trade Rights, such things" He explained, pausing for a moment to scan the desk for the proper set of documents. Compared to most goverments and individuals, Rhun preferred to keep it's dealings on paper, signed stamped and sealed. An individual could write whatever they wished upon a datapad without feeling guilty, committing words to paper was another step, one that gave everything a slightly more binding feeling

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"No bother at all, M'Lord. The Free Colonies is relatively new in the grand scheme of things. We represent worlds that are neutral to the goings on in the Galaxy. Many of our top officials are underdogs, some of them used to be pirates. But we're all good people, and we look out for and help one another. We're also pretty self sufficient with companies that provide technologies, medical, industrial, agriculture, educational, with free trade among those within, and trade agreements and contracts to those outside of our Government."

Kay sipped her tea. That was a lot of information and she didn't want to forget anything. Of course she didn't touch on Force users or anything as some people don't like them. In a way she could understand that.

"Might I take a look at the charters?"

[member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"]
"By all means, please" He said, handing her the set. It was not a large collection, five pages in total. The first two detailed an open trade agreement between Rhun and the Free Colonies, permitting merchants from either side to venture into the space of the other without unnecesarry harassment , and do business there. The third page of the documents was a non aggression pact, promising that neither side would raise up arms against the other without a valid casus belli. The Fourth and fifth pages detailed an agreement defined as a cultural exchange program, inviting a certain ammount of representatives from the Free Colonies to spend several months on Rhun to learn the customs of the people, and build an Embassy there.

"You need not sign them all, if any of them are to your dislike they can be excluded. And if there are any terms you insist on, I would be most pleased to hear them"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She took them in hand and read them through. Everything seemed straightforward enough. Though there was a couple of additions that could be placed in there.

"I'm not insisting, but there are a couple of things that cpuld be considered, M'Lord. One of them being that should the Free Colonies or Rhun come under attack from outside of our government, that there would be a Call of Arms and we would aid eachother in fighting off the imposing forces. And secondly, in addition to the cultural exchange, you should be able to put Embassies on our other worlds as well."

[member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"]
Some of the latter half of what she said was implied, though not printed in the agreemnt, he could see the need to commit such to writing. "Of Course, I will have the scribe commit such to writing. However, the other of what you say, the call to arms. That may be consdired a military alliance, is that what you are suggesting?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. It was only the first day of negotiations, and neither side knew particularly much about the other, he was somewhat reluctant to commit his people to such an act off of simple first impressions

"I believe that should conclude our first round of negotiations, as the hour does grow late. I trust you will of course attend the feast planned for your arrival?"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay blinked. They were allying themselves in every other way. No one had had reservations about helping the others through military means. But there's always a first time. "If you're uncomfortable with a military alliance, I'll not press the issue. Your first needs are for your people and I respect that, M'Lord."

And just like that the negotiations were over for the time being. She handed the papers back for the small edit and raised a brow at the mention of a late feast. "A feast for me? You really shouldn't of gone to all the trouble. But I would be honoured to attend, M'Lord."

[member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"]
"Is it not custom to honor visitors with a feast in the lands you hail from?" Valentinian asked with a raising of his eyebrow. Strange customs these foreignors could have.

Finishing the editing, the lord rose to his feed and stepped around the desk. "Shall I have someone direct you to the quarters where you may refresh yourself and change?"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Leaders most often get such treatment, but I am not one of them, M'Lord. I only speak on their behalf when they are unable to be present." Kay was used to getting a room and such on her diplomatic ventures, but meals were often handled on her own. She was always sure to have some food and water rations on hand in case of trouble as well.

She quickly finished her tea and then got to her feet. "That would be lovely, thank you." Getting changed however would be a bit of a trick. The only other clothes that she had brought with her were a shirt and slacks rolled up. Perhaps this was one of those places that required a change of clothes for every meal. Kay didn't have that big of a wardrobe, especially now. A lot of her finest were sold after she was fired from the Senate. All of her belongings fit in two bags. In her life it was always better to not hold any roots anywhere. She was always on the move.

[member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"]
"Of Course, however, you are a guest here, and guests deserve proper honors. . I assume an hour will be enough time for you to prepare?" Stepping outside into the hall he had a servant summoned up. The woman in question would bow to each of them in turn, and offer to lead the lady to her rooms. Valentinian himself would need some time, not the full hour, but a little whiles to prepare himself for such a formal occasion. The roomds [member="Lady Kay"] would be brought to would be comfortable, but not wastefully so. Every item, the bed, the cabinet and such were made from solid, darkened oak, worked by master carvers into truly impressive pieces of furniture.

The wardrobe was of course empty. The servant hesitated in teh doorway after dropping off his charge "Should you require anything else, My lady?"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She nodded. "An hour would be fine, thank you M'Lord."

Kay bowed her head to the servant and followed her to the room. It was indeed impressive. She walked over to the bed and inspected the carvings. She then walked over to the wardrobe and saw that it was open and empty. As the servant spoke, she shook her head a bit. "N-no. I should be okay. Thank you."

Kay placed her satchel on the bed and opened it, pulling out her shirt and slacks, unrolling them first before she hung them in the wardrobe. She then walked over to the mirror and looked at her dress, wondering how she could alter it in the spare time that she had.

[member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"]
Valentinian meanwhile had his barber and such called up. His beard could use a neater trim, and his hair could be shampooed and washed. Meanwhile another servant layed out his evening finery. Black leather boots, black trousers and white tunic, all three trimmed in silver constituted the main part of his outfit, the tunic emblazoned with the device of Rhun, the Raven. Overall the outfit bore a quite striking resemblance to the Banner of Rhun, as was it's intended effect.

Once the barber was through with him the young lord rose and clothed himself. Around his neck a silver pendant was clasped, and a thin Crown of black iron and silver rested upon his brow. The sword of secrets, symbol of the heir apparent, rested once again on his hip as he exited his chambers, and strode toward the great hall.

Meanwhile, as the hour ended a servant would knock upon the Lady's door

[member="Lady Kay"]

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