Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rhun With a View


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Well, there wasn't much that she could do outside of ruining the dress, so she just washed her face and spent the time braiding her hair in a series of elaborate braids that framed her head nicely.


At the knock at the door, she hid a few strands behind her ears and then answered the door. She wasn't used to feasts being held for her, so it made her slightly nervous. She wondered just how much food she'd be able to eat.

Kay followed the servant to the great hall, not quite sure at what to expect. Would they be disappointed? Who knows?

[member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"]
Valentinian was already seated by the time the lady arrived. The great hall was quite full with people. Nobles, Military leaders, promiment citizenry and such had all been invited. A place had been set at Valentinian's side, usually the spot reserved for an advisor or important dignitary.

Lady Kay would be introduced by a herald, With her name, any titles she had given them ahead of time, and any accomplishments she had.

The tables were laden with a variety of food, all imported and exotic, as little life could be supported on Rhun. The middle of the hall was dominated by musicians, playing folksy tunes and bardic songs of the tales of Rhun.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as she was being announced. She gave the herald her titles of Lady, as well as Minister of Diplomacy to the Free Colonies. As for her accomplishments, she only let him know of her slave liberations. Everything else she had kept to herself.

She stepped inside and bowed her head to the room, before walking over to the table and taking the seat beside [member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"] that was assigned for her. The food looked wonderful and delicious. Everyone seemed to look their best, while she felt under dressed. Kay smiled to everyone though, pushing down her feelings that would otherwise not allow herself to enjoy the evening.

"This is truly a surprise. Thank you for the welcome."
Valentinian gave her a friendly nod in greeting, before turning to the assembled crowd, it was a joyous occasion, certainly, but one could not forget the threat the Republic, and the Sith still presented.

"My Lords and Ladies, we have come together here today to celebrate a grande step for our people. We have made friends in the galaxy, those that would let us live our lives as we saw fit. We came here in peace, with a dream of exploration. Through the strength and unity of the empire we reached and grasped the stars themselves. Only through the power of our collective will could we traverse the endless wars of the galaxy, and find our long sought peace. For the betterment of all mankind we have achieved mighty deeds, we have become without limit in our reach, and it is all do to the loyalty of the Rhun people. However there are those that think they have a ....better way.....These terrorists, these usurpers of power would destroy the way of life we've cherished for hundreds of years, and for what? Technology? Corporate Price? These traitors would destroy our noble traditions, handing our way of life over to their corporate masters. They sell us oligarchy and call it freedom, I name it what it is, Fascism, and even worse...These heretics, they seek not only to destroy our civilisation, but our very humanity. They claim these 'dark relics' are the key to our future? But whose future? Toying with technology beyond their understanding they risk our very existence for some theological insanity! For too long we have allowed these destroyers within our peaceful kingdom to fester and grow like a cancer. For too long our homes, lives and very children have fallen victim to their radical destructive ways! I stand before you and I say, no more. Today we stand, we fight, and we shall show them what they have feared in the dark all along. Rhun will never stop, the people of it will never surrender. We will fight and we will die untill every last one of them is wiped from the face of this world, and it rests once again safely in the hands of those that built it. When we claim Blood and Honor, we mean Blood and Honor. Loyalty Unto Death! "

With the speech over the feast could begin in earnest, and servants would hurry about, filling cups, carrying trays of little foodstuffs about to offer to the guests. The young lord finally took his seat, sipping softly at his drink as he considered the room. Who knew how many agents of darkness lurked even within his own halls...

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay just sat there with a smile as the speech started. But when it progressed however, her expression changed. When [member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"] started speaking about terrorists and traitors she just stared at nothing in particular while her thoughts rotated on who he could be speaking about. Did others come to fight them and attempt to oppress them? More than likely it was the Sith. But when was this? Or was this all a veiled threat or warning to go with the signing of the agreements?

When the speech was over, she gave a polite smile and then had a sip of water before she started to nibble at the food. "That was quite the speech, M'Lord....."
"It was an honest one, and it's what the people need, if not what they want" The smile faded from Valentinian's lips for just a moment, revealing the weight of having to run an empire, even if it only contained one planet, admist the chaos of the galaxy "Rhun is no stranger to war. There are many out there that see us as a simple prize, ripe for the taking, or mindless rabble, ready to be bought and sold for the right price....Even now, there are those among us that forget the old ways"

The lord ate sparingly, he did never seem to have much of an appetite these days, and though he did not drink much, the drink he did take was reasonably strong, but never enough to overpower, or dull him. Caution at all times, that was how the prince lived his life. "You've had some little time to view our world, what do you think of it?" He asked, his friendly smile returning

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
So some had indeed come to try to take them over. No wonder there were plenty of guards on hand, and the looks that she was given by those around here were largely of distrust. Any trust that herself or the Free Colonies received would have to be earned.

Kay noticed [member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"] eat about as much as she did. Yet they each had their own reasons for doing so. Hers was due to the fact that others disliked her here. Did they spit in her food? It seemed to taste okay.

She looked over to her host as he spoke. "First impression is that it is very dark, but not in a bad way. That's just the make up of the soil. I am used to worlds with far more vegetation. You are a strong people to have prospered here when others would have left or perished."
"If you would believe it...We came here from a far more prosperous place. Plentiful green and blue. We chose this life for ourselves, many hundreads of years ago. Because along with the comforts of a garden world, come it's problems. Sadly those problems have caught up to us now. We've carved a home out of this black rock...And we intend to stand by it till it crumbles"

He did consider her words though. The way Rhun presented itself, it was not a welcoming place. Some more romantically inclined would call it a place of darkness and fear. Valentinian did not count himself among those lot of poets and minstrels however.

"Perhaps, If you would be interested, I can arrange for you to experience our culture for some few days"

There was two sides to that request. On one hand, he would be able to display some of the traditions and cultures he so cherished, on the other he would be able to gauge how his people would treat an emmisarry of their new allies

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded as she listened, not touching her food or water while he spoke. She didn't want to give off the impression of being disinterested. It made her wonder what world his ancestors hailed from.

At his request she bowed her head. "I would like that very much, M'Lord. It would be very beneficial to learn some of your way of life." She had only packed enough clothing for two days. After tonight's meal she will have to see about getting her dress cleaned. Her trousers should be fine for exploring. "Will we be up at dawn?" Kay wondered what the land looked like in the day.

[member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"]
"Indeed, you will be woken by a servant, of course. I'll have a small wardrobe brought this evening, so you may lay out clothes for yourself for tomorow. Please, stop by the Lord Tailor before you retire this night, and let him take your measurements." It would do well for relations if she atleast looked the part of a local, making the transition easier for both sides.

He sipped his drink before he asked "And mayhaps you can tell me more of your free colonies then" He would have to dial back on the drills, exercises and wargames that occured weekly, to give her a chance to sample everything, without being too exhausted to participate. Every man, woman, and teen in Rhun was kept to a high standard of exercise. It was what allowed Rhun to quickly levy together a quite capable army in times of war

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She nodded. Dressing like them wouldn't have her stick out like a sore thumb so much. And maybe people would look at her with kinder eyes if she showed an effort in fitting in during her visit.

Kay wasn't used to servants. She didn't even have any assistants when she worked for the Republic. But that was because she did everything on her own and spent her money on saving people, rather than hiring someone to handle her schedule and paperwork.

"I look forward to it, M'Lord. Though your culture appears quite separate from others, there could very well be some similarities with others elsewhere in the Galaxy, even within the Free Colonies."

[member="Valentinian Alexandrus III"]
Valentinian smiled softly and nodded, leaning back in his chair, his eyes roaming over the great hall, occasionally resting on a certain individual, when he recognized an old friend, or rival.

"I'm sure it will be quite beneficial, to everyone involved. Now then, relax, and enjoy"

He saluted her with his cup, and the feast slowly rolled by. Stories were spun and retold, scandals were gossiped about, and grievances were settled with honorable duels found on the cleared space in the middle of the hall, the combatants usually walking away arms around eachother, laughing and heading for the nearest tankard

[member="Lady Kay"]

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