Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rhythm of Four

She was able to work on it before she turned back to look at Lisa with a nod of her head as she tapped the screen until she was looking over the bigger and better things. Mostly that the information was showing up that they would be able to use and she was getting information back from the ship itself. They were ready to test the official weave when they turned around before stretching out and hearing the small engineer speaking when she prepared a report about what was happening in the facility.

"We have been sending out the different teams to work on the power generators and we should have something rigged up soon, there were a couple of crates left over but nothing much information wise aside from the computers that might hold information about your project you were wanting to look at a few of the things. We are even working on some of the other sections to get them opened to the outside so you can leave from the normal tunnels instead of using the smaller ones we have made for ourselves."
Alright they were working on many more of the things they had set up, she was going over the information herself but there wasn't much and she doubted it would come in handy for learning from it but it would maybe come in handy for the biotech division company that works for Sasori making some vong biots that they could use. it wouldn't be the best but it also wouldn't be the worst thing to happen compared to some of the things they had been doing and seeing people do with vong equipment.

"We'll be able to use this for some of the vong biots but there is not a lot we ourselves will be able to work with a few more of the things. The biots are different as are the implants we use compared to these one however." She said it while giving a few ideas to Lisa who was standing there with her until she finished up. "We'll get as much information we can and handle it but there shouldn't be much more here, the AI's can go over it and see if there is anything of value or interest that we should be aware of."
There was all of that and they were learning about this new species now as they seemed highly adaptable to the situation when Cathbodua started walking and learning as she spoke. "Thank you for this, while we are waiting though I would like to know more about your species. I am curious as I have not seen many or any before today across the galaxy." She got a small look and it looked like curiosity from the woman while she was walking with her and debating in her own mind if she should speak with her.

"Well gee I don't know what there is to tell, we are mostly here on Chroma Zed and don't leave the planet. All this technology we find is generally to big for us but we like tinkering with it and finding new ways to use it. The jedi have been really nice to us since overseer Walsh vanished. She was a good person we were able to work with." She smiled. "But lets see where to begin ah well my species is from here and we generally roam around in the tunnels usually scavenging and looking for things to collect and take back home."
Alright so they might not be the best but the jedi knight got a few ideas about them while she was walking with some attention to her and the others while they were wearing jumpsuits and holding their toolbelts. She had a look at the information on the datapad when she and Lisa joined them in the tunnel as the entrance was opened so that they could open it up and go out onto the surface. The transport had been brought back to work with them so that they would be able to get in to go to the ship.

"Well if you would want do, there is a place in the tech division I think you could get. Tinker with things and develop more of an understanding compared to some. Could get your species a chance to interact with the galaxy at learge or at least roam around here and there. This project we are working on with this information is going to need engineers to make the equipment the sciencetists are going to be using after all and if we could have some help from people we trust then it would be welcomed."
Hmm the woman seemed to be thinking about it for now when they were walking as she got a few more feet outside and turned to speak with her. "Well I think that could be fun, we don't really go off planet so it would be a new experience for me or any of us heading off." She tapped her chin as the transport came down. "So when would you like to get some of us to head away with you?" Cathbodua was looking at her and when was a good question but right away seemed the best of times to do it if they were ready.

"Now would be good, we have space on the ship and with some of our things an engineer roaming around fixing it up wouldn't be so bad." She was going into the transport and offering the girl a place with her and Lisa as they were standing there to establish it before some crates were brought in of what they had found. Not much in the manner of equipment but some notes and anything that looked important and could be sifted through later to determine if it was valuable or just there.
So they had a new companion, someone who could come with them on the trip around while they were working on the different things. Cathbodua herself was ready to work with Lisa and see what they could do now that the engineers were working and proving they had something viable with the weave they had been developing. The time that was passing well she needed something to do so why not explore and set up more things for themselves instead of just waiting around for it to be done.

"So what is your name?" She asked it while they were going back to the ship and the woman looked at her with a small look on her face. "My name is Myra." Myra wasn't a bad name and they were moving with some composure for now as she crossed her arms for a moment arriving in the hanger bay of the ship and they were moving. Some other ideas flashed over in her mind when she walked through it bringing the different stuff and being joined by the rangers along the way who had come.
They had a full ship again when she was looking over more fo it and walking through the ship she could adjust her lighting to walk without the mask on when they came to the labs themselves. The different researchers who were working on the weave and underlay were there prepared to work on sections of it. "Alright then tell me what you have managed to get that will impress or amaze us." Cathbodua said it standing there with Lisa and had a small look on her face, less from being skeptical and more because she was curious.

The researchers and artisan's though looked excited when she was seeing them, prepared to work on any number of things here in their labs but more so when he was tapping his fingers together. "Yes yes yes, we wanted to show you the first generation of the underlay it will be able to fit in robes, armor and clothing normally. So far and with the synthweaving it should easily able to function how we want it to. Collected crystals in a very thin strand of dreamsilk that you are able to wear and add to your apparel."
Hmm alright she was liking the sound of what he was making and he seemed to be onboard for it while she touched the weave and it would work for them with a small look. Some fitness for the jedi themselves but for force sensitives who could wear it they would be able to add in a protective and restorative quality she was guessing before holding up the long sleeved bodysuit. "Alright so this gets synthweaved with the materials on top of it and in contact with the body of a force user it creates a protective aura?"

The artisan gave a nod of his head. "Yes, the underlay will react to the force in the body of the one wearing it, the stronger they are in the force the stronger they will be able to project a healing aura and be able to restore for themselves. The weaker they are the weaker it will be but that is not their fault and it is hard to adjust it or make it just universal. We have also used the synthweave so those weaing it will be calm and even tempered servants of the lightside of the force. Don't want this falling into the wrong hands."
Hmm she could think of how that would be happy and being able to restirct the underlay so only healers who follow the lightside of the force could use it might work to well stop healers from just going darkside or rogue because it suits their wanting to be important as opposed to being able to help others. The jedi knight was listening more while she ideas were happening from the others as they showed it being synthweaved itno the armor with the dreamsilk layer to make the strong bodyglove and if all went well that would be easy enough to do.

She took it in her hands and it was stretchy so it would fit pretty much anyone and that would be a plus for things, if they were lucky it wouldn't get over stretched by some jedi to become unusable but that was always a possibility in the grand scheme of things. "Alright then, stick with it and show me what you have been working it into. We have a lot of materials that could use an underlay for healing in the field after all and I need to be able to say that we have experimented with it."
He seemed impressed and they had a working model that they would be abel to test as he showed, one fo the younger healers and one fo the master healers were wearing it to show the differences in energy output.With it they were able to act like mobile healing talismans that would function for those nearby within proximity to them and augment their own healing ability. It wouldn't be easy and likely contact would need to be maintained but they could do and learn a lot from how this was working.

Cathbodua looked at the initial tests to show the data to them and she bowed her head in understanding when the AI was bringing up the different parts of information for all of them to see. A few things here and there that would work and they could improve upon but they wouldn't be abel to use what made past biorestorative underlays so strong and that was some very rare technology no longer in use across the galaxy. "This is all looking very good, you and your team have done well."
They spent the next several hours working on it, testing the different abilities while they went over the information on the screen with attention to some more details. "THis is looking better and better at least." She was prepared to work with it when they were moving over the information and the AI had brought out the information on the dreadguards and she could at least see several of the reasons why they were failing as they had. With the work she was setting up more for them to have bases on Chroma Zed.

They were setting up some more things while the information went across the screen for them to see with some ideas that the jedi knight herself could use. "Alright, this is looking impressive enough and we should be able to use this underneath the different armors and robes to work with the synthweaving." They had developed a lot of it so they could work or heal improving the different healers abilities and she was impressed wanting to work with it to give a few of the better methods.
She could think of a few others within the jedi who might be able to use these when it came to it, her padawans for one generally wanted healer training and there was the random one who came out wanting to learn what they could. She'd be able to teach them better now and this would allow them to augment their skills, for soldiers with innate force sensitivity they would be able to heal themselves in the battlefield in there were injuries and start the process almost instantly but that doesn't mean the wounds would just heal.

Cathbodua stayed with them while they were continuing the process here they developed to work witht he synthweave. Ensuring that force sensitives would be able to activate it and use it with a more scaled version of the healing process that would be able to work with things. She wanted to develop more to go with it but this would have to do and they might not be able to get it at a level of production they normally wouldmaybe... but one could never know. There was a chance with Sasori's skills and resources.
The rest of the time passed, they had spent several hours refining what had been developed into a better underlay to the suits. Dreamsilk so it didn't scratch the body it was pressed against and it would be on the inside of a bodysuit that was being worn while the overlay of the synthmesh could protect the body. If everything was being handled as she wanted to then she would be able to get them some of the things done that she had done with her bodysuit so that it would work for others.

They finished up here as the jedi knight was walking with Lisa towards the trauma center allowing her to go over the procedures when they were staying with some more of the things they had discovered. There wasn't much that they could use the dreadguard data but she didn't want to let some of the information come around or influence the research. They might be able to develop countermeasures should any of the failed ones surface and pose a threat but it wasn't a problem when they were working.
Cathbodua entered the lab as she saw the others were still working, they had dropped off and finsihed working on patients who were from the stasis pods then delivered them to the ICU section fo the ship to give a better idea of what could be done. Some better sections, some small parts of their interests and it would all come in handy before she brushed her hands on the desk sitting down with the others and getting out the datapad. Presenting it to Lisa when she arrived in and joined her.

"Well it looks like everything we have been working on has finished up. You've been doing good work in your projects and here in the hospital. Shame what happened with the decision for you to become a master." Cathbodua looked up at her while she was sitting there and filling in the charts she had been behind on now with everything to shrug. "it happens, I don't really expect to make master easily. I am not the most liked or respected despite well being loyal and dedicated so I am used to it."
She was alright with not being the center of attention or the most popular it meant she was working and doing her job for all of the things, the jedi knight stayed with a few of the things when turning over some of her own ideas. She wanted to work with them but couldn't stand politics when it came to getting things for herself so she would handle it the best way she knew how. Keep doing what she was doing and eventually she would either have to be respected and accepted or more then likely the ones who disliked her would move on to something else.

She really paid it no mind relaxing and pulling out one of the MRE's they had for transport, it was a superior meal compared to many and just add a little water to make it larger and full so you could eat it or eat it with another there when she saw it puff up quickly. Hmmm perfect, the food was there and she could chart with one hand while eating with the other and let the other doctors eat some of the food as well when they brought out some bread to make sandwiches that would let the roast go all around.
They were all eating as the sounds of some entertainment came, in long trips where you might not meet mor people it was almost a requirement as was some form of celebration when you were off shift. Staying at the ready so you could go and do some of the more interesting things as cathbodua was eating the food and not laughing but enjoying the time with the others. She wouldn't laugh or make the jokes but listening to them and to the staff that they had letting loose was an important thing.

There was some other news that they were working with from the other masters around the galaxy. New equipment, new findings including a new source of medical grade alginate that could be used by them to work with in different forms like biotechnology. It was providing the jedi knight with a number of new and impressive things they were working on before she moved giving some of her attention to the screen that was showing their progress. Tey needed and were heading back to see the main Sasori team.
The team at Sasori would be providing what information they could to better improve it and start a production line or get the equipment they needed to work with so that they would be able to produce the new things. Cathbodua knew they were able to work with a lot of the things so a nice crystal underlay that they would be able to use for many of the things. They needed to present it to the jedi master running it, get the line, thent hey would have a new method to produce it that might get some small tweaks here and there.

THey had years to work on many things that they were able to set up and the medical science wasn't going anywhere so she wasn't fretting about that. The real question was going to come from what else they might be able to do with some of the things they have discovered. Aside from values to the researchers and doctors she knew that they were working with many more of the groups to have other applications of implants and some of the biots they were developing. As a science endeavor her teams were important.
The other exciting parts of what they were doing as they were working on things was they would get to come back to and work with one of the larger medical centers in the galaxy. Bigger the Coruscant, bigger then Zygerria and bigger then some of the others as well it was one fo the medical stations that was part of Sakura's project Crucible. Where it and the other companies under sasori helped make a modular station able to have four modes of use that can be changed. Sakura's was a pure medical facility that was staffed from doctors around the galaxy.

She was working oout a few other things they were designing to work on before sending in the reports to the other stations. The primary hospital station they were going to was going to be a massive thing of progress and leaping forward as far as interest and time went on. With the right things designed on it they could even improve upon the design and make a new breed of hospital ships that rivaled it or any of the other things like the defunct and nearly non existant silver cross or the mandalorian medical corp.
She wanted to work with a lot more of the things there when they arrived, opening up all of it to present something good to see with the station hovering over the planet. it was one of the large first generation prototypes that were being constructed to set a base and template that would then be able to be copied and designed for other major governments to come and work with. The construction efforts required a lot more and they were working on new methods that would be able to up the design of it all.

Giving some medical station and section of the it a nod of her head when they docked Cathbodua looked on the screen as the station was massive compared to the small ship that they would get to work with. The triage was barely a glimmer they could work with or conceive of constructing. The rest of the plans involved a smaller more scaled down version of this medical ship for personal use with a smaller crew that could go around the galaxy and help the other people. As well as transports.
They were docking with the massive station now and getting in her body suit while she walked securing the mask there was a look on the jedi knights face when she saw the droids that were there prepared to work on many of the things they had been developing. Attention to more of the details before she tapped her fingers against the datapad in her hand before the airlock opened to reveal the station being worked on and Lisa was walking with her on the station as the two of them gave of nod of her head.

They were going through the massive station working on it when she looked at Lisa and there were construction droids all over the station they were working on. Spending time when she gave some of the attention and some of the bigger things like seeing on the display that there was a massive grouping of people in the residential area as well as groups in the large manufacturing section that was being worked on to provide a number of medical tests. Sasori had the production facilities here to make the underlay.

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