Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rianna told me to say hi.

Q that would mean I would have would have to read the rules here on Rank transfers. I have not done that. Is there a requirement to provide links to rank or ranks?
Hello Akio.
Yes it has been a long time Judas. We still have not had that conversation yet.
Cameron it is great to see you.
Tegaea. Kara, Lilith, Hadion, Arla, Ilias, and Jorus thank you for the welcome.
More rank questions…
Since I’m unfamiliar with Chaos’s neutral ranking I had thought to ask questions before requesting a neutral rank or even posting.
Would a retired Imperial Naval Officer have to have the Galactic Empire rank bar? Does having that rank bar determine that you are a member of that faction? Do you even need the rank bar to be a retired Officer and Imperial citizen?
My questions for the Mandalorian Rank bar are nearly the same. Do you have to be a member of that faction having that rank bar? Do you have to have that rank bar to be a Mandalorian?
@[member="Garith Darkhold"]


Non-Force User Characters have decorative titles only. Meaning you can pick them if you like how they look, but they don't define your character, only you can do that. Only Force Users are required to have a rank title displayed. So no, you don't need to be a member of that faction to sport the rank.
@[member="Garith Darkhold"]

Most of Staff, myself included, knows who you are. I'm approving you for Master transfer for this character, so just link this post when you request.
No problem, I hope you enjoy your stay. While asking the community questions is certainly the quickest way to get an answer, don't hesitate to PM a Staff member if you need help with something. We're all pretty friendly.

Except for Tegs, but that's because she doesn't bathe.

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