Captain Ash
A holonet advertisement would be placed with every news channel, blog, and DarkNet hub showing thrilling images of ships jockeying for position and the roar of engines before a voiceover begins to raucous background music:
Welcome, friends, comrades, and those of you I don't like but will invite you anyways. Spacers have long had legends of the greatest ship captain's to travel the stars, about their legendary feats of smuggling, their impossibly fast vessels, their daring escapades evading danger in the vast tracts of space. But it's time to finally settle the question once and for all- who is the greatest spacer in our galaxy? While we all love bar boasts and previously established records, it's time for the ultimate test: The Imynusoph Run. A long-distance endurance race from Imynusoph to Morellia. That's right, everyone, an endurance race from one side of the galaxy to the far side, with all the danger involved with space travel, plus the stress of competition. Here's the information for you to download!
Welcome to the Imynusoph Run! This is an open event that anyone can participate in, regardless of affiliation or employment that is designed to test the skills of the bravest and most daring spacers who consider themselves worthy of being the Best Spacer in the Galaxy. The race is divided into four legs to help ensure that everyone, as much as possible, survives the potential risks of far faster space travel than most ships were intended for.
Taris-Ord Thoben
Ord Thoben-Morellia
You'll want to be extra sure your ship is capable of surviving this rigor, so when you register as an entrant, provide your ship specifications and customizations to the registrants commission, who will keep it safe and ensure your ship is in no danger of exploding from overwork. Now, for the biggest question: what's the prize, since there's no entry fee?
1st Place: 50,000 IGBC Credits, 1 Lifetime Membership above and beyond the Electrum level in the Interstellar Merchant-Captain's Guild meaning all services are free and you have priority on all reservations of their highest quality living quarters, and a first-class stateroom and ship berth named for you and prioritized for your use aboard the Dream of the Rim, an electrum trophy, and the bragging rights of being the best spacer in the galaxy
2nd Place: 25,000 IGBC Credits, 1 Lifetime Electrum Membership in the Interstellar Merchant-Captain's Guild, and a cantina named after you aboard the Dream of the Rim, as well as bragging rights of almost being the greatest spacer in the galaxy
3rd Place: 10,000 IGBC Credits, 1 Lifetime Elite Membership in the Interstellar Merchant-Captain's Guild, and a small entertainment chamber named after you aboard the Dream of the Rim, and I guess maybe bragging rights for placing third.
Sign up now and start preparing your ships for the race of the century! Oh, and no cheating. There'll be IMCG staff present at the end of each leg to mark the time and arrival of every racer. Well, unless some of you just don't make it to the end of the leg. The Race Committee, Rimward Trade Leagye, Interstellar Merchant-Captain's Guild, and all associated parties waive all responsibility for damages incurred during the race, be it to ship, limb, legal, or life. By registering for the race, each participating racer assumes full moral, legal, ethical, spiritual, governmental, and fundamental responsibility for everything that may or may not occur. The IMGC will ensure all personal remains and recovered effects will be retrieved and returned to the nearest living relative.
OOC: Yeah, this has been a project I've been tinkering with for a while and decided to finally just go ahead and do it, even if it isn't a perfect mechanical simulation of space travel and the rigors of racing. It is however, a great way to highlight the galaxy's spacers and try something new and perhaps challenging for characters, as it uses a dice system.
1. Must be posted in the factory according to all factory rules.
2. Point-Buy for race mechanics. 12 points total, each point subtracts one hour from the time incurred by travel and roll-related additions. HIMS and other advanced systems like hyperdrive speeds below Class 1 are 1 point each as well. Categories are listed below. These can be included as an addendum in the description or posted here in this thread for ships that are already around. The only stipulation is that points allotted must be in accordance with the features of the ship. Basically, anything that goes in the Strengths portion of the ship template should have a point used to account for it.
3. You may use any ship class you want, although this was definitely crafted with light freighters in mind. I considered a system to include pros and cons for different types of ships, but that ended up being more than I cared to keep track of.
- Ships must be approved in the factory, either already approved from earlier and then with the points added in the discussion thread, or submitted and balanced by the start of the first race thread.
- Each point invested subtracts one hour of time from its relevant tasks, with a maximum of four points each
- Each hex crossed, by default, adds
sixeight hours of travel time with a Class 1 hyperdrive. Each point invested in hyperdrive speed past Class 1 subtracts one hour. - Each leg of the race has one d20 roll every three hexes traveled on the individual route to determine what random events happen, if any, and how long they take to resolve, measured in hours.
- Each leg will be an individual thread to write out the process of the race, responses to incidents, and all in-character interactions
- Racers may not IC or OOC sabotage each other
- Hyperlanes on the map decrease the default time per hex to
foursix hours rather thansixeight
Ship Modification Categories:
Hyperdrive Speed- how fast is your hyperdrive determines the base travel time required to cross a hex beyond the default 6 hours.
Sublight Speed-how fast you can traverse star systems at speeds below lightspeed or how fast you can run away from/evade dangers
Routine Operating Tasks- Refueling speed, sensor scan speeds, complicated navigational computations
Emergency Tasks- How fast your ship can be repaired or parts replaced, emergency hyperspace jumps,
Defensive Capabilities- How quickly you can evade pirates, customs inspector, blockades, exogorths, purgills, etc, as well as the severity of the damage.
Random Events: For the random events, I will ask all racers to make a D20 roll through whatever their preferred method may be for every three hexes. Once I collect all the rolls, I will post the random event table for that specific leg. After which, I will post the thread for the next leg where each writer is responsible for writing out the events and how they resolve them, and then tally up the total amount of time it took to complete the leg.
Winner: The winners will be decided based on the total amount of time elapsed to cover the entire distance, followed by a race afterparty thread in which the rewards are dispersed, any deceased racers mourned (Random dice tables will not include death, but a few NPCs will suffer some tragic happenstances, I suspect), and boasts performed. Any questions? Post them here!
Name of Racer (And any shipboard crew):
Name of Ship: (Link to submission and how the points were distributed)
And that is it! The first leg of the race goes up on February 14, 2021! Two weeks to get those ships together and your travel strategy calculated!
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