- Intent: To create ring for Umai to find in her search for clues about her past
- Image Source: (My wedding ring)
- Canon Link: [SIZE=9pt]Talisman of Transformation[/SIZE]
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: Me
- Manufacturer: Myself, Mandragora
- Model:
- Affiliation: Umai
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material:
Durasteel - Focus Crystal
Armor Classification: Multi-purpose
Weight: Light (skin)
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): High
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: Low
- Direct Force Powers: Low
- Heat/Flames: Average
- Cold/Ice: Average
- EMP/Ion/Electricity: Average
- Piercing Kinetic: Average
- Sonic: Low
- Force Nullification: None
- [SIZE=9pt]Spirit[/SIZE]-Imbued
- Metamorphosis: Allows the bearer to assume the scaled-down form of a gargoyle for a period of time, thanks to the channelling of spirits
- Gargoyle Spirit: When activated, the ring allows Umai to take on the shape of a gargoyle, and all the perks that come along with that:
Wings: This legendary creature is known to possess the power of flight, and thus two large, leathery wings allow for Umai to do the same - Tail: Not only for use as a rudder in flight, this agile, muscular appendage can also be wielded as a weapon in its own right
- Teeth and claws: All four legs tipped with deadly claws, and a mouth full of vicious teeth to boot, Umai would not be left wanting for sharp weapons in this form
- Scaly hide: The gargoyle's body is protected by a layer of thick, dark hide. While in this form, Umai is protected as if she were wearing armor
[*]Quick and agile: While unable to go toe-to-toe with a colossal creature like a dragon, the gargoyle's long tail and powerful wings give this form excellent manoeuvrability in the air
[*]Lightning breath: The gargoyle form is the embodiment of the dark side of the force. As such, the form this spirit grants is equally potent in that aspect. The gargoyle can summon a wicked breath weapon of force lightning
- No modesty: When activated, the ring allows Umai to take on the gargoyle's form... and just them. No clothes, no armor, no weapons. These are instead abandoned wherever the transformation took place and if Umai transforms back away from them
- Give it a minute: When activated, the transformation is not instant. It takes about a full minute for Umai to fully transform into the creature, with the wings being the last thing to form. This time takes concentration, and she is more or less defenceless for that minute
- Not armoured: The ring itself is just that, a ring. It provides no armoured benefit to Umai on its own
- Not unlimited: The form of the gargoyle is a potent one, and for every hour spent in it, Umai needs to rest her body and let the ring recharge for an hour
- Forced Out: A force nullification bubble would prevent Umai from being able to activate the ring. Similarly, if she were transformed and entered such a bubble, it would force her to revert back to her human form (so flying into one from a great height would be ill-advisable)
- Not stealthy: While in comparison to something like a space vessel or a dragon, the gargoyle might seem small, but at a height of four meters, with an 11 meter wingspan, it's huge in comparison to a regular person. There are only so many places you could hide such a large creature... even if the ceiling is among them
- Gotta spread those wings: Due to its large wingspan, there's no way the gargoyle would be able to fly through tight spaces
Umai doesn't know much about her mother, save the fact that she was a very powerful witch who left her only daughter a spell tome when she left her with her uncle. For a long time, Umai was unable to track down any clues, as her Uncle seemed in fear of the woman's memory. Having never let the tome so much as out of her sight for as many years as she had it, it’s quite a surprise that it took so long for the young witch to discover the ring of the Gargoyle hidden within the spine.
The ring is the first piece of the puzzle of Umai's mother's legacy. Artefacts such as these ones are empowered by a spirit. This particular one happens to be empowered by the spirit of the gargoyle, the creature form of a being known only as “the Son”. This mysterious creature lends some of its powers temporarily to the ring’s bearer for a time, allowing Umai to take on its shape and use its form to protect herself as she needs to.
The origins of the ring are still a mystery, did Umai’s mother create it? Did she acquire it from somewhere else? Why was it hidden in a book? The gargoyle is a creature purely of the dark side of the force. Umai had always believed her mother was a good person… perhaps just misunderstood. Why, then, would she have an artefact of the dark side like this? The spirit within lends its shape to Umai but does not communicate to her in any way. As a result, while it may make finding clues easier in the future, alone, it has proven something of a dead end.