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Approved Tech Ring of Vision || Dragr Forgeworks

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  • Intent- To create and codify a ring to assist Mandalorian's exploring the Worldship Crater on Kestri,
  • Image Source- Ali Express
  • Canon Link- N/A
  • Permissions- N/A
  • Primary Source- N/A
  • Lambent Crystal
    • What might appear as a relatively simple and otherwise average ring, the Ring of Vision is defined by the Lambent Crystal which adorns it. This Lambent Crystal allows the wearer to sense Yuuzhan Vong in their general vicinity.
  • Vong Sense-
    • Inlaid with a Lambent Crystal, the Ring of Vision provides its wearer with the ability to sense the presence of Yuuzhan Vong within their general vicinity. This ability is directly proportional to the number of Yuuzhan Vong assembled; the greater the number, the greater the distance and intensity.
  • Rarity-
    • Despite the obvious practicality of the Ring of Vision, the difficult nature of farming the already rare Lambent Crystals makes the construction of these rings a lengthy process. Extra care must be taken whilst working the crystals into the ring, as each crystal is precious.
    • For the above reasoning, the Rings are not widely available. A majority of their supply is directed to the Si'kahya, the Enclave's militant force responsible for regulating and maintaining the Worldship Crater, whilst the remainder is issued on an as-needed basis. Due to the closely-guarded Beskar used in it's construction, it is nearly impossible for the Aruetti of the Enclave to acquire one of these Rings.
  • Fragility-
    • Whilst the Ring is constructed of the extremely-durable Beskar, the Lambent Crystal adorning it is less durable. Care should be taken when handling the Ring to ensure there is no damage is done to the Crystal which would impede its functionality.
Kestri, though an isolated world with little in the way of native fauna, faces a potentially serious threat in the presence of Yuuzhan Vong in the Worldship Crater. These Vong, while purposefully kept low in population by the Si'kahya who coinhabit the crater, have proven themselves a serious threat should they be left unchecked. Being Force Dead, they are notoriously hard to detect except by more advanced technological means which are, more often than not, impractical for an individual, patrol or hunting party to carry with them.

Given that hunting the Yuuzhan Vong is considered sport amongst Kestri's Mandalorian Population, and a necessary trial in order to become a fully-fledged verd amongst the Si'kahya, there is an evident and pressing need for a more convenient and effective way to detect and preempt Yuuzhan Vong raiding parties and ambushes. This need weighed heavy on the mind of Volo Dragr one night.

As a prolific inventor and problem-solver, the Karjr Guildmaster saw the need and would not rest till he found a solution. As Head of the Intelligence Gathering Branch of the Mandalorian Enclave, Volo had access to a variety of sources dating back centuries to when the Vong first arrived at Kestri, as well as the more recent records of Si'kahya scouting parties sent to explore the Worldship Crater.

Amongst these sources was one which detailed the nature of the Lambent, a crystal-like fruit grown by the Yuuzhan Vong to serve as a light source and communicator. While primarily serving the Vong in these regards, the Lambent had a lesser-known, lesser-needed, tertiary trait; keeping a Lambent on you allowed you to sense the Vong's presence, though often overlooked for how unspecific and impractical the Lambent's sense was.

Hard to harvest, and too fragile to hold, Volo set out to improve the fruit and appropriate it for use by the Enclave. Working through many nights, typically spent after long days finding Lambent plants to harvest, he created a rudimentary ring, made of simple durasteel, which held a Lambent within it. Through further weeks of refinement, the durasteel was replaced with Beskar, and the overall design was refined. A more steady supply of Lambent plants was created and funding was sought to acquire more Beskar for the crafting of the Rings.

And so the Ring of Vision was born, a supplementary piece of equipment that would, hopefully, prove invaluable to those who dared the Vong-infested Worldship Crater on Kestri.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Volo Dragr Volo Dragr

Very cool and nice. However I have a remark, you wrote it is a very rare item. But the Minor production scale means it is very common and not rare. I recommend to delete the rare mentions from the submission, because not reflect the Production scale, or modify the production to Limited with the comment "PC only". This would reflect what you want to achieve in the submission.
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