Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Riot in the Ashes of Vaethis | TAC Dominion of Zigoola


TAGS: Old Man Leonis Old Man Leonis

Braze glanced over at Leonis with amusement at the older man's reaction. "Hey, if the boot fits," he teased, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. "But don't worry, I know you can still handle yourself, Gramps. Those cultists won't know what hit them."

As the faint voices echoed down the corridor and the flicker of candlelight caught Braze's attention, his demeanor shifted. With a quick nod, he responded in a quieter tone, "Got it. Lights out."

Braze's playful air melted into a focused readiness as he reached into his cloak, hand brushing over his ornate lightsaber hilts. He crouched slightly, softening his footsteps as he prepared to move ahead in the shadows. His voice was barely above a whisper now, but the confidence was still there.

"I'll follow your lead. Let's give them a proper welcome."



Tags: Braze Braze

Lothal Protectorate, Lucy


Leonis slinked ahead to the end of the corridor, peering around the corner. There, lit by only a few dim candles, were a handful of cloaked figures, only three from the looks of it. They sat on the floor upon their knees, their heads covered by hoods and hung in some sort of reverent position. Before them lay something bizarre looking, some kind of triangular pyramid-looking thing. It shone with a red aura, faint and eerie as far as Leonis was concerned. The voice was a chanting, it seemed, incomprehensible because it was in a language that he clearly did not understand.

Maybe it was better not to know what they were saying.

The old man was quick to act, drawing his axe and cleaving it into the back of the closest's head, positioned middle-back in the triangular chamber of the structure. He rather quickly shot the other two with Lucy, drawing the encounter to a swift close. Leonis grimaced as he withdrew the axe from the head of the cultist, shaking the blood off as he turned to step away.

"Right," he muttered. "That's that then..."

Behind him the cloaked figures began to stand up again...


Braze's attention sharpened the moment he saw it. "Oh..." he murmured, eyes narrowing as he recognized the object—a Sith wayfinder. His gaze shifted to the man ahead, watching him swiftly dispatch the cultists. But as they began to rise again, something far more sinister stirred.

Braze frowned, his expression hardening. Without hesitation, he moved toward one of the reanimated corpses, lightsaber in hand. As the zombie-like figure began to lurch back to life, Braze sliced through it with precision, teal and blue blurs of energy carving through the form, dismembering it before it could fully rise.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | Aeri Vyn Aeri Vyn

Getting out of the city wasn't easy. There were genuine rioters and Makai could certainly sympathize - if a large contingent of workers were going missing then of course the miners would want action. One of the reasons he was able to step in and buy the mining sites at a decent price - the current owners were over their heads. The deal was freshly inked and not announced, which at least allowed him to get on the city streets without being punched for being part of the problem.

What was a problem was the genuine protesters who were truly trying to change their plight had now been interrupted by those looking to take advantage of the situation. Looters, pirates, low-level gangsters, anyone who was potentially interested in just stirring up trouble in the area. With the chaos it was a perfect time to do so.

That made his journey difficult.

It was slow going, navigating the streets without hitting anyone. Especially since he had a coup speeder and not a speederbike on rental. Not exactly made for weaving in-and-out of thick traffic. Plus, some of the looter types decided he didn't need headlights or tail lights anymore

Good thing I got rental insurance.

Yet within twenty minutes he was finally able to escape the city streets and more open roads into rural areas. Hitting the accelerator, he headed for the location of the mines himself.

Meanwhile, Thirty-Three and Tevis Thane were just beginning their journey into what was now Mining Site No. 3 .According to reports, it had some of the highest activity and most reported missing miners. Optical sensors were flicked on more like a flashlight as Thirty-Three looked around, craning his head every which way.

[ These ceilings will need to be reinforced. They are not to Mister Dashiell's standard ]

"Will you quit worryin' about the ceiling? We're looking for the root of the problem here."

[ Cave-ins are a serious problem, Mister Thane. Perhaps our missing miners got trapped in a branch. ]

Objective Two: Restoring Order Amidst the Chaos of Vaethis.
Inventory: Field Apparel, Lightsaber & Balun's K-16 Bryar Pistol.
Present Company: Task-Force Rebel Dawn.
Interacting With: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell & Aeri Vyn Aeri Vyn .


Isabella Johnson had just relayed the news to Balun: Makai Dashiell, his brother, was within the city limits of Zigoola. The revelation struck Balun like a bolt of disbelief, yet at the same time, it made perfect sense. Makai, the ever-successful mining mogul, had built a substantial fortune in the galaxy. Much of his wealth stemmed from the manufacturing and sale of construction materials, not only distributed throughout the Galactic Market but also utilized by Dashiell Incorporated. The idea that Makai might be on Zigoola for a business operation was logical, though troubling in its implications for the family business.

"Negative. Do not intercept. Let him leave," Balun instructed calmly. Makai was reportedly heading towards the edge of the city in a sleek, open-top speeder. Johnson and Fletcher would only be able to maintain visual contact for a limited time. "Decamp and meet us at street level. We're about to close in on your position. It's time to get our hands dirty and help the locals," he added, his voice firm with purpose. Turning to La'das Beiran, Balun gave a subtle wave with his left hand, signaling him to relay orders to Lieutenant Whitley and Private Buckley: it was time to pack up and move out.

As his squad began their preparations, Balun took a moment to attune himself to the energy flowing through the galaxy—the ethereal connection binding all life together. He focused his thoughts, reaching out into the cityscape with his senses, searching for the familiar presence of his brother, Makai. In the quiet recesses of Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell 's mind, Balun imparted a whisper, a gentle yet urgent warning: "Be careful out there, brother." His telepathic message drifted through the currents of the Force, wishing Makai luck on his unknown journey.

MaraTibx, Haven Shipyards, Arceneau Trade Fuel and Trade Station
Zigoola Space
BYOO: Placement of neutral Trade, Refueling, and Ship Repair facility Orbiting Zigoola
Open to Interaction | Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

The deeper they went into the mine, the darker and colder it became. Their headlamps flickered, casting long shadows on the walls. The air smelled stale, like rock and damp earth, and Aeri could feel the weight of the planet pressing down on them. The unease in her gut grew stronger with every step.

Suddenly, her commlink crackled to life again. "Aeri, this is Mia. We've picked up something strange in the energy readings from your location."

Aeri stopped, motioning for her team to halt as well. "Strange how?"

"There's a fluctuation in the planetary magnetic field. It's faint, but it's centered around the mine. We don't know what's causing it yet, but it could explain some of the malfunctions the miners were reporting."

Aeri's grip tightened on her blaster. "Any chance it's natural?"

"Unlikely. We've ruled out the usual geological activity. It's too localized."

Of course, Aeri thought. Nothing was ever simple on a planet like Zigoola. "Thanks for the heads up. Keep monitoring."

She clicked off the commlink and turned back to the tunnel ahead. "You hear that? Stay alert. There's something happening here, and it's not just bad equipment."


Tags | x x x x x x x

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