Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ripples across Space

Amelia listened quietly, not speaking until it was needed. Information was its own power and at times it was best to listen rather than speak. As the woman before her explained that she inherited it from birth, she had her own thought of the matter. Perhaps it was as easy to attain as just draining a Force Sensitive individual, though even she knew such a thought was not proper or rather not found in any form of hard evidence. A soft smirk crossed her lips as she heard of the so called 'Force Dynasties'.

"Yes, Dynasties are a very... double edged blade."

A soft smirk came to her lips as she thought of the Bloodlines of her kind, a chuckle escaping as she looked to the fiery redheaded woman sitting before her.

"My kind are known for their bloodlines. Of those only a few are considered 'Pure', and of those the Carpathia bloodline is known for being highly inbred. They sought to keep their Pure blood status and in doing so have doomed their own bloodline."

When the question though was brought up of how Force Users would be treated among those that she associated with, she couldn't help herself. That same smirk appeared, her fangs flashing for a moment as her eyes fluttered closed for a moment.

"There was a time I would say that they would be removed as a danger. Though such ideals have been tempered in more recent years. Now the answer to that is more simple. They would be directed to the Free Worlds Coalition Keepers. If we sent them to the Sith we might as well kill them outright, and the Jedi are too fractured to even consider."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

"Did they start inbreeding and turn mentally deficient?" Siobhan asked sarcastically, shaking her head. "Blood purity is such a silly concept. And absurd from a biological standpoint. Then again, several Eldorai aristos aren't any brighter."

On a certain level, the Fire-Maned Lady had a superiority complex when it came to blue bloods because she had worked her way up, as opposed to being born with a golden spoon in her mouth. It did not stop her from ruling Firemane like an absolute monarch.

"The Keepers are Coalition law enforcement, aren't they? Sensible route. For all their talk about being defenders of peace and justice, few Jedi concern themselves with that. And those that do often have no respect or understanding for the law. All flash and no substance. They cannot even agree on their Code." Of course, Siobhan's conception of what constituted due process and law enforcement might differ strongly from that of a Jedi. Or a policeman or magistrate in a democratic society.
"There are few of the Carpathia bloodline that still live and those that do are of such as to not be of a concern. They shall die out and their bloodline will be remembered for what it was, weak."

Amelia held back a soft chuckle, hating to talk as such of her own kind though knowing the truth behind it all. Her species was stronger if they bred with others, though weaker if they remained 'pure'. A soft smirk crossed her lips though as she thought of something, thought of a means to introduce a stronger blood into the line. Looking to the fire haired woman the thought remained, though it was something that with her own history she could just as easily have no desire to be part of.

"From my understanding the Keepers are to the Coalition as the Jedi were once to the Republic. In these times it is the best option given the situation with the Jedi."

Leaning forward slightly, a soft smirk remained upon her lips as her golden hues slowly moved over Sio.

"May I propose to you a hypothetical situation?"

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

In response, Siobhan raised a delicate eyebrow and looked at the vampire with a guarded expression. "You may." Of course, whether Amelia would receive an answer - or one she liked - was another question entirely. The fact that the so-called purebloods were doing a good job going extinct did not surprise her.

Indeed, she was reminded of those Eldorai who continued to insist that they were a superior race with a goddess-given destiny to dominate others - and that all those who stood in their way were lesser beings, despite the overwhelmning evidence to the contrary.
A small smile replaced the smirk as she kept her eyes upon Sio, her golden hues intently watching the woman while she organized the thoughts within her mind. Once she found them though she leaned back slowly, her hands resting upon the arm rests of the seat. In truth she didn't really expect a direct answer, though there was just as much to be said from silence as there was from the words spoken.

"What would you do for more time? For a body that could heal itself of nearly any wound?"

Her smirk grew softly to reveal her fangs, her tongue pressing against the tip of one slightly as she leaned forward again. Her eyes locked with Sio's as she watched her carefully.

"What would you do with such a power mixed with the Force?"

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

"Are you offering to bite me? No thanks. I have no desire for that," Siobhan said bluntly. There was a slight chill to her tone. No meant no - and this was a firm one. "If I was 'immortal' I'd probably end up as a god-queen somewhere, have a jolly time being worshipped, then eventually die a violent death after forgetting that no one lives forever. Immortality sounds good on paper, but pursuit of it is as pointless as searching for the holy grail. A good ruler acknowledges that her time is finite, and tries to leave a legacy behind, including someone she can pass on the torch to."

That said, this awarness of her own mortality had not prevented her from acquiring the knowledge of how to body-hop, just in case. Admittedly it had been more by circumstance than design, and she was not sure she could pull off the ritual unaided.
"If I were to offer to bite you it would not be to turn you. It would be to bite you for an entirely different reason."

Amelia said with a soft smirk, her golden hues falling upon Sio and watching her while she listened. There was truth in her words, though there was also that underlying what if. She could hear that clearly, the desire to leave more than just a legacy. Closing her eyes for a moment she thought on the words, her attention returning to the fiery redhead as she smirked softly.

"There are times though that there are those not worthy of such a torch. What do you do then? Do you merely allow the torch to be passed, or do you take action to ensure that your time continues until one worthy of your legacy appears?"

A question that was simple enough and one that could leave many a pause as to their own thoughts and beliefs in how they reigned. There was always the desire for more time and even those that said they were ready for death were often the ones most scared of its embrace.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

"And the answer woud still be no." Some people considered a vampire's bite to be erotic and sexually stimulating. In Sio's opinion they were fools, just begging to be drained or enthralled. She frowned at Amelia's query. "If you know anything about me, you'll know the answer to that. I would never let anyone unworthy take my throne. Countess, I am a simple enough woman. If you have a point, please come out and say it," Siobhan said tersely.
There it was, the forwardness that she was looking for, perhaps even the flame still burned within this woman. A soft smirk remained upon her lips, those golden hues never leaving her guest. This woman truly was a gift to the galaxy and for the moment she still had her attention, at least for a bit longer.

"Why have you not claimed some small fiefdom? Or perhaps there is a reason you've not claimed your own Empire..."

Bringing her hands up slightly, she motioned towards the device that had remained upon the table. Slowly the image flickered away only to be replaced with another image. The shimmering blue map of the galaxy remained now, slowly rotating.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

Once again, the vampire failed to make a clear point. She seemed to jump from topic to topic. If she was pursuing some sort of angle, Siobhan did not see it. It also seemed like she did not really know how Firemane worked. Sio's interest was declining. She got up from her chair.

"I run Firemane, a company of galactic proportions with its own armies and interests on many worlds. Why do I need to rule a small fief when I could purchase it? And why would I wish to claim an empire? How has that worked out for most people? Look at recent history. Empires and Republics have risen, then turned to dust...yet I am still here. I would rather do things my own way without relying on anyone else."
The doors slowly creaked open, two armored individuals stood quietly as a third entered. The woman had clearly seen that her guest's own interest was thin and had been dwindling. Remaining seated, she leaned to the side as the individual that entered leaned over. Keeping her eyes upon her guest, she merely nodded before bringing her hand up.

Pulling herself up, she offered a small smile. Stepping forward, her eyes remained locked upon Sio, taking another moment to admire the woman before offering a small bow of her head.

"I thank you for your time, though it appears our meeting must be cut short. I shall contemplate all that you've said. Please, these two will escort you anywhere you may require while on Alderaan."

Amelia offered a bow before moving towards her desk. Stopping for a moment, she looked over her shoulder and smiled slightly.

"You'd have made a lovely vampire. Perhaps you'll change your mind in the future."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

And you'd make a lovely filler for the Dahomian urn Tempest bought, Siobhan thought to herself. The brief moment where she'd felt felt empathy for Amelia had passed. Bottom line, Siobhan was not attracted to vampires and considered their appetites disgusting as opposed to erotic. The same applied to the woman's apparent desire to pass on her condition. She felt a stab of revulsion.

"In the unlikely event that I decide to pursue the grand delusion that is immortality, I'll make my own path. That's the best way to accomplish anything worthwhile. Good day," she replied evenly and walked out. Her head was held high and her exit was dignified as she left the chamber - and then the building.

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