With Kamino and its clone armies under control of the rapidly growing Imperial Remnant, a new leader emerges. In the aftermath of the Kamino invasion, Tanomas Graf stated that he would be stepping down as Grand Admiral of the Imperial Fleet, only to take up the mantle as Emperor of the Imperial Remnant. Production and recruitment of millions of stormtroopers is currently ongoing in the Outer Rim of the galaxy as the Emperor's eyes are set on the rest of the sector.
Concurrent with the declaration of an Emperor, is the creation of the Imperial Military's Advanced Weapons Research Division led by Director Travis Caalgen, rumors are circulating of the construction of a new class of star destroyer in deep space, but what does the ambitious Director have in store for the enemies of the Remnant? Only time will tell. New appointments have been made to the Command Triumvirate, Grand Admiral Butch Mahan and Grand Master Alexandra Feanor.
Meanwhile, the Imperial shipyards at Void Station, generously donated by Baron of the Empire, High Colonel Morcus, have been producing ships at a 200% rate, with ships from the old Imperator-class making a resurgence as the main capital vessel of the Remnant. The estimated vessel count for the Imperial Navy is estimated to have reached over ten thousand in these last couple of weeks.
Amazing job guys! The Imperial Remnant is now a major faction, we will begin our dominions soon and hope to conquer the entirety of the Kamino Hex so our defenses may be set in stone! Keep killing Rebel scum!