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Dominion Rise of the Eternal Fleet | EE Dominion of Lwhekk

Dasmi Lindervale


C O M M O D O R E | D I M I T R I


Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Alghul Alshamsiu BB-610 BB-610 Bella Bella Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

Dimitri did little more than allow the senior officers of each vessel control the ebb and flow of their vessels as they saw fit. While giving overarching orders was a demand in certain moments, the midst of combat only dictated his attention upon the large breach of the line or when some oversight had been made. As it were, the majority were holding themselves and not allowing themselves to fall into tunnel vision.

Every vessel continued to punish anything within reach, while receiving equal measure from the Ssi-ruuk in kind. Shields were holding for the time as boarding vessels attempted to punch through the defensive formation that the DP20's had formed paired with the Disruptors that were playing loth cat and mouse with the pursuers.

The larger vessels were providing covering fire when guns weren't trained on something larger and more domineering, though it was not entirely relied upon. A few pickets of the enemy broke through the line as ion fire raked across the shields of a Coda and security teams were dispatched to the predicted point of entry.

Bulkhead integrity was checked as internal security systems began to work. Marines double timed it down the corridors clear of non-essential's with prior lockdown as they prepared for close combat.

Dimitri watched in silence as the wicked dance continued in frantic measure. Rimes narrowed her eyes, finally asking the question that had been bothering her since the initial blitz protocol had been engaged. Her question drew a slow but knowing look from the former Admiral. She had not been privy to the meeting Dimitri had held with the captains of the vessels now drawn into question. As he had wanted it.

"Where are the assault corvettes?"


The CR90’s continued to draw a course across the city as lock warnings blared across the systems. Each captain quickly discerning the point of attack as point defense fire opened up. A spray of anti-missile fire engaged as the spray cannons let loose with the triad of laser fire in the direction of the oncoming torpedo's as the five captains silently engaged their next course of action.

The fallback plan had been engaged. A caveat to their original mission if airborne enemies made themselves known.

The engines of each sputtered as the repulsor systems kept them aloft. The attitude thrusters, ion deflectors, and emergency atmospheric thrusters all firing to one side in different measure to put the nose of the vessels on a collision course with the oncoming attackers. The gunners focused fire on one vessel, giving a quick laser comm back and forth to confirm as all weapons aboard began to focus down targets in unison.

Light turbolasers and assault laser cannons would attempt to reach out and rake a chosen vessel with focused fire.

The five vessels let loose two shots from the bomblet generator in the direct course of the intervening ships while dropping another set of seismic charges in their wake. Shield power was shifted forward towards the engaging vessels as the captains of each gave a signal to the engine room. A yellow light shone brightly against the wall, the engineering crew pausing only to acknowledge the signal before beginning preparations.

The charges detonated, throwing debris and loose items into the air as the captains pressed their vessels on.

The energy signatures of the five CR90's would slowly grow as the rebel's engaged them. Seeming to purposely overload themselves while keeping as close to the attackers as possible. Only when one fighter was knocked out of the fight did their concentrated fire shift to the next target.

Location: Tiera’al Hett's Complex - Lwhekk
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Lyssa Io Lyssa Io Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

"One. We're now on a timer, because you felt the need to eliminate four troopers when avoiding them was just as much an option. When they don't report in, this palace will go into alert and our mission just became harder."

“I, two, three, four stormtroopers we don’t have to deal with later, buckethead.” Ivixa answered flatly, her annoyance at having to work with people outside of the Empire’s military structure, flaring up once more. “And a timer? We’re supposed to be going fast already. There’s one window to capture this guy and if we miss it, he’s gone.” Ivixa huffed, turning away from the Alor as she did.

“I’ll follow your orders, Mando, but you should know that if I take a shot, I. Don’t. Miss.” The tiny sniper hissed, seemingly undaunted by the Alor’s towering, armored form.

Ordered to go to the rear of the formation, Ivixa did as she was told, feeling the eyes on her as she moved. Nevertheless, Ivixa wasn’t scared of Mandalorians, as while they were still a fierce, martial culture, the galaxy had caught up with them in many ways. In her eyes, it was the era of the Imperial, if the might of the Sith Empire, then the New Imperial Order and the Eternal Empire, was any indication.

However, in seeing Lyssa turn into a puddle of nanites before her eyes, Ivixa wondered what beskar, stormtroopers, TIEs, and jetpack missiles could hope to do against that.

“Well, since I’m a sniper who isn’t allowed to actually shoot at long range umm...uhh, just let me know if y’all need anything.” Ivixa muttered sarcastically as she followed the group, before grappling up into an overwatch position on the walls.

Location: Space - Lwhekk System
Call Sign: Osato Aerospace F-600 Kalidor Strike Fighter - Royal Four
Equipment: FAE/A-09 Anti-G SuitX-8 Night Sniper
Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus BB-610 BB-610 Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Dimitri Lindzinsky Malanves Lagrange Malanves Lagrange Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla
Direct Engagement: BB-610 BB-610

Bella smiled as BB gunned down the two V’sett-class fighters in a pair of hyper-surgical bursts, unleashing a series of fiery antimatter explosions as the osmium rounds connected with their targets in a display that drew out a sense of elation in the Togruta ace.

“Scratch two, BB! Nice kills! We’re almost there!” Bella exclaimed as she drove her fighter ahead, weaving her craft through the gauntlet of laser fire with practiced precision and honed instinct. As she did, she closed in on two more bandits, immediately banking her wings hard to port in order to follow their evasive maneuver. Not a moment later, her laser cannons flared to life, cutting down one fighter in a plume of blue fire, then the next in similarly explosive, dopamine-inducing fashion.

The picket ship was almost in range.

“BB, we’re splitting up! I want you to close in on those engines and dump as much antimatter as you can into the housings, to make that corvette a sitting duck. Then, on my mark, I need you to SLAM out of there as fast as possible. That’s when I’ll finish it with Fox twos, okay?”

Once the Togruta registered the astromech’s assent, she gave the command.

“I’ll cover you, lead the way, BB!”

Dropping back onto the wing of the astromech's Aethersprite, Bella followed close behind, before breaking off as she made her attack run, pouring laser fire into the shields of the picket ship. However, her maneuver was only intended to cover the damage the astromech would wreak on the corvette's engines, which would hopefully leave it extremely vulnerable to a finishing salvo. As she did, retaliatory point-defense fire clipped her shields, warnings echoing against her montrals to alert her to the incoming fire. Nevertheless, Bella stayed committed to the plan, pulling back in a reverse Split S and diving into a second attack run, intending to keep the attention on herself, rather than her wingmate.

"One more run, then Fox two!"

Eternal Fleet Command

Objective 2: DARK RUMOURS

TAG: Kuben Woods Kuben Woods

The environment Damien and his party would be greeted with could be easily considered off putting at best, or unsettling more accurately. While there was blood to be seen as well as corpses, over time the soldier would approach the realization that there were not nearly as many corpses as one might expect from a boarding action conducted by an aggressive alien species. In fact, as they proceeded deeper into the station, whereas one might expect an increase in the amount of corpses to be seen, in actual fact fewer would be encountered instead. As his group approached the lift, a sudden sensation would begin to wash over him. As if...

As if he were being watched. It would seem the realization wouldn’t fully make itself known until after his antics with the lift had come to fruition, at which point he would potentially notice that their group was short by one person. No fresh blood could be seen, hardly a noise heard outside of what one might expect from a dark hallway outside of a turbolift. In fact, the absence of sound would in and of itself be as clearly heard as if an explosion had erupted around them.

’Why is it so quiet...?’

Suddenly, the still silence would be shattered by a piercing shriek, coming from behind them. The scream would be muffled, as if contained within a room 50 meters or so away from their position, but one could not hope to fully contain a scream laced with pure horror and pain. It almost sounded like that of a creature skewered by a jagged hunting blade to the ground beneath, but it carried a certain familiarity to the Eternal Soldiers.

At this stage, they were already within the shaft. They would be faced with a choice - to turn back to find out who - or more accurately what the source of the scream was, or to push on into the long and ominous dark before them...

Location: In elevator shaft of Observation Post
Equipment: Jackal ACR, Sk-RS Mk. IV, two fragmentation grenades, four flash bangs, lightsaber (concealed)
Objective: Dark Rumors
Mission: Board station, secure station, ensure SAR parties and Recovery teams can accomplish follow on

Damian froze when he heard the scream echo through the elevator shaft. The only thing louder than his heart pounding now from dump of adrenaline going through his veins, was the laughing in his head from the voice. He'd taken point at this juncture, being the farther up the shaft than the rest of the squad. When he stopped, he hung from the shaft with one foot and hand holding up his rifle one handed as he looked down, then up. Their mission parameters had been clear. Get to the bridge, grab the data, and secure what they could for follow on parties. That didn't allow for a wild goose chase after something that clearly they all heard.

Makes you wish you could just go after it doesn't it.


Damian had screamed so loud in his head he had to bite his tongue from saying it out loud. Literally. He switched back to watching above them, straining to see anything in the dark. Any kind of movement, any kind of danger. The hairs on his neck were standing as far as they could. A tap on his foot from the soldier below him would get his attention as he looked back down. The Corporal caught his eyes and quickly waved forward. They needed to double time and get out of this kill zone. Mission took priority. Damian would let the rifle fall back into its sling as he started climbing up much faster. Normally surprise and stealth were something one balanced with speed and deliberation of actions. The former however was no longer theirs to claim. So speed and ensuring their tempo was high enough to dictate the actions was now priority. They weren't scrambling, but they were definitely moving much faster. In a few very short minutes they would reach the next door, and Damian would hit the emergency release so he could simply pull the door open. When it popped he let out a sigh of relief as he stepped onto the floor with his rifle raised. Now that they'd been made, the elevator shaft straight to the top was a no go. There however was an alternate stairwell about four hundred meters walk away that they could use. And they were two or three levels below the bridge. One by one as the Ultranauts clambered up, they would take up positions of security. One looking down each hallway first, and then one looking down the lift shaft as the rest made their way up. Damian was set up in the way they needed to go, with the ones going to his left and right going to be right behind him. The Corporal would be the one to pull lift security by the time he got up, and would also count out the rest of the squad to make sure everyone was here. Damian couldn't tell but the comms chatter the Corporal would be privy too, alongside relaying back to the rest of the platoon, would probably cause his blood to run cold. The other squads would be moving towards similar encounters, them being able to actually flex and respond to them accordingly. That they all encountered it though, was what would have worried him. The idle whispers of the voice in his head, audible to those sensitive to the force and willing to listen it, was more than likely it trying to goad it into action itself.

Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows

Objective: See our allies capabilities
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Lyssa Io Lyssa Io | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Links: Armor, Weapon, and Gunner in sig | Ammo

His words spoken to Ivixa, Adenn noted the nod from Ingrid, and the silent, all but hidden agreement of Lyssa. It seems they agreed, though the scathing bite of Ivixa's words turned Adenn's frown into a sneer. Turning to face her fully, he crossed his arms in an unimpressed manner. Leaning forward, he spoke, voice scathing in its rebuke, showcasing his disdain and annoyance of the small figure very clearly.

"And yet you miss the point. I see four stormtroopers who won't report in, who make us having to rush a necessity, rather than another option." Laughing darkly, he glared down at Ivixa. "It seems you need a refresher. There is beskar at stake here. Our target will run if he knows Mando'ade are coming for him. The chances of him running grow the more troopers don't report in, because that means they're under attack. And if they're under attack, our mission becomes all the harder."

Glowering gaze leaving her behind, Adenn focused on the mission. A part of him did wonder about her though. She was a Blackwatch agent, a special agent, yet had such trouble working with others. Hopefully she was an exception, not the norm, otherwise there would be issues down the line between them. Dropping his sneer, Adenn let his mission focus take over. He'd put the agent in her place if need be, but for now she'd obey or she'd be left behind.

Turning forward, Adenn nodded to Ingrids words over comms. He himself wasn't able to do so, thus Ingrid simply vanished to him, but it would be good if someone knew her exact positioning. Ingrid and Lyssa both moved out, and Adenn watched them go, even as Gunner watched their surroundings. What he saw was good, they worked together, if separately, to create a gap for them to cross. Grinning as that gap appeared, Adenn made a forward motion and rushed across the gap. Adenn and Gunner both moved across the gap in tandem, one watching right, the other left, and when they reached the wall they instinctively took up opposite positions.

No words were exchanged from them, even as they kept an eye out, ensuring the rest could cross as well, if they hadn't done so already. Once everyone was there, Adenn peeked around the corner, still camouflaged. Looking about with thermals, Adenn was searching for any indication of the warlord. Towards the center of the compound was a larger concentration of heat signature, leading to him to assume that's where the target was. Ducking back into cover, Adenn glanced towards the wall they were against, before looking towards his allies.

Eyes narrowing, he thought for a moment. Then he spoke up, laying out the continuation of the plan.
"Keep moving, remain stealthy. We'll be moving into the palace now, so stay out of sight. The closer we get to the target, the more likely it is we'll have to go loud. When that happens, we rush forward. Before that time, keep deaths to a minimal, every death is another minute less we have to get our target. Once we go loud, don't stop moving."

Looking towards the wall they were crouched next to, Adenn focused on the window on the ground floor. Moving to it, he double checked that it was clear, before opening the window inward and climbing inside. Shortly behind was Gunner, and together they moved to the door. Waiting a moment for any other to join, they soon set off, deeper into the palace.

Lyssa Io

The Daughter of Blades
Lyssa, once she had helped create a Gap for Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud and company to cross, immediately flowed to his location, though she remained in a puddle state for the sake of easy traversal.

To confirm she had acknowledged his orders however, the puddle of mercury she currently was formed a hand that gave the thumbs up sign, deciding she would go with him as she flowed into the window after they did, then through the palace doors, flowing up the walls and onto the ceiling,

Her Nanites detected cameras, and she deposited small samples of herself into them to permanently reprogram them on a feed back loop, so they wouldn't be detected passing through as her Nanites clung to micro pours on the ceiling. She also reprogrammed security alarm panels she passed over so in case they did get spotted, they would not be immediately able to sound for reinforcements. She occasionally would get a bit ahead of the team, spot a sentry, then make a noise to draw their attention away from the Alor and his people. But ever closer they got to the center, hopefully where this traitor was. Like her brothers, she took an innate thrill in battle...

Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Fleet: (Space) 2x Dragonsnake-class Picket Cruiser, 4x Gun fitted Barri-class Cargo Frigates, 2x CST Toscan 8-R (Atmo) 6x Refitted Ranger-class FACs 1x CST Toscan 8-R, 1x "Ghost" Viper Squadron, Freighters and shuttles for evacuation

Kalic grit his teeth as he quickly commanded the setting of the Ghost Viper's engines for whatever he needed at that moment. The CR90s packed a pretty substantial anti-missile system it seemed, and soon they would focus their guns on one of the lightly armored fast attack corvettes. Kalic took a breath. He had to think quick. Thankfully the corvettes didn't only have warhead launchers to their names. And as the focused corvette began to fall back in a slim, but ultimately futile hope of avoiding fire, the Mirluka pilot would call out.

"Forget the launchers, use your heavies to hammer one of them. All fighters, start running a little harassment to try and get some of the guns off our FACs" After giving the order, Kalic and his own wingman would dart ahead. He would push his Ghost Viper as fast as it could go before swapping the engines to agility, and quickly pulling behind the corvettes and opening fire with his particle cannons. The other pilots would pull similar attention getting moves. Usually you wanted to be discreet, but now they were trying to keep the remaining Rangers alive. For their part, the FACs would focus their heavy turbolaser batteries into one of the CR90s, and quickly pick up the pass in a bet to use their natural speed to avoid some of the CR90s fire.

Dimitri Lindzinsky



OBJECTIVE: Breakthrough
TAGS: Dimitri Lindzinsky Malanves Lagrange Malanves Lagrange Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Bella Bella Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla BB-610 BB-610 Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

Aximand’s flotilla fired several barrages of their main armaments into the encroaching corvettes and cruisers, focusing fire as best they could to make their volleys as efficient as possible. Three corvettes yielded under the weight of firepower assailing them, with another three under heavy assailment from the fighter craft launched in the first wave. The ENS Triton kept close to the Retribution, with both ships hammering away and switching targets with a methodical precision indicative of their commander. Aximand’s eye scanned the tactical display in front of him. One of the CR90s under his command, the ENS Vekt, was grappled by some of the surviving ships attempting to engage the Eternal Fleet up close. Hundreds of hulking Ssi-Ruuvi boarders surged into the ship’s passage ways, met with the desperate attempts to repel them in the form of sporadic blaster fire from hastily prepared positions. The ship’s meager crew-size was easily overwhelmed. The crewmen who had any idea what fate would await them were quick to take their own lives, with the Captain possessing the presence of mind to engage the ship’s self-destruct sequence before the bridge was overrun.

The Vekt erupted in a burst of energy, with all hands - be they Imperial of Ssi-Ruuk - lost to the void. The other assault Corvettes were quick to learn from their ill-fated brother-ship, dodging hitherto so as to avoid the tractor beams and grappling arms of the encroaching ships.

”Admiral, there is a renegade fleet making its way to the planet. They are not broadcasting their intent, but their ships appear to be a mixture of Imperial-make and third party requisitions.”

The announcement puzzled Aximand. What third party could be here, in the thick of a heated battle? Were they beleaguered traders who had exited lightspeed at the wrong moment? Before he had a chance to speak, Lt. Commander Aierka spoke again: ”They are not responding to my hails, and it appears Commodore Lindzinsky is engaging them.”

”Order the firing line to keep up the barrage. I want the Ashkelon frigates to engage their flak cannons in the space between us and the advancing Ssi-Ruuk ships. Engage all reverse thrusters to try and maintain some space between us and them.” The tactical officer did as she was commanded. The flak cannons of the escort frigates burst to life, peppering the space between the fleets with high powered flak bursts. At first, they were firing into pure air - but as the corvettes burst forth, intent on closing the distance; their shields were soon overwhelmed by the combined assault of the bombers and firepower of the larger ships, and the flak rounds did their job in causing seams to burst along the paneling of the smaller ships. Eventually, the majority of the advancing corvettes either burst from depressurization, or were slowed significantly from their advance upon Aximand’s portion of the line.

This left the cruisers as the main threat to deal with. The order went through rather quickly for all ships to concentrate fire upon the cruisers, with Aximand personally seeing to his sequence of operations being broadcast to the rest of the fleet so they knew what he was doing. Perhaps he could get support from the other lines, or perhaps this would free up others to perform a maneuver to turn the tide.



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