Sabé Anres
Chief Warden
A foul stench resides in the air, one mixed with ore dust, sweat and death. The previous night was a harsh one for some. A few of the prisoners attempted a rebellion and escape, however those efforts were quickly squandered and put to a very swift end. And as always, their bodies were hung up on display like puppets on strings until the Chief Warden designated it time to jettison them out through the airlock. This prison was a special one built within a large asteroid floating through the Outer Rim. It's location was always changing, which made it harder to locate. Colonies of Ysalamiri's lived within the walls entombing the asteroid in a nullifying barrier that prevented those with Force abilities to use them. Sound cannons and sound rifles were also on hand, just in case. Yet each section of the prison is easily isolated, allowing for the environmental and gravity controls to be turned off any time the Chief Warden calls for it.
Several guards flanked the Chief Warden as she stood at the railing that gave her ample view of the main cellblock, while high above it stood some higher ranked officers observing from the deck of a floating platform. Today was a new day and yesterday's little hiccup was not going to spoil the schedule. New prisoners had arrived through the prison's only hanger. Their prison garbs were already handed out. Now it was only a matter of time before the newest additions joined the ranks of their bletherin.
Loud buzzing tones rang out, echoing through this section of the prison. The cell doors were opened automatically and like clockwork the prisoners were to file out of their cells and assemble in front of their doors.
The day shift was about to begin after the Chief Warden's welcoming speech.
Tags: Skyler Wren Valery Noble Katarine Ryiah Darth Nexion Kaljak Rakham Eivii Mak Manto (and anyone else )
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