The Chief Warden gave a sideways nod as the droid explained her color choice, once again giving her response of 'to each their own', but this time non-verbally.
Her focus returned to the holovids and her caf once the droid began to point certain guards out. She took a small sip, almost giving the look of someone that was indifferent to the suggestion of guards that had the potential to betray their orders. However that could not be further from the truth as she was in fact paying very close attention.
The droid's observations were accompanied by questions; ones that the Chief Warden was sure to answer. In time.
"Should they falter from their duties, they are swiftly demoted. If they wish to collude with the prisoners, then they will join them. I am not concerned with using them to gain moles for--" the Chief Warden pasued for a moment, giving forth a small hint of a smile.
"--I already have some of those." Just how many moles she had, she did not divulge. Yet there was little doubt that the droid would be able to discern that for herself in a short time.
"Keeping to a strict schedule is what works well for us here. Having quotas gives everyone a goal to accomplish."
A glint of light caught her eye in amongst the holovid feeds. There was something glinting in
Zari Daal 's cell. If that is what she thinks it is, then that prisoner was a thief. Resorting to such crimes in her facility was not going to be tolerated.
Yet before she could speak up about it, a message from one of her guards outside of her office door sent a message. It popped up on her datapad that sat on top of her desk, indicating that a new recruit had arrived for his appointment. Early. She quickly typed out a reply with one hand as her other still held her caf.
~I will see him at his designated scheduled time. And not a minute sooner.~
"I have another appointment to keep. We can continue this later this evening."
17-KR7 "Enigma"
Trayze Tesar