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Populate [RNR][Zhar] The Storm Gathers


Queen's Handmaiden


Back on Naboo

The Council of Light has been called to gather at the request of their Grand Master, Briana Sal-Soren, a week following the tense meeting on Crait. Much was said and shared on that salt-laden world, including a vision of an impending darkness taking over the galaxy and destroying the Jedi. Yet, rather than leaving Crait with unity and conviction, many among the Order of Shiraya's Council departed with uncertainty and hesitation.

Now Briana’s gathered them together again, not to rehash arguments, but to try and find common ground together. The question is, will they be able to come to an understanding and acknowledge the growing storm beyond their borders? Or, will the Council remain divided, hoping that the vision they received does not come to pass, that the Jedi will not fall, and that war and darkness will not come to tear down their doors…




On the moon of Gall, above the planet Zhar, Jedi Padawans hailing from the Order of Shiraya have been summoned to undergo Netherworld survival training under the supervision of Rook, a woman who has lived through the hellscape of the Netherworld for several years and made it back. After the events of what is now being called The Second Catacylsm, it was deemed prudent to prepare the students of Shiraya for the possibility of any future incursions so that they would be ready to face the worst. What they haven’t been told is that this is, in actuality, a covert screening test, designed to push them to their limits and reveal who among them will have the strength, discipline, and instincts necessary for something far more dangerous: a mission into the Netherworld itself.



Naboo is a world rich in beauty, history, and intrigue, offering countless opportunities for adventure and discovery. From its sprawling plains and serene lakes to its bustling cities and hidden ruins, there is always something waiting to be explored. Bring your own objective and help shape the story of the Royal Naboo Republic.

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TAG: Rook Merriex Rook Merriex




She was getting back in the swing of things.

Master Rik Perris Rik Perris ' guidance has really helped her come to terms with a lot of stuff. Mostly that it was ok that she felt the way that she did. And that it was ok to not walk the same road as everyone else. Thanks to his training and guidance, her nightmares of the Wedding were almost gone now.

But he had to be a butt too and just drop her off here.

The storms were bad coming in. It wasn't exactly the most friendliest of places. But at least she wasn't alone and she can get to meet some new friends that will suffer this dreary place with her. It'll make it all worth it. Friends always made anything worth it.

If only she had her music with her too. Or Evie.

Ceri wasn't known for her patience. She'd always end up wandering around, discovering new things. But she tried to remain in one place, lightly bouncing in one place as she waited for the whole shindig to start. Apparently it was kind of important. So she had to at least try and be serious for a change.


Tags: Rook Merriex Rook Merriex Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi

The previous week seemed to go by incredibly fast. Aiden had made the choice to push aside at least for now what was spoke of Crait. He was a Jedi Padawan, and that was what he needed to focus on. Everything else would fall into place as it should. Aiden arrive with a group of Padawans that were to be training under Rook as her expertise was invaluable. The Padawan didn't know much about her history but that she had survived in the Netherworld for a long time. The fact that she was still alive and able to pass one what she had experienced and to be able to train them for such a thing.

Aiden was ready for this sort of training. He just hoped he was prepared for what was to come.

The Jedi Padawan awaited word, as he opted to take a seat in a meditative stance while he waited for what was to come. On the outside, the Padawan showed the strength of his father, stoic and strong.

The emotions and such beneath the surface though, a storm gathered.

Tags: Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky

The Jedi Master sat in one of the chairs designated for him while he awaited for everyone to show up, which didn't take to long. Pleasantries and such were exchanged. Kahne giving each of them an encouraging smile and feeling of hope for what was to come. Everyone need to trust to hope, at least in his opinion. They were there for the purpose of speaking of what was discussed on Crait. There were many different views and opinions on the vision and that was the way of life. Everyone had their own views on what was depicted in the vision itself.

Kahne sure did....

"Good day my friends." Kahne began with a soft greeting before he would continue with his opinion and what he would be doing. "The events on Crait and the vision shown before us all was something indeed troubling. The galaxy is always changing, its evolving and somethings don't always stay the same. I am not here to hinder anyone's views or suppress them. What you believe is what you believe and your actions are your own. It is the will of the force, we all have a path to take and no one should be allowed to tell you otherwise." Kahne cleared his throat as he relaxed back into his seat more. The calm exterior and interior of the Jedi showing fully.

"I know, that no one here is going to alter my course or convince me otherwise of what I believe. That is probably why I have remained an independent Jedi for so long. My mind is my own, as are yours."

" I agree with certain things that were shown and expressed in the meeting on Crait. There will be somethings I will assist in, and some I will not."

The Jedi Master then raised one finger in front of him briefly as he started to speak again.

"One thing, I can and will promise all of you, on my honor as a Jedi and as an individual. If anyone, whoever it is, whomever it may be. If they come into our airspace looking for trouble. I will be there to defend us with my life."

Kahne took a small breath and showed a small smile. "Whatever is decided today, think clearly and truly. You will not be judged by me, and I expect the same in return. If it is not and should it be necessary for me to no longer have a seat on this council, I will step down voluntarily."

The Jedi Master wasn't here to argue, he wasn't going to persuade anyone to believe as he did, and he expected that same in return. He would provide what guidance that he could and the will of the force would take care of the rest.




Journal Entry:
Alright, so Master Kahne Porte Kahne Porte would no doubt have sent me the creepy message to come to this place. I’m really out of my element here, no joke or pun intended. I mean, it’s survival training, and I can do that, but these storms are… weird… I don’t know. I mean, Maybe that is the point here, to see how committed I am to this whole “Jedi” thing. I’m beginning to wonder.

I mean, I guess it comes from my upbringing, but everything I learned from my dad was “regimented”. I don’t feel that way right now. It feels like someone is throwing pasta against the wall to see what sticks. I don’t know, I guess it’s just me. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the experience I’m enduring here, but it’s just… as weird as this storm. I mean, Master Porte’s son Aiden Porte Aiden Porte is here, he’s ready to be knighted, he’s a rough and tough guy. I know I’ve only been here a couple of weeks, but the biggest thing I learned was how to stop a flying knife and my instructor openly lied to me about it.

Hi everyone. I’m just going to get over myself. There has to be a plan here.

. Rook Merriex Rook Merriex | Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte


Location: Training Grounds - Gall
Objective 2
Tags: People in post already and Rook Merriex Rook Merriex

Oh by the Force. There were already so many people. So many strangers. Phillip wasn't used to this. Most of who he had interacted with in the past had been family friends or acquaintances he had seen before. This time there were no familiar faces. Everyone he looked at was someone he had never seen before. The storms didn't help things either. He had to keep himself calm. Try not to let his emotions get the best of him. That was important right? Control your emotions, don't let them control you. What was that line from the code? He racked his knuckles against the side of his head, trying to remember...

Where there is no emotion, there is no life.

Okay...That just meant...He still had to feel his emotions, there was no point shoving them where he'd forget about them. Emotions were a part of life. They were a part of art. Maybe that was why he couldn't make good art. Because he wasn't in control of his emotions. Breathe. He looked up at the other Padawans, taking in what they were doing. There was Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi bouncing around. That was too much energy for Phillip. If he started bouncing, he might not stop. There was Michael Angellus Michael Angellus who seemed confident enough, but who he focused in on the most was Aiden Porte Aiden Porte . Meditation. That's what Phillip should be trying to do.

At that, he sat himself down on the ground, closing his eyes to focus. He had to clear his mind and focus on the Force around him. Ignore the storm going on outside and focus on the storm inside of himself. His emotions. Try and steady them. He was afraid. Terrified even. New people, a new place he had never been to...But he could do this. He wasn't alone. As long as he didn't chicken out, Phillip could be proud of himself.


Rook Merriex Rook Merriex Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi Michael Angellus Michael Angellus Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Phillip Slate Phillip Slate

Wielding Palpatine's Saber

Tasia felt herself to be in an odd place. She was too experienced and too sure some of her abilities to be a padawan, but also not polished enough technically to fit in with most of the formally trained knights. She was working on this, she could help the learners learn while at the same time learning disciplines from them, it was an equitable arrangement that made the half kiffar quite pleased.

She practiced her form VII kata as part of her meditative process, her golden blade crossing over rapidly with the hardened steel blade of her traditional kiffar weapon. She ended the moveset with an internal shout before deactivating her blade and joining the others. Some were meditating, others were fidgeting wildly. "I enjoy the energy you give off" she said, standing next to the lightly bouncing Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi . "Bubbles for breakfast was it?" She laughed and gently nodded greeting at the younger woman. From the angle of her eyebrow it wouldn't be certain if the comment was a query, compliment or criticism.

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This was a preparation more intense than anything that Echo had ever been a part of. Well, not specifically. When she had though she may become a Jedi Shadow, the Ogemite got to experience first-hand the sorts of things that Jedi do to prepare themselves to high levels of strain. The scale was really what made it unique. It would be necessary for facing another incursion, a phenomena she herself was looking into in her free-time for research purposes. Still, Echo herself couldn't help but wonder what the deeper implications of these tests were to be.

Perhaps a discussion she should have with the council.

Still, her task was clear: Keep students safe. Should any accident occur, Echo was ready to jump into action at a moment's notice. Though she figured it was going to be a quieter day for her, a fantastic opportunity to catch up on some reading. Echo sat herself down and withdrew a book from her satchel...

Ewoks and the Cultural Relevance of Ritual Decapitation.

Oh. That was not what she had been intending to grab at all. She was supposed to have grabbed a sequential record of the history of Nubian architecture. Echo sighed, slipping the book back into her satchel.

Maybe she'd just settle for watching the students train.



Brandyn had been seated for some time. Leaning back and to the left, he was playing with his beard. It was not a quirk of an absentminded Brandyn though. He was deep in thought, and trying to contain himself.

As much as he had come to respect Kahne since coming back home to Naboo, he could not disagree more with a chunk of what he said. How could Brandyn respect with which he fundamentally disagreed? This was not just an 'agree to disagree' scenario. This decision was fundamental to what the Order of Shiraya would be.

Brandyn had believed in the ideal. The fresh start. The Naboo focus, before spreading their peace to other worlds by diplomacy and good will. The rhetoric of the Foundation was not at all what he signed up for. He was not convinced he could even tacitly support the direction they were heading.

Blessedly, he did not speak. For if he had, an unfiltered mess of verbiage would have splatter across the council. Instead, he just kept scratching his beard and pondering when it would be the best time to speak up.

Standing away from the students that had arrived, Cerys leaned against a wall with her arms crossed and simply watched. She didn't know many of them. Didn't really care to know any of them better. It was probably not the best attitude, but it was the only one she had.

No matter how hard Brandyn tried to train her into being a people-person, Cerys Dyn did not really care for many of them. Oh. From a grander scope she cared about all living beings. Everyone had their own value and such. She was a Jedi. Life was precious. That didn't mean she had to be friends with it though.

Her late master would have disapproved. But this was the only way that Cerys knew how to keep the other half of former training, that of no attachments. If you didn't know people, you couldn't be attached to them. If knew people, you grieved their loss.

Her eyes moved away from the students that were gathered and looked up at the sky. It was her way of trying not to dwell on the ever present grief. Her master had been dead for many months now, but still she hurt for her.

There wasn't much to do but wait. She most certainly wasn't planning to talk to anyone that she didn't have to.


Location: Gall, moon of Zhar
Tags: Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Michael Angellus Michael Angellus | Phillip Slate Phillip Slate | Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine | Echo Athoth Echo Athoth | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | @ Padawans


On the moon of Gall, Rook stood before a class of Padawans from the Order of Shiraya. They’d gathered here for a training exercise to prepare themselves for the eventuality of another Netherworld incursion, but Rook knew the Gauntlet was so much more than that.

Today, she would test their skills in combat, maneuverability, and survival in hopes of building a team of Jedi resilient enough to brave the Netherworld itself.

A gentle breeze rolled through the Grand Trench, rustling the woman’s hair. She looked over the nearby ledge and was reminded immediately of the craggy hellscape she’d spent the last fourteen years traversing. Rocky, treacherous, and under the watchful eyes of predators.

It was precisely why the Council had chosen Gall.

Greetings,” Rook said a bit stiffly. She was still acclimating to socializing. “I am Rook Merriex. As some of you may know already, I was lost to the Netherworld during the First Cataclysm. I fell into a rift when I was much younger than you all, and I finally returned to your world –our world– only a few short weeks ago.

Naturally, the more timid Padawans murmered and whispered amongst themselves. Rook allowed a brief moment for them to get it out before she continued. As she spoke, she paced with her hands clasped behind her back like a true drill instructor.

I say this not to frighten you, but to tell you that I’m well-versed in navigating the dangers of the other side. I know better than anyone else in the Republic what it’s like to live in the Nether. Today, I’m going to give you as good of a taste as I can in hopes of preparing you for what’s in store.

The Gauntlet will be challenging. You will be tested on multiple levels, all at once; mental, physical, and emotional. It will not be easy, but if I did not have faith in your abilities, I would not ask you to attempt it. Some of you will fail – this is okay. The Gauntlet is not a simple test of strength and agility. Your willingness to attempt it alone is a victory in itself.

She eyed the Padawans carefully, her purple irises moving from one face to next. Many of them were young, all of them were eager. Rook felt a small pang of guilt for preparing them to endure even a moment of the 14 years she spent in hell. She had to remind herself constantly that this was a necessary thing, a small sacrifice to end an even greater evil once and for all.

There are six distinct segments of the Gauntlet. Each will focus on a different aspect of the Netherworld. In the first segment, you’ll be tasked with crossing a series of beams balanced atop posts. They will rise or fall under your weight, forcing you to move as quickly as possible while minding the pressure of your body.

Next are suspended boulders that will swing directionally in response to force against them. Afterwards, you will scale ascending bars and cross narrow stone pillars. This is the halfway point.” Rook used a hand to gesture across the canyon to a flat stone plateau in the middle of the Gauntlet. Small tents were already pitched and staffed with healers from the Sanctuary, should any injuries occur during the trial.

Anyone who wishes to exit the Gauntlet may remain with the Knights at this point. Those who wish to continue will proceed to the next stage, an ascending staircase of rolling logs.

Penultimately, you will enter a small alcove and scale a vertical passageway through the cliff. Once atop, you will face the final obstacle: a sheer cliff face under battery by the canyon’s winds.

It was a lot of information, but the Order of Shiraya had some of the best Padawans in the galaxy. Rook didn’t doubt that they could follow her instructions.

Reach the top, and you win.” It seemed simple enough, but there was more.

You are not alone in the Gauntlet, however. Much like the Netherworld, curious eyes and hungry stomachs follow you always. Cliff wampas and Gallian cobras hunt the trench for fresh prey. Do not become that. Show them that you are the predators, and they will fear you. If they do not, make them.” A bit aggressive, but Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren and the rest of the Council would have to forgive her. Stars knows the demons won’t be any kinder.

With her instructions delivered, Rook stood satisfied. She offered them kind words to tie off an otherwise intimidating monologue.

I believe in you all, Padawans of Shiraya. When you are ready, proceed to the starting line.



Head in the Clouds - Chapter 1

OUTFIT: Bespoke Jedi Armor
OBJECTIVE: Win the gauntlet
TAG: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | Echo Athoth Echo Athoth | Michael Angellus Michael Angellus | Phillip Slate Phillip Slate | Rook Merriex Rook Merriex | Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine

Just a year ago, a gauntlet that emulates the Netherworld would be the hardest challenge Thayze have to face in his life. Like everyone else who grew up in Naboo, Netherworld Cataclysm was an integral tale in Thayze's childhood. While his family is not originally from Naboo, most people he grew up around are, and people have their own personal stories, tragedies, directly connected to the Netherworld Cataclysm.

Yet so much has happened in less than a year. Another Netherworld Cataclysm, where he lost his old Master, massacre and civil war on Hapes, Mandalorian incursion, Sith attempted invasion. He knows all too well that the Netherworld is a treacherous place, and a gauntlet that mirrors it would be equally as challenging. But he has fought a Mandalorian Beastmaster and helped repel the Mandalorian incursion. He has fought a Sith and survived to live another day. He was assigned a new Master, the Grandmaster herself, and has learnt so much in less than a year. He is ready for whatever they are going to throw at him today. He has to.

Arriving in the gauntlet location, Thayze found himself surrounded by his fellow Padawans; some he had fought beside before, some he had seen at the temple, some were a complete stranger to him. He approached those he is most familiar with; Aiden Porte Aiden Porte and Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi .

"How's recovery?" he asked Aiden, who he fought the Sith alongside. It was a brutal fight, at least for Thayze. He had to spend some times in the med-bay with Master Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren , bonding over physical injuries and deep-rooted worries of the future. "Hey Ceri, been a while! Who's your new friend?" he shifted his attention to Ceri, who is standing beside Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine .

After just short conversations, Rook Merriex Rook Merriex officially kicked off the proceedings with a speech. Thayze is familiar with her story, coming back from the Netherworld after the Second Cataclysm, on the day he had lost his old Master. Her return makes what seemed impossible conceivable. Victims that have been declared lost can now be rescued, the families that were left now have a second chance of reunification. Thayze can guess exactly what's the angle of this gauntlet; they are shaped, prepared, and screened, for a mission to the Netherworld.

Just a year ago, just the idea of it would have been very frightening for Thayze, he would exit the gauntlet as soon as possible. Yet so much has happened, and not only he wants to finish the gauntlet, he aims to win it. He might not be able to bring his old Master back, but he can make sure that his sacrifice is not for nothing.



Lysander's outfit was simple but purposeful; a tunic and leggings in hues of deep brown and green. The fabric was both tough and breathable, allowing easy movement for whatever lay ahead. As he scanned the crowd, he felt a rare pulse of anxiety in his stomach— not from the test itself, but from searching for a fellow Padawan who served the same Master as him.

Eventually, his emerald gaze fell upon the one he was looking for. It had been months since he last saw the Togruta; images of her unconscious body being evacuated by a medical team from the last test began to surface in his mind’s eye. Though she was distanced from the others, her air of indifference made her presence even more magnetic, at least to Lysander.

In truth, his own thoughts were wandering. Even he carried felt oddly disinterested, viewing it as more of an obligation than anything else. To the blonde, it was just another task to complete– a brief reprieve from life at the enclave on Naboo.

Inhaling a deep breath, he began closing the distance between them. He would then lean against the wall next to her, mimicking the crossed arms, and effortlessly exuding a carefree demeanor, too. “Hello, Cerys,” he said simply, feeling a smirk tug at his lips. “You don’t look like you want to be here. Did all the happy faces scare you.. or are you already planning some kind of escape?”

After pausing for a moment, his voice would sound genuinely concerned. “But yeah, I’m actually kind of relieved to see that you’re doing ok now.“

Seconds later Rook stepped forward, which drew everyone's attention. Listening to the details of the different obstacles, it did manage to awaken the competitive nature within him. Still, he didn’t move from his position just yet to approach the starting line. He would wait on Cerys before making his next move.




Journal Entry:
They’re trying to kill us.

This is “survival” in the most literal sense.

They’re trying to kill us!

This sucks!

I’m not ready for this! I barely know anything. “Challenging”? This’ll be “challenging” to survive! I should have stayed in my room. This isn’t wanting to prove myself, this is “Let’s see if we can scare a few of them into quitting!”

. Rook Merriex Rook Merriex | Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | @Phillip Slate | @Tasia Palpatine | @Echo Athoth | @Cerys Dyn | @Lyusander Von Ascania


The Meditation seemed to have worked. At least for now as he listened to Rook Merriex Rook Merriex talk about the course ahead of them. Once again to say he was terrified was an understatement. There was a chance for something to go wrong at every point. But he tried to justify that to himself. Things could go wrong in every-day life. He wasn't afraid of that. So why should he be afraid of this? As long as he was smart and didn't do anything stupid, he'd get through this. It wasn't a race, even if the more competitive side of him wanted it to be. The goal was to get to the top. He could do that. It'd be hard work but...
You are not alone in the Gauntlet, however."

What? Phillip blinked to himself as he then listened to the statement about the Cliff Wampas and Gallian Cobras. Oh by the Force. He was going to become some animal's snack. There was still the opportunity to back out now. To live for another day. But he wasn't sure if he'd be able to live with himself if he backed out of this. If he was the first one to back out. Yes, he probably shouldn't care about what other people think...but he did. So much. Phillip didn't want to be seen as the coward who chickened out at the first sign of danger. Even if it meant being absolutely terrified on the course, he'd take that over any looks of shame or disappointment.

For now, he worked on stretching. He had done as much preparation for his mind that he could. Now he had to prepare himself physically for all of the actions he was going to need to do. At the very least, he was hopeful that he was fit enough to get through the course. And even if he had some doubt in his skills, and in his bravery...Phillip trusted in the Force. It would help guide him through the course and if he needed to back out of the course, he was sure it would tell him.

Lorn sat still amidst the rising tension, his gaze fixed on the polished surface of the council table. It was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, he supposed, a testament to Naboo's artistry. But today, it felt like just another battlefield, scarred with the invisible lines of conflicting loyalties and simmering anxieties. He had hoped Crait would have brought clarity, a unified vision for the Order of Shiraya. Instead, it had fractured them, leaving shards of doubt and disagreement scattered across their path.

Kahne's words hung in the air, a gentle breeze of independence and personal conviction. Lorn respected the man, his calm demeanor, his unwavering commitment to defending Naboo. But the Jedi Master's detachment felt unsettling in the face of the storm brewing on the horizon. Lorn's eyes flickered to Brandyn, his friend's brow furrowed in thought as he absentmindedly stroked his beard. He knew Brandyn's heart ached for the promise the Order once held, the dream of a peaceful haven on Naboo, radiating light and diplomacy outwards.

The memories of his recent conversation with Brandyn replayed in his mind. Brandyn's worries about Briana's growing fervor for the Foundation now echoed in Lorn's own soul. Could she truly not see the danger of aligning themselves with such a volatile movement? He remembered Brandyn's exact words, "She can often not see when she has gone too far." A chill ran down Lorn's spine.

He looked towards the head of the table, towards Briana, her face a mask of resolute determination. He desperately wanted to understand her perspective, to see the galaxy as she saw it, but all he felt was a gnawing fear of the path she was leading them down.

He took a deep breath, his chest tight with a mixture of anxiety and frustration. He wasn't a politician, or a diplomat, he was a soldier. He knew war, he knew loss, he knew the bitter taste of defeat. Maybe, just maybe, he could use that experience to bridge the gap between these fractured opinions.

"I... I spent too many years looking over my shoulder." His voice was softer than he intended, barely above a whisper. He cleared his throat, trying to project an air of calm he didn't feel. "Worrying about the next attack, the next ambush, if I'd even live to see sunrise. I'll defend Naboo, I'll defend the Order, until my last breath. But we don't need to rush into a pointless fight."

He paused, searching for the right words. "I don't have the same vast history with the Alliance as some of you, nor did I meet this Mother Askani. But I did see the faces of those with her, the faces of those at that outpost."

He swallowed hard, the memory of the hardened expressions, the barely contained aggression, still vivid in his mind. "Askani said she didn't want war. She said she didn't want to fight other Jedi. But she expected resistance. And watching nearly half of those in attendance, their hands itching for their lightsabers, ready to strike down their fellow Jedi, the Alliance? It troubled me down to my core."

He looked up, his gaze sweeping across the room, meeting the eyes of each council member. "We need to focus on what we have here, on Naboo, and the Southern Systems. We can't afford to be rebels, scattered to the four winds. We should be a beacon of hope, an example of a peaceful Republic, built on diplomacy and understanding. Not soldiers in a needless war."

His gaze finally settled on Briana, a silent plea etched in his features. "Think of the recent attack on Enarc, the attack on Theed. We're vulnerable. And with the constant threat of the Sith growing in the Outer Rim, shouldn't we focus on building a strong foundation here?"

He clenched his fists, the words pouring out of him now, a torrent of pent-up fear and frustration. "We can't spread ourselves too thin. Let the Foundation tread their own path, we can offer humanitarian aid, support them from afar, if needed. But my loyalty, my heart, lies with the people in this room, with the bright future of the Jedi we're nurturing, and with the Republic. Not with joining this Foundation."




Cerys pushed off the wall the moment she saw Lysander. Her head tipped with a subtle nod of recognition, but the familiarities ended there. He was already seeking to add levity to the discussion, and that seemed to be unnecessary. They were here for a purpose. And that purpose was not to be buddies.

His hair was looking rather nice though.

She removed her hand from the lekku she only now realised she was mindlessly playing with. Her scowl deepened. "I am here to finish this course and get approved for field work in the Netherworld. The disposition of those partaking in this challenge is entirely irrelevant to my goals," she said with a dismissive wave towards the other Padawan, "though, if any of them need my assistance, I will offer it."

"Brandyn said I had too,"
she said with a frustrated kick of the dirt. She still didn't understand why she was classed as a Padawan. It was hard to accept what her master told her, that she needed to be more open towards people. She could have compassion and remain distant. She could, and she would.

She was about to snark at his concern for her wellbeing, but Rook interrupted her with an explanation of the event. Arms crossed and attentive, Cerys took it all in. It all sounded easy enough. She did not a couple of the padawans looking worried, or even fearful.

"Well. Hopefully this test works out better for me than the last one," she said to Lysander, but was already off towards the start line.

She was already assessing the beams with a glance down their path. "I figure a jump to the centre of each beam will see us through without any problems, providing we are accurate. Over or under shoot and we will lose our footing easily. Speed is the key. Just keep moving, trust the your momentum.

With a shrug, Cerys decided that there was no need to hang about. She took a running start, and jumped. As per usual, she was fleet of foot, and her agility shone through. She hit the first beam almost exactly in the centre. It started to tip back towards her but she followed her momentum and stepped forward to balance it before going into another jump. Only the last beam provided any great issue, as she landed just a little too far forward in her eagerness to complete the first obstacle. The beam started to fall forward, Cerys crouched quickly and timed her jump straight forward and tumbled comfortably onto the platform.

"You should be fine, Lysander!" She called back. It was a long way down beneath the beams, sure, but it wasn't that hard.

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Journal Entry:

Alright, stupid. Get over yourself. You’re gonna die, but you know this.You're gonna die, but you know this. So, why not make the most of the time you have left? Focus on what truly matters and let go of the rest.

Who’s the horny chick? Yes, like a DORK, I called a Togruta “horny”. All I can do is close my eyes and backpedal. Believe it or not, I did not mean that like it sounded. Just accept your stupidity and move on… IDIOT!

Alright, first death match… er… “challenge”, I have to run across beams that are either going to break my jewels or fall and I fall on my jewels… best thing I can do is let someone else go first.

Wait, are we racing?

Rook Merriex Rook Merriex | Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | @Phillip Slate | @Tasia Palpatine | @Echo Athoth | @Cerys Dyn | @Lyusander Von Ascania .

The Netherworld. Force storms. Cataclysms. Eerie didn't know much about those, except what she heard on her way into the place. What she did understand, however, was Gauntlet. That meant a challenge, and if it meant improving her skills as a warrior then she was all for it.

However...this wasn't the type of gauntlet she was used to. There were less training droids and stun bolts, and more relying on the force and ones own skill. That didn't, she would beat this or go down in glory.

She finished tightening her hand wraps before pulling her hair into a ponytail. Arriving at the group just in time to hear Michael Angellus Michael Angellus ask if they were racing. She glanced up at the taller teen with her heterochromatic eyes. "Isn't it always?"

Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Phillip Slate Phillip Slate Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine Rook Merriex Rook Merriex Echo Athoth Echo Athoth Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard


The Conclave had been eye opening.

Opinions outside of their own and those among them varying on the way that things should be done. The most prominent solution being the one that seemed most prevalent to most every problem in the galaxy to date. Through the use of violence. To drag others along to what most viewed as the correct solution to the problem at hand. Many disagreeing to any probable fight that would occur. And understandably apprehensive to the matter. She didn't particularly want to fight anyone. To see a familiar face that you once ran through temple halls with.

Painted those walls alongside. Bore the consequences of that action beside. Enjoyed a mostly peaceful time of training in comradery.

Only to decide which of you was correct in your own beliefs through violence.

The thought deeply unsettled her at how easily the choice to violence was for those that called themselves jedi. Another seal on the airlock of why she needed to be mindful of the council's decision to focus on herself rather than participate in unfolding events around them. Her own thoughts readily set on taking the fight to what she felt was the source of the problem without fulling diving into what that meant until they had been returning here to Naboo. Had time to let the excitement of others who felt the same guide her thinking before taking that needed step back to fully realize.

Wanting to endorse the idea behind the Foundation, but realizing she was in no way capable of being honest about why she would be helping them.

How could she help anyone realize the errors of their way when she was barely able to look beyond the topical problems? When her own mind was clouded with the easy reach to violence and anger?

Before she could act to help others, she needed to right her own world. Tend to her own issues that plagued her dreams and waking thoughts. To figure out exactly what it was she needed to do in order to restore her own balance before trying to help others in their convictions see beyond their entrenched systems of thought. She was not in the right place to be telling anyone that they were wrong or that they needed to step back when she was incapable of doing the same for herself.

Looking at each in turn gathered here for this meeting and getting a taste of their emotions without intruding beyond what lay at the surface. Trepidation. Anxiety. Tempered passion.

The galaxy and the beings within it in a constant state of flux as the needs of their existence shifted and adapted to their needs. Growing and withering with the changes that surrounded them. Her own path had been much the same in some ways. But each saw the path before them with a different perspective that she was not privy to. Saw potential and waste in a way that she would never truly understand even if she were to assume their struggle. Others had walked paths she would likely never know, and interpret the meaning behind those experiences through a lens she would never hold.

But that did not mean she was incapable of trying to understand.

"We meet to speak as equals. We meet to speak about the future of not only ourselves, but those we have sworn to protect." Her voice soft despite the feelings that laced her thoughts.

Despite the inner conflict of saying those words aloud. In spite of feeling as though this planet and it's people had betrayed her need for their attentive protections. Pettiness some would call it. A grudge in some manner of explanation. Lingering anger at the perceived slight that had been done to her. A feeling that was not slowly fading but burning bright in her own mind. Forcing herself to look beyond that emotion and to remind herself that others might feel the exact same way about those that sat in this very room. To empathize with those that trusted them to protect them in much the same way she had trusted others to do the same for her.

"All of us here want to do what we can, when we can, to help. To spread not only a promise of peace and resolution without the need for violence, but to deliver these ideals. Both for the people of Naboo, the Southern Systems, and the galaxy as a whole."

She was tired. Of feeling angry. Of giving in to the baser desires for combat and the false clarity it offered her mind. Of being reminded that the galaxy would burn despite their action or inaction.

"And while I agree with the Foundation, and the wish they have to put everyone upon a better path, I cannot help them as I am now. I cannot help Naboo properly, either. The effort to care for and protects it's people are not a burden, but-" The long ignored weight of her own troubles settling over her as the vibrancy of color seemed to drain from her being altogether. "Until my own problems are resolved, I can do little for Naboo and the galaxy without being a danger to them."

Her hands fidgeting in her lap as she let her eyes fall to the table.

"I cannot offer council on the path forward without it being clouded by my own feelings. And I believe all of us should take into consideration our own feelings as we weigh our words here for the future."

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