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Populate [RNR][Zhar] The Storm Gathers


Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Echo Athoth Echo Athoth Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi Michael Angellus Michael Angellus Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine Phillip Slate Phillip Slate Rook Merriex Rook Merriex


He raised a brow at Cery’s response. Her demeanor appeared cool and focused, with just a touch of frustration.. one he understood quite well. The weight of their Master’s influence to be present seemed to weigh heavily on the Togruta’s mind. Lysander wasn’t entirely sold on this test either, much like the first, but if the Order of Shiraya believed this was the path to a brighter future, well, it would be pointless to argue against it.

With a nonchalant shrug, he acknowledged her words and decided to keep his thoughts to himself. As he approached the finish line, he took a moment to look at the others around him before refocusing his vision ahead. "Let's just get this over with," he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. As Cery took off, he lingered at the starting line for a moment, simply caught up in everything unfolding

Next, he flexed his limbs, stretching each one in dynamic fashion while visualizing the different movements he would need to execute. A slow exhale followed. The tension slowly ebbed away. “I guess it’s time to find out what I’m made of,” he mocked.

Now that his muscles were warmed up, he allowed half hearted determination to swell in his chest. Finally taking off after the other Padawan, it wasn’t long before the first leap was taken with a grace that was uniquely his own. His lithe frame cut through the empty space. And when he landed on the beam, there was a sudden jolt felt as it wobbled beneath him. With a minor adjustment of his core, it was easy to regain balance.

Like a seasoned acrobat, he naturally fell into a flow state, moving across three more. Every movement was correctly measured, displaying a balance of strength and finesse. Aside from this physical prowess that was but a reflection of his consistent training, he also had the pulse of the Force guiding him.

By the time he caught up with Cerys, there were boulders before them, each one swinging. Another moment was taken to gauge their surroundings. “Wow, I’m actually surprised you made it this far,” he taunted. A smirk curled at the corners of his mouth, even though the test had only just begun.

After calculating the trajectory of the first boulder, he took the initiative and launched himself toward it. When his boots met the surface, it tipped, testing him far more than the beams had. Lysander steadied himself, bending his knees and remaining focused. Each jump to the next boulder would demand more caution and time; he could feel them swaying. Lysander would constantly have to shift his weight accordingly.




Journal Entry:

"Isn't it always?"

Who said that? Left? No. Right? No… Down… NO!!!!

It’s her! She wants to headbutt me in the jewels!

No way! I don’t know why I freaked out, but the “older than 8” year old seemed to subliminally motivate me to BOLT! I took off running and somehow, I didn’t even think about it, I ran at those pillars. I think I cut the line.

Sorry! Will have to apologize proper, later.

Anyway, I think it was crazy, but one, two, three, four, five posts… the blonde guy who looks like he thinks he is better than everyone got off a pillar that went up. OOF! I think I broke my nose hitting it. That seemed to snap me out of my freakout as I realized where I was.

Don’t look down. Don’t look down. Don’t look down. Don’t look down. Don’t look down. Don’t look down. I can’t believe I climbed up and across and made it to the next one…

Swinging boulders… great…

Rook Merriex Rook Merriex | Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Phillip Slate Phillip Slate | Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine | Echo Athoth Echo Athoth | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Eerie Omera Eerie Omera .

Location: Gall
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Rook Merriex Rook Merriex | Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Michael Angellus Michael Angellus | Phillip Slate Phillip Slate | Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine | Echo Athoth Echo Athoth | Thayze Montserrat Thayze Montserrat | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Eerie Omera Eerie Omera

Lily listened to what Rook had to said further in the back of the group of Padawans. She was watching the others and understanding the concerns and whispers that they were sharing. She had already travelled to the Netherworld, with her Master, Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren as well as Rook. Lily had fought some of the beasts there, however, Lily also knew that she was going to need to more training and push herself to the limits of what she could do to ensure that she was the best she could be in handling what the Nether had to offer her.

Cracking her knuckles, the balancing beams were something that did not daunt Lily. She had faced similar things when she approached her own training. Lily used agility courses and balance training to ensure that she was still light on her feet. Lily was not going to be concerned with the first portion of the trials. She was Echani and light-footedness and understanding the centre of gravity one's body had was crucial to her. It was something Lily had to relearn as her body changed over the years but it was something that Lily was very aware of.

Moving forward, Lily stepped onto the balancing beams and moved at a steady but careful pace. Not rushing ahead of anyone but demonstrating a quiet confidence in her ability to manage the challenge that was being set before her.

Phillip didn't want to be seen as the coward who chickened out at the first sign of danger. Even if it meant being absolutely terrified on the course, he'd take that over any looks of shame or disappointment.

For now, he worked on stretching. He had done as much preparation for his mind that he could.

Echo stepped up to the young padawan, clearly observing his apparent nervousness. It was reasonable given the course ahead of him. This wasn't exactly an easy venture. With her particular training even she would struggle on a course such as this.

That, of course, was the point. It was a test of spirit first and foremost.

"If it's any consolation, attempting here is the same as succeeding," Echo told him. "This is an exercise even skilled Jedi would struggle with. I believe focusing on the environment helps, at least as far as I've observed in similar scenarios. Find something in the distance as your goal point to reach. Little steps first. That way you can choose to go back after reaching each milestone and still feel like you've accomplished something."

The Ogemite paused to adjust her glasses.

"Does this seems agreeable to you?"



Location: Training Grounds - Gall
Objective 2
Tags: Echo Athoth Echo Athoth

Attempting would be the same as succeeding...Phillip frowned at that thought. Find something to focus on right ahead of him instead of focusing for the end point. Hm...Maybe that was another reason he always failed at making art. He was too focused on the end result and having it be perfect, that he didn't focus on the journey there first. Everything needed a base to work from and then to add more layers to. He flexed out his hands for a moment, letting his eyes trail across the course to find where his target was going to be. Half-way. That was the minimum of where he wanted to get to.

"It is...very agreeable. Thank you. Life is meant to be a marathon. Not a sprint. I need to pace myself."

With that, he set out for the first obstacle with a leap! Waving his arms through the air to try and keep balance as Phillip stumbled amongst the beam. He had to keep moving. If he stopped his momentum, he'd fall. It didn't particularly...fancy as he rushed his way along the beams, waving his arms around to try and keep his balance. He just had to trust in the Force. As long as he didn't hesitate, he could do this. He needed to have belief in himself as he threw himself to the last beam. Hurtling through the air as he fell...and fell and fell as he overestimated his jump and nearly landed face first against the beam, causing his glasses to plunge down in the darkness.

"...It's a good thing...those are for aesthetics..."
Now Phillip laid there for a moment. What was the best solution for him to get out of this position? Focus. He worked on pushing himself up to his feet slowly but surely so as to not adjust his weight too much. Starting to perch on the beam like a gargoyle as Phillip braced himself to jump to the other side. Calling upon the Force, Phillip built up his energy before leaping across the gap, flailing his arms and legs around. With a thud, he hit the ground, winding himself before scrambling up to his feet.


His legs and arms felt like jelly, but Phillip felt strangely confident. He managed to get past the beams. Now he had to get past the boulders. That was his plan of attack. Focus on what was ahead of him, not what was two obstacles or three obstacles ahead of him. Take things one at a time.



Lysander's attitude to the event was not at all unexpected. He tended carry this nonchalant disparaging mindset to any task another put on his plate. Cerys casually wondered if Lysander was a more awkward Padawan to instruct than she was. They probably both had their challenges. What did Brandyn do to deserve two such students as they?

"I would have you know that if it weren't for you and Zaiya's constant bickering..."

He was already gone. He was probably on the first boulder before she could get her retort out. Cerys folded her arms with the customary annoyance that she showed at anyone trying to be too familial.

She watched Lysander as he made his way across the boulders. This was a different obstacle, requiring a different technique. If she hit the first boulder at the wrong moment, she could add to much circular momentum. The boulders could crash into each other. It seemed best to jump up at the right moment, and land on the boulder as it descended.

"Right. Easy going."

She waited for Lysander to move on to another boulder, and then for the first boulder to reach its apex. Cerys jumped up, slightly forward and the left a little. She landed firmly on the boulder as it descended and she grabbed a hold of the rope. The speed of the boulder increased, her second hand grabbed for the rope, and she steadied her footing.

The next step was all timing. While her boulder was going up, she needed to jump with its momentum and land upon the next boulder.

"Better get moving, Lysander! I will have caught up to you in a moment!" She called, no teasing in her tone. It was just a statement of fact.



TAG: Rook Merriex Rook Merriex | Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine | Thayze Montserrat Thayze Montserrat | Everyone else




"I enjoy the energy you give off"

Ceri turned to the new voice with a smile and giggled at the comment about bubbles for breakfast.
"Always." she beamed before enthusiastically thrusting out a hand toward the older girl. "Ceri Fraissi!" she introduced herself. "Haven't been around as much as I'd like - blame my Master. Who're you?" she asked, still happily shaking her hand.

Soon though, another voice made its appearance - one much more familiar.
"Hey Ceri, been a while! Who's your new friend?"
"THAYZE!" she cried, rushing the older Padawan with a hug. "How ya been?! It's been a rough couple a' months, hasn't it?" She then then turned and unceremoniously dragged Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine forward to stand next to her. "This is Tasia. Her family's been around for a hot minute now. Master Rik Perris Rik Perris has just been dragging me all over the place, so missed meeting her earlier." she said, draping a firendly arm around Tasia's shoulders in a hug. "By the way, Tasia, I love your tattoos. They're sooooo cool!"

But the happiness was short-lived as Rook Merriex Rook Merriex got right to the point as to why they were here and what they would do. Ceri's face fell. Her attention span wasn't the greatest. She hoped she could keep her squirrels in a cage to pull this off. The gravity of the situation weighed on her usually light heart. There were actually people counting on this - her Master probably included. She couldn't let him down after all he had done for her.
"Guess we better get going huh?" she remarked as she started moving toward the start line. "Though, uh," She looked at Thayze and Tasia. "Don't you guys think it'll be more beneficial in the grander scheme of things if we work together instead of just gunning for a win?" she asked as she looked at the beams ahead.

"Well, here goes nothing." With that, she was away, launching herself into the air to try and land as close as possible to the middle of the beam. After a heartbeat of hesitation to regain her balance, the beam started to tilted, prompting the Padawan to put speed in her feet and ran to launch herself at the next beam.

One beam at a time...just don't fall....



Rook Merriex Rook Merriex Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi Michael Angellus Michael Angellus Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Phillip Slate Phillip Slate Thayze Montserrat Thayze Montserrat

Wielding Palpatine's Saber

Hands were shaken and introductions we're made. The bubbly young woman introduced her to her other friend while draped around her shoulder. It was a strange sensation to have someone act so friendly so quickly but Tasia could not help but enjoy the sensation her positivity caused within the force and hoped she could maintain this. She smiled at the compliment "Thank you, they are the same as my mother, she is Kiffar. And a pleasure to meet you Thayze."

"Don't you guys think it'll be more beneficial in the grander scheme of things if we work together instead of just gunning for a win?"

She was absolutely correct. "The only victory condition is getting to the top, he never mentioned getting to the top first. Very well interpreted I think" Tasia didn't know if her agreement would be noted by the girl as she headed into the challenge. "Let's go then, looks like the three of us are a team." she said to Thayze before launching herself after Ceri. She waited until Ceri had cleared the first bar. Competing for position on the different beams would absolutely be a great way to fall down. Once clear she left and landed on the beam. She placed her arms out and allowed the force to balance her, this was like walking along branches at the tops of the Naboo forest. She would then proceed further along the chain of beams to eventually arrive at the second station.

She had a plan for the boulders which she would detail once they got to the first stop. Two of the trio would use the force to stabilise the boulders in air whilst the first jumped across. Then once that jedi had made it, they would turn back and help stabilise while the next person followed, giving each one of the three an easy path across the treacherous hanging rocks. If the others agreed to this teamwork, then they would succeed.
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Tags: Rook Merriex Rook Merriex Thayze Montserrat Thayze Montserrat Ceri Fraissi Ceri Fraissi Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Echo Athoth Echo Athoth Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine Phillip Slate Phillip Slate

Hi everyone.

The Jedi Padawan broke his mediation just as he heard Michaels voice and he looked over to him with a smile. "Good day to you you Michael."

"How's recovery?"

"It's going rather well, Thayze." Aiden said with a small nod of his head followed with a smile. "Thank you for your help out there. I mean it." They had a encounter with several Sith not too long ago. "I trust you are feeling better."

Several others began to show up and the Padawan rose to his feet just as Rook was to start her explanation to what they would be facing today. They were prepping for the Netherworld, while he didn't ever traverse past the rift in the unknown. The creatures that spawned from that place he did face, and they were indeed manifestations of darkness and unpredictable.

This was for Naboo and its people. To protect them and prevent further escalations with the Netherworld.

"Trust in yourselves and in the force my friends. We will get each other through the end." Aiden spoke in a calm manner to ease any possible worries. Good things his weekly meetings with the Naboo populace had done their job. He was providing guidance to those that had experienced loss, and it was putting himself in a greater position to let go what he had lost. He thought about them, and it gave him much strength now, instead of fear and doubt.

After they got into position and places were taken and the event itself had started.

There was so much he had yet to do.

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