Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: To update some subs
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- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Ro-Nin
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 110 years
- Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
- Description: Physically massive with four arms and protrusions from their skull. Hair that grows in stripes along their scalp With bony protrusions at their knees and elbows, thick muscles and redundant internal organs. Their physique is overly fit and healthy with extra muscle in their arms and legs to run and swing weapons or wield blasters.
- Breathes: Type 1, Type II
- Average Height of Adults: 2.4 Meters
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Brown like dark honey
- Hair color: Black
- Distinctions:
- Four Arms
- Bony Protrusions
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: Rare
- Strong Technical Prowess: As a species they are highly fluid and adaptable, learning and finding ways to incorporate other species into their culture is an important trait they foster.
Strong hide: equal to high grade durasteel that can protect from their own weapons but vibrational weapons and lightsabers or blaster technology can penetrate it. very effective against projectiles like arrows or bolts from crossbows.
- Petrification: Their bodies slowly harden turning into a stone like sickness that overtakes them in their later years. The skin hardening, cracking until they can no longer move and slowly die of starvation. THe older they get the stronger their skin becomes but the less they are able to move.
Vanity: Their looks to other species are important, personal looks are not a problem they can have scars and wear unkempt clothing but they do not wish other species to see their real motives or actions. Often times they will refuse to stop someone if it means breaking the cover or if attacked allow themselves to be killed unless it will benefit the greater cause.
- Diet: Their diet and food consumption is fairly standard but they are skilled at preserving their food to keep it for long periods of time. Most poisons are dangerous for them and they are not used to dairy products.
- Communication: Verbal
- Technology level: Galactic Standard with a heavy emphasis on different species adding to it. Their technology adapts as needed to the people they are working with. Be it appearing as skilled farmers, weapon workers or as masterful shipwrights offering help.
- Religion/Beliefs:
- War like beings who fight using different tactics, they are big and massive able to hold their own in a fight and brutalize their enemies yes but instead they are very much about perception. Slowly fashioning themselves and the races they have enslaved into something far more presentable under the guise of allies. The Ro-Nin serve to induct themselves into a culture, slowly gaining their trust over decades and even centuries to help influence them.
Then as they have become allies they initiate natural looking artificial disasters across their planet or planets that will cause the targeted species to rely on them for aid. At some costs to their freedom or their lifestyle. Small things they can be comfortable with and then slowly it becomes to late as the later generations are following their doctrine and leading the species into a new path.
With the ones they face and deal with who will not usually bend to their will they believe in total genocide and destroying everything that made them unique absorbing it into their culture and adapting all they can. In the end their culture on the surface is one of general over niceness and support. Providing aid to everyone who might serve to give them what they want.
Below the surface, they are monsters and killers. Silencing anyone who might risk their conquest goals and pushing towards galactic conquest, their god of death and destruction wanting them to first convert the entire galaxy before killing it to go to the afterlife and a new universe that would be ruled by them. They work for the people to surrender their freedom and serve them instead of forcing it upon them.
Their religion and culture on their homeworld is strict and focused on control and conversion. Expanding outwards from the leaders to the lower classes and reading from their book. Most who join are given a new name abandoning their old one and it is a title for the job they preform within the species. The netherworld incident in the galaxy is a time of celebration for them.
- War like beings who fight using different tactics, they are big and massive able to hold their own in a fight and brutalize their enemies yes but instead they are very much about perception. Slowly fashioning themselves and the races they have enslaved into something far more presentable under the guise of allies. The Ro-Nin serve to induct themselves into a culture, slowly gaining their trust over decades and even centuries to help influence them.
- General behavior:
- With Each other: They are strict and focused with a dangerous determination to grow and expand their knowledge of everything that makes another species unique. Experimenting with the ones they have overtaken to learn what they can breed them with to make hybrids or what they can use to preform stronger genocides so the species needs to join them and rely upon them. The religious leaders control most of the direction reading from their sacred tomes. They believe in a strong sense of loyalty and pushing each other towards the common goals.
With outsiders: They are friendly when the species is of interest and conquest to them. Finding ways to go above and beyond to provide help or aid. Learning their fears, strengths and weaknesses. Experimenting with ones that won't be missed and slowly over time working towards enough of a genocide that the species must join them in their empire and religious crusade. They will offer technology to the species to work on keeping them alive. Medical tech to eliminate what sicknesses they might have so in time they can become the perfect cattle and slaves to use as fodder or cogs with the stronger species.
The force users: Their force users are generally skilled at detection, trained to find liars and ones not believing in the doctrine. They are not trained for combat but sense abilities to find hidden secrets and those special ones within the species. They are treated with respect however and the rare ones within the species that can feel the force are given high honors. Over the centuries the number has increased but it is possible that they are getting better at locating and detecting force users.
- With Each other: They are strict and focused with a dangerous determination to grow and expand their knowledge of everything that makes another species unique. Experimenting with the ones they have overtaken to learn what they can breed them with to make hybrids or what they can use to preform stronger genocides so the species needs to join them and rely upon them. The religious leaders control most of the direction reading from their sacred tomes. They believe in a strong sense of loyalty and pushing each other towards the common goals.
Coming from a world deep in Aurek originally and as they expanded outwards finding a place within the galaxy. Discovering razed worlds with species that had been enslaved in the Unknown regions of the galaxy while they established a main colony. Expanding outwards and deeper into the southern sections of the galaxy finding worlds but more importantly finding lesser species they could enslave over the centuries.
Reaching out and touching the large bovine humanoids on their world and using them as a way to understand what there was. They slowly engineered a massive plague that would wipe out most of their population driving them to serve and join officially them to protect themselves. As the centuries of working with the species came to be they studied their weaknesses, studied what made them sick and die quickly while looking to make sure the strong survived.
Their engineering skills to cull the weak and undesirable traits from them was a tactic they had used to dominate the other species of their own world and coming out here to the infidels and cattle who would serve them was a large part of it. Eventually the day came when they released the plague upon the species they had joined in friendship and as they slowly got sick and started dying out. For the price of swearing loyalty and service to them they could get a cure.
The species had to few numbers to make a major difference and couldn't fight as the ones who helped release it were raised from birth to be part of their way of thinking. The process taking several decades to fully convert and raise the new species into the ways and traditions of the Ro, with all of the work they had done slowly they continued to move throughout the galaxy. Finding other worlds in the deeper fringe systems as they started to encounter other species.
This sector of space was large and vast with many species traveling in space and making their goals of conquest through taking their worlds and genocide on a scale so they would join into the collective and extend their reach across the galaxy. More centuries passing while they continued to work and expand carving out a small place in the galaxy and taking what resources they want from the worlds before moving on. Uninhabited worlds being strip mined\ before they moved on.
Then something happened, the Ro encountered a group in the outer rim with ships and several species were working towards a common goal. Their usual plan of infiltration and friendly culling couldn't work as they learned this government spanned thousands of species and just as many worlds. It wasn't just one that could be used at a time and they were bringing more things with them. The Republic was sick, sick in a way they they had never seen before and their medical tech couldn't stop it.
The plague spread throughout the species and decimated the population but they found ways to recover. Mostly by using the dark times afterwards to pick off old worlds on the outskirts using the same tactics. They came now with the bet guise they could, as ones who had the ability to cure the plague that was spreading (a falsehood) and slowly administered a cure to the older generations so they could get access to the younger minds and make them more open to serving the greater cause.
Their work with some of the species as they worked over the things and found a new place in the galaxy, skirting the edges as they cleansed worlds of what they needed while protecting the secrets of their homeworlds location. In case of reprisals but their colonies and sections on worlds they were working towards helping brought them into contact with more and more of the Republic eventually finding a group they could work with if only a little to set up a colony near Denon.
Then something happened, half of their colony vanished and the Ro at first suspected the latest species in the outer rim they were targeting but it wasn't them, instead there were talks of celestials and portals to the netherworld opening up that they sent teams to go and find information on. They returned when it was over and reported in giving some ideas but there wasn't much and the Ro had repopulating to do to keep their number up to higher then those they sought to infiltrate.
As they continued to work their public image among dozens of species became even more important with the trained force users they had being sent as needed to get those either unwilling to or unable to not break character as the helpful new species in the galaxy. Internal tribunals for gult were made so that the image became all that mattered to keep the lesser species in the dark about their true intentions of decimating the galaxy slowly with their permission.
The years have changed them but only slightly.. between the wars they have moved to other worlds spreading out across the galaxy. The scar worlds not a place to recover themselves after the Bryn attacks. Between them and the sith as well as the crusade who went after the various worlds they changed things up and some went for the inner core worlds, some stayed on the edge of the scar worlds to monitor their homeworld and the others as groups were trying to recover and rrebuild them.
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