![Alban Roble](/data/avatars/s/17/17197.jpg?1620282153)
Offering to purchase;
x2 Liquid Aenite Mineral Compound
Payment soon to follow.
Volo Skaigh
- RMAF-M2 Point-Defense Cannon | x | An average size point-defense laser cannon intended for ships of all sizes. Features a quad-barreled design and shoots constant volleys at an extremely high rate-of-fire, along with reduced recoil and overheating.
- RMAF-M9 Accelerated Flak Cannon | x | Flak cannon designed to fire proximity-detonation shells at extremely high speeds.
- LS2 Valentine Point-Defense Octet | x | A point-defense octet with advanced targeting capabilities and is compatible with any type of point-defense missile or ordnance.
- LS3 Armato Ventral Missile Cannon | x | A ventral cannon designed to fire point-defense missiles or related ordnances. It can withdraw into a ship's hull and has a full lower hemispherical range of motion, allowing for it to fast-track fighters and fire their ordnance or missiles more accurately.
- MRS-01 Eir Defensive System | x | A multi-role defensive system, the Eir features nearly every type of shield including; particle shielding, ray shielding, molecular shielding, radiation shielding, atmospheric shielding, as well as a polarized magnetic distortion field that decreases that disrupts particle weapons and distorts kinetic projectiles. The Eir is more effective the larger the ship is, with more room for increased shield generators.
- MRS-02 Jotun Defensive System | x | A smaller shield system intended for ships between starfighter and frigate size.
- MRS-03X Aergard Field Defense Module | x | A module that can extend the effects of any onboard shield systems to a field size larger than the ship itself, able to shield friendly ships.
- RAAM-M3 Tactical Ordnance Jammer | x | An anti-missile targeting jammer, it creates a null-lock void bubble around the ship with a variety of effects. Missiles that use a targeting sensor to detonate will be confused into detonating early, missiles with inbuilt targeting sensors are scrambled and 'repelled' away from the ship, and the null-lock makes it harder for enemy ships to lock on the further away their target is.
- MXC-T26 Yggdrasil Cloaking Device | x | A powerful cloaking device that renders the ship invisible from visual detection and obscures its gravitational signature, while allowing the ship to jump in and out of hyperspace, as well as fire weapons, without forcing the ship to decloak.
- NAV-RH1 Interdiction Countermeasures Package | x | A specialized navigational software that can scan planned hyperspace routes and travel locations before and during hyperspace travel for any sort of anomaly. Upon sensing an obstruction in realspace, the package will either advise the ship crew on the best course of action or immediately take navigational control if there is not enough time for an organic response.
- MXC-T19 Ark Sensor Scrambler | x | A 'sensor scrambler' that produces bogus signals to make it appear to enemy scanners and trackers that there are more ships than there actually are.
- MCX-T21 Alviss Electronic Countermeasures Package | x | A comprehensive EWAR package to defend against any type of electronic sabotage or interference, including data encryption, anti-slicer routines, and a random-frequency static emitter.
- MXC-T22 Oberyn Stealth Shroud | x | A comprehensive sensor shroud designed to mask a ship from anything but visual detection.
- MXC-T23 Helfringr Stealth Field Module | x | A module designed to extend the effects of a stealth shroud in a field larger than the size of the projecting ship.
- MXC-T24 Selvig Communications Suppression Module | x | A module designed to jam communications and sensors within a large radius, dependent on the size of the projecting ship.
- MXC-T26 Yggdrasil Cloaking Device | x | An advanced cloaking fielddevice able to be used on any size of ship.
- MRS-04D Omvendt Ablative Inertial Damper | x | A repurpose of standard damper technology, designed to reduce or completely negate any kinetic impact (must be paired along with sufficient armor plating to be effective).
- RAAM-M4 Sensor Inverter | x | Advanced anti-targeting system that 'returns to sender' projectiles fired at the host ship. Effectiveness decreases over longer distances, and with the maneuverability/response time of the hostile ship.
- RMV-APS14 Saladin Anti-Projectile Countermeasure System | x | Close-range, passive-activation countermeasure system. Fires projectile against incoming warheads to prematurely detonate and/or destroy hostile weapons, preventing any hostile projectile from damaging the vehicle or starship the countermeasure system is mounted on.
RMMD-M5 Mass Driver Canon | x | With an extreme damage output, the RMMD-M5 is truly a terrifying beast of a gun. The mass driver cannon is designed to primarily fire RMAP-BC22 and RMHE-BC21 shells, but can technically load and fire any ordnance that is of a caliber of 320mm.