The relatively short man gave a shrug of his shoulders, moving over to stand in front of her. His attention was mostly just on the ship, however, scanning the surfaces for wear and tear, trying to get a judge on the general condition. You could tell a lot about a person by what they chose to fly. He didn't get a choice, he was told what to fly, but folks with freighters... well, they put themselves in their ships.
Although he didn't see the woman and 'banged up trashy freighter' being linked together. Maybe he wasn't seeing something.
Who knew.
"I can't resist anything approaching not being bored out of my skull. Ruusan is basically Outer Rim, so not too much goes on here. You were the first of anything that came through in weeks. Been slowly going out of my mind out here, just hoping they'll transfer me towards the Core." He shook his head, lowering himself to a seat next to her, reaching up to run a hand through his dark hair.
"Figured at the very least I could steal some conversation from you. Better than going home and watching the holo."
[member="Kassey Daklin"]
Although he didn't see the woman and 'banged up trashy freighter' being linked together. Maybe he wasn't seeing something.
Who knew.
"I can't resist anything approaching not being bored out of my skull. Ruusan is basically Outer Rim, so not too much goes on here. You were the first of anything that came through in weeks. Been slowly going out of my mind out here, just hoping they'll transfer me towards the Core." He shook his head, lowering himself to a seat next to her, reaching up to run a hand through his dark hair.
"Figured at the very least I could steal some conversation from you. Better than going home and watching the holo."
[member="Kassey Daklin"]