Ronen Jerik
Wow Blind, Much Sight

Intent: A symbol, and weapon for Ronen Jerik
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: Someone (character found it)
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Created by Ronen Jerik for The order of theSikver Jedi
Modularity: No.
Production: Created by me UNIQUE
Material: Durasteel, standard components, white crystal
Classification: Saber staff (Two of the above put together)
Size: Two handed
Hilt: 70
Blade: 150 cm
Weight: .14 kg
Special Features:
Its hilt is made of durasteel, so it is more resistant than mundane materials
Durable - The weight offers a high amount of momentum, allowing for faster strikes when done in succession.
Weight - The hilt is fairly heavy, and the blade is long, making it good for form 2, but makes it difficult to use quickly
Description: Ronen found it on his travels on Commenor, when he saw it fall off a one sith package, into a cave, he could feel it calling to him, and found it deep in the caves catacombs, it had a strange feel, but he decided it would serve him well.