Objective 1
Fill Er Up!
Location: Far Side of the Planet, In Orbit on Refueling Station #19
Current Equipment: Zenji Needles, DL-56 Blaster, Datapad
Fleet Roll Call:
Marauder-class Corvette "Reborn"
Solo-II Combat Freighter
Three Squadrons of Uglies (Mismatched Starfighters, 12)
Twin ATR-6 Gamma Assault Shuttles
"Men, we are about to embark on a major operation. We need all hands on deck and everyone at their stations. We are on approach to Refueling Station Number Nineteen. Our orders is to bring it under control, disable comes second. We need that refueling station also because...well we are running low on fuel gentlemen and ladies. Everyone to stations and prepare for a short jump!"
Captain Gaki would watch from the bridge of the Marauder-class Corvette known as the Reborn as it would do a timed jump onto the unsuspecting Refueling Station as they been told it was unarmed though had a strong defensive force. Taking it as a challenge, they would soon see well enough what they were about to go up against as the entire crew would revert out of hyperspace onto a very well armed fleet in front of them as the red lights would turn on to signal their arrival as they read the readout. Three converted freighters made for combat, twin DP-20 Corvettes with a Pursuit-class Light Cruiser to boot which while not as deadly, was still going to be a massive undertaking to put down as Captain Gaki gave the command to fire, having the advantage as the two ships, the Solo II and the Reborn opened fire on the first DP-20 before it had a chance to react, scorching the left side of the DP-20s hull as the shields came up to take most of the brunt afterwards with the three squadrons of uglies would roar out, firing upon one of the squadrons in a decisive hit to reduce their numbers quickly as they acted like swift hungry animals as they tore apart each one of the starfighters, one of their squadrons now being no more as each one of their fighter squadrons chasing after another as the other ships started to open fire towards the Solo II and Marauder Corvette with the freighters focusing on the Solo II with the other three focusing on the Marauder Corvette as large volleys of laser cannons and turbolaser fire screeched through space itself. The three combat freighters volley laser cannon fire as it was not enough to start damaging extensively the Solo II, glancing off the armor yet melting through some of it at the same time, parts of the deflector shield holding still. The Reborn however would shake violently as turbolaser fire reigned down upon it, being thankful that it only glanced off towards the left sides of the deflector shield as they started to strengthen the side with the Pursuit-class Light Cruiser having to turn their ship into forward arc position.
"Captain! We read one starfighter squadron down, orders sir?"
"All starfighter squadrons, engage and keep the others busy. We shall handle mop up here! Solo II, focus fire again now!"
Almost on cue, the two volley fired with the Solo II getting at the right angle, hitting straight into the back where the engine room was as it blasted through the armor and into the engine core, hitting part of the reactor as a large explosion erupted from behind as the DP-20 would attempt to fire one volley as it glowed red and then, started to drift, being disabled. The Solo II crew cheered at their first disable of the day with Captain Gaki giving a bit of a smile, knowing they had a chance. The three squadrons of starfighters would attempt to dogfight, trying to outdo the other yet no one can land a hit, as if dancing. Then the three combat freighters would open fire onto the Solo II, attempting to destroy it as one started to hit through the side as flares of red would erupt onto the side of the Solo II for moderate damage though one made a fatal mistake, erupting right to the broadside of one of its sister freighters with them stopping before any further damage could be inflicted, burning through some of the first combat freighters hull. The remaining DP-20 and Pursuit-class Light Cruiser would open fire on the Marauder, attempting to bring it down now that the Pursuit was now in optimal range and in the right firing arc. The attack was devastating as it rained hellfire and brimstone on top of the Marauder as cries of crewman were heard across the Marauder, receiving a hull breach as the entire ship would whine loudly in distress.
"Sir! We cannot take another combined volley of that magnitude! We need to take out the other DP-20!"
"I am aware, Solo II and Reborn, open fire with full intensity!"
The pair of the Solo II and Marauder would open fire again with the Solo II doing a majority of the work, ripping through the armor of the DP-20 as it glowed red, it would not hold up much longer under this kind of firepower. The three squadrons of uglies would make short work of two of the starfighters with squadron three making a fatal error and showing their backs towards one of the suspecting squadrons. The three squadrons of starfighters destroy one a piece of the uglies, people screaming through their headsets as chatter lit up quickly.
"Lost Beta 1-3! We just lost Beta 2 Squad Leader!"
Then it happened, an eruption of firepower against the Solo II from the combat freighters, they did a heavy amount of damage towards the top as the sirens would whine across the ship with a hull breach happening on the top decks which had to be sealed off. However the DP-20 and the Pursuit-class Light Cruiser decided to try and end the Reborn once and for all as they rained upon hellfire and brimstone once again as the hull of the ship would erupt in flames on the inside, scorching those inside as the sirens wailed again, they were close to death as the ship sputtered as engineering crews struggled to keep her together as Captain Gaki got up to assist one of the gunnery consoles, having enough of their horrible aim today.
"We are about blown out of the entire damn sector! Do your jobs and OPEN FIRE!"
It really did not help the situation at all yet the Solo II kept a better track record than any other ship currently on the battlefield as they roared across and destroyed parts of the Corvette as it was hanging by threads as Captain Gaki ordered a disengagement and to fire upon the Corvette to finish it off with missiles, hoping to end it once and for all before it got any worse. The missiles would hit their mark as the corvette erupts into flames yet it still kept going, it was a baron from hell and it refused to go down without an ending! The three enemy squadrons would pursue and open fire upon the unsuspecting starfighters. As their firepower rained down upon them, an accident occurred as the third starfighter rammed directly into one of the damaged starfighters from squadron one, spinning out as it was destroyed. The three combat freighters once again erupted onto the Solo II Combat Freighter, striking true as it damaged parts of the armor as it was now exposed though the DP-20 from hell erupts in vengance, hitting the Marauder strike and true as it smashes into the reactor and forces a complete shut down as the entire ship goes dark, red sirens erupting inside as people started to scramble for escape pods as Gaki spoke into the communications.
"Men, our ship is disabled. Send out the ATR-6s, we need to destroy the Corvette at all costs!"
The twin ATR-6s would fly out of the hanger bay on notice, dumb firing their missiles directly at the DP-20 as it strikes its target true, hitting right at the center as it threatened to break apart yet in some strange miracle, it did not and instead, would float to the side with power being disabled across the ship, the entire ship hanging by threads of metal as it was a miracle of technology it still survived. With command broken down, the Solo II would end up taking command and ordered all starfighters to fire upon the first freighter as a volley of fire would erupt of missiles, it attempting to shoot them down but with the Solo II raining down hellfire, it disabled very quickly the first combat freighter as their numbers diminished quickly. The enemy squadrons however would bear down, trying to take down the starfighters still and make their mark, destroying two more as the situation then took the worst turn as the vessels erupted in volleys of blaster fire with the assistance of the cruiser, breaking in half as the Marauder crew can only watch in horror. The battle is now decisive yet Captain Gaki was gone as a long Z-95 would erupt from the hangerbay and join Squadron Two as there was yells through the communications to join firepower onto the remaining combat freighters as there was a loud whine with the ATR-6s as they erupted in turbolaser fire and missilefire to bring down the second Combat Freighter but as it rocked, erupting in black spots of fuel going out into space, it refused to be disabled with squadrons of their enemies raining down blaster fire as more of their number diminished, they were losing time as the cruiser gave a glancing hit towards one of the ATR-6s with a turbolaser blast as one more would be the end of it.
Captain Gaki flew the Z-95 personally, having used it for many years as his own personal destructive force of nature as he gave orders to his two remaining team members as they split off towards the single remaining starfighter squadron and ripped loose onto it with almost no precision, scrambling them as they engaged in dogfighting, buying some time for the others as the two fighter squadrons launch missiles and hit their mark with the ATR-6s launching proton torpedos at the second Combat Freighter as it hits right at the bridge, a thunderous explosion can be seen from the Marauder as it started to lay dormant, drifting to the side as the lights would soon go out. The remaining starfighter attempted to dogfight with Gakis squadron but was outmaneuvered way to well as the two enemy squadrons, one of which earlier ran into the other again would try and dogfight with the remaining two squadrons, losing starfighters again as the situation kept growing more dire by the minute with Gaki trying to salvage anything he could but they need the fighting chance, they had to take out the last freighter as it erupted in laser cannon fire on squadron one. Suddenly the first ATR-6 was destroyed by a volley of cannon fire as well as the first squadron of uglies with the consensus on board the Marauder to activate a Distress Beacon to all allies in the area. They were not going to win this without help.
The two remaining squadrons attempted to dogfight the other, the ATR-6 attempting to dock and hijack the last combat freighter. As the two squadrons of starfighters still fought for supremacy, the ATR-6 took a glancing shot at the last of squadron one, destroying it in a single shot as it did not pay attention to the landing, screeching right onto the third combat freighter with a sickening CRUNCH, grinding against the metal as it was permanently fused with the third combat freighter yet the boarding action would now begin. A bright torch would cut through their own floor, knowing that the ATR-6 was now considered scrap as the starfighters would continue to brawl into the space with the cruiser soon looming forward, approaching its prey. Then as if it happened, the metal would drop down as the five squads of four would enter into the ship and spread out, going straight towards the command bridge as the three crewmen would leap up from their chairs and proceed to have a firefight. The allied squadrons would get another kill yet the enemy squadrons would fire and destroy another starfighter in Gakis squadron along with the last starfighter in Squadron Three. Realizing how dire it was, Gaki ordered for the single most suicidal run he could think of as he ordered himself and the second starfighter to forward deflector shields and charge towards the Cruiser, attempting to enter its hanger bay and succeeds, smashing straight into the hanger bay with their fighters skidding across the ground as it would halt inside. Inside the combat freighter three, they would fight into the cockpit room as a remote explosive goes off, killing one of the marines yet as they entered the control room, they take complete control of the Combat Freighter as they start to turn and turn their IFF tags to Black Suns for future reference as the two fighter squadrons were taken by surprise as a volley of laser cannon fire erupts onto the enemy starfighters, knocking one completely out as it spins out and is destroyed.
As the battle seems to have slowed, the freighter now in control stares down the behemoth of the Pursuit, the Lethisk-class Armed Freighter now being part of the Gakis Pirates as it was now down to fate whether or not the pair on board the Pursuit-class Cruiser. The distress beacon would sound loudly for assistance as those who would come forward would notice the large wreckage of a battlefield and worse, the enemy cruiser now in sight, undamaged but staring down a recently taken over enemy freighter.