Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]“I do.” Choli replied, and had been about to remind Trextan that with the interference with the local metal deposits, it would be hard to utilize them in the Wastes. At least until he added the caveat of using them to help boost the signal. There was a mild expressions of an impressed lift of her brows. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Yeah, we can do that.” Choli’s break apart rifle swung wide before she looped the rifle strap around her head and angled across her chest. There were a few other smaller weapons, like her blaster and the new vibroshiv from the Jawa barter. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Just that my comm is also my chrono watch.” There was a hint of a smile with that twist of her lips. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Hope you can tell time in the dark.” She would quip, giving a half chuckle. Traveling light while moving into the underground caverns was a priority, but at the very least Choli took along with her a small satchel with glow rods, some food, two canteens of water, smart rope, and various clips. Her browncoat belt had similar functions, but would allow her to have them easier on hand. Like a grappling hook. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Come on, what does your datapad say Vee Three is picking up?’[/SIZE]
“I think that's a thing on my arm…” he muttered, taking her comment on telling the time seriously. On the inside of his wrist was a little map of dots that showed V3’s progress. There wasn't a good positional feed so it was only measuring it with kinetics. Trextan wouldn't be able to tell where they were on the path except by matching the shape of the path to their route.

He tapped a button and the screen on the inside of his arm switched to show the green-tinged video feed. It showed a tight rocky passage and then suddenly it was blank.

[I've reached the main tunnel,] V3 called back to Trextan's relief. [It's quite wide. I can see the path the stream took but sensors pick up almost no moisture residue. It has been dry for a time.]

Trextan acknowledged the update. They would need to head after him or risk losing the feed. He realised that Choli had come far more prepared than him. All he had was a standard issue GADF pack with water, condensed food and a medical pack. He hadn't thought to bring climbing gear or even a torch for that matter.

It wasn't long before they reached the main underground passage V3 had shown them. Dust particles made the torchlight seem hazy. The floor was smooth, rock worn down by hundreds of years of passage of water. The rocks above however were jagged. It was quite a straight tunnel and at least he could stand straight again.

“If we drop my spare comm unit here it should extend the signal nicely,” he said. The path they'd followed met the main tunnel at a right angle so it made sense to drop one at the intersection.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]“Sounds good.” Choli added, the lower end of her breathing mask swinging lightly under her chin. Likely was nice to have a break from the androgynous metallic edge the voice modulator gave her. A little less distant. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The news that there didn't seem to be any moisture residue bothered her. Eyes went a deep amber color before moving up a little ahead of Trextan. Again, her independent streak shining through. The deeper they went the darker it became, until Choli paused and went searching for a glow stick in her ruck sack. The tawny amber light soon rose over head, reflecting off the tawny orange limestone. It was worn smooth. One would be surprised to see how well. A testament to eons past when an under ground river had carved these passages. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Be careful where you step,” there was a slight echo to Choli's voice, the caverns providing an acoustic quality. Meanwhile, Choli was busy trying to check for any tracks; be it the two legged or mor[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]e [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]kind. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“See some Womprat.” Likely to get away from the heat. Already it felt a bit cooler. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The passage would lead them a few more meters down. Nothing yet. [/SIZE]
Excellent. There had been enough weird and wonderful species on the open dunes. Trextan was certain it would be a pleasure to meet them in the close confines of one of these passages.

[Nothing up ahead] came V3.

Trextan didn't need to look too carefully to place his feet. The Force would typically keep him from danger. Then again, perhaps the warning had been to watch for womprat poodoo. Would the force warn him about that? It probably had better things to do.

Trextan fell silent for a few minutes as they covered some ground. He quickly checked the connection as they went to ensure R4 could talk to them.

He followed the light of the glow stick she had brought. It unnerved him to think about just how much sand and rock was held over their heads.

It nature had taken a different course they would follow this old tunnel uphill only to find that the stream had followed a different path.

“Does anyone tap the underground water?” He asked Choli.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]“Depends who you mean by,’anyone?’” Choli replied, pausing with her right foot forward to glance back around at Trextan. In any other circumstances she'd have been more amused at the uneasy expression the Jedi Knight kept giving towards the roof of the passages, as if expecting them to crumble down upon them in any second. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“You've never really been out of places like Coruscant, have you?” Ah, here it was again, her candid inquiries that seemed to lance through with keen precision. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I take it you normally are more used to hundreds of levels of durasteel than an underground cavern.” Turning, she carried on with her step. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Brace as he was to suggest and go along with the shift of plans, it was evident that Trextan wasn't used to spending too much time out in the wilds. [/SIZE]
“Well...even on Sullust you know that an engineer or ten have checked that the rock over your head is safe and not about to collapse on you,” he said as he followed along. He wasn't really sure how to expand on 'anyone’. He had literally meant could there be anyone at all.

“But no I've…” something drew his attention. He could recognise the call of the Force when it came. “...not really travelled all that well.”

There was an opening to the right of the main passage. Trextan diverted from his path and approached it. It was barely wide enough to squeeze through but he could feel air moving through it.

They had to follow the path of the stream and try to figure out what had happened. But the Force was calling him away from that goal. His eyes traced the shape of the opening, committing it to memory. Trextan had already decided that they would carry on with what they had come to do. Regardless of the Force that seemed more pressing.

“I want to check that one out later?” he asked as he turned away. She was, quite clearly, in charge after all.

Another voice came from his arm. [Detecting some vibrations up ahead. Could be machinery. Or a sand crawler passing over us]

“Under…Choli…” Trextan trailed off. He could sense another life form down here. Not one. Several. He strode up towards her side boldly, one hand rested against the hilt of his saber. “Womprats you say?” Several pairs of eyes reflected back the light of the glow stick.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]Immediately Choli gave a motion for Trextan to pull back. It wasn’t a Krayt Dragon, but the Womp Rat Virus was nothing to laugh about. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Immediately there was a sharp hissing sound, the three womp rats scurrying towards their direction. They would feed on anything they could, teeth gnashing and claws reaching for anything they could take hold. Beady, glowing yellow eyes were wild, and within seconds heading straight towards them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Watch out!” Choli cried out, taking a step back, her right hand moving to reach for her vibroshiv. She’d have preferred some range, but under ground, they had little option. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The scratching, clawing sound only grew in volume. These three Womp rats were not alone. [/SIZE]
Trextan drew and ignited his blade in one smooth motion. The area around them was bathed in a flickering violet light. It bought them a few seconds more. As forms resolved around the glowing eyes the womp rats slowed to a halt. The noise of their claws scratching across the ground to stop was louder than their chittering.

“Those are not rats,” Trextan protested. They were opportunistic hunters but there were enough of them here to have a pack mentality and the confidence to attack nearly any creature that lived out in the wastes.

“Easy...easy…” Trextan called as he backed away. The bright light of the blade wouldn't delay their assault for long. He reached out with the Force to try and dissuade them but could immediately sense he was just buying time again. They were hungry. Too hungry not to try and bring down creatures their size.

Seeing that Choli just had that shiv in her hands he stepped forwards to make himself the closest target. Given the size of them he wouldn't want to try and stop more than one of them with such a small blade.

“Blaster?” he asked her. He took a swipe with the blade towards one of them that took a few brave steps. Trextan backed away again. Backs to the wall would be better than being surrounded. He was tempted to draw his handcannon. It didn't have many shots but each blast would eviscerate one or two of the rats at this range. Right now the blade was putting some rooms between them and glittering, yellow fangs.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]‘Yeah, well, was hoping for some distance before I start shooting!” Choli cried out, appreciative of the time given to her by Trextan taking the lead so she could pull out her blaster. Didn’t mean she would put away the shiv just yet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Onto the left it went, her right hand pulling the blaster pistol from its hip holster. A quick flip of her thumb on the safety and it was activated. Trextan was right. At these sizes, the patchy creatures were more the size of small dogs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I hope you weren’t looking to get a nibble or two today.” As wry of a comment as she could give, her eyes flashing up towards the direction Vee Three had flown towards.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Where is Vee Three?’” Not that they knew his total capabilities, but an extra small bolt or two might be helpful. However, there was no time to waste. With the pack mentality raging high, it wasn’t long before one of the larger Womp Rats gave a snarl, launching itself to attack at Trextan and brave the lightsaber. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Just don’t let them bite!” Up came her blaster, aiming for the second Womp Rat as it followed in pursuit of the first. [/SIZE]
Trextan moved fluidly as he stepped across to his right. The blade came from up high to swing down and through the space had had just occupied. There was a hiss as it cut with barely any resistance. The womp rat fell flat to the ground, a neat cut across the back of its neck having killed it instantly. The smell of burned hair assaulted Trextan's nose. The flash of a blaster put another rat on the ground beside the first.

“That was the plan!” Trextan retorted. “Vee was…” he stopped to lunge forward. He stabbed right for the nose of one, just watching it. Then he swept it around to block two more that wanted to brave it. The one with the singed nose skittered away and out of sight. “...far ahead.”

Trextan knew falling back would put them in a better position but he didn't want to spur them on. Not when some were having second thoughts. Pack mentality and hunger would force them to chase and surround him.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]“What? You [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]want[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] to get bitten?!” Any other pilot in her shoes might have made a rather lewd innuendo but right now Choli was trying to determine how to best move forward. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The area around them was dark, but there was enough light to get a better assessment of their surroundings. Up to the right, she found a smooth ledge that seemed to run across the upper cavern. Well that was some distance. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Following that, it appeared that there was another smaller hollow, perhaps another way through?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“How’s your jumping?” She called out, watching the Womp Rats and then back to Trextan, gesturing with a nod of her head towards the overhanging ledge. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“At least Womp Rats don’t fly.” [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The last I knew anyways. [/SIZE]
He managed to draw his gaze away from the threat and up towards the ledge. Trextan took his left hand from the hilt of his saber and punched out at the air. The front rank of womp rats was tossed back into those behind, affording the pair some space.

“Go!” He called. He wasn't certain of Choli could get up there, but he could. If he couldn't buy her enough time to get up there then he would have to make the leap and perhaps unceremoniously yank her up after him with the Force.

As he had expected just a few steps back and the horde scrabbled forwards over those who had fallen to snap at him. Long angular yellow teeth gnashed at the air as he lifted hiss shin out of the way. He stamped down on the rat's head and drove his blade down.

Several more rushed along the cavern floor several meters to his right. They were either going for Choli or to cut him off. Neither would be good. Trextan took his blade in his left, swinging it wildly in front of him to keep the pack back and drew his handcannon. One shot spread out into little blue boltlettes that tore into the group.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]Could Choli jump? Sure, but using the Force wasn’t what the young Rogue went for in this instance. Instead, her hand sheathed her shiv, sending another pot shot at a snarling Womp Rat, and took hold of the grappling hook attachment at her belt. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Going!” she cried out, her eyes focusing on aiming the grapple hook just above the shelf. Without a moment to lose, she activated the switch, the grapple flying high and true. It lanced itself into the sandstone, the prongs extending out to latch down. A quick jerk of her hand and it was secure. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Move!” Choli told Trextan, legs bunching and then she was airborne, flying up and over the snarling Womp Rats. A switch would start the automatic pull of the smart rope, prompting a jerk of Choli’s body as she rose high.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“I’ll cover you!” she shouted out at him, her voice echoing in the tunnels. Taking aim, the girl shot at a larger Womp Rat about to jump out and attack Trextan. Already the scent of charred fur and flesh seemed to scorch the very air. A bad thing for anything [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]bigger[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] looking for a meal. [/SIZE]
He was once more reminded that she had come far better prepared for this trip than he had. The violet blade whipped back and forth as he tried to keep them at bay.

If he had been wearing armour, or their bites hadn't carried deadly diseases then he might actually have been able to hold here indefinitely. The rats were all around now. Each snap came closer to sinking into his legs.

The blade of his saber was extinguished and he was shrouded in shadows once again. With his palm facing down there was a dull thud as he sent a shockwave if telekinetic force outwards. That left him enough room to leap. He dropped his weight and drew the Force around him. And agile rat made a final leap but was met halfway by a blaster bolt from Choli.

Trextan jumped and left the pack of rats behind. He landed lightly on the outcrop of rock but slipped and skidded, hands scrabbling for purchase. Dust and rock fragments went tumbling down onto the pack below as he managed to get a good grip.

He looked up at Choli and raised both eyebrows.
[Oh good. You are both safe.]

Trextan shook his head as he pulled himself up. “Thanks for warning us. Do we wait them out or need to pick them off from up here?” he asked Choli.

[I am sorry. My lifeforms sensors don't seem to penetrate far through the cavern walls.]
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]Wide of eyes, Choli unhooked the grapple and took a step forward to assist Trextan up. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Guess even the Force can’t give you a perfect landing.” she managed to say with a tease, exhaling as the muted snarls of the Womp Rats below continued. Hooking her grapple hook back to her belt, the young woman gave a wry glance over to Vee Three.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Yeah, the ore will do that. See what I mean about sensors not working very well around the Wastes?” it was why it was so hard to find anyone who wanted to disappear on Tatooine. Not to mention the inhabitable area. Down below, there were already the slurping and tearing sounds of a few of the Womp Rats eating their dead. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Waste not want not.” she’d murmur, getting another look over at Trextan. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“As for waiting or shooting at Womp Rats in a barrel…” Choli gave a frown, nodding over towards the hovering droid.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Hey, does it look like there is an exit over here? Thought I saw something.” Depending on that, then they would either continue on… or hope that the Womp Rats fell into as much of a feeding frenzy until they were all sated and left. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Or, you know. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Shoot [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]them.[/SIZE]
Trextan hadn't thought of them tearing their own to pieces. He lit his saber once more, casting a light on the scene below.

“There was that side tunnel, but we might have to climb down to get through. Actually, if they take the edge of their hunger I think I might be able to make them leave. I touched their minds before they attacked and tried to convince them not to.”

Trextan gave a shake of his head. “They were too hungry.” he flicked off his lightsaber; it wasn't something he wanted to watch closely.

His expression changed slightly as the immediate danger was gone. His breathing changed too as the battle focus broke. “Guess your wire work was a little more...precise…” he admitted. “Then they were more interested in eating me at the time.”
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

"Yeah well... being out in the Wastes means you do what you can. Even with them." there was no need to focus on the snarling and tearing sounds coming up from under the ledge.

"No bites?" Choli inquired, coming up close to him to hold up her small light over him. As before in the starfighter, she came a little too close, already moving in for her own investigation.

"Womp Rat Virus isn't pretty." she added, bringing her head close. A stray lock of dark hair had managed to slip from under her scarf and fall over her forehead.

"Not sure how well you are at convincing them to scatter. But that would be preferable than having to take them all down ourselves.... the scent of blood will spread and then we'll have other problems."
[member="Choli Vyn"]

"Mhmm..." went Trextan. Even in the circumstances his attention was immediately taken by her. Instead of thinking of the womprats he was thinking about how she had let him kiss her the previous evening.

He looked down at his arms, turning them back and forth. He narrowed his eyes and then shook his head. "Can't get a virus from a bite on my right arm..." He murmured.

"Are you okay?" He asked. That free lock was tucked back away without a thought.

"A-hem. Would you like to know what I found your ahead?" Vee said. Trextan looked towards the drone guiltily, having forgotten he was there.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

"Well, no but -- still." Choli barely felt the brush of Trextan's fingers as he slipped the wayward lock behind her ear. When Vee Three made his commentary, Choli couldn't help the faint rush of heat on her face. This time, she could blame the climate or pretend that the shadows of the cavern would prevent it from being too obvious. Well, at least that is what the Rogue told herself.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few scratches -- not from the Womp Rats, just from landing." now she was babbling. Stop it. A mental wince and a grimace followed.

He made her nervous.

"What did you find?" taking a step back from Trextan, turning over to the hovering scout droid.

"The cavern narrows, to a small crawl space. However, my sensors were able to pick up an increase in moisture. The path does widen to another section."
He saw reflected in her expression that same awareness that had distracted him from his surroundings. He took her stepping away for a return to business.

“Worth exploring,” he murmured. Trextan turned back towards the edge of the outcrop the had landed on. The bones had almost been picked clean already down below. He could sense their attention return to the potential prey.

The young Justicar closed his eyes and stretched out with the Force. They were not complicated creatures. They could also eat quite a lot in a sitting when the opportunity arrived.

It was like threading through the eyes of seven moving needles at the same time. He had to bridge a number of connections at the same time to breach the pack mentality.

The prey is dangerous. Return to the nest.

It was a simple message and he tried to hammer it home with all his will. When he felt them start to turn he drew his blaster and fired a warning shot. That was it. They turned and fled as a group.

“Doesn't mean they won't be waiting if we come back this way.”

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