A rather cold shiver ran up from the base of his spine. It was the way that she had phrased it. Taken back to his yurt as a slave. Eyebrows creased together as he considered this. She would have been a young child when he claimed her.
“A’Karr,” he tried out the word for himself, failing to quite mimic the accent. If Choli could find them again, would she? If they took her back she would be wed and likely having children within a few years. Would she just not come back from a future trip here? He couldn't begrudge her that, but he didn't want to lose her. He would never find her, never know.
“You didn't end up a slave though? What was he like?”
Just moments ago his mind had constructed its own little marriage ceremony. Where in the fading light Choli slowly peeled off layer after layer until they cemented their union. Now his mind had gone to the more sombre question of whether she would truly be happy away from her people? But he was more content now than he had been in years, he also realised. Time never stopped moving.
“A’Karr,” he tried out the word for himself, failing to quite mimic the accent. If Choli could find them again, would she? If they took her back she would be wed and likely having children within a few years. Would she just not come back from a future trip here? He couldn't begrudge her that, but he didn't want to lose her. He would never find her, never know.
“You didn't end up a slave though? What was he like?”
Just moments ago his mind had constructed its own little marriage ceremony. Where in the fading light Choli slowly peeled off layer after layer until they cemented their union. Now his mind had gone to the more sombre question of whether she would truly be happy away from her people? But he was more content now than he had been in years, he also realised. Time never stopped moving.